Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tim Grier Refuses To Take His Hat Off During Wilkes-Barre City Council Meeting (about the unconstitutional protest ordinance)

("Leftist radical" Tim Grier.)

Below is a copy of the Wilkes-Barre protest ordinance, leaf through it with the left & right arrows, or hit "open publication" to see it LARGE!

Tim Grier and his girlfriend joined Drumbo, Sherlock, and I on our weekly Chinese meeting, as well as special guest Mrs. Big Dan. Tim was telling us to check out THIS recent article, where at the end of the article council chairwoman Kathy Kane interrupted proceedings on the new controversial city ordinance that many people are saying is unconstitutional. The ordinance states that people who want to protest or hold a rally, assembly, event, service or any type of demonstration on city property must apply for a $20 permit. They claim that no one will be denied a permit. Of course, if they deny a permit, I'm sure they won't be held accountable for at first claiming that they will not deny anyone a permit! OR...maybe they'll grant you a protest permit to protest Hillary Clinton on the square...and grant you a permit to protest in Kirby Park! While SHE'S speaking on public square! Then they can say, "Well, we didn't deny your permit, did we?"

Funny about the timing of this ordinance, with the 2008 election campaigners making their way into this area soon. Usually the primaries are decided well before it hits NEPA, but it looks like the Hillary/Obama primary will actually be meaningful in NEPA...and the WB City Council "happens" to start up this protest ordinance! Wow! What a coincidence! Exactly WHO thought of this? Did the FBI call in, and say, "Hey, we noticed your city doesn't have a protest ordinance. We don't think that's a good idea!" Which leads to the question, "Is there a pattern here?" Are there OTHER Pa. towns starting up "protest ordinances" coincidence?

Anyway, after talking to Tim Grier several times over the past month, I've come to the conclusion that Tim knows a lot about government and politics, in fact, way more than anyone I've ever met. And I've also come to the conclusion that Tim Grier is a really nice guy and he's right about everything he's talking about! And I wouldn't mess with him, and I'm glad I agree with him! Because I wouldn't want to argue with him!

Tim tells me, that when Kathy Kane interrupted proceedings at this important council meeting about taking away our 1st amendment freedom of speech, to ask people to "take off your hat"...Tim looked around and realized he was the only person wearing a hat! Probably, Kathy Kane was looking right at Tim when she said it!

Tim refused to take off his hat, saying, “In the spirit of having a more positive and better Wilkes-Barre, I will take that into consideration in the future and I thank you for your advice.”

Tim, I'm only being funny, you are NOT a "leftist radical". You're a really great guy! And I have come to realize, that I am so happy there's people like you in the valley...THANK YOU!!!

Big Dan and "the gang" here give Tim Grier a HUGE THUMBS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tim? All of us think that you can leave your hat fact?

Even Joe Cocker thinks that "You Can Leave Your Hat On"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!