Enemies within the gates ruining America (rightwing media calls her a "patriot", so what does that say about rightwing media?): Jewish Zionist Mossad Agent Pam Geller
UPDATE AGAIN ON THIS OBVIOUS FALSE FLAG: According to official reports over the last week, key details concerning the shooting outside the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas – have suddenly changed…
There are so many FALSE FLAGS in this country that it seems like I can't get onto another subject when another one comes up to write about. This time Jewish anti-Islam hatemonger Pam Geller was involved. How can someone have a "job" that solely involves putting anti-Muslim signs on buses around the U.S. and having "contests" of writing caricatures of the Islamic prophet Muhammad? Who is financing her? How can this be someone's job? How can we live in a country where we have a Jewish witch doing this? She makes Jews look very VERY bad. Why aren't high-profile Jews speaking out against what she's been doing for over a decade? When there is a purported Muslim terrorist attack, all the "news" says this same question: WHY AREN'T HIGH-PROFILE MUSLIMS SPEAKING OUT AGAINST THESE ACTS? The funny thing is that they ARE, but the "news" doesn't cover it. But that's another subject. But why doesn't the "news" ask: WHY AREN'T HIGH-PROFILE JEWS SPEAKING OUT AGAINST PAM GELLER?
This "muslim terrorist shooting" (wink wink) is one of the more obvious false flags, it has just about every element you can think of: a Jewish Zionist Pam Geller whose job it is for over a decade to instigate, inflame, ridicule, and dehumanize Muslims, puts on an event in which contestants submit caricatures of Muhammad, the NSA and DHS who are being paid billions of our tax money and spy on all our phone calls and emails somehow can't see this coming (what good exactly are the NSA ad DHS besides being good at destroying the Constitution?), SWAT teams and "officials" show up too soon, fine detailed historical "news" articles appear within 24 hours which is WAAAAAY too soon for "terrorists" that "officials" said took them by surprise, rightwing media goes on an immediate 24x7 anti-Muslim JIHAD like a formulaic infomercial calling Pam Geller a "patriot" (this is how warped the rightwing is: that is whom the think of as a "patriot": someone whose job it is for over a decade to incite hatred), and all the rest of the "playbook" of false flags. The government has to know this is a false flag, they were either in on it or are doing nothing about it.
Here's another reason it's a FALSE FLAG: ANY "Muslim terrorist" or anyone period could kill Pam Geller whenever they want. All they have to do is go to one of her book signings, or to any event like The Ground Zero Mosque (she organized that, too, everyone would like you to forget), or any one of the LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF PUBLIC PLACES SHE CAN BE EASILY ACCESSED 24x7 365 DAYS A YEAR and shoot her. BUT THE DON'T!!! THAT, my friends, is enough proof without anything else I've mentioned above, that this is a FALSE FLAG and no "muslim terrorists" want to kill Pam Geller. SHE'D BE DEAD ALREADY! SHE'D BE DEAD 10 YEARS AGO! THERFORE...this is MADE-UP BULLSHIT, just like Salman Rushdie. The same thing applies to him, ONLY LONGER; Salman Rushdie, when he's not on the Tonight Show, Barnes & Knobles book signings, walking down the street, eating at McDonalds, etc...IS SOMEHOW CONSTANTLY BEING HUNTED DOWN BY "TERRORISTS" WHO HATE MUSLIM CARTOONS....BUT THEY JUST CAN'T SEEM TO GET HIM FOR THE LAST FEW DECADES!!! ANYONE can kill EITHER of these two people if they really wanted...let alone HUNDREDS OF TERRORIST ALL OVER THE PLACE UNDER EVERY ROCK WHO ARE TRAINED TO DO IT AND IT'S SUPPOSEDLY THEIR REASON OF EXISTENCE TO KILL GELLER & RUSHDIE.
Finally, think of how FARCICAL this "official story" is: two "muslims" in body armor burst out of a car at Pam Geller's Muhammed caricature contest with AUTOMATIC RIFLES and immediately begin shooting the place up..........AND THEY KILL NO ONE!!!!!! But an unprepared goofball guard who certainly wasn't expecting this SHOT AND KILLED TWO GUYS IN BODY ARMOR WITH AUTOMATIC RIFLES SPRAYING BULLETS EVERYWHERE!!!! This is so STUPID I am extremely insulted.
