● When you're poor, it can be hard to pay the bills. When you're rich, it's hard to keep track of all the bills that need paying. It's a lesson Cindy McCain learned the hard way when NEWSWEEK raised questions about an overdue property-tax bill on a La Jolla, Calif., property owned by a trust that she oversees. Mrs. McCain is a beer heiress with an estimated $100 million fortune and, along with her husband, she owns at least seven properties, including condos in California and Arizona.
Here's what the "liberal media" (lol!) says about John McCain:
● Kind of like a Martin Luther [Chris Matthews - Hardball]
● A man of unshakable character, willing to stand up for his convictions [R.W. Apple, NY Times]
● An affable man of zealous, unbending beliefs [Richard Cohen, The Washington Post]
● The hero who still does things his own way [Richard Cohen, The Washington Post]
● Rises above the pack-eloquent, as only a prisoner of war can be [David Nyhan, The Boston Globe]
● The perfect candidate to deal with what challenges we face as a country. [Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC]
● Blunt, unyielding, deploying his principles, what he does do is what he’s always done, play it as straight as possible. [Terry Moran, Nightline]
● Wordly-wise and witty, determined to follow the facts to the exclusion of ideology. [Michael Hirsh, Newsweek]
● Willing to defy his own party and forge compromise. [Michael Hirsh, Newsweek]
● Pragmatic in the service of the national interest, rises to passion when he believes that America’s best values are at stake. [Michael Hirsh, Newsweek]
● The maverick candidate still. [Terry Moran, Nightline]
● The McLaughlin Group: Is The Media Smitten With McCain?
● Nation magazine: Loving John McCain
McCain flip-flops the corporate media is ignoring:
● McCain was against the repeal of Roe v. Wade before he was for it.
● McCain was against torture before he was for it. Really for it.
● McCain was against crazy right-wing preachers like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson before he was for them.
● McCain was against Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy before he was for them.
● McCain was against shady Bush “Pioneer” Texas billionaire swift-boat financiers before he was for them.
● McCain was for the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law before he was against it and began breaking it.
● McCain was against Grover Norquist, whom he called “corrupt, a shill for dictators“ before he was for him.
● McCain was against BJU because of its “hateful,” “racist and cruel” policies before he was for it. ● McCain was against ethanol before he was for ethanol and then he was against it again.
● McCain was against a Martin Luther King holiday before he was for it. …
● Late Edition’s McCain Flip-Flop Flashback

● Nice guy! Bill Clinton says Barack Obama must "KISS MY ASS" for my support! I guess they are only in it for themselves!
● At the Height of an Energy Crisis, Fat-Cat CEOs Still Litter the Skies with Private Jets. The private-jet perk is -- literally and figuratively -- a high-profile sign of an executive reward system out of control.
● OPEC Chief Sees $150-170 Oil in Coming Months
● VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: VINCENT BUGLIOSI: The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
● Whistleblower: FISA ‘compromise’ advances police state agenda
● FOX News, right on schedule before the election, has started the reports of voter fraud by the Democratic Party. Eric Shawn interviewed the Alabama Attorney General, Troy King, who claimed people have been selling their votes. While they're in Alabama, why don't they cover the Siegelman case???
● Preparing the Battlefield. The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran.; by Seymour M. Hersh/New Yorker Magazine