● Senior Israeli official: ‘Bush intends to attack Iran before the end of his term.’
Almost at $3.80! I predict $4 by Monday Memorial Day. Then, I predict $5 by June, that'll be $75 for a tank of gas! Our government doing nothing about it! It just cost us $67 to go to Philadelphia (110 miles away). We now have to think twice about going to Philly for the day!
Scranton--Wilkes-Barre--Hazleton Regular Mid Premium Diesel

Current $3.778 $3.982 $4.158 $4.722
Yesterday $3.776 $3.981 $4.156 $4.699
Month Ago $3.484 $3.672 $3.835 $4.443
Year Ago $3.025 $3.189 $3.330 $2.922
Highest Recorded Price:
Regular Unl. $3.778 5/18/2008
Dsl. $4.722 5/20/2008

● More and more and more and more proof being uncovered, that false claims of "voter fraud" are being pushed by the GOP to make voting harder for American Citizens
● E-Voting Machines Short Circuit Election Transparency, But the Danger is Even Worse Than You May Realize...
● SEVERAL BIG VOTING RIGHTS VICTORIES ON FRIDAY! 'We the People' Win, as Thor Hearne's MO Voter Suppression Attempt Fails; von Spakovsky Withdraws FEC Nomination; TN to Require Paper Ballots; AZ Agrees to Follow Law, Perform Voter Registration at Public Facilities...
More on FAKE GOP claims of non-existent "voter fraud":
TOPEKA A bill requiring Kansas voters to show photo identification in 2010 elections was vetoed today by Gov. Kathleen Sebelius.
The measure — HB 2019 — was similar to a measure she threatened to veto during last year’s legislative session. Last year’s measure failed, but this year’s version passed through the efforts of the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. Sebelius is a Democrat.
In her veto message, the governor said the bill created a roadblock that prevents citizens from voting.
“Additionally, no elected official should support enacting new laws discouraging or disenfranchising any American who has been legally voting for years,” she wrote.
During debate, the bill’s advocates said the measure would help prevent voter fraud. The governor said Kansas already has secure, fair elections.
“HB 2019 seeks to solve a problem of voter fraud which does not exist in our state due to the tireless efforts of our local election officials,” the governor added.
● Kansas Governor Sebelius vetoes bill requiring voters to show photo ID

● A newly-revealed speech delivered by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld before an audience of Pentagon-sponsored military analysts in December 2006 is providing ample grist for 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Speaking a month after the Democratic Party had recaptured majorities in both houses of Congress, and just following his own resignation as Secretary of Defense, Rumsfeld suggested that a new 9/11 could be the corrective for American complacency.
Listen closely: Rumsfeld couldn't account for several TRILLION dollars in the Pentagon budget! This was never accounted for, and hardly anyone remembers this! The FAKE "conservatives" that now run the Republican Party have JACKED American taxpayers for TRILLIONS with this War of LIES! AND they've JACKED the Republican Party!
If the head of a group of more than 350 architectural and engineering professionals who don't believe the government's story about 9/11 is speaking at MIT, I don't know about you, but I think that's news! Do you think that's news?
"I am the founder of the organization Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth which is a fast-growing collaboration of more than 350 architectural and engineering professionals. The last few years have witnessed the emergence of mounting scientific evidence that the collapses of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were not adequately explained by the official theories outlined in the 2002 FEMA and 2005 NIST reports. The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth call for a new, fully funded unimpeachable Congressional investigation with subpoena power."
(read more at link below)
Most damaging to the official story, WTC building 7 was a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane and yet became the 3rd modern steel-framed skyscraper to collapse symmetrically at near free-fall speed on 9/11 – in the exact manner of a controlled demolition with explosives. It collapsed into a neat, compact pile, exhibiting ALL the classic features of controlled demolition:
* Rapid onset of “collapse”
* Sounds of explosions at ground floor - a full second prior to collapse
* Symmetrical “collapse” – through the path of greatest resistance – at near free-fall speed (i.e. the [core] columns offered no resistance)
* “Collapses” into its own footprint – with the steel skeleton broken up for shipment
* Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds
* Tons of molten metal found in basement by demolition workers
* Chemical signature of thermate (a high-tech incendiary) found in slag and dust samples
* Rapid oxidation and intergranular melting found (by FEMA) in the structural steel samples
* Expert corroboration from controlled demolition professionals
* Foreknowledge of “collapse” by First Responders, media, NYPD, FDNY, etc.
"Your speech on the Knesset floor today was not only a disgrace; it was nothing short of treachery. Worse still, your exploitation of the Holocaust in a country carved out of the wounds of that very crime, in order to strike a low blow at American citizens whose politics differs from your own is unforgivable and unpardonable." (read the rest, in link below)
● All the President's Nazis (real and imagined): An Open Letter to Bush
● Re-Writing history: FOX "news" analyst's book claims John Dean ordered Watergate break-in. Dean: "I hope this book is being sold as fiction, for if it is not, readers are being defrauded"
This is how censorship starts! Lieberman contacts YouTube, about pulling "terrorist" videos:
● YouTube: Last week, Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) contacted us to voice his concerns about seeing videos from several Islamic terrorist organizations on YouTube. We appreciated our dialogue with Senator Lieberman and his staff and wanted to explain to the YouTube community how we responded to his concerns.

My favorite team since I could walk and talk! The Boston Red Sox! Yes, I'm not a "bandwagon jumper" (new fan, just because of their recent success...all Red Sox fans are welcome, though!), I saw Luis Tiant & Yaz in '72 at Fenway, I weathered the '75 World Series with the famous Carlton Fisk home run, blowing the big division lead in '78 culminating with the Bucky Dent special playoff home run, the '86 World Series & Buckner, (5 years old for the '67 WS, too young to remember blowing that one), etc... But I think we won 2 of the last 4 World Series, huh?
● The story already was good. Jon Lester had, after all, come back from cancer. On Monday at Fenway, he added another memorable chapter by throwing a no-hitter.