Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Sept 29, 2010

Are there any connections between Tom Ridge being named "spokesman" for the Marcellus Shale drilling companies and ITRR spying on Pennsylvanians for the Marcellus Shale drilling companies, and Ridge worked with ITRR in Bush's Homeland Security?

Institute of Terrorism and Response a Mossad Israeli company was Hired by the State of Pennsylvania to Spy on Pennsylvanians.

Pa. State senator Lisa Baker, "overseeing" (wink wink) the Pa. spying investigation

Why isn't state senator Lisa Baker, who's overseeing the investigation into ITRR spying on Pennsylvanians, asking public questions about Tom Ridge, former governor of Pennsylvania and former head of Bush's Homeland Security, using ITRR for his FAKE terror alerts under Bush and now both Ridge and ITRR popping up together in this spying on Pennsylvanians, Ridge pops up as "spokesman" for the Marcellus Shale drillers and ITRR pops up spying on Pennsylvanians? Why isn't Lisa Baker asking this question on behalf of all Pennsylvanians and especially those being spied on? I wrote to her on her website and received no reply. When Tom Ridge became "spokesman" for the Marcellus Shale drilling companies, did he get reports from ITRR? He worked with them before! When he was named "spokesman", did he say to ITRR, "Hey! What are YOU guys doing here? What a coincidence! We'll have no learning curve working together, remember I used you for FAKE terror alerts during the Bush administration? WOW! What a lucky coincidence!!!" Now Ridge is probably saying, "I hope Lisa Baker continues to avoid asking questions about our ties together". Only a complete FOOL would think it's a coincidence that Ridge and ITRR show up TOGETHER again! This is a COVER UP! When Tom Ridge was named "spokesman" for the Marcellus Shale drillers in July, I bet this ITRR spying on Pennsylvanians was already going on, and the drilling companies hired Tom Ridge just for that reason. He already worked with ITRR. Was Lisa Baker told "not to go there" by someone? If she did, please post it in my comments, but I see absolutely NOTHING about it in these "investigations". And she's aware of it, if she reads her "contact me" because I sent it to her.

Security bulletins called 'unsubstantiated gossip'. Lawmakers, officials question anti-terror contract at hearing

State police, Homeland Security snipe each other at Pennsylvania Senate hearing on anti-terrorism bulletins

The ongoing media & government cover up of using Israeli company ITRR to spy on Pennsylvanians and Tom Ridge's connections to ITRR (just like the media & govt cover up of 9/11).

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Israeli Mossad involvment in 9/11:

QUASHED investigative story: FOX exposes 9/11 Israeli Spy Ring

Another coincidence: on July 23 (2 months ago) Lisa Baker, who's "overseeing" the investigatiion of the Israeli company ITRR spying on Pennsylvanians, sponsored a citation commemorating a Zionist Camp Moshava in Pennsylvania and now she's overseeing the Israeli company ITRR spying on Pennsylvanians:

Senator Lisa Baker takes initiative to sponsor citation commemorating Zionist Camp Moshava in Pennsylvania.

PDF of citation

Here is the organization behind this camp:


BNEI AKIVA (wikipedia)

Can you believe all these coincidences??? That Tom Ridge worked with ITRR under Bush, and now is "spokesman" for the Marcellus Shale drillers and ITRR is spying on Pennsylvanians for them? And the Lisa Baker is in charge of investigating the Israeli company ITRR spying on Pennsylvanians and she just sponsored a citation commemorating a Zionist camp in Pennsylvania? I, personally, do not believe in coincidences when you start lining them up under one subject, then it becomes a pattern...not a coincidence.

Israel Blocks Jewish Activists - Democracy NOW!

Boat Busted: Israeli warships 'sink' Gaza blockade protest mission

Remember I said that "terror" would be in the "news" to wipe domestic spying out of the "news"? Well, here it is, I predicted it:

Coordinated across all networks:

Still believe the "official" 9/11 story fed to you by the media and politicians? Flight 93 Cell Call Exposed: She hangs up a land line house phone instead of hitting "end call" on a cell phone, she says tell MY kids I love them to her husband, someone whispers "you did a great job" before she hangs up the phone:

Scott Forbes 9/11 power down: The Elephant In The Room

Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell: "Today is the day that I realized that my own country is lying to me and all of my fellow Americans."

Note: I keep posting these links, but I'm going to make a separate post of the following links as a "living document" to bypass the controlled establishment mainstream media and do your own research on 9/11 and I will continually add links to the post. Someone on FaceBook said to someone (not me) talking about 9/11: "Why are you obsessed with 9/11?" Answer: it's a badge of honor to be obsessed with the TRUTH! Here's a counter question: Why ISN'T everyone obsessed with 9/11??? Especially the establishment mainstream media? Millions and millions of people do not believe the "official" story fed to us by the media and politicians, yet the media ignores this. More proof of a controlled media. That's not a story? That millions and millions of people around the world do not buy the official 9/11 fairy tale? That thousand upon thousands of real experts (not media and politicians) have put their expert reputation on the line as publicly denouncing the "official" story: engineers, architects, firemen, policemen, professors? And that NO EXPERTS say the "official" story is true? Only the media and politicians say it's true? That's not a story worthy of the mainstream media covering?

9/11: All In One Chunk

9/11 Blueprint For Truth

9/11 Mysteries (movie)

9/11 Press For Truth (movie)

FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube

47 story WTC-7 building a block away from the Twin Towers fell in 6 seconds...NOT hit by a plane

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Jane's Addiction

Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo

Weapons of Mass Deception: how the media was in bed with the military to falsely lead us into the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars

Taxi to the Dark Side

torturing Democracy

The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

The 9/11 Perpetrators Timeline

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo

Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions!


Flight 93 Cell Call Exposed

Bush says he saw 1st plane hit the Twin Towers, even though it wasn't on TV (it was on a direct feed TV to him, that's why)

Computer Programmer testifies he was commissioned by house rep to write program to hack electronic voting machines

Allman Brothers "Ain't Wastin' Time No More" (Live-2003)

...cause time goes by like pouring rain, and much faster things................

Written by Greg & Duane Allman:

Last Sunday morning, the sunshine felt like rain
The week before, they all seemed the same
With the help of God and true friends, I've come to realize
I still have two strong legs, and even wings to fly

So I, ain't wastin time no more
Cause time goes by like hurricanes, and faster things

Well, Lord, Lord, Miss Sally, why all your cryin
Been around here three long days, lookin like we're dyin
Go step yourself outside, and look up at the stars above
And go on downtown, baby, find somebody to love

Meanwhile, I ain't wastin time no more
Cause time goes by like pouring rain, and much faster things

You don't need no gypsy to tell you why
Ya can't let one precious day to slip by
Well, look inside yourself, and if you don't see what you want
Maybe sometimes then ya don't
But, leave your mind alone and just get high

Well, by and by, way after many years have gone
And all the war freaks (or "terrorists" or "police", different lyrics live all the time) die off, leavin us alone
We'll raise our children, in the peaceful way we can
It's up to you and me brother
To try and try again

So, hear us now, we ain't wastin time no more
Cause time rolls by like hurricanes
Runnin after the subway train
Don't forget the pourin rain

Colbert "keeps fear alive" - warns of MUSLIM VAMPIRES!!!!!!!!!

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Terror a New One
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionMarch to Keep Fear Alive

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Sept 28, 2010

The Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition (GDAC) has had enough of Pa. Homeland Security spying on them with the Israeli company ITRR.

In a federal lawsuit, members of a local group critical of natural gas drilling blasted Pennsylvania Director of Homeland Security James F. Powers Jr. and the nonprofit organization that included the group's activities in intelligence bulletins listing potential terrorist threats.

The suit, filed in federal court in Scranton on Monday, claims secret surveillance by Powers, the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response and its president, Michael Perelman, violated the constitutional rights of members of the Kingston-based Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition.

"State actors may not, without justification, secretly surveil the exercise of lawful and peaceful dissenting environmental activism and then incorporate the results … into reports, distributed to third parties, designed to alert law enforcement for the protection of critical infrastructure from terrorist attack without imposing an impermissible chill on protected dissenting speech," the suit states.

"Owing to contributions to political parties, office holders and land owners at the national, state and local level, the process of injecting hundreds of billions of gallons of known carcinogenic hydraulic (fracturing) fluid into the ground to extract natural gas is largely unregulated," the suit states.

"Having bought influence with many members of the political class in Pennsylvania, only (the Coalition's) grass-roots advocacy stands in the way of Marcellus gas drillers from launching a wholesale and unregulated environmental raping of Penn's Woods."

Pennsylvania Anti-drilling group GDAC sues head of Homeland Security

See the Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition's statement

Tom Ridge just happens to be the former governor of Pennsylvania and happened to have used the same Israeli spying company ITRR when he was in Bush's Homeland Security to issue FAKE color coded terror alerts and then Ridge happens to become "spokesman" for the Marcellus Shale drilling company and then ITRR happens to show up in Pennsylvania spying on driller protesters:

The ongoing media & government cover up of using Israeli company ITRR to spy on Pennsylvanians and Tom Ridge's connections to ITRR (just like the media & govt cover up of 9/11).

More proof Israeli has its hooks in all levels of government in the United States: you can't be pro-Palestine if you're an American citizen, or you're a "terrorist", too. Does our U.S. government work for US or ISRAEL???

Attorney: FBI Raids Aimed at Silencing Antiwar Activists. FBI "Took Any Documents Containing the Word Palestine"

War on Dissent: FBI Agents Raiding Peaceful Anti-War Activists. FBI counter-terrorism agents are offered perverse career incentives that pressure them to conduct actions against groups that pose no danger.

FBI Raids Homes of Antiwar and Pro-Palestinian Activists in Chicago and Minneapolis

Israel Used 'Incredible Violence' Against Gaza Aid Flotilla, Says UN Human Rights Council

Monday, September 27, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Sept 27, 2010

Here's what the real news looks like, not the bullshit on the establishment mainstream U.S. media ANBCBSNNX that we're supposed to think is "liberal". Notice Story 2, halfway through this real news, they prove the establishment mainstream media is actively censoring any news questioning the official 9/11 story they themselves "shoved down our throats" along with the U.S. government. Story 1 is the police state in Britain including workers paychecks going directly to the British government, Story 2 is the establishment mainstream media actively censoring news about 9/11, Story 3 is the Canadian cover up of the police brutality and spying on G20 protesters in Toronto. This is the real news, not THE MOSQUE, Joe the Plumber, and the rest of the non-stop lined up bullshit just meant to distract you from the real news:

UK Proposes All Paychecks Go to the State First

British children to be monitored by government in their own homes.

Britain: Every email, phone call and website visit will be monitored by the Government.

U.S.: ‘Project Censored’ watchdog was told that nothing about 9/11 will be published

Ironically, it was again Project Censored that broke this famous story that Ahmadinejad never said Israel should be wiped off the map, the same establishment mainstream media pushes this "myth" and everyone believes it. Project Censored appears to be enemy #1 of the establishment corporate owned mainstream media:

# 24 Media Misquotes Threat From Iran’s President

In this clip, watch closely how the mainstream media (CBS) still pushes the "wipe Israel off the map" Ahmadinejad myth:

Obama vs. Ahmadinejad

Project Censored is a group of college journalism students led by professors, who identify real news every year that the establishment mainstream media purposely ignores.

Actual 9/11 families don't believe the "official" 9/11 story by the mainstream media and government:

2006 poll: 70% of Americans don't believe the "official" 9/11 story by the government and media.

2004 Zogby poll: most New Yorkers don't believe the media/govt 9/11 story.

Not just Ahmadinijad: Former President of Italy: 9/11 was an Inside Job

Former German minister doesn't believe the "official" 9/11 story by the U.S. media and government:

Japanese question 9/11 "official" story by U.S. media and govt in their parliament...not covered by U.S. media, of course.

Here's 57 political leaders who don't believe the U.S. media & govt's "official" 9/11 story.

Engineers, architects, family members, pilots, professors, law enforcement, military, intelligence officials and government officials question 9/11

The purpose of the FAKE "war on terror" was to label American citizens as "terrorists" if they protest the U.S. government for anything:

The ongoing media & government cover up of using Israeli company ITRR to spy on Pennsylvanians and Tom Ridge's connections to ITRR (just like the media & govt cover up of 9/11).

Ontario Government Appoints G20 Cover-up Commission

Police Lied About Law Demanding G20 Protesters Show ID

The Star incorrectly (on purpose???) reports on G20 fence law

G20 police answer to no one.

G20 Agent Provocateurs

Clint Curtis testifies that he wrote a computer program for congressman Tom Feeney to hack electronic voting machines without detection and make anyone win 51%-49% no matter what the real votes are:

The United States of America Has Gone Mad - Democracy NOW!

How George Carlin deals with Globalism (NWO)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Sept 26, 2010

The murder and cover up by the U.S. media and government of Pat Tillman:

Pat Tillman's brother tells the truth about his death on Bill Maher's REAL TIME, how his brother was murdered by his own troops and the cover up that followed by the media and the military:

How they lied, when Pat Tillman died:

The media/government Jessica Lynch LIE:

The truth about Jessica: Her Iraqi guards had long fled, she was being well cared for - and doctors had already tried to free her. John Kampfner discovers the real story behind a modern American war myth

Papantonio & RFK, Jr. On Voter Caging in 2010 and the U.S. government targeting U.S. citizens as "terrorists" just for peacefully protesting the Marcellus Shale drilling in Pennsylvania:

Israeli Intelligence Suppressing Dissent in the United States

The ongoing media & government cover up of using Israeli company ITRR to spy on Pennsylvanians and Tom Ridge's connections to ITRR (just like the media & govt cover up of 9/11).

Who ELSE had ITRR on their payroll? (UPDATED)

ACLU Challenges Defense Department Personnel Policy To Regard Lawful Protests As “Low-Level Terrorism”

Daniel Rubin: Keeping Pennsylvanians safe, or unwarranted domestic spying?

Someone actually asks Tom Ridge about the Israeli company ITRR...but not the right question:

Driller "spokesman" and ITRR friend Tom Ridge on spying on Pennsylvanians


Rendell: "Deeply embarrassed" over spying on peaceful groups

This guy isn't mincing words or trying to be "politically correct":

ITRRs slick "JEW" site at

You know how the Israeli company ITRR is spying on Pennslyvanians for the Marcellus Shale drilling companies? SITE was an Israeli company who issued the FAKE Bin Laden videos:

SITE and Rita Katz: we make news! Literally.

Israeli-occupied U.S. congress goes to bat for Israeli spy.

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Israel: GUILTY AS CHARGED! In flotilla peace activist slaugher.

Obama "Bush"s an American Citizen.

A House Disordered - Dedicated to the lives of Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and the enduring spirit of the American people.

Chapman throws fastest pitch ever recorded

John McCain: The Dance Remix– “I don’t care what you say and what others say!”

Robert Steele: Bloggers are the new citizen journalist minutemen of our time:

CIA Officer- Robert Steele tells it like it is.

TV talking heads still pushing the FAKE "official" 9/11 story:

George Bush snagged on video tape confessing he saw the first plane hit the towers on TV...but it wasn't on OUR TV. The ONLY way for Bush to have seen it on TV, was on his secure channel in his limo. The ONLY way for that to occur, was via advance knowledge to set up the camera(s), point them at the proper tower, and open the channel to the limo so Bush could watch the show as it occurred....he goofed up:

We've been told that 9/11 changed everything. Is it true? Let's look..........

An international lawyer says many now question the truth behind the 9/11 attacks, and that American citizens are demanding an international probe into the incident.

