It's early November, and already I'm seeing Christmas commercials! Buy, buy, buy! Well, guess what I'm buying for Christmas? A tank of expensive heating oil! Gas and oil were about $1.46/gallon when Bush took office in 2000, and now home heating oil is $3/gallon! And that's cheap! I'm sure it's higher in other places than NEPA, and I'm sure it's going to get astronomical in the next 2 months.
I have a 250 gallon tank, and it's outside so I have to get kerosene so it doesn't coagulate in zero temperatures. So, that's 250 x $3.50 = $875.00!!! Oh! And that'll last right up until Christmas Eve...when I have to buy another tank at probably $1,000.00!!! That's TWO huge Christmas presents! Yippee! Best Christmas ever!
We're enjoying one of our Christmas presents early! Right now! We're warm & toasty (for $875). Have fun shopping for Christmas, if you have any money after buying your heating oil! I'm going to have a good laugh at all the Christmas buying commercials (or throw a brick at my TV when I see another one), because we already got our Christmas present...EARLY...an $875.00 tank of heating oil!!! I can't wait to blow our next $1,000 right on Christmas Eve! Maybe by that time, $1,000 will be a bargain! We'll be saying, "Gee! Did WE save! Our neighbors paid $2,000 for their tank of oil!"
I hate Christmas shopping, so in a sick, twisted way, I'm glad I don't have to do that...at least...and I can save on my $50 tank fulls of gas to go shopping!!! I'm helping defeat the terrorists by shopping, it's just that it's going all to one place: the heating oil place!
