Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Big Dan's Big News August 31, 2010
Messenger from GOD (or false prophet) - The Glenn Beck cult, just like Jim Jones.....only with his own TV channel: FOX "news"!!!
"The secret is God": Beck sees divine influence over his 8-28 rally...attendees will "see the spirit of God unleashed"
Much of Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" weekend -- and the run-up to it -- focused on one thing: Glenn Beck. Beck introduced a Beck-sanctioned clergy group that he claimed represented "180 million people," repeatedly associated himself with Martin Luther King Jr., made outlandish claims about the impact of the events, and was praised as "one of America's most trusted and honored citizens."
REPORT: Martin Luther King would have been on Glenn Beck's chalkboard
Meltdown: Beck blasts key part of MLK's dream
Complete Coverage Of Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally
Glenn Beck Rally Attendee Exposed: Rev Wright & Obama are "MUZZLUMZ":
Bottom Line: it's OK to trash Martin Luther King and rewrite history...in IDIOT AMERICA and the previously liberal media that's been taken over by rightwingers and the GOP...that they still call liberal. Calling out to IDIOT AMERICA!!! Embarrassing MLK's legacy.
Here's where the term "drinking the Kool Aid" came from...don't fear the Reaper: Glenn Beck!!! Needs more cowbell...
Needs more cowbell:
"The secret is God": Beck sees divine influence over his 8-28 rally...attendees will "see the spirit of God unleashed"
Much of Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" weekend -- and the run-up to it -- focused on one thing: Glenn Beck. Beck introduced a Beck-sanctioned clergy group that he claimed represented "180 million people," repeatedly associated himself with Martin Luther King Jr., made outlandish claims about the impact of the events, and was praised as "one of America's most trusted and honored citizens."
REPORT: Martin Luther King would have been on Glenn Beck's chalkboard
Meltdown: Beck blasts key part of MLK's dream
Complete Coverage Of Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally
Glenn Beck Rally Attendee Exposed: Rev Wright & Obama are "MUZZLUMZ":
Bottom Line: it's OK to trash Martin Luther King and rewrite history...in IDIOT AMERICA and the previously liberal media that's been taken over by rightwingers and the GOP...that they still call liberal. Calling out to IDIOT AMERICA!!! Embarrassing MLK's legacy.
Here's where the term "drinking the Kool Aid" came from...don't fear the Reaper: Glenn Beck!!! Needs more cowbell...
Needs more cowbell:
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Big Dan's Big News August 29, 2010
Interview - Travis Bishop - Refusing to Deploy to Afghanistan
ALL evidence, ALL experts, say the "official" 9/11 story by the U.S. media and politicians is FALSE!!!
Reporting the Afghan war - examining "embedded" journalists: their role is to report FOR the military...not report ON the military:
Weapons of Mass Deception: how the "embedded" mainstream media cheerleaded us into the Iraq & Afghanistan wars, FOR the military:
Noam Chomsky PROVES the media isn't "liberal", and the mainstream media's job in a democracy is to speak for the military industrial complex, corporations, and the wealthiest few:
Today, a personal story of a national tragedy. Five years ago, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans. Abdulrahman Zeitoun, a Syrian-born New Orleans building contractor, stayed in the city while his wife and children left to Baton Rouge. He paddled the flooded streets in his canoe and helped rescue many of his stranded neighbors. Days later, armed police and National Guardsmen arrested him and accused him of being a terrorist. He was held for nearly a month, most of which he was not allowed to call his wife, Kathy. Today, in a rare broadcast interview, Abdulrahman and Kathy Zeitoun join us to tell their story, along with the man who chronicles it in the book Zeitoun, Dave Eggers.
EXCLUSIVE...Zeitoun: How a Hero in New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina Was Arrested, Labeled a Terrorist and Imprisoned
1. Asian floods
2. Ice Ice Baby
3. Hot pockets
4. Bread ban
5. Phytoplankton apocalypse
6. Intergalactic pimp
7. Under Pressure
8. If I was president
FKN New World Order news: HEADLIES TONIGHT - slight "delay" in the NWO...but they WILL get back on track...:
The TRUE attitude of Israeli's about torturing Palestinians: the FaceBook incident was NOT an isolated incident:
Media Monarchy News goes through the controlled U.S. mainstream media "news" headlines - WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING IN AFGHANISTAN???
As the far right calls for austerity, no one is thinking about a new economic model. AUSTERITY IN THE FACE OF WEAKNESS, AUSTERITY IN THE FACE OF WEAKNESS, WAGES AND THE CRISIS:
The Real Financial market with Max Keiser 8/27:
ALL evidence, ALL experts, say the "official" 9/11 story by the U.S. media and politicians is FALSE!!!
Reporting the Afghan war - examining "embedded" journalists: their role is to report FOR the military...not report ON the military:
Weapons of Mass Deception: how the "embedded" mainstream media cheerleaded us into the Iraq & Afghanistan wars, FOR the military:
Noam Chomsky PROVES the media isn't "liberal", and the mainstream media's job in a democracy is to speak for the military industrial complex, corporations, and the wealthiest few:
Today, a personal story of a national tragedy. Five years ago, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans. Abdulrahman Zeitoun, a Syrian-born New Orleans building contractor, stayed in the city while his wife and children left to Baton Rouge. He paddled the flooded streets in his canoe and helped rescue many of his stranded neighbors. Days later, armed police and National Guardsmen arrested him and accused him of being a terrorist. He was held for nearly a month, most of which he was not allowed to call his wife, Kathy. Today, in a rare broadcast interview, Abdulrahman and Kathy Zeitoun join us to tell their story, along with the man who chronicles it in the book Zeitoun, Dave Eggers.
EXCLUSIVE...Zeitoun: How a Hero in New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina Was Arrested, Labeled a Terrorist and Imprisoned
1. Asian floods
2. Ice Ice Baby
3. Hot pockets
4. Bread ban
5. Phytoplankton apocalypse
6. Intergalactic pimp
7. Under Pressure
8. If I was president
FKN New World Order news: HEADLIES TONIGHT - slight "delay" in the NWO...but they WILL get back on track...:
The TRUE attitude of Israeli's about torturing Palestinians: the FaceBook incident was NOT an isolated incident:
Media Monarchy News goes through the controlled U.S. mainstream media "news" headlines - WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING IN AFGHANISTAN???
As the far right calls for austerity, no one is thinking about a new economic model. AUSTERITY IN THE FACE OF WEAKNESS, AUSTERITY IN THE FACE OF WEAKNESS, WAGES AND THE CRISIS:
The Real Financial market with Max Keiser 8/27:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Big Dan's Big News August 25-26-27-28, 2010
I will be off for a few days, chew on the information while I'm gone.......
