Monday, January 5, 2009

Big Dan's Big News Jan 5, 2009

Footage of the Israeli bombing of Gaza:

Audio slideshow: Rallying for Gaza. Thousands of people have rallied in Doha, Qatar, in support of besieged Gazans. Organisers demanded an immediate end to the Israeli bombardment and asked for generous donations to the Palestinians' cause.

We supplied Israel with the GBU-39 Buster bomb that they may use to attack Iran eventually...with YOUR tax dollars!

British-Israeli Professor Avi Shlaim rejects Israeli Zionism

Jonathan Pollard: Israeli spy who was caught passing U.S. secrets to Israel.

If Israel is our "friend", why are they always caught spying on us?

FACT: Only 4% of the controlled American media mention OCCUPATION - the Israelis are OCCUPYING and attacking the Palestians' in their homeland:

True Torah Jews is a non-profit organization founded by a group of Orthodox Jews dedicated to informing the world, and the American public and politicians in particular, that the ideology of Zionism is in total opposition to the teachings of traditional Judaism.

Jews against Zionism: Zionism and Anti-Semitism

What's up with this guy???

LATimes' Joel Stein: How Jewish is Hollywood?

YouTube Partners with MOSSAD

The Israeli occupation of Palestinian land made easy for ignorant Americans:

Artists, Entertainers, and Media Professionals Question the 9/11 Commission Report

60 Minutes: The mortgage meltdown: