of the ugliest senate battles ever, is finally over!
Norm Coleman concedes to Al Franken:
Matt Taibbi is writing the TRUTH: Goldman-Sachs has engineered every huge market manipulation since the Great Depression, and they're about to do it again:
Military coup in Honduras; who's behind it? Is the U.S. government's helping hand behind it?Honduran President Ousted in Military Coup
In Honduras, the democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya has been overthrown in a military coup. Zelaya was forced from the presidential palace and flown to Costa Rica early Sunday after he tried to carry out a non-binding referendum to extend his term in office. Speaking to the television network Telesur, Zelaya called his ouster a kidnapping and urged US support for restoring his government.
Honduran President Manuel Zelaya: “This is a kidnapping. This is an extortion of the Honduran democratic system. And I will ask the presidents of the Americas, including the US president—I want to hear the US Ambassador Hugo Llorens in Tegucigalpa if they are behind this, and if not, clear it up, because if the US is not behind this coup, they won’t be able to stay there forty-eight hours.”
Following Zelaya’s ouster, the Honduran Congress swore in former parliamentary speaker Roberto Micheletti as interim president. Micheletti immediately imposed a two-day nationwide curfew. But thousands of Zelaya supporters remain on the streets. Shots were reportedly fired at protesters near the presidential palace earlier today. There have also been reports of the brief arrest of ambassadors from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Speaking in La Paz, Bolivian President Evo Morales condemned the coup.
Bolivian President Evo Morales: “I am calling on international organizations, I am calling on the social movements of Latin America and of the world, I am calling on the presidents of democratic countries to condemn and repudiate this coup in Honduras.”
The Obama administration has criticized the coup and said it will only recognize Zelaya as the Honduran President. Zelaya’s overthrow marks the first Central American military coup since the Cold War.
Not a rumor or joke! Geronimo's descendants suing Yale's Skull & Bones Society, claiming Prescott Bush participated in the grave robbing of Geronimo's skull for the society!
Here's why the FED should be audited with HR1207, which has 245 co-sponsors:
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence
Breaking...check out Big Dan's "affair press conference" below........
Fly with Abdel Basset Ali Al-Megrahi! What does this tell you about the "War On Terror"? Many "supposed" terrorists still have aviation licenses! The "War On Terror" isn't what you think it is, if you examine things very closely.
Sanford & Whore video collection: Video 1 - Republican sex scoundrels always bring up religion in their "affair press conferences". There's a 100% chance of this. Gov Sanford says he's been "doing a lot of soul searching" and finds interesting the "story of David", and if King David didn't resign, neither will he! The story of King David was on his mind, while he was soul searching. Gov Sanford's actions rank right up there in history with King David! Was the story of King David on his mind, when he was porking his mistress? Maybe it was, who knows...maybe his pet name for his penis is "King David"... Sanford should resign because of the "King David" comment, not because of the affair! Why doesn't he just SHUT UP? Next, he'll be comparing himself to JESUS! How far is this going to go? He's insulting every single American with these ASININE statements! "King David...what the...??? Video 2 - Sanford & Whore's mistress broadcasting on Argentina TV News on 9/11 - OH! The irony! Video 3 - Sanford & Son extended Quincy Jones "junkyard blues" theme - CRANK UP ONE OF THE GREATEST SONGS OF ALL TIME! Video 4 - Sanford & Son clip - Fred asks a cop in traffic court, how come there's only "niggers" there? Video 5 - Sanford & Son clip - friend's funeral
Big Dan's "affair press conference". Big Dan: "I was going through the Bible, and I found somewhere in some verse, that I'm just like Jesus Christ by having this affair. You don't hate Jesus, do you? And I believe I found in this same Bible somewhere, that a King had an affair and he didn't resign. I'm just like that King. I fit in reading the Bible, when I'm not screwing my mistress in Argentina on the taxpayers' dime. In fact, my mistress and I read the Bible all the time! So, if you hate my mistress, you hate the Bible! WHO AMONGST YOU HASN'T SCREWED WHORES IN ARGENTINA ON THE TAXPAYERS' DIME, CAST THE FIRST STONE! And it wasn't me, it was the devil that made me do it. I saw the Devil, and I said: 'I REBUKE THEE!!!' I rebuked him somewhere on the Appalachian Trail while I was hiking on Father's Day, I believe...there, or at a hotel in Argentina..."
