· Diebold Voting Machine Failures Found Across State During New Hampshire Primary. Election Officials Confrim that Employees from LHS Associates, Diebold's Sole Programmer, Vendor, and Service Provider in NH, Were Allowed to Access Vulnerable Optical-Scan Systems Throughout Election Day. Attorney General's Office Offers Conflicting Information...
· Diebold Voting Machine 'Glitches' Reported in Stratham, NH. Failure Caused Officials to Hand Count Ballots, While Questions Remain About Details of the Problems Similar Reports Discovered Elsewhere, More on That Soon...
· BlackBoxVoting's list of New Hampshire anomalies (so far!), among them: Two hand count towns reported "zero" votes for candidate Ron Paul to the media, even though they did have votes for him. The town of Sutton reported zero, but had 31 votes; the town of Greenville reported zero, but had 25 votes. The two towns had misreported results affecting exactly the same candidate in exactly the same way.
· The percentages appear to be swapped in Hillary/Obama primary in New Hampshire:
Clinton Optical scan 91,717 52.95%
Obama Optical scan 81,495 47.05%
Clinton Hand-counted 20,889 47.05%
Obama Hand-counted 23,509 52.95%
· Comparison Between Exit Poll and Vote Count Disparities in Competitive vs. Noncompetitive Contests in Election 2006
· Welch was stunned to see a correctly marked vote take on a life of its own, hopping over to a different spot while he voted on other items. He called an elections worker over to show him the problem. The elections worker helped him re-vote the ballot, and both men watched as the vote registered correctly, but later spontaneously altered to shift to another ballot choice.
Other News:
· Town by town across the country, headlines have been telling similar stories. Lakewood, Wash.: “Family Blames Iraq After Son Kills Wife.” Pierre, S.D.: “Soldier Charged With Murder Testifies About Postwar Stress.” Colorado Springs: “Iraq War Vets Suspected in Two Slayings, Crime Ring.”
· FBI probe: Blackwater hid truck damage after massacre
· As the writers' strike cuts deep, thousands of people who rely on LA's entertainment industry face financial ruin. And the city which has already lost $1.4bn may now lose the Oscars
· India builds the world's cheapest car, worries environmentalists
· The Bush administration plans to abolish the Civil Applications Committee, which was created to review civilian requests for classified reconnaissance information, and create a office in the Department of Homeland Security to review such requests. Scientists are concerned that their requests could be sidetracked or delayed as security and law enforcement needs get priority.
· Mitch McConnell: I Am The ‘Godfather Of Green’…gets a zero percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters during the 109th Congress, and has earned only a 7% lifetime rating. (bd: I think he means "green" as in "money"...not "environment" LOL!)
· The house that Ronald Reagan built is in danger of collapsing. All the men running for the Republican party's presidential nomination invoke Reagan's name repeatedly. But all of them offend at least one wing of the party enough that they'd find it difficult, and perhaps impossible, to pull the disparate elements of the old coalition together.
· Without warning or reports of turbulence, an Air Canada flight en route to Toronto dipped and rotated violently, on early Thursday morning, causing injuries and confusion among passengers and the crew. Strangely enough, flight experts are still unsure about what caused the accident.
· Green Bay Packers down 14-0, but make huge comeback in snowstorm, win 42-20!
· New England Patriots now 17-0 this year! Win tough game with Jacksonville Jaguars, 31-20!