Here are some of the reasons I don't believe the "official" 9/11 story
Aaron Russo: 9/11 and the "war on terror" is a JOKE, a FRAUD:
WTC-7, 47 story building a block away from the Twin Towers, was NOT hit by a plane but fell in 6 seconds demolition style. This was left out of the 9/11 Commission Report cover up:
Here's what REAL EXPERTS say about the "official" 9/11 story told to us ONLY by non-expert news media and politicians, the truth by the EXPERTS (architects, engineers, scientists, professors, firemen, policemen) has caught up to the FAKERS who pushed the FAKE story:
The role of the usurped mainstream news media is to push the views of: the wealthiest few elites, the military industrial complex, and corporations...all the while calling themselves "liberal":
ALL REAL EXPERTS (not politicians and the media) debunk the official story, saying it is impossible and proving it is impossible using FACTS and SCIENCE:
9/11: All In One Chunk
9/11 Blueprint For Truth
9/11 Mysteries (movie)
9/11 Press For Truth (movie)
FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube
47 story WTC-7 building a block away from the Twin Towers fell in 6 seconds...NOT hit by a plane
Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"
Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?
Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know
Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo
Weapons of Mass Deception: how the media was in bed with the military to falsely lead us into the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars
Taxi to the Dark Side
torturing Democracy
The Rockefeller brothers built the WTC. They named the towers after themselves. They built them FULL OF ASBESTOS. These are facts.
The asbestos filled towers were a $12 – $15 BILLION liability of Dresser (see GHW Bush family). When Cheney was CEO of Halliburton, he made the world’s worst investment, acquiring Dresser just prior to the announcement of massive asbestos liability claims against it. HE KNEW in advance that he was making what on its face appeared to be a horrible investment.
As one would surmise, Halliburton’s stock was crushed upon the revelation that the asbestos liabilities that Cheney had acquired to save the Bush Family’s bacon would now cost Halliburton billions. Not to worry. The insiders had a plan – a direct quid pro quo – that REQUIRED that GW and Cheney be installed in the White House to implement. Keep in mind that throughout the Bush/Cheney administration, it was actually GHW calling all the shots.
Now let’s look a level above at who they all really work for – David Rockefeller.
Rockefeller built the towers, and they had become a massive liability of the NY Port Authority – which he surely controls from on high. The cost to dismantle the towers was astounding. The only option for a heartless oligarch was to demolish them the old fashioned way, with well placed explosives, but there was no way to get that approved, in light of the fact that lower Manhattan would be buried in asbestos-filled concrete dust. It had to look like a terrorist act. This was their ONLY cost-effective solution. In fact, it was to become a HUGE moneymaker for the globalist oligarchs, and the solution to Likud’s expansionist desire to create “Eretz Israel,” all in one slick operation.
The co-conspirators included at the outset, David Rockefeller, Ken Lay, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, all operating at the behest of GHW Bush (the owner of the CIA). Bush enlisted his co-conspirators, Mossad, to implement the attacks, and installed agents as needed (such as Dov Zakheim) to ensure its success. FYI – Ken Lay’s job was to manipulate the California energy grid to ensure that the public would demand “energy experts” be installed in the White House.
For those on the inside with knowledge of the plan and results of the “blessed event,” they will tell you that the days was a total cock-up. The fact that WTC-7 was left standing until that evening (when it was clearly brought down by nothing other than high-explosives – following an actual countdown to demolition) was directly attributable to the fact that the plane shot down on Rumsfeld’s order over Pennsylvania was then not able to reach its intended target, WTC-7.
Do you realize how many in the Secret Service can confirm the truth of these statements? Thousands. Literally every highly placed official in DC knows this to be true. They also know that they all work for Rockefeller, and they are all being blackmailed by Israel.
Don’t take my word for it. Do your own research. It’s all over the Internet. Virtually everywhere.
“Dancing Israelis” (as shown in quotes)
9/11 + raytheon
Dov Zakheim + sysplan
Rockefeller + Aaron Russo
Zelikow + Rice
Asbestos + cheney + dresser + halliburton + port authority
WTC-7 + silverstein
Anthrax + rumsfeld + zack - plunger
It's time to publish a list of politicians in the U.S. government that have dual Israeli leadership so we can question whether they're loyal to America or Israel, based on their actions:
Dual Israeli Citizenship: Loyal to WHOM???
Connect All The Dots – Solve The Entire Global Crime
CASE 1: We, The People vs. Jamie Gorelick
Fidel Castro: Osama bin Laden is a US agent
Ground Zero Islamic center’s funding leads to CFR
Here are some of the reasons I don't believe the "official" 9/11 story
- First and foremost, I'm not an idiot
- NO EXPERTS believe it
- Only politicians and the media pushed the official story, and they had it right on your TV's the instant it happened, which is impossible without first having real experts investigate it, which makes me also believe the media is corrupted
- Rudy Giuliani had all the steel immediately shipped out and melted down from a crime scene that wasn't investigated by experts yet
- No steel frame buildings EVER collapsed demolition style, due to fire, only the Twin Towers and WTC-7 (which wasn't hit by a plane)
- Heat from fire cannot attain the degree to melt steel, according to ALL scientists
- Mohammed Atta's VISA fell from the plane that hit the Twin Towers, and was found in pristine condition (impossible)
- They won't release a tape of the plane that hit the Pentagon, even though the Pentagon is the most heavily filmed thing in the history of the earth
- Cell phones couldn't have been used by passengers on the Pennsylvania flight to talk to people on the ground at that time
- Osama Bin Laden was never charged with 9/11, nor was he ever wanted by the FBI for 9/11, because they can't prove he did it
Aaron Russo: 9/11 and the "war on terror" is a JOKE, a FRAUD:
WTC-7, 47 story building a block away from the Twin Towers, was NOT hit by a plane but fell in 6 seconds demolition style. This was left out of the 9/11 Commission Report cover up:
Here's what REAL EXPERTS say about the "official" 9/11 story told to us ONLY by non-expert news media and politicians, the truth by the EXPERTS (architects, engineers, scientists, professors, firemen, policemen) has caught up to the FAKERS who pushed the FAKE story:
The role of the usurped mainstream news media is to push the views of: the wealthiest few elites, the military industrial complex, and corporations...all the while calling themselves "liberal":
ALL REAL EXPERTS (not politicians and the media) debunk the official story, saying it is impossible and proving it is impossible using FACTS and SCIENCE:
9/11: All In One Chunk
9/11 Blueprint For Truth
9/11 Mysteries (movie)
9/11 Press For Truth (movie)
FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube
47 story WTC-7 building a block away from the Twin Towers fell in 6 seconds...NOT hit by a plane
Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"
Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?
Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know
Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo
Weapons of Mass Deception: how the media was in bed with the military to falsely lead us into the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars
Taxi to the Dark Side
torturing Democracy
The Rockefeller brothers built the WTC. They named the towers after themselves. They built them FULL OF ASBESTOS. These are facts.
The asbestos filled towers were a $12 – $15 BILLION liability of Dresser (see GHW Bush family). When Cheney was CEO of Halliburton, he made the world’s worst investment, acquiring Dresser just prior to the announcement of massive asbestos liability claims against it. HE KNEW in advance that he was making what on its face appeared to be a horrible investment.
As one would surmise, Halliburton’s stock was crushed upon the revelation that the asbestos liabilities that Cheney had acquired to save the Bush Family’s bacon would now cost Halliburton billions. Not to worry. The insiders had a plan – a direct quid pro quo – that REQUIRED that GW and Cheney be installed in the White House to implement. Keep in mind that throughout the Bush/Cheney administration, it was actually GHW calling all the shots.
Now let’s look a level above at who they all really work for – David Rockefeller.
Rockefeller built the towers, and they had become a massive liability of the NY Port Authority – which he surely controls from on high. The cost to dismantle the towers was astounding. The only option for a heartless oligarch was to demolish them the old fashioned way, with well placed explosives, but there was no way to get that approved, in light of the fact that lower Manhattan would be buried in asbestos-filled concrete dust. It had to look like a terrorist act. This was their ONLY cost-effective solution. In fact, it was to become a HUGE moneymaker for the globalist oligarchs, and the solution to Likud’s expansionist desire to create “Eretz Israel,” all in one slick operation.
The co-conspirators included at the outset, David Rockefeller, Ken Lay, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, all operating at the behest of GHW Bush (the owner of the CIA). Bush enlisted his co-conspirators, Mossad, to implement the attacks, and installed agents as needed (such as Dov Zakheim) to ensure its success. FYI – Ken Lay’s job was to manipulate the California energy grid to ensure that the public would demand “energy experts” be installed in the White House.
For those on the inside with knowledge of the plan and results of the “blessed event,” they will tell you that the days was a total cock-up. The fact that WTC-7 was left standing until that evening (when it was clearly brought down by nothing other than high-explosives – following an actual countdown to demolition) was directly attributable to the fact that the plane shot down on Rumsfeld’s order over Pennsylvania was then not able to reach its intended target, WTC-7.
Do you realize how many in the Secret Service can confirm the truth of these statements? Thousands. Literally every highly placed official in DC knows this to be true. They also know that they all work for Rockefeller, and they are all being blackmailed by Israel.
Don’t take my word for it. Do your own research. It’s all over the Internet. Virtually everywhere.
“Dancing Israelis” (as shown in quotes)
9/11 + raytheon
Dov Zakheim + sysplan
Rockefeller + Aaron Russo
Zelikow + Rice
Asbestos + cheney + dresser + halliburton + port authority
WTC-7 + silverstein
Anthrax + rumsfeld + zack - plunger
It's time to publish a list of politicians in the U.S. government that have dual Israeli leadership so we can question whether they're loyal to America or Israel, based on their actions:
Dual Israeli Citizenship: Loyal to WHOM???
Connect All The Dots – Solve The Entire Global Crime
CASE 1: We, The People vs. Jamie Gorelick
Fidel Castro: Osama bin Laden is a US agent
Ground Zero Islamic center’s funding leads to CFR

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Big Dan's Big News August 23-24, 2010
Leave it to Comedy Central to tell us that the same guy who funds the Mosque...funds FOX "news"!!!!!!!!!! So, will Tea Partiers and protesters protest FOX "news" as a "terrorist organization"? Naaaaah!!!! They're brain dead "American Idiots"!
The not Mosque at not Ground Zero brain dead American idiot hatemonger protesters harass black guy who looks like a Muslim...but isn't. Black? Muslim? Same difference. Can you say "lynch mob"????
Black Man Accosted At 'Mosque' Protest (extensive video, Cenk is the ONLY one who tells you EVERYTHING the black man said in the conversation...):
Glenn Greenwald: Opponents of the Park51 Islamic community center held a rally yesterday in Lower Manhattan, and a 4-minute video, posted below, reveals the true sentiments behind this campaign. It has little to do with The Hallowed Ground of the World Trade Center -- that's just the pretext -- and everything to do with animosity toward Muslims.
Glenn Greenwald explains on the Dylan Ratigan Show:
Pap and Ed Schultz Expose Fox News' Mosque Funding &
The "right" = American Idiots:
Republican Ron Paul for the Mosque:
Ron Paul breaks with GOP on New York mosque: The opposition ‘is all about hate and Islamaphobia.’
Scaring White People For Fun & Profit!
How long will before they call for all Muslims to wear crescents on their clothing?
Alan Grayson And Al Sharpton Talk About the GOP's Smear Tactics
'Ground Zero' Mosque Protest: Evil Center or Blind Anger?
NY (R): Let The Poor Live In Prison
Countdown: David Cay Johnston dismembers McConnell's Bush Tax Cut argument
Billionaire Koch family behind many rightwing "grassroots" projects:
Charles And David Koch Exposed For Insidious Role In Crafting The Modern Right
David H. Koch Charles are lifelong libertarians and have quietly given more than a hundred million dollars to right-wing causes.
Why do Americans only talk about rightwing talking points in the so-called "liberal media"? Everything from stoking up hatred towards Muslims, blacks, hispanics, women, Mosques, the unemployed, intellectuals, colleges and universities, welfare recipients...and ginning up support for tax cuts for the rich, raising the Social Secutiry retirement age, continuing the wars, continuing paying $2.5 BILLION a week taxpayer money for the wars. Who is on the so-called "liberal media"? Dick and Liz Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and rightwing, GOP pundits. Here's why: rightwing billionaires have financed FOX "news", rightwing think tanks such as CATO Institute, pundits such as Rush Limbaugh, and have taken over what was the "liberal media"...all the while having their guys still call it the "liberal media" (see the Koch family story above, too):
The Republican Noise Machine
David Brock, the reformed conservative noise-maker, on how the Right has sabotaged journalism, democracy, and truth.
As a young journalist in the 1990s, David Brock was a key cog the Republican noise machine. Writing for the American Spectator, a conservative magazine funded by billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, Brock gained fame for his attack pieces on Anita Hill and President Bill Clinton. Then, in 2002, Brock came clean. In his memoir, Blinded by the Right, Brock admitted that his work was based on lies and distortion, and part of a coordinated smear campaign funded by wealthy right wing groups to discredit Clinton and confuse the public.
Since then, Brock has continued to expose the conservative media onslaught. In his newest book, The Republican Noise Machine, Brock documents how right-wing groups pressure the media and spread misinformation to the public. It's easy to see how this is done.
Fringe conspiracies and stories will be kept alive by outlets like Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Times, and the Drudge Report, until they finally break into the mainstream media.
Media groups like Brent Bozell's Media Research Center have spent 30 years convincing the public that the media is, in fact, liberal. As Brock says, it's all a sham: "I have seen, and I know firsthand, indeed from my own pen, how the organized Right has sabotaged not only journalism but also democracy and truth."
The Republican Noise Machine
David Brock's MediaMatters.org
Noam Chomsky: "The Myth of the 'Liberal Media' - Manufacturing Consent" -
Pentagon May Be Behind False Rape Charges! Julian Assange WikiLeaks Founder
I've been saying this forever: the goal of police brutality is to stop legit protesters. Notice the police don't stop Mosque protesters?
G20 Police Are TERRORISTS!
Keiser Report: Global Death Spiral
Aaron Russo: the whole "war on terror" is a FRAUD, a JOKE:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
The Parent Company Trap | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
The not Mosque at not Ground Zero brain dead American idiot hatemonger protesters harass black guy who looks like a Muslim...but isn't. Black? Muslim? Same difference. Can you say "lynch mob"????