Max Keiser - Goldman Sachs extorted taxpayers; making record profits...RFK Jr w/Matt Taibbi
Sanford & Whore
Sanford & Whore (bd: Watch this and laugh your ass off! He says absolute CRAP for the entire first part of his "Sanford & Whore" speech. I think he's a used car salesman. Let me put it to you straight: THIS GUY IS FULL OF SHIT!!! He talks about the Appalachian Trail, GOD...what the...??? Doesn't he know he's making a FOOL out of himself? If he didn't get snagged by his wife, he'd still be fucking the Argentinian homewrecker on the taxpayer's dime. Then he opens it up for questions at the end. I have a question: "Would you still be fucking her, if you didn't get snagged by your wife?" Or how about this one: "Didn't you have a better plan to not get caught, than disappearing and shutting off your cell phone? You know you're married and have kids and you're a governor, right?" How about: "Did you know it was 'Father's Day'?" Here's another one: "Would you term it 'outsourcing'? Because you were taking your affair to another country with an Argentinian?" Take a good look at this video: all politicians are full of BULLSHIT! Take a good, strong whiff!!!
Video 1 - Sanford & Whore; Sanford's ridiculous speech Video 2 - Young Turks correctly predict what happened to Sanford...before it's found out Video 3 - Sanford & Son theme song...CRANK IT UP! ONE OF THE GREATEST SONGS OF ALL TIME!
It's the "Big One"!!! I'll give you FIVE...right 'cross YO' LIP!!!
Moussad Truck Bombs on 9/11 - wake up folks! These are facts! Don't turn your head and not watch this, or say "conspiracy"...uh huh, these are FACTS! Israel had something to do with 9/11. Take a look at this:
While you're all compiling "recap lists" of all the political affairs in light of the Sanford affair, don't forget that Newt Gingrich admitted having an affair with a staffer while he was leading the charge to impeach Clinton! Everyone seems to be conveniently forgetting about this! Don't forget this fact, while you're watching DICKNEWT TV! Let's get Newt Gingrich's opinion on infidelity! Right?
Media Matters points out that the "liberal" Washington Post and MSNBC have compiled lists of past Washington sex scandals, and BOTH "accidentally" left out Newt Gingrich. It's not out of site/out of mind, either, because he's inexplicably on TV all the time! Is someone from the Gingrich camp contacting people and asking them not to remind people of this?
Neda shot by CIA as a false-flag to blame Iran and start war?
"This death of Neda is very suspicious," Ambassador Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri said. "My question is, how is it that this Miss Neda is shot from behind, got shot in front of several cameras, and is shot in an area where no significant demonstration was behind held? Well, if the CIA wants to kill some people and attribute that to the government elements, then choosing women is an appropriate choice, because the death of a woman draws more sympathy"
(bd: It's to stupid to be true. Iran isn't this stupid. Do you think in the midst of all this biased anti-Iran media coverage, they'd shoot an innocent, beautiful girl for absolutely no reason whatsoever? Who stands to gain by this? Not Iran! It's too stupid to be true. This story doesn't pass the "stupid" test! It passes the propaganda test, though! Just remember all the false stories and FAKERY in the lead up to the Iraq War! Are you THAT stupid to keep falling for it? While all the proven false stories about Iraq are now coming out, they're doing it with Iran! Did you LEARN or NOT???)
As official videographer for the U.S. government, Kurt Sonnenfeld was detailed to Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, where he spent one month filming 29 tapes: "What I saw at certain moments and in certain places ... is very disturbing!" He never handed them over to the authorities and has been persecuted ever since. Kurt Sonnenfeld lives in exile in Argentina, where he wrote "El Perseguido" (the persecuted). His recently-published book tells the story of his unending nightmare and drives another nail into the coffin of the government’s account of the 9/11 events.
9/11 FEMA worker Kurt Sonnenfeld: "What happened with Building 7 is incredibly suspicious. I have video that shows how curiously small the rubble pile was, and how the buildings to either side were untouched by Building Seven when it collapsed. It had not been hit by an airplane; it had suffered only minor injuries when the Twin Towers collapsed, and there were only small fires on a couple of floors. There’s no way that building could have imploded the way it did without controlled demolition. Yet the collapse of Building 7 was hardly mentioned by the mainstream media and suspiciously ignored by the 911 Commission."
I watched a lot of this video below, "September Clues". It's about the networks' coverage of 9/11. It's extremely interesting, you'll love it. If only to see a video that gathered together all the networks' 9/11 coverage. You will never trust what you see on TV ever again after watching this! "The jig is up", if you begin to realize what's going on, on TV. If you trust everything you see on TV, you need to reexamine your life.
...when you search for Wendell Potter on YouTube, you get nothing! When you search for "Iran Election", you get 70,000+ hits. It's peculiar that something that was covered by ABC gets zero hits on YouTube, isn't it?
ABC covers part of congressional hearing on health care industry rescission of customers' policies: Frustrated Americans have long complained that their insurance companies valued the all-mighty buck over their health care. Today, a retired insurance executive confirmed their suspicions, arguing that the industry that once employed him regularly rips off its policyholders.
"[T]hey confuse their customers and dump the sick, all so they can satisfy their Wall Street investors," former Cigna senior executive Wendell Potter said during a hearing on health insurance today before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
Woman testifies at hearing, that she had her health policy revoked when the health insurance company found out she had breast cancer:
(bd: disclaimer - sorry if I scare the BEJEEZUZ out of anyone with the below picture...she should be for "single payer dental plan"... Obviously, without even asking, she has great health care coverage or she wouldn't be on TV. Do you know anyone without health care who's on TV saying they don't want single payer health care? THAT is what I want to see! I don't want to see people with GREAT HEALTH CARE on TV saying they're against health care change! Of course they're against health care change! Why doesn't the reporter ask: "Do YOU have great health care?" to her? They put people on TV with great health care, basically saying: "I got mine, so FUCK YOU!"!!!)
FUCK YOU! If you don't have health care. Tough shit! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! That goes for that woman with cancer in the video above me, too!.
SUMMARY: CNN again hosted Betsy McCaughey to discuss health care despite the fact that CNN's own health care reporter had to debunk an earlier health care reform assertion advanced by McCaughey.
I would personally like to strip-search YOUR child for my house...with these googley glasses I can see the tiny Ibuprofen better...I like Ibuprofen, did I ever tell you that? I've said too much...anyone seen my can of COKE??? I need it to wash down the Ibuprofen...I've said too much again...I better shut up...what's that over there???
Clarence Thomas only Supreme Court Justice to vote for strip-searching your child for ibuprofen...wishful thinking, I guess...
Video 1 - the REAL Iverson interview Video 2 - put to Rap music (h/t agent0296)
The "liberal media" is not liberal. Look at how all the major TV networks are covering another country and ignoring Americans. They are covering a foreign country's elections (Iran) and totally ignoring Americans testifying in front of congress on how their health care companies denied them coverage for serious illnesses and operations. WHO told ANBCBSNNX not to cover this?
SUMMARY: Despite poignant testimony by people denied coverage for treatment of serious health problems, the network evening news broadcasts uniformly ignored a June 16 House hearing on the practice by insurance companies of canceling the policies of people who become ill and submit claims for expensive treatments.
Indeed, according to a Media Matters search** of the Nexis database, The New York Times and The Washington Post have still not reported on the hearing.
* Media Matters searched the Nexis database for ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS transcripts after June 15 using the search terms: health! or insurance or coverage or rescission or post-claims underwriting or hearing or subcommittee or (Margaret pre/2 Raddatz) or (Peg! pre/2 Raddatz) or (Otto pre/2 Raddatz) or (Robin pre/2 Beaton) or (Jen! pre/2 Horton) or (Wittney Horton). Media Matters reviewed all broadcasts not available in Nexis.
** Media Matters searched the Nexis database for The New York Times and The Washington Post after June 15 using the search terms: (Margaret pre/2 Raddatz) or (Peg! pre/2 Raddatz) or (Otto pre/2 Raddatz) or (Robin pre/2 Beaton) or (Jen! pre/2 Horton) or (Wittney Horton).
TIME: "Three days before she was scheduled for a double mastectomy, her insurance company, Blue Cross, called her and told her they were launching an investigation into the last five years of her health records. It turned out that dermatologist's note had been a red flag, and the company was looking for a way to cancel her policy on the grounds that she had been hiding a serious medical condition." (bd: but the point is: should anyone EVER be denied treatment for ANYTHING...EVER, in this country?)
Big-Wig health insurance CEO's explaining why they drop patients' health care coverage they've been paying for, right when they need it. At the end of the video, the CEO's will NOT commit to NOT rescind peoples' health care coverage when they need it...AMAZING!!!
Weapons of Mass Deception - the movie that will show you how the "liberal" corporate media is in bed with the government, CIA, and the few richest elites really running this country. But they must tell you over and over again, that the media is "liberal", or their plan won't work! And they have to have one REALLY crazy network (FOX), so that you REALLY think there's differences! It's the same way the Democrats and Republicans work, too!
Proof the "liberal" corporate media is a mouthpiece for the Pentagon:
Ridiculous pro-Iran War media propaganda: the Wall Street Journal says an Iranian father had to pay a "bullet fee" to get back the dead body of his protester son. If you believe this, YOU are an IDIOT! The family "was told" there was a "bullet fee" of $3000. No proof of this whatsoever. It would be a surprise to Ahmadinijhad himself. Where is this "bullet fee" Iranian policy in the books? Where is the proof of this story really happening? The family "was told" by WHOM about the "bullet fee"? COME ON!!! At least make the propaganda hard to detect, Wall Street Journal! We're not idiots!
Why? Dear GOD! Did they want the "bullet fee"! So, no one knew about the "bullet fee"...until a supposed stolen election occurred. I guess it was known that Iran had a "bullet fee" for killing protesters...but the was "OK", up until this point. And totally unknown to anyone, too. Yeah, right.......BULLSHIT!!!!!!!! I'd like to meet the reporter who investigated all of this. The story gets better: the "bullet fee" was waived! So they didn't pay a "bullet fee". When is a "bullet fee" not a "bullet fee"? When you don't pay a "bullet fee"! It must've been "bullet fee discount day"! What the FUCK kind of a story is this??? ....but he had so many dreams...
Even though 76% of Americans want a public health care option, spineless Democrats (or corporate slaves?) keep telling those same Americans that the public option is "off the table".
Mir-Hossein Mousavi, the guy we're saying should've won Iran's election, was a 1980's "terrorist"? And we want him to be Iran's president? What's going on here? And aren't the same guys back urging us to meddle in another country's government? Even though they're out of office? Paul Wolfowitz gets a column in the "liberal" Washington Post urging Obama to be harder on Iran, Charles Krauthammer is doing the same thing in the "liberal" media, the Republicans are urging Obama to be tougher on Iran even though they're in the extreme minority, Dick Cheney is all over the "liberal" TV...the same fucking discredited criminals are given a forum to do the same goddamn thing in the "liberal" media that they did with the Iraq War! Gee! This sounds like them backing Sadaam Hussein all over again, like they did before we bombed Iraq. They did it in the Nixon administration, the Reagan administration, the Bush I administration, the Bush II they don't even have to be in office to do it! How many times are these same guys going to disapper/reappear and do this before you WAKE THE FUCK UP??? Why aren't these guys in JAIL, instead of on TV and writing for the Washington Post? How on EARTH can Paul Wolfowitz get a column in the Washington Post? Instead of reporting on these guys as if they're war criminals, they give them columns and put them on TV! What the...???
