● Obama and Bush swap wives. (above picture, GW heard uttering: "Always bet on black")
● Record crowd shocked to find out Bush was still president.
But schmeriously folks...........
Final Message From The White House
1. Pardon Prospects: Military and CIA interrogators of war-on-terror prisoners
2. Pardon Prospect: Former Chief of Staff to Vice President Cheney, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby Jr.
3. Pardon Prospect: Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
4. Pardon Prospects: Former American Israel Public Affairs Committee Lobbyists Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, Former Pentagon Analyst Lawrence Franklin
5. Pardon Prospect: Former Justice Department official Bradley Schlozman
6. Pardon prospect: Former junk bond king Michael Milken
7. Commutation Prospects: Former Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean
8. Commutation Prospect: Former Governor George Ryan (R-Ill.)
9. Commutation Prospect: Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard
10. Commutation Prospect: Randall “Duke” Cunningham (R-Calif.)
10 Bush Pardons To Watch For
Editorial writers around the world have been taking their final printed whacks at George W. Bush, accusing the president of tarnishing America's standing with what many saw as arrogant and incompetent leadership.
Editorials worldwide pillory Bush one final time
After Declaring 'Impeachment Off the Table', Pelosi Now Backs Bush Probes
(btw...is that guy on the right retarded or something? he just looks retarded to me...)
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