The chair of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers, has subpoenaed former White House adviser Karl Rove to testify next week about the Bush administration’s firing of nine US attorneys and the prosecution of former Alabama governor Don Siegelman. Rove previously refused to appear before the panel, and former President Bush upheld his legal position. Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin, said he would consult with President Obama’s White House counsel to determine the Obama administration’s stance. We speak with attorney Scott Horton and former Alabama governor Don Siegelman.
Obama to Face Test on Executive Privilege After Rove Subpoenaed Again Over Attorney Firings, Siegelman Prosecution
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Invoking Obama, House Judiciary Chairman subpoenas Rove
Jailed governor Siegelman says Rove subpoena 'restores people's faith in democracy'
Keith Olbermann on Rove being subpoenaed:
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Liberal? New York Times buries Rove story on page 23, beneath octuplets
Only in the perverse Bush administration could you have a bunch of racists in charge of civil rights at the DoJ.
DoJ IG Report Buried, Now Released, Finds Schlozman Broke the Law, Lied About it to Congress. But Bush's DoJ Declines to Prosecute...So Will Obama?...
NEWSWEEK: Just four days before he left office, President Bush instructed former White House aide Karl Rove to refuse to cooperate with future congressional inquiries into alleged misconduct during his administration.