Mir-Hossein Mousavi, the guy the U.S. government and media says had the election "stolen" from him in Iran by Ahmadinijhad (where's the proof of this?), was a "terrorist" in the 1980's. Why are we so vehemently backing this guy and why isn't the media telling us this? Why isn't Mousavi's background being covered by the media? I'll bet you didn't even know the name of this guy!
(bd: this is a re-post, cleaned up a bit, with some things changed/added)
So, you thought I was crazy when I said in my "must read" post here that members of the U.S. government are being blackmailed via the domestic wiretaps by Israel and others. Ironically, this story just came out:
Congressional Quarterly: Wiretap Recorded Rep. Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC
Congressional Quarterly is reporting Democratic Congresswoman Jane Harman of California was overheard in 2005 on an NSA wiretap speaking with a suspected Israeli agent. During the call, Harman reportedly said she would lobby the Justice Department to reduce espionage-related charges against two officials of AIPAC, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee. In exchange for Harman’s help, the suspected Israeli agent reportedly pledged to help lobby Nancy Pelosi to appoint Harman chair of the Intelligence Committee after the 2006 elections. The conversation is said to have been picked up on a court-approved NSA wiretap directed at alleged Israel covert action operations in Washington. Congressional Quarterly reports then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales decided to stop a probe of Harman, because he wanted Harman to be able to help defend the administration’s secret domestic spy program that the New York Times was about to expose.
According to a little-noticed passage in the Starr Report (Ken Starr's report when he led the impeachment of Bill Clinton), during March 1997, President Clinton told Monica Lewinsky that he suspected a foreign embassy was tapping his telephone conversations.
Nothing more is said in the report about the incident, but according to information received by this news service, that reference could provide the key to the entire Lewinsky scandal and to the setting-up and entrapment of the President. Reportedly, the embassy involved was that of Israel, under the control of the right-wing Likud government of Benjamin Netanyahu.
I have some good advice for you: bookmark my post and go through it thoroughly! Then it will make sense to you, when you see in the news all the time, the U.S. government's never-ending bias towards Israel.
AT&T whistleblower: AT&T serves Mossad to blackmail U.S. government; our phone calls go to two Israeli companies!
Air Force Lt Col Karen Kwiatkowski
Few could help notice last week that the "Bird" omitted an opinion piece distributed by the Knight-Ridder news agency by a senior Pentagon Middle East specialist, Air Force Lt Col Karen Kwiatkowski, who worked in the office of Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith until her retirement in April.
"What I saw was aberrant, pervasive and contrary to good order and discipline," Kwiatkowski wrote. "If one is seeking the answers to why peculiar bits of 'intelligence' found sanctity in a presidential speech, or why the post-Saddam [Hussein] occupation [of Iraq] has been distinguished by confusion and false steps, one need look no further than the process inside the Office of the Secretary of Defense [OSD]."
Kwiatkowski went on to charge that the operations she witnessed during her tenure in Feith's office, and particularly those of an ad hoc group known as the Office of Special Plans (OSP), constituted "a subversion of constitutional limits on executive power and a co-option through deceit of a large segment of the Congress".
Bill Maher nailing things left & right on June 12 & 19th: nailing the Democrats, Republicans, & the AMA...and many more...
Video 1 - Bill Maher's AMA commercial Video 1 - New rules June 12 - Obama is a slave to corporations, just like Bush Video 2 - New rules June 19 - Democrats are the "new Republicans"
Any intervention by the U.S. government on behalf of the Iranian opposition is destined to backfire given the role it played in overthrowing Iran’s last truly democratically elected prime minister and its subsequent support for the brutal dictatorial reign of the shah, a reality President Obama appears to be mercifully aware of in rejecting self-righteous calls from the likes of John McCain for him to show greater "solidarity" with the Twitter-savvy protesters.