Black Man Accosted At 'Mosque' Protest (extensive video, Cenk is the ONLY one who tells you EVERYTHING the black man said in the conversation...):
Glenn Greenwald: Opponents of the Park51 Islamic community center held a rally yesterday in Lower Manhattan, and a 4-minute video, posted below, reveals the true sentiments behind this campaign. It has little to do with The Hallowed Ground of the World Trade Center -- that's just the pretext -- and everything to do with animosity toward Muslims.
Glenn Greenwald explains on the Dylan Ratigan Show:
Pap and Ed Schultz Expose Fox News' Mosque Funding &
The "right" = American Idiots:
Republican Ron Paul for the Mosque:
Ron Paul breaks with GOP on New York mosque: The opposition ‘is all about hate and Islamaphobia.’
Scaring White People For Fun & Profit!
How long will before they call for all Muslims to wear crescents on their clothing?
Alan Grayson And Al Sharpton Talk About the GOP's Smear Tactics
'Ground Zero' Mosque Protest: Evil Center or Blind Anger?
NY (R): Let The Poor Live In Prison
Countdown: David Cay Johnston dismembers McConnell's Bush Tax Cut argument
Billionaire Koch family behind many rightwing "grassroots" projects:
Charles And David Koch Exposed For Insidious Role In Crafting The Modern Right
David H. Koch Charles are lifelong libertarians and have quietly given more than a hundred million dollars to right-wing causes.
Why do Americans only talk about rightwing talking points in the so-called "liberal media"? Everything from stoking up hatred towards Muslims, blacks, hispanics, women, Mosques, the unemployed, intellectuals, colleges and universities, welfare recipients...and ginning up support for tax cuts for the rich, raising the Social Secutiry retirement age, continuing the wars, continuing paying $2.5 BILLION a week taxpayer money for the wars. Who is on the so-called "liberal media"? Dick and Liz Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and rightwing, GOP pundits. Here's why: rightwing billionaires have financed FOX "news", rightwing think tanks such as CATO Institute, pundits such as Rush Limbaugh, and have taken over what was the "liberal media"...all the while having their guys still call it the "liberal media" (see the Koch family story above, too):
The Republican Noise Machine

As a young journalist in the 1990s, David Brock was a key cog the Republican noise machine. Writing for the American Spectator, a conservative magazine funded by billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, Brock gained fame for his attack pieces on Anita Hill and President Bill Clinton. Then, in 2002, Brock came clean. In his memoir, Blinded by the Right, Brock admitted that his work was based on lies and distortion, and part of a coordinated smear campaign funded by wealthy right wing groups to discredit Clinton and confuse the public.
Since then, Brock has continued to expose the conservative media onslaught. In his newest book, The Republican Noise Machine, Brock documents how right-wing groups pressure the media and spread misinformation to the public. It's easy to see how this is done.
Fringe conspiracies and stories will be kept alive by outlets like Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Times, and the Drudge Report, until they finally break into the mainstream media.
Media groups like Brent Bozell's Media Research Center have spent 30 years convincing the public that the media is, in fact, liberal. As Brock says, it's all a sham: "I have seen, and I know firsthand, indeed from my own pen, how the organized Right has sabotaged not only journalism but also democracy and truth."
The Republican Noise Machine
David Brock's MediaMatters.org
Noam Chomsky: "The Myth of the 'Liberal Media' - Manufacturing Consent" -
Pentagon May Be Behind False Rape Charges! Julian Assange WikiLeaks Founder
I've been saying this forever: the goal of police brutality is to stop legit protesters. Notice the police don't stop Mosque protesters?
G20 Police Are TERRORISTS!
Keiser Report: Global Death Spiral
Aaron Russo: the whole "war on terror" is a FRAUD, a JOKE:

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Big Dan's Big News August 21-22, 2010
The Big Picture about FOX "news":
Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.
The 'Ground Zero Mosque' and the Hypnotic Power of Republican Race-Baiting...
FACT CHECK: Islam already part of WTC neighborhood
Before the Mosque was bad, it was "OK" to conservatives back in this December clip...before they decided to flip the switch on their sheeple followers:
Here's when rightwing media and the GOP decided to flip the switch:
Above: Pam Geller pictured with her female hatemonger protege Ann Coulter.
How the "ground zero mosque" fear mongering began. A viciously anti-Muslim blogger, the New York Post and the right-wing media machine: How it all went down
Instead of talking about the Mosque, let's talk about who let 9/11 happen: the Bush administration!
Charlton Heston back the Mosque:
From his cold, dead mouth, Charlton Heston supports the Mosque:
Well, actually it was his speech saying that despite the tragedy of the Columbine shootings, all gun owners shouldn't be demonized and they should still give their annual convention next to Columbine, despite cries of being insensitive. Just as conservatives won't tell about Republican president Eisenhower's "beware of the military industrial complex" speech, they won't tell you about this speech from their hero Charlton Heston:
Charlton Heston: Hearts to heal, evil to defeat: Charlton Heston's address to Denver NRA meeting - By Charlton Heston
The worst video ever: We've got to stop the Mosque, complete with country music twang to appeal to rednecks -
Troops Punished After Refusing to Attend Evangelical Concert
Senator Al Franken: Net Neutrality biggest issue since freedom of religion -
Franken tells FCC: Without ‘Net Neutrality’, a ‘handful’ of corporations will control the Web
Family On Camping Outing Pulled Over On Freeway, Handcuffed On Ground
NYPD Undercover COP Threatens Cameraman with Rape
How appropriate: your democracy is PAC-MAN...in case you haven't noticed, we don't have a democracy with proven easily hackable electronic voting machines -
Pac-Man Hacked Onto a Touch-Screen Voting Machine Without Breaking 'Tamper-Evident' Seals. Same systems to be used by millions of voters this November...This is your Sequoia touch-screen voting machine....
San Diego Woman WikiActivated by 'Collateral Murder' Video: "I think he's a hero and we should all recognize that. ... I think we are starting to understand the war in a way we never understood before. ... If we don't know what's going on in Afghanistan, how can we possibly make decisions about whether or not we should be there? I believe I am a patriot. I'm standing up for the best interest of America." -- Loraine Reitman, Bradley Manning Support Network
Wikileaks founders arrested for rape. Wikileaks grundare Julian Assange söks av svensk polis. Wikileaks founders Julian Assange sought by Swedish police. - He is charged in his absence, confirming Mary Häljebo Kjell Beach, duty prosecutor in Stockholm City, to Expressen.
Wikileaks’ Assange: Pentagon may be behind rape claims
Tea Party "patriots" OK with U.S. govt & media taken over by Israeli Zionists...just not Muslims!!!
9/11 cover up artist in charge of the BP oil spill claims.
Don't forget, it's OK for people with ties to foreign countries to be in the U.S. government...as long as their ties are to Israel!!!
Gulf Coast on edge as 9/11 mediator assesses oil spill claims
Who is the BP claims mediator Kenneth Feinberg and his wife?