WTC-7, a 47 story building a block from the Twin Towers, was NOT hit by a plane on 9/11. It mysteriously fell in 6 seconds controlled demolition style. Well, actually, it isn't "mysterious", it was controlled demolition planned way in advance of 9/11:

Bypass the controlled mainstream media, do your own research and you will realize the BOOB TUBE works for: war profiteers (military industrial complex), corporations, and the extreme wealthy. Why do I keep posting these links? Because the mainstream media keeps pushing the FALSE "official" story for the real perpetrators. The more they do that, the more I post these links. When I see CRAP like that video above, it infuriates me and makes me want to spread the truth about 9/11 even MORE! The mainstream media: YOUR #1 enemy:

9/11: All In One Chunk

9/11 Blueprint For Truth

9/11 Mysteries (movie)

9/11 Press For Truth (movie)

FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube

47 story WTC-7 building a block away from the Twin Towers fell in 6 seconds...NOT hit by a plane

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Jane's Addiction

Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo

Weapons of Mass Deception: how the media was in bed with the military to falsely lead us into the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars

Taxi to the Dark Side

torturing Democracy

The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

The 9/11 Perpetrators Timeline

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo

Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Sept 25, 2010

Who are "these people" Dave Chappelle is talking about? "The people" that got to him when he got famous?

Now look at what Aaron Russo says here: when you "make it big", "these people" (like the Rockefellers) "start talking to you" to either have you join them or they want to control you...exactly what Chappelle says above:

Don't listen to the mainstream media "meme" that Steven Colbert made a "circus" of congress, he's very serious about helping migrant workers:

Here's how the mainstream media works: the MSM pushes what they want you to think, rather than report simply report what Colbert said, not that it's a "circus", etc... Meanwhile, they ISOLATE real news from you. The purpose of ISOLATING real important news from you is then you either don't hear it or if you hear it, you think it wasn't important because it wasn't broadcast everywhere or people talking about it are "nuts" because it wasn't reported across the board. Who are the people who order real news to be isolated? The same people who "talked to" Dave Chappelle and Aaron Russo once they hit it big:

Look how Chuck Todd and his mainstream media stooges try to tell you what to think about Colbert, that it's a "circus", a "sideshow", he "hurt the Democrats", it "backfired"...instead of simply reporting the news:

The mainstream media "meme" from Politico: Colbert "hurt the Democrats":

Colbert knocks Dems off message

Noam Chomsky PROVES the "mainstream media" speaks for: corporations, the extreme wealthy, and war profiteers (the military industrial complex), and is NOT "liberal":

Watch the mainstream media in action in REAL TIME: Tom Ridge used the Israeli spying company ITRR at the federal level in Bush's Homeland Security for those FAKE "terror alerts". Suddenly, BOTH Tom Ridge AND ITRR show up a the STATE level in the form of Tom Ridge becoming "spokesman" for the Marcellus Shale reckless gas drillers AND ITRR is caught spying on Pennsylvanians FOR the drillers. Not a peep about this connection in the ongoing media and government cover up right before your eyes. Exactly like the 9/11 media and government cover up. Look at all the videos in this post and learn how they do it. The media and government IGNORES the connection, doesn't mention "Tom Ridge" at all, Tom Ridge is a "spokesman" who doesn't speak...then what is he doing as "spokeman" for the drilling companies???

Tom Ridge and ITRR and spying on Pennsylvanians.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Sept 24, 2010 - How Is 9/11 Relevant to the Pa. Spying???

How is 9/11 relevant to the Pa. spying???

Now you know why the U.S. Israeli occupied mainstream media demonizes Iran's Ahmadinejad: watch this speech, he says the U.S. is responsible for 9/11 on behalf of Israel. The U.S. delegates walked out during his speech, but who DIDN'T walk out? Mostly every other country DIDN'T walk out and listened to him. Time for us to bomb Iran on behalf of Israel, too:

Ahmadinejad: Most blame U.S. government for 9/11

U.S. Walks Out as Iran Leader Speaks

Mossad Did 911 Demonstration at LA Israeli Consulate

WTC-7, a 47 story building a block away from the Twin Towers, was NOT hit by a plane but yet fell demolition style (watch video below). If YOU think this magically happened, then YOU better look in the mirror and question how STUPID you are...not just on THIS subject, but question how your stupidity is ruining your entire LIFE! Because if YOU believe this building "just fell" like this magically, YOU WILL BELIEVE ANYTHING:

Not ONE PEEP from anyone about TOM RIDGE: WHERE is Marcellus Shale driller "spokesman" TOM RIDGE??? Why hasn't the media or one government official asked Tom Ridge if he is connected to ITRR's spying on Pennsylvanians? Ridge used ITRR as head of Bush's Homeland Security, now Ridge is "spokesman" for the drillers and ITRR is spying for the drillers! And it didn't cross the media's mind? Or government officials' minds? Can you say "cover up"?

