Remember Bush Gave Our Troops In Baghdad A Fake Turkey? Another Thanksgiving For American Troops in Iraq & Afghanistan!
21 Reasons for Progressives & Liberals to Give Thanks
Gary Hart: Among other lessons, Thomas Jefferson taught that future leaders should trust the good judgment and common sense of the American people. He thought those qualities were the rudder that would keep the ship of state on its proper course. Of course he presumed our good judgment and common sense were underwritten by a press protected by the First Amendment that would do its job of informing the people about their public business and by elected officials committed to honesty and candor.
Photo (Plus Video) of the Moment: Alberto Gonzales' Eternal Shame...
Curveball 2.0: The Proven Liar Leading the Way to War on Iran
Team of American bridge-players who held up a sign saying "We did not vote for Bush" after winning an international bridge tournament in Shanghai
How's the forgotten War in Afghanistan Going?; Taliban control half of Afghanistan
VIDEO: Swiftboater For 'Truth' Funder/Coward Welches Out of $1 Million Challenge to Kerry; Hannity Aids and Abets
Ex-Iraq commander says bring troops home; Retired Iraq Commander Sanchez Backs Democratic Proposal to Bring Troops Home
McClellan's Publisher Tries to Walk Back Scotty's Assertion That Bush Lied about CIA Leakers; Says Bush Didn't Know He Was Lying When He Told Scotty Rove Was Not Involved
More stuffing beaten out of stocks; The Dow plunges 211 points in pre-holiday trading as investors turn to the stability of bonds. The 10-year T-note yield briefly falls below 4%.
Rove Tries To Rewrite History: Claims WH ‘Opposed’ Politicizing Pre-War Iraq Vote
In light of the massive personal data loss by the British government, plans for a national ID card are obviously now in question. Remember when ID cards were the answer to our 9/11 problems? Yikes.