Zionist Kenneth Feinberg, 9/11 Cover Up Agent, to Administer BP's $20 Billion Claim Fund
The history of 9/11 cover up artist Zionist Kenneth Feinberg
Israeli murderer not a "terrorist"…because he's Israeli. If he was a Muslim, then the media would say he was a "terrorist".
Why is Orly Taitz in Israel Two Days After Submitting a Forged Obama Birth Certificate to a US Federal Court?
People with dual-Israeli citizenship should NOT be in the U.S. government, and there are LOTS of them:
Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?
Could this be the reason for the anti-Muslim/pro-Israeli bias in the U.S. media?
Think The Zionist Control Of Media Is An Anti-Semitic Myth ?
The latest FAKE terrorist "news"…...
Revenge of the Nerds: Partying with the boys of Im Tirtzu. The faces, and t-shirts, of the "second Zionist revolution."
Israeli PM Netanyahu's unguarded talk on video: How I destroyed the Oslo Accords, and how easily Americans are manipulated
marsdragon August 21st, 2010 at 5:40 am
In response to EdwardTeller @ 124
Thanks for your post EdwardTeller! I always love reading your diaries, and your comments. I would concur with your analysis. I didn’t want to start dishing out on Rayne, and in my comment I was not taking sides with anyone here. But I do make the same point as you. Perhaps this was a misunderstanding on the part of some as to Rayne’s intentions. Until I see my posts and comments “disappear” and my favorite links broken, I will not jump to the conclusion that Jane or FDL or Rayne have been targeted by CAMERA or the Foxman ADL or AIPAC or others to shut down the I/P debate. I will hope that no matter the pressure exerted by a foreign intelligence agency upon US Citizens to freely express their political opinions, trade in facts, and discuss relevant current events, that we will continue to resist such pressure and hold true to our First Amendment.
It is disturbing to me that a foreign nation can exert so much influence over our elected representatives. IT is no comfort to see that our largest media outlets can also be so easily bought and silenced. But when it starts to impact our individual rights as citizens to speak, then I think the real curtain starts to fall. People will begin to finally realize (who haven’t already) that something nefarious has taken place.
I am Jewish (well, the State of Israel won’t recognize it) as is my wife (who the State of Israel not only DOES recognize, but because she is a Citizen, my children are subject to being drafted into the IDF upon return at 18 if we don’t get them exempted). So, I know first hand how hateful and spiteful the regime in Israel has become on matters of Orthodoxy and “true” Jewishness. My marriage would not be recognized in Israel (well, none of my Rabbi’s marriages would be recognized there, even though he spent most of his adult life training and becoming ordained, and even though he is as “ethnically pure” as it gets… but because he wears the robes of the Reform tradition, he is not welcome).
I could go on, with more bitter herbs in my mouth over how “second-class” I’ve been treated by the Israeli consulate here in this nation, but I will leave it at that for now. Let me just say that the descent of Israel into this madness should be opposed by all of us within the Tribe or without (depending on who’s specific defintion of “Jewish” you want to use… mine and my wife’s, or the Orthodox rabbinate that now runs Israel). The same can be said for whose definition of Zionist you want to use.
I have a father in law in Israel who settled in the Kibbutz at the age of 15, with his future wife, fleeing a Germany that had itself descended into madness. He did not settle in ISrael and help found that Kibbutz on the grounds of racial superiority, hatred, or apartheid. He is in his last days, and he has openly said he wants to just be done. He is so tired and sick of what has happened to the nation he helped settle, he is so upset and feels betrayed by how much of the dream of a democratic, religiously tolerant nation has turned into a mirror image of what he fled.
Those are his words. Not that he has many words left these days. This was not what he fought for. And I have to agree. And I have to ask my fellow Americans if the current state of our nation is what we fought for? Is it what our ancestors fought for? Was the intimidation of America by an Orthodox Jewish rabbinate what we fought for?
The two states of America and Israel are not intricately intertwined with one another. Our fates are becoming collective and shared. We are fighting wars with American blood for the sake of Israeli regional hegemony. The left and more dovish members of the Israeli citizenry (and those denied such citizenship) are in the same boat as the “professional left” of America. Despised, vilified, and on the run.
So, until FDL shuts me down, I hold out hope that FDL is staying true to the mission, and I will give Rayne the benefit of the doubt that this was a misunderstanding through a digital medium and that the intention was not to shut down this thread. I notice we are all stilll posting and being allowed to use links, so my hope is being confirmed by the actions of the editor so far.
Fidel Castro fascinated by book on Bilderberg Club
MATT SIMMONS dead - Heart attack WEAPON by the ELITES?
LA Times corporation sides with another corporation, Target, against MoveOn.org's Target advertizement, and also adds that they were for the military against MoveOn's Petraeus ad. What a shocker! This blog is all about pointing out that the mainstream media is controlled and represents 3 things: the wealthiest, corporations, and the military industrial complex...and is not "liberal". "Liberals" don't own the mainstream media, 5 corporations own it. How many times have I said that? You can search my blog. So, what a shocker that the LA Times editorial backs Target and General Petraeus vs. MoveOn. I hope you are starting to believe me.
The LA Times thinks it's "distasteful" that MoveOn attacks Target for giving $$$ to an anti-gay candidate...but the actual anti-gay candidate and Target aren't "distasteful" and thanks to the activist conservative supreme court, corporations are "people" who can give unlimited $$$ to candidates, but that's not "distasteful" either:
LA Times: A distasteful move by MoveOn.org
This was always my favorite Brothers' Gibb (the Bee Gee's) song, pre-disco: Nights On Broadway:
Bee Gees - I Started a Joke
Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.
The 'Ground Zero Mosque' and the Hypnotic Power of Republican Race-Baiting...
FACT CHECK: Islam already part of WTC neighborhood
Before the Mosque was bad, it was "OK" to conservatives back in this December clip...before they decided to flip the switch on their sheeple followers:
Here's when rightwing media and the GOP decided to flip the switch:
Above: Pam Geller pictured with her female hatemonger protege Ann Coulter.
How the "ground zero mosque" fear mongering began. A viciously anti-Muslim blogger, the New York Post and the right-wing media machine: How it all went down
Instead of talking about the Mosque, let's talk about who let 9/11 happen: the Bush administration!
