Monday, November 10, 2008

Big Dan's Big News Nov 10, 2008

The Daily Drumbeat Of Rightwing Hate Radio broadcast for free on AM radio 24x7. The "Ministry of Propaganda".

Right-wing media feeds its post-election anger

Focus on the Family compares Obama victory to Nazi bombing.»

Limbaugh starts making up "shameless lies" already about Obama and 401k's, to his millions of dittohead idiot listeners.

Limbaugh: You're going to be paying for schools that try to convert terrorists."

Limbaugh: "Obama recession in full swing"

July 28, 2008 Rush Limbaugh: How to Attack The Messiah Obama

The Republican Noise Machine

Look at this: Obama's nation has begun. Join the (Patriotic, Resilient, Conservative) Resistance

Big Dan's Rush Limbaugh articles.

Juicy Bits Surfacing in Rather Case: In 2004, "liberal" CBS Considered Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter "Independent Panel"

GOP leader: Rebuild party based on 'sanctity of marriage'



The two men shook hands and then, according to Obama, Bush turned to an aide, “who squirted a big dollop of hand sanitizer in the president’s hand.”

Obama Eyes Consumer Activists for Agency Posts

Alaska Stinks & Minnesota's on Edge, So Here's What Parties and Citizens Can Do to Try and Ensure Election Results with Integrity There and Elsewhere

Minnesota ruling favors Franken as recount looms

Frank Rich: It Still Felt Good the Morning After


Bush and the Republicans' economy:

Percentage of adult working population is at lowest level in 15 years.

Unemployment Hits 14-Year High, U.S. Economy Has Shed 1.2 Million Jobs In 2008

Layoffs hit every corner. Eight companies spanning several different industries announce nearly 15,000 layoffs in first week of November.

Jobless ranks hit 10 million, most in a quarter-century; unemployment hits 14-year high

Joblessness balloons to 6.5 percent. Economist says proof of recession 'conclusive'

Expect The Recession To Increase In Severity

Shock: Treasury Made Controversial Tax Policy Change Under Bailout Cover

Stunned Icelanders Struggle After Economy’s Fall

Endgame: Spending Collapse and Hyperinflation in the US

Unemployment by industry: Brace for Impact

Peter Schiff Hugely Right, Enormously Wrong as Hard Landing Hits China

Michael Moore on the Bailout: "I don't call it a bailout, this is a robbery"

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