If you believe this "official story", there is no hope for you. You are a MORON. You are an IDIOT. The ONLY reason you would believe this is if you BLINDLY BELIEVE THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA without questioning anything, without using any logic, and without looking at any evidence whatsoever...like ALL false flags.
A subplot to this whole thing is that PAM GELLER MAKES JEWS LOOK BAD and Jews are not speaking out against this WITCH whose job for over a decade is to inflame Muslims.
PROOF: not only are Muslims NOT trying to kill Pam Geller (and Salman Rushdie), here is what Muslims REALLY are saying:
Muslims Defend Pam Geller’s Right to Hate
So let's boil it down to ONE logical question: if there were "terrorists" ALWAYS CONSTANTLY trying to kill Pam Geller (AND Salman Rushdie), do you think they could kill them? The answer: YES. Therefore, there ARE NO TERRORISTS trying to kill these people. These are FALSE FLAGS designed to get STUPID AMERICANS to hate Muslims and keep the "war on terror" going, which is a huge moneymaking scheme and a control scheme.
And now we must listen to the media, and especially rightwing media, act like this really happened they way they are saying and not REALLY REPORT THAT IT'S A FALSE FLAG. Why won't the entire corporate mainstream media (center, left, right) admit this is a false flag? Because they WILL NEVER ADMIT ANYTHING IS A FALSE FLAG. Even if the highest people weren't in on it, false flags will never be admitted NEVER EVER EVER. Because then the whole false flag system would go down in flames. So no matter how obvious a false flag is, no matter how embarrassing the media is acting like it really happened and we know it didn't, they will never NEVER EVER EVER ADMIT ANYTHING IS A FALSE FLAG. So we just have to lay back and watch all this disgusting BULLSHIT on radio, TV, and newspapers, and they will think we believe them, and they will "PRETEND" it really happened the way they are telling us. It's enough to make me VOMIT. We live in a country controlled by a few wealthy people who constantly commit false flags against us to further their riches and control over us. We are no longer a country of laws. Otherwise these people would be put in jail or put to death. We have no judicial system, it's a joke and a farce. We have no law enforcement, it's a joke and a farce. It's disgusting and highly insulting to me to have to put up with this while they pretend it's real. Here's a great question: DO YOU THINK THEY THINK WE BELIEVE THEM ANYMORE???
Zionist Whore Pamela Geller? Oh, Boy!
Garland Shooting: Gladio – Texas-Style. Garland Shooting Involved Troupe of Practiced War Propagandists and Patsies Long on the FBI's Watch List
Garland Consensus In: False Flag Terror
Hebdo Redux in Garland, Texas? ‘Mohammed Cartoon’ Shooting Reeks of a Staged False Flag
And guess who "stumbled upon" the TWEETS that claim ISIS did the Garland Pam Geller shooting? None other than Jewish Israeli shill Rita Katz and here SITE organization. I mean, this has EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE ELEMENT of a FALSE FLAG. If you don't know by now about Rita Katz/SITE, read this:
Queen of the FAKE Bin Laden videos Rita Katz/SITE is the "source" for a supposed Al Qaeda hostage situation...as usual
NEWSWEEK pushes the Rita Katz/SITE BULLSHIT: Members of the Islamic State applauded the attempted attack, according to the SITE Intel Group
What good is NSA & DHS if they never catch "terrorists" (the answer: it's really to spy on YOU, not "terrorists"):
Meet Robert Shillman, the Tech Mogul Who Funds Pamela Geller's Anti-Islam Push
(above: Robert "THE SHILL" Shillman, he's JEWISH just like Pam Geller, and probably works with the Mossad and is an Israeli-firster like Pam Geller, their allegiance is not to America, but to the foreign country of Israel)
WIKIPEDIA: Shillman believes in the Jewish philosophy of Tikkun olam, and sits on philanthropic boards of The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous and the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Dr. Bob Shillman of Cognex Goes Begging. Literally.
His Shillman Foundation has funded a number of conservative and pro-Israeli groups, including the Zionist Organization of America.