Charlton Heston back the Mosque:
From his cold, dead mouth, Charlton Heston supports the Mosque:
Charlton Heston: "It is forgotten that we are first, Americans. I am asking all of us on both sides to take one step back from the edge. Then another step. And another. However many it takes to get back to that place where we are all Americans. Different, imperfect, diverse, but one nation, indivisible. This cycle of tragedy-driven hatred must stop. Because so much more connects us than that which divides us. And because tragedy has been and will always be with us. Somewhere right now evil people are planning evil things. All of us will do everything meaningful, everything we can do to prevent it. But each horrible act can't become an axe for opportunists to cleave the very bill of rights that binds us. America must stop this predictable pattern of reaction, when an isolated terrible event occurs...Now, if you disagree, that's your right. I respect that. But we will not relinquish it or be silenced about it, or be told, "Do not come here. You are unwelcome in your own land." Let us go from this place, from this huge room, renewed in spirit and dedicated against hatred. We have work to do, hearts to heal, evil to defeat, and a country to unite. We may have differences, and we will again suffer tragedy almost beyond description. But when the sun sets on Denver tonight, and forever more, let it always set on We, the People. Secure in our land of the free and home of the brave. "
Well, actually it was his speech saying that despite the tragedy of the Columbine shootings, all gun owners shouldn't be demonized and they should still give their annual convention next to Columbine, despite cries of being insensitive. Just as conservatives won't tell about Republican president Eisenhower's "beware of the military industrial complex" speech, they won't tell you about this speech from their hero Charlton Heston:
Charlton Heston: Hearts to heal, evil to defeat: Charlton Heston's address to Denver NRA meeting - By Charlton Heston
The worst video ever: We've got to stop the Mosque, complete with country music twang to appeal to rednecks -
Troops Punished After Refusing to Attend Evangelical Concert
Senator Al Franken: Net Neutrality biggest issue since freedom of religion -
Franken tells FCC: Without ‘Net Neutrality’, a ‘handful’ of corporations will control the Web
Family On Camping Outing Pulled Over On Freeway, Handcuffed On Ground
NYPD Undercover COP Threatens Cameraman with Rape
How appropriate: your democracy is PAC-MAN...in case you haven't noticed, we don't have a democracy with proven easily hackable electronic voting machines -
Pac-Man Hacked Onto a Touch-Screen Voting Machine Without Breaking 'Tamper-Evident' Seals. Same systems to be used by millions of voters this November...This is your Sequoia touch-screen voting machine....
San Diego Woman WikiActivated by 'Collateral Murder' Video: "I think he's a hero and we should all recognize that. ... I think we are starting to understand the war in a way we never understood before. ... If we don't know what's going on in Afghanistan, how can we possibly make decisions about whether or not we should be there? I believe I am a patriot. I'm standing up for the best interest of America." -- Loraine Reitman, Bradley Manning Support Network
Wikileaks founders arrested for rape. Wikileaks grundare Julian Assange söks av svensk polis. Wikileaks founders Julian Assange sought by Swedish police. - He is charged in his absence, confirming Mary Häljebo Kjell Beach, duty prosecutor in Stockholm City, to Expressen.
Wikileaks’ Assange: Pentagon may be behind rape claims
Tea Party "patriots" OK with U.S. govt & media taken over by Israeli Zionists...just not Muslims!!!
9/11 cover up artist in charge of the BP oil spill claims.
Don't forget, it's OK for people with ties to foreign countries to be in the U.S. government...as long as their ties are to Israel!!!
Gulf Coast on edge as 9/11 mediator assesses oil spill claims
Who is the BP claims mediator Kenneth Feinberg and his wife?
Zionist Kenneth Feinberg, 9/11 Cover Up Agent, to Administer BP's $20 Billion Claim Fund
The history of 9/11 cover up artist Zionist Kenneth Feinberg
Israeli murderer not a "terrorist"…because he's Israeli. If he was a Muslim, then the media would say he was a "terrorist".
Why is Orly Taitz in Israel Two Days After Submitting a Forged Obama Birth Certificate to a US Federal Court?
People with dual-Israeli citizenship should NOT be in the U.S. government, and there are LOTS of them:
Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?
Could this be the reason for the anti-Muslim/pro-Israeli bias in the U.S. media?
Think The Zionist Control Of Media Is An Anti-Semitic Myth ?
The latest FAKE terrorist "news"…...
Revenge of the Nerds: Partying with the boys of Im Tirtzu. The faces, and t-shirts, of the "second Zionist revolution."
Israeli PM Netanyahu's unguarded talk on video: How I destroyed the Oslo Accords, and how easily Americans are manipulated
marsdragon August 21st, 2010 at 5:40 am
In response to EdwardTeller @ 124
Thanks for your post EdwardTeller! I always love reading your diaries, and your comments. I would concur with your analysis. I didn’t want to start dishing out on Rayne, and in my comment I was not taking sides with anyone here. But I do make the same point as you. Perhaps this was a misunderstanding on the part of some as to Rayne’s intentions. Until I see my posts and comments “disappear” and my favorite links broken, I will not jump to the conclusion that Jane or FDL or Rayne have been targeted by CAMERA or the Foxman ADL or AIPAC or others to shut down the I/P debate. I will hope that no matter the pressure exerted by a foreign intelligence agency upon US Citizens to freely express their political opinions, trade in facts, and discuss relevant current events, that we will continue to resist such pressure and hold true to our First Amendment.
It is disturbing to me that a foreign nation can exert so much influence over our elected representatives. IT is no comfort to see that our largest media outlets can also be so easily bought and silenced. But when it starts to impact our individual rights as citizens to speak, then I think the real curtain starts to fall. People will begin to finally realize (who haven’t already) that something nefarious has taken place.
I am Jewish (well, the State of Israel won’t recognize it) as is my wife (who the State of Israel not only DOES recognize, but because she is a Citizen, my children are subject to being drafted into the IDF upon return at 18 if we don’t get them exempted). So, I know first hand how hateful and spiteful the regime in Israel has become on matters of Orthodoxy and “true” Jewishness. My marriage would not be recognized in Israel (well, none of my Rabbi’s marriages would be recognized there, even though he spent most of his adult life training and becoming ordained, and even though he is as “ethnically pure” as it gets… but because he wears the robes of the Reform tradition, he is not welcome).
I could go on, with more bitter herbs in my mouth over how “second-class” I’ve been treated by the Israeli consulate here in this nation, but I will leave it at that for now. Let me just say that the descent of Israel into this madness should be opposed by all of us within the Tribe or without (depending on who’s specific defintion of “Jewish” you want to use… mine and my wife’s, or the Orthodox rabbinate that now runs Israel). The same can be said for whose definition of Zionist you want to use.
I have a father in law in Israel who settled in the Kibbutz at the age of 15, with his future wife, fleeing a Germany that had itself descended into madness. He did not settle in ISrael and help found that Kibbutz on the grounds of racial superiority, hatred, or apartheid. He is in his last days, and he has openly said he wants to just be done. He is so tired and sick of what has happened to the nation he helped settle, he is so upset and feels betrayed by how much of the dream of a democratic, religiously tolerant nation has turned into a mirror image of what he fled.
Those are his words. Not that he has many words left these days. This was not what he fought for. And I have to agree. And I have to ask my fellow Americans if the current state of our nation is what we fought for? Is it what our ancestors fought for? Was the intimidation of America by an Orthodox Jewish rabbinate what we fought for?
The two states of America and Israel are not intricately intertwined with one another. Our fates are becoming collective and shared. We are fighting wars with American blood for the sake of Israeli regional hegemony. The left and more dovish members of the Israeli citizenry (and those denied such citizenship) are in the same boat as the “professional left” of America. Despised, vilified, and on the run.
So, until FDL shuts me down, I hold out hope that FDL is staying true to the mission, and I will give Rayne the benefit of the doubt that this was a misunderstanding through a digital medium and that the intention was not to shut down this thread. I notice we are all stilll posting and being allowed to use links, so my hope is being confirmed by the actions of the editor so far.
