Bush comes out of his "bubble" and meets reality: A non-staged audience! Bush "booed" @ Washington Nationals opener:

This is a huge story! This is what America thinks of "president" Bush! This should be the #1 story on the national news! But I guarantee you will not see this on ANBCBSNNX! See if ANBCBSNNX "edits out" the BOO's tonight, or if they even show this!
● Bush booed as he throws inaugural pitch at Nationals home opener
● Bush booed loudly while throwing out first pitch in Nationals home opener.
Voting News:
(Brad on right; click on picture to enlarge in new window)
Brad Friedman of "BradBlog":
"The declaration was created as several of us determined it would be helpful to define the cause as specifically and directly as possible. Once it was finalized, I signed it first, in large letters, as the Hancock legend goes, "so that King George can read it without his glasses."
My hope is that anyone --- any person or organization in the fight for clean, fair, honest, accurate democracy --- would both commit to this simply stated mission, and then measure his or her efforts against it."
● The Creekside Declaration..."Mission: To encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory democracy." - Creekside Declaration, 3/22/08

● The ground feels a little soft, but we’re going to stand it. Premise one: Having a fair election — all votes counted, all who are eligible and want to vote allowed to vote — is far, far more important, even in 2008, than who wins. Premise two: Fair elections are not a given. They never have been, but things are worse now than ever before because of a perfect storm, you might say, of factors that have converged in the new millennium: officialdom’s seduction by unsafe, high-tech voting systems; the seizure of power by a party of ruthless true believers who feel entitled to rule and will do anything to win; a polite, confused opposition party that won’t make a stink about raw injustice; and an arrogantly complacent media embedded in the political and economic status quo. The result: Benjamin Franklin’s worst nightmare.
● Excellent! Bev Harris of BlackBoxVoting.org describes "ballot washing": "Archivists know this technique as a document repair method, criminals know it as "check washing." If you have the right chemicals, can you remove votes from ballots, allowing election-riggers to "re-vote" the ballots before they are counted, recounted, or audited? Yes. We have been able to remove votes marked in ink from ballots without leaving a trace. Using this technique, insiders can alter votes on ballots.

● Texas Prosecutes Little Old Ladies for Voter Fraud. Democracy and Elections: State's Attorney General has prosecuted Democrats who help seniors vote by mail while ignoring documented Republican ballot box stuffing.
Other News:
● As Jobs Vanish, Food Stamp Use Is at Record Pace
● BAGHDAD (AP) - The Iraqi capital locked down by curfew. U.S. diplomats holed up their workplaces, fearing rocket attacks. Nearly every major southern city racked by turmoil. Hundreds killed in less than a week.
● Another Republican Senator using his "Mulligan" to blame Iran for something: Sen. Graham: 'Iranians are killing Americans'
● Read my post about "past mulligans"...
● A group of 200 Tibetan exiles and monks tried to storm the Chinese Embassy visa office in Nepal's capital on Sunday but police beat them back with bamboo batons.
● Check out my good friend BlueBear's "EcoBlog", you'll like it! BlueBear's EcoBlog is now up on the Big Links on the right side of my blog.
O'Hillarama will be in Wilkes-Barre on Tuesday. Pssssttttt.....why won't McCain visit Wilkes-Barre or Scranton? WILK "conservative" callers remain silent on McCain abandoning them !!! AND...they remain silent on the Republicans not banning abortion when they controlled all branches of govt & 8 of 9 Supreme Court judges from 2000--->>>2006 !!!
● O'Hillarama will be in Wilkes-Barre on Tuesday!
McCain won't visit Wilkes-Barre, he thinks Wilkes-Barre "STINKS ON ICE" !!!!!!!!!