Here is a post-mortem propaganda story that fits the formula: ALWAYS when there's a FALSE FLAG, a story in the mainstream will say "officials" had FOREKNOWLEDGE of the attack. This is to shift the story from being a FALSE FLAG to "officials" simply being INEPT. How many times have you seen this formula:
Texas police were warned about ISIS attack TWO DAYS days before deadly shootout by Anonymous activist
So Jewish Zionist Mossad agent Pam Geller happens to pick the most anti-Muslim racist area in the U.S.: WHAT A PERFECT PLACE FOR A FALSE FLAG:
Garland, Texas Is a Hotbed for Anti-Muslim Bigotry
Pam Geller and her evil hatemonger cohorts: all they do is go around the country dividing it and inciting violence and call it "freedom of speech" events:
Muslim comedians combat Pam Geller and her "HATE JIHAD":
Muslims Strike Back! launch campaign lampooning anti-muslim ads
The Muslims Are Coming
Let's start with this: 911 was an inside job and so were the 911 anthrax letters. If you don't agree with that, please leave this blog and never come back because you are a MORONIC IDIOT. For those of you with any sort of intelligence whatsoever, we'll proceed with 911 and the anthrax letters were both inside jobs.
My question is this: did you ever notice the extreme similarities between the 911 anthrax letters and the signs Pam Geller puts on buses in cities around America? Both do two simple, but extremely important and profound, thing: 1) mention the U.S. and Israel as one in solidarity, or imply at least that they should be in solidarity...but in solidarity against WHOM? the answer is 2) the Muslims.
Even though the U.S. government says a white non-Muslim government scientist named Bruce Ivins mailed the 911 anthrax letters, all of the letters said: "DEATH TO AMERICA", "DEATH TO ISRAEL", and "ALLAH IS GREAT". Three simple sentences, three words in each sentence, 9 total words, but in such simplicity these sentences define the "War On Terror" which is that the U.S. and Israel must join together against Muslims...who are all "terrorists". Since 911 and the 911 anthrax letters were inside jobs, the point of them was to convince the U.S. public to go along with the "War On Terror", which is the U.S. and Israel bombing Muslims and defining them all as "terrorists" whose sole objective is to kill not only US, but Israelis. If the public bought this LIE, then the public would buy into the "War On Terror".
Look at how the 911 anthrax letters both, and very simply, try and convince that the U.S. and Israel should join together to defeat Muslims. Look at how all the anthrax letters (written by a white government non-Muslim scientist) try to "blame Muslims" for 911 and imply needed solidarity between the U.S. and Israel...with the sentences "DEATH TO AMERICA", "DEATH TO ISRAEL" (that's the "joining" of America & Israel), and "ALLAH IS GREAT" (that is who to blame: "the Muslims"):
Now look at one of Pam Geller's bus signs below:
Since Pam Geller is putting these signs on U.S. buses, and it says "SUPPORT ISRAEL", that props up my assertion that she is Israel Mossad or else why should she even MENTION a foreign country if she is an American? And it also does the same thing as the anthrax letters: suggests solidarity between the U.S. and Israel is needed. AGAIN...why would Pam Geller care so much about a foreign country (Israel) if she wasn't Israeli Mossad? Isn't the "War On Terror" against EVERY COUNTRY? Or so they tell us. So why does Pam Geller on her signs mention ONLY ISRAEL? And then, it finishes just like the 911 anthrax letters "ALLAH IS GREAT": they both need to drive home at the finish who the "enemy" of the U.S. and Israel is: THE MUSLIMS.
I say the SAME PEOPLE WHO DID THE INSIDE JOB 911 ANTHRAX LETTERS ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE DIRECTING PAM GELLER'S BUS SIGNS!!! I think that is a very logical supposition since everything to do with the "official story" of 911 is FALSE, and that this Pam Geller "shooting" was a FALSE FLAG. And the Mossad was in on 911, and the Mossad is in on these Pam Geller bus signs and inflammatory Muslim caricature contests, and Pam Geller IS MOSSAD!!!
Pam Geller's bus signs could've been the 911 anthrax letters, and the 911 anthrax letters could've been Pam Geller's bus sings...and nothing would miss a beat!