Fidel Castro fascinated by book on Bilderberg Club
MATT SIMMONS dead - Heart attack WEAPON by the ELITES?
LA Times corporation sides with another corporation, Target, against MoveOn.org's Target advertizement, and also adds that they were for the military against MoveOn's Petraeus ad. What a shocker! This blog is all about pointing out that the mainstream media is controlled and represents 3 things: the wealthiest, corporations, and the military industrial complex...and is not "liberal". "Liberals" don't own the mainstream media, 5 corporations own it. How many times have I said that? You can search my blog. So, what a shocker that the LA Times editorial backs Target and General Petraeus vs. MoveOn. I hope you are starting to believe me.
The LA Times thinks it's "distasteful" that MoveOn attacks Target for giving $$$ to an anti-gay candidate...but the actual anti-gay candidate and Target aren't "distasteful" and thanks to the activist conservative supreme court, corporations are "people" who can give unlimited $$$ to candidates, but that's not "distasteful" either:
LA Times: A distasteful move by MoveOn.org
This was always my favorite Brothers' Gibb (the Bee Gee's) song, pre-disco: Nights On Broadway:
Bee Gees - I Started a Joke

Friday, August 20, 2010
Big Dan's Big News August 20, 2010 - News for Retards (or RETAAAAAHDs, as they would say in Boston)
The dumbing down of America: "News" for retards - The Mosque (that's not a Mosque) at Ground Zero (that's not at Ground Zero) on the liberal media (that's not liberal) is going to be a terrorist training headquarters and is connected to Iran...because a guy on FOX "news" held up a giant index card he made with yellow highlights that said so...pretty soon, the only people who watch FOX "news" will be people with 2nd grade mentality who believe some guy holding up a hand printed highlighted index card he made himself is "news". Here's what retards think: we should attack IRAN because some guy on FOX "news" held up an index card on which he printed "IRAN" and highlighted it in yellow. Or maybe Glenn Beck wrote "IRAN" on a chalkboard or "ALLAH", so we should attack them. The people who are insensitive toward Muslims, gays, lesbians, blacks, hispanics, women, the unemployed...say it's insensitive to the 9/11 victims to build a Mosque! They are never insensitive! Only if you control the media, can you get away with saying something so asinine that goes unchallenged. You know how people on the right, Tea Partiers, etc...are always whining that the left are "intellectuals" making fun of them? The fact is we're just "average". But to a RETAAAAAHD who watches "news" with guys writing on index cards and Glenn Beck writing on a chalkboard, I guess "average" seems like "intellectual". I now think I understand what they mean when they call us "intellectuals" (re: NOT RETARDED like they are). Maybe no one's telling them they're FUCKING RETARDS! Maybe that's the problem! They have us convinced we can't say the truth about them or we're "insensitive intellectuals". While they're busy with their insensitive non-stop attacks against their fellow Americans who are Muslims, gays, lesbians, hispanics, blacks, women, the unemployed...maybe we should be calling them what they are: FUCKING RETARDS!!! Maybe that'll stop 'em!!!
Above right: the "mosque" is tied to IRAN, because that guy held up an index card he hand printed that said "IRAN" on it highlighted in yellow........because he thinks you're retarded!!! (who's the hot "news" chick with him, btw?) He has his sleeves rolled up, so he must be a "regular Joe 6-pack" that you can believe!
"News" on FOX "news" is now guys writing on index card and chalkboards for 2nd graders and retarded adults - stick figures and drawings are easier to understand for retards...look at the scary ALLAH that Glenn Beck drew...BOOOO!!!! SCARED YA:
American Idiots' ongoing FREAK SHOW: After defending bigot Dr. Laura, Sarah Palin, the perfect leader for the bigots, will help bigot Glenn Beck "reclaim the civil rights movement"
News Ethics: Can Ruppert Murdoch's News Corps "news" outlets be unbiased and full disclosure (FOX "news", Dow Jones, NY Post), if they just gave ONE MILLION DOLLARS to the Republican Governors' Association?
Journalism ethics experts and news veterans are criticizing News Corp. for its $1 million contribution to the Republican Governors Association, saying it is the height of conflict of interest. Some also said the company's news outlets at Fox News, Dow Jones and the New York Post will likely not be able to offer the amount of disclosure needed to clearly inform the public on related stories.
The head of FOX "news" is Roger Ailes.
WIKIPEDIA: Roger Eugene Ailes (born May 15, 1940) is the American president of Fox News Channel and chairman of the Fox Television Stations Group. He was a media consultant for Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989.
A former executive editor of the New York Times has charged the president of Fox News, Roger Ailes, with "using the network to conduct a propaganda campaign against the Obama administration -- a campaign without precedent in our modern political history."
"Through clever use of the Fox News Channel and its cadre of raucous commentators, Ailes has overturned standards of fairness and objectivity that have guided American print and broadcast journalists since World War II," Howell Raines wrote in an op-ed in the Washington Post.
"Yet, many members of my profession seem to stand by in silence as Ailes tears up the rulebook that served this country well as we covered the major stories of the past three generations, from the civil rights revolution to Watergate to the Wall Street scandals," Raines continued.
Fmr. NYT editor: Fox running ‘propaganda campaign’ against Obama
Washington Post: Why don't honest journalists take on Roger Ailes and Fox News?
Fox News and Bill O'Reilly have denied knowing until this week that right-wing website Newsmax was using an interview with O'Reilly to sell its financial schemes. But Newsmax has used O'Reilly to sell financial products for months, and Fox News' Dick Morris has shilled for various Newsmax schemes for years.
The Republican Noise Machine
David Brock, the reformed conservative noise-maker, on how the Right has sabotaged journalism, democracy, and truth.
As a young journalist in the 1990s, David Brock was a key cog the Republican noise machine. Writing for the American Spectator, a conservative magazine funded by billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, Brock gained fame for his attack pieces on Anita Hill and President Bill Clinton. Then, in 2002, Brock came clean. In his memoir, Blinded by the Right, Brock admitted that his work was based on lies and distortion, and part of a coordinated smear campaign funded by wealthy right wing groups to discredit Clinton and confuse the public.
Since then, Brock has continued to expose the conservative media onslaught. In his newest book, The Republican Noise Machine, Brock documents how right-wing groups pressure the media and spread misinformation to the public. It's easy to see how this is done.
Fringe conspiracies and stories will be kept alive by outlets like Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Times, and the Drudge Report, until they finally break into the mainstream media.
Media groups like Brent Bozell's Media Research Center have spent 30 years convincing the public that the media is, in fact, liberal. As Brock says, it's all a sham: "I have seen, and I know firsthand, indeed from my own pen, how the organized Right has sabotaged not only journalism but also democracy and truth."
The Republican Noise Machine
David Brock's MediaMatters.org
Noam Chomsky: "The Myth of the 'Liberal Media' - Manufacturing Consent" -
If the media is "liberal", and they have 8 years of hundreds if not thousands of video clips of George W. Bush extolling the virtues of Islam and Muslims, why aren't they playing them??? Have you seen these on TV? Or do you see Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich Mosque-bashing? George W. Bush can be found ducking the media on this issue.
