Fmr. EPA Investigator Scott West: US Has Told BP "It Can Do Whatever It Wants and Won’t Be Held Accountable"
We are now feeling the effects of the Bush years' subversion of the EPA, FDA, MMS, and Dept of Interior...don't vote Republican:
BDBB FLASHBACK: Saturday, December 13, 2008 - Bush's Subversion of the EPA & FDA (& Interior Dept)
George Bush: Do Ya Miss Me Yet???
McClatchey: BP's Low estimate (5,000 barrels a reality it's 95,000 to 120,000) of oil spill's size could save BP millions in court
The British oil company BP has been forced to admit the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is far larger than the company initially said. On Thursday, BP said it’s now capturing 5,000 barrels of oil a day from the leaking pipe—the same amount it had previously said was leaking every day. BP has declined to estimate how much oil is still escaping, but scientists say BP is siphoning just a fraction of the total leak. Independent scientists say the leak could be as large as 95,000 barrels of oil per day. We speak to Alaskan marine biologist Rick Steiner, who has been spending time in the Gulf region.
BP Acknowledges Oil Spill Is Larger Than Previous Estimates
A two-part investigative series called "Silencing the Whistleblowers" reports that when fraud investigators working with big banks tried to warn their superiors of shady practices, they were not only ignored, but frequently harassed, demoted or even fired.
TheBigMoney: Silencing the Whistleblowers
"Silencing the Whistleblowers": How Will Financial Reform Prevent Another Crash If Banks Subvert Their Warning Systems?
Embedded Business Press Misses the Story of the Century
“Journalists have become embedded - embedded in elite structures, in the culture of Wall Street.” - Dean Starkman, Editor, "The Audit", Columbia Journalism Review
How Could 9,000 Business Reporters Blow It?
Embedded Business Press Misses Story of the Century
The Giant Banks, Federal Reserve and Treasury Have All Blackmailed America
Dennis Kucinich on the first Wall St. Bailout of $700 Billion by Bush/Paulson, Paulson was the former director of Goldman-Sachs:
George Carlin Talks War And American Politics
I always loved this song, from the 1986: Crowded House - Hey Now, Don't Dream It's Over