In Pennsylvania, ITRR apparently considered opponents of gas drilling, and attendees at anti-BP candlelight vigils and a gay and lesbian festival to be potential terrorists.

Ongoing cover up by media and government of Tom Ridge connections to Israeli company ITRR spying on Pennsylvanians with their own tax money.

Compare the 9/11 media and government cover up to the Pa. spying cover up that's going on right before your eyes. It's the same people doing it again! The government always works hand in hand with the mainstream media. Not a PEEP anymore from the media or government officials overseeing this Pa. spying scandal about Tom Ridge or the Israeli company ITRR, even though Tom Ridge used ITRR in the Bush administration for his FAKE color coded "terror alerts" and now Ridge pops up as the spokesman for the Marcellus Shale drilling companies at the same time ITRR is caught spying on Pa. driller protesters!!! The words "Tom Ridge" have popped up ZERO times during ANY coverage of this scandal. You have to be INSANE to think that Tom Ridge used ITRR on the federal level in the Bush administration, and now BOTH Ridge and ITRR pop up on the side of the drilling companies spying on Pennsylvanians...with our own tax money to boot! Just as INSANE as to this a 47 story building "just fell" demolition style for no reason on 9/11. ARE YOU AN IDIOT??? Do I have to take you by the hand, like a child, to notice ISRAEL pops up with ANYTHING to do with 9/11 or spying on U.S. soil?

A good friend of mine who's spot on about everything he says, never talks about 9/11. I asked him why. He said that it's irrelevant because it happened almost 10 years ago. We can also keep talking about JFK, Pearl Harbor, and Abraham Lincoln's assassination. But here's why 9/11 is still relevant and will continue to be relevant: 9/11 is actually connected to the Pa. Homeland Security spying on Pennsylvanians with their own tax money! The federal Department of Homeland Security, the biggest taxpayer boondoggle "big government" entity in history, was created because of 9/11. State level departments of Homeland Security were subsequently formed. The Pa. Department of Homeland Security hired the Israeli company ITRR to spy on us for the Marcellus Shale corporations. ITRR was the company that the federal Department of Homeland Security used for Tom Ridge's FAKE color coded "terror alerts". Tom Ridge "happens" to have been hired by the Marcellus Shale drillers in Pa. as their "spokesman" who doesn't speak at the same exact time ITRR was hired by the Pa. Department of Homeland Security to spy on us. So, you tell me: is 9/11 still relevant? And all of this was made possible by The Patriot Act, which legalizes the U.S. government, U.S. state governments, and Israelis to spy on Americans on our own soil with our own tax money. So, is 9/11 still relevant? And not only that, 9/11 was orchestrated by our own government along with Israel to "blame the Muslims". And the corporate owned Israeli occupied mainstream media was and is in on it the entire time. Israel pops their head up everywhere in the U.S., don't they? But the media has us talking about THE MOSQUE! THE MOSQUE! THE MOSQUE! ........NOT about Israelis spying on Pennsylvanians. Do you see what's going on here? Do you see how you are not going to get the REAL story from the corrupted/usurped mainstream media? And you need to get the REAL story outside the mainstream media?

Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions!

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo

9/11: All In One Chunk

9/11 Blueprint For Truth

9/11 Mysteries (movie)

9/11 Press For Truth (movie)

FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube

47 story WTC-7 building a block away from the Twin Towers fell in 6 seconds...NOT hit by a plane

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Jane's Addiction

Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo

Weapons of Mass Deception: how the media was in bed with the military to falsely lead us into the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars

Taxi to the Dark Side

torturing Democracy

The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

The 9/11 Perpetrators Timeline