President George W. Bush said "Islam is a noble faith"
"Islam brings hope and comfort",says President George W.Bush
American Idiot - people who watch FOX "news" and repeat whatever they say like bashing Mosques, Muslims, blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians, the unemployed, people without health care...you know, our fellow Americans:
(don't wanna be an American idiot, don't want a nation under the new MEDIA (rightwing media with mainstream media only talking about rightwing talking points), hey can you hear the sound of hysteria? the subliminal mind fuck America)
"American Idiot" Don't want to be an American idiot. Don't want a nation under the new media And can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mind fuck America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones who're meant to follow. For that's enough to argue. Well maybe I'm the faggot America. I'm not a part of a redneck agenda. Now everybody do the propaganda. And sing along to the age of paranoia. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones who're meant to follow. For that's enough to argue. Don't want to be an American idiot. One nation controlled by the media. Information age of hysteria. It's calling out to idiot America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones who're meant to follow. For that's enough to argue.
The inevitable collapse of the dollar:
I'm in deep DOO-DOO...........
You see the Roger Clemens story all over the "news":
Roger Clemens indicted in steroid case
BDBB fans will remember that they saw Roger Clemens coverage HERE first, with my exclusive "mis-interviews" in 2008:
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - Revealed! Roger Clemens Is Coaching Hillary Clinton
Thursday, February 14, 2008 - Karl Rove Recruits Roger Clemens for Bush Administration
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Extremist Makeover - Homeland Edition | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
Above right: the "mosque" is tied to IRAN, because that guy held up an index card he hand printed that said "IRAN" on it highlighted in yellow........because he thinks you're retarded!!! (who's the hot "news" chick with him, btw?) He has his sleeves rolled up, so he must be a "regular Joe 6-pack" that you can believe!
"News" on FOX "news" is now guys writing on index card and chalkboards for 2nd graders and retarded adults - stick figures and drawings are easier to understand for retards...look at the scary ALLAH that Glenn Beck drew...BOOOO!!!! SCARED YA:
American Idiots' ongoing FREAK SHOW: After defending bigot Dr. Laura, Sarah Palin, the perfect leader for the bigots, will help bigot Glenn Beck "reclaim the civil rights movement"
News Ethics: Can Ruppert Murdoch's News Corps "news" outlets be unbiased and full disclosure (FOX "news", Dow Jones, NY Post), if they just gave ONE MILLION DOLLARS to the Republican Governors' Association?
Journalism ethics experts and news veterans are criticizing News Corp. for its $1 million contribution to the Republican Governors Association, saying it is the height of conflict of interest. Some also said the company's news outlets at Fox News, Dow Jones and the New York Post will likely not be able to offer the amount of disclosure needed to clearly inform the public on related stories.
The head of FOX "news" is Roger Ailes.
WIKIPEDIA: Roger Eugene Ailes (born May 15, 1940) is the American president of Fox News Channel and chairman of the Fox Television Stations Group. He was a media consultant for Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989.
A former executive editor of the New York Times has charged the president of Fox News, Roger Ailes, with "using the network to conduct a propaganda campaign against the Obama administration -- a campaign without precedent in our modern political history."
"Through clever use of the Fox News Channel and its cadre of raucous commentators, Ailes has overturned standards of fairness and objectivity that have guided American print and broadcast journalists since World War II," Howell Raines wrote in an op-ed in the Washington Post.
"Yet, many members of my profession seem to stand by in silence as Ailes tears up the rulebook that served this country well as we covered the major stories of the past three generations, from the civil rights revolution to Watergate to the Wall Street scandals," Raines continued.
Fmr. NYT editor: Fox running ‘propaganda campaign’ against Obama
Washington Post: Why don't honest journalists take on Roger Ailes and Fox News?
Fox News and Bill O'Reilly have denied knowing until this week that right-wing website Newsmax was using an interview with O'Reilly to sell its financial schemes. But Newsmax has used O'Reilly to sell financial products for months, and Fox News' Dick Morris has shilled for various Newsmax schemes for years.
The Republican Noise Machine

As a young journalist in the 1990s, David Brock was a key cog the Republican noise machine. Writing for the American Spectator, a conservative magazine funded by billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, Brock gained fame for his attack pieces on Anita Hill and President Bill Clinton. Then, in 2002, Brock came clean. In his memoir, Blinded by the Right, Brock admitted that his work was based on lies and distortion, and part of a coordinated smear campaign funded by wealthy right wing groups to discredit Clinton and confuse the public.
Since then, Brock has continued to expose the conservative media onslaught. In his newest book, The Republican Noise Machine, Brock documents how right-wing groups pressure the media and spread misinformation to the public. It's easy to see how this is done.
Fringe conspiracies and stories will be kept alive by outlets like Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Times, and the Drudge Report, until they finally break into the mainstream media.
Media groups like Brent Bozell's Media Research Center have spent 30 years convincing the public that the media is, in fact, liberal. As Brock says, it's all a sham: "I have seen, and I know firsthand, indeed from my own pen, how the organized Right has sabotaged not only journalism but also democracy and truth."
The Republican Noise Machine
David Brock's MediaMatters.org
Noam Chomsky: "The Myth of the 'Liberal Media' - Manufacturing Consent" -
If the media is "liberal", and they have 8 years of hundreds if not thousands of video clips of George W. Bush extolling the virtues of Islam and Muslims, why aren't they playing them??? Have you seen these on TV? Or do you see Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich Mosque-bashing? George W. Bush can be found ducking the media on this issue.
President George W. Bush said "Islam is a noble faith"
"Islam brings hope and comfort",says President George W.Bush
American Idiot - people who watch FOX "news" and repeat whatever they say like bashing Mosques, Muslims, blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians, the unemployed, people without health care...you know, our fellow Americans:
(don't wanna be an American idiot, don't want a nation under the new MEDIA (rightwing media with mainstream media only talking about rightwing talking points), hey can you hear the sound of hysteria? the subliminal mind fuck America)
"American Idiot" Don't want to be an American idiot. Don't want a nation under the new media And can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mind fuck America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones who're meant to follow. For that's enough to argue. Well maybe I'm the faggot America. I'm not a part of a redneck agenda. Now everybody do the propaganda. And sing along to the age of paranoia. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones who're meant to follow. For that's enough to argue. Don't want to be an American idiot. One nation controlled by the media. Information age of hysteria. It's calling out to idiot America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones who're meant to follow. For that's enough to argue.
The inevitable collapse of the dollar:
I'm in deep DOO-DOO...........
You see the Roger Clemens story all over the "news":
Roger Clemens indicted in steroid case
BDBB fans will remember that they saw Roger Clemens coverage HERE first, with my exclusive "mis-interviews" in 2008:
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - Revealed! Roger Clemens Is Coaching Hillary Clinton
Thursday, February 14, 2008 - Karl Rove Recruits Roger Clemens for Bush Administration

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