Special commentary by Big Dan: "What if a foreign country had so much influence over the United States, they had many people in the U.S. government and U.S. media who seemed to be genuine Americans, but their sentiments were really for this foreign country. And they were so good at it, you wouldn't know this unless you put in a lot of effort. You could tell this is going on by their actions, if you look closely. They would be in congress, they would be all over everyone's cabinet, they would be all over the media promoting the U.S. to go to war against THEIR enemies and OUR soldiers would be dying for them. But our soldiers would be told they're dying for our freedoms. Why else would we be at constant war with someone else's enemies for $3 billion dollars a day during a depression? Why else would our media be making it the #1 story, that we should be meddling in the elections of another one of their enemies, with all the problems WE are having right now - like double-digit unemployment, health care, low wages, banks going under, assassinations, unaffordable college, and more? Elections in another foreign country are the #1 story in the U.S. media? If the people I'm saying are controlling the U.S. media, then it would be, and that country happens to be an enemy of the people I'm talking about. Another coincidence. They would have strategies to deflect attention from what they're really doing. They would seem like patriotic Americans, or it wouldn't work. They would falsely accuse truthtellers who point this out, of being 'prejudice' against them, as one of their most important strategies. If this foreign country had undo influence, then all major presidential candidates would go out of their way to make it a plank in their campaign that they would stand side by side with this foreign country...but never say this about any other foreign country. Another strategy would be to blackmail the people exposing them, or to make it worth their while monetarily to go along with them. And it's working. They could get people in the media who expose them fired and replaced with 'their guys'. And people would be scared SHITLESS to out these traitors. Even the best writers and reporters won't do it. For example, they might expose someone being unjustly fired, but are not saying WHY they were fired. They know why. They'll say 'we can't figure out why this guy was fired.' BULLSHIT! They'll write how all U.S. citizens are being wiretapped, but won't say the foreign country the data is going to. They'll get the U.S. citizens to hate THEIR enemies via controlling the U.S. media. They'll make sure that none of the people of the race of THEIR enemies get into the U.S. government and the U.S. media, only them, or they will be smeared by people in the U.S. government and media....and the politicians and media that go along with them are WORSE traitors. If American Arabs were in the U.S. media saying we should attack Israel, there would be an outcry against it. But, if you're an American Jew like Paul Wolfowitz and others beating the drum in the media to attack Iran and Arab countries, you get a column in the Washington Post or a recurring spot on FOX 'news' like William Kristol."
...another war coming up for them, with the Republicans more concerned about an enemy of Israel, than domestic issues:
As U.S. President Barack Obama attempts to navigate the treacherous currents of the ongoing political crisis in Iran, he faces a heated attack on his right flank from neoconservatives and other right-wing hawks, who are urging him both to offer unequivocal support to the protesters supporting moderate presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi and to scuttle his planned diplomatic engagement with Tehran.
There is hardly any election, in which the White House has a significant stake, where the electoral defeat of the pro-US candidate is not denounced as illegitimate by the entire political and mass media elite. In the most recent period, the White House and its camp followers cried foul following the free (and monitored) elections in Venezuela and Gaza, while joyously fabricating an ‘electoral success’ in Lebanon despite the fact that the Hezbollah-led coalition received over 53% of the vote.
Almost the entire spectrum of Western opinion makers, including all the major electronic and print media, the major liberal, radical, libertarian and conservative web-sites, echoed the opposition’s claim of rampant election fraud. Neo-conservatives, libertarian conservatives and Trotskyites joined the Zionists in hailing the opposition protestors as the advance guard of a democratic revolution. Democrats and Republicans condemned the incumbent regime, refused to recognize the result of the vote and praised the demonstrators’ efforts to overturn the electoral outcome. The New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, the Israeli Foreign Office and the entire leadership of the Presidents of the Major American Jewish Organizations called for harsher sanctions against Iran and announced Obama’s proposed dialogue with Iran as ‘dead in the water’.
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Wow, I thought this was a 2024 article at first. His show was on the radio yesterday (and the day before). He went full shill for Israel on both day. Insane! I had to turn him off it was so bad....