Blogger: US air strikes kill ‘exactly 30′ enemies every time
Winning the War, 30 Taliban at a Time
Around the Hindu Kush, 30 is a Magic Number - An Update
BDBB Flashback: Does Anyone Believe This Bullshit Anymore?
Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about the Military-Industrial Complex with his departure in 1961
BDBB flashback: past proven military propaganda in the corporate owned (the so-called "liberal") media:
Pentagon Pundits - Blinded By The Right
More on the Daily Kos-CIA Connection
Markos Alberto Moulitas ZÚÑIGA "Worked" at the CIA in 2001
FBI viewed intel provided by ultra-right radio host Hal Turner as ‘irreplaceable’: report
Rightwing radio show host charged with being "agent provocateur" working for the FBI
Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?
Pentagon pursuing new investigation into Bush propaganda program
Part I - Senior official in Bush domestic propaganda program remains Obama’s Pentagon spokesman
Part II - Pentagon used psychological operation on US public, documents show
Part III - Pentagon officials won’t confirm Bush propaganda program ended
The must-see movie "Weapons of Mass Deception": how the military and the corporate owned media work together to keep us perpetually in war: