(new GOP logo)
· Republicans block stimulus package aiding the elderly, disabled veterans, the unemployed and businesses.
· Another opinion: Stimulus Plan is a Scam to Benefit the Rich
· Bush to visit tornado scene in Tennessee, say something stupid, & do the "Macarena"
· Another possible U.S. propaganda story: al-Qaida in Iraq training children
· …coming on the heels of THIS possible bullshit propaganda story: "Does Anyone Believe This Bullshit Anymore?"
· Given the extensive, relentless "psychological operations" that the Pentagon runs in Iraq (and against the American people), and given the vast number of brazen lies and false stories that have long flooded the media throughout the "war on terror" -- and given that the gang in charge of Washington now is essentially the same one that used a professional PR firm to peddle the "Iraqis pulling babies from incubators" story to help sell the first Gulf War -- the reports about the identities and mental states of the alleged suicide bombers in Baghdad's al-Ghazl pet market should be taken with several truckloads of salt, until such time as they can be verified by independent sources.
· ABC: Sex Assault Suit Vs. Halliburton Killed. Alleged Sexual Assault Victim's Case Forced Into Secretive Arbitration
· Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg: Bush Likely to Attack Iran, Impeachment a Must. ForeignPolicy: The American public and media have not picked up on the urgency surrounding a pending war with Iran.
· 10 Myths About Canadian Health Care, Busted. Health and Wellness: We must get past a pile of disinformation.
· Super Tuesday’s Biggest Loser: Hate Radio
· Buchanan: John McCain ‘Will Make Cheney Look Like Gandhi’
· Big Media and The New World Order
Voting News
· Say What? - Party Official Kept Uncounted Ballox Boxes at Home Overnight as 200 Vote Margin Currently Seen in New Mexico's Democratic Caucus. 17,000 Voters Forced to Vote on Provisional Ballots After Being Dropped from Registration Rolls 'Maintained' by SoS and Voting Machine Company, ES&S. Few Explanations Available Yet for Any of It, Governor Richardson 'Deeply Disturbed' by Reports...
· The Los Angeles Times, which has been among the worst major newspapers in the country --- for years --- in reporting (or, actually not reporting) on issues of Election Integrity tells us today, in regards to yesterday's voting in California, that there were "Few election glitches, except for independents." Um, does the braintrust at the LA Times realize that out of 15.3 million registered voters in the state, some 20% of them, more than 3 million, are "independents"? (3,043,164 to be exact, with more than 700,000 in LA alone, if the latest numbers from the CA SoS are to be trusted). Plus more than 300,000 voters registered as "American Independent" who may or may not have wished to be included as members of that party? Or shall we just deliver the "Understatement of the Year Award" right now to the folks at the LA Times? That's more than just a "few glitches," no?
· 'Daily Voting News' For February 06, 2008 – Morning Edition
· 'Daily Voting News' For February 06, 2008 – Evening Edition
Democracy NOW! speaks with 9/11 Commission Cover-Up Scam Artist Philip Zelikow!
Democracy NOW! DISH channels 9410 & 9415, DirecTV channel 275:
The 9/11 Commission & Torture: How Information Gained Through Waterboarding & Harsh Interrogations Form Major Part of 9/11 Commission Report
A new analysis by NBC News reveals that more than a quarter of all footnotes in the 9/11 Commission report refer to controversial interrogation techniques. Yet, Commission staffers did not question the CIA about its techniques. They even ordered a second round of interrogations in early 2004 to get more information from the detainees.
CIA Director Michael Hayden acknowledged Tuesday that the Agency had used the interrogation technique known as waterboarding on three individuals since the attacks of September 11th. Hayden also claimed the CIA has practiced what he called “enhanced interrogation techniques” on one-third of the around one hundred prisoners he says have been detained. Hayden made the admission in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
All three men that Hayden admitted had been subjected to waterboarding are named in the final 9/11 Commission report. The commission relied on information obtained from a number of suspected Al Qaeda members in US captivity, only ten of whom are mentioned by name. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in particular emerges in the report as the “principal architect of the 9/11 attacks.”
An NBC investigation released last week alleges that the Commission had long suspected the information used for its report was the product of harsh interrogations. The NBC analysis shows that more than a quarter of all footnotes in the 9/11 Commission report refer to controversial interrogation techniques. Yet, Commission staffers did not question the CIA about its techniques. They even ordered a second round of interrogations in early 2004 to get more information from the detainees.
Philip Zelikow was the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission. He is now Professor of History and Director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia. He joins us from Charlottesville, Virginia.
DN! transcript or DN! video
EXCLUSIVE: Former 9/11 Commission Chief Philip Zelikow on Allegations He Secretly Allowed Karl Rove & White House to Influence 9/11 Probe
Earlier in the week, we spoke to Philip Shenon, author of “The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation.” Shenon suggested that Philip Zelikow—the executive director of the 9/11 Commission—sought to minimize the Bush administration’s responsibility for failing to prevent the September 11th attacks. Shenon also revealed that Karl Rove repeatedly called Zelikow during the probe. Today Zelikow responds in his first broadcast interview since the publication of Shenon’s book.
DN! video
Who Is Philip Zelikow? And what does he have to do with 9/11? (part 1)
Who Is Philip Zelikow? And what does he have to do with 9/11? (part 2)