(NOTICE: check out the UPDATE in RED at the bottom of this post!!! someone came out with a video of this exact same thing this post is about!!!)
UPDATE II (click here): Just like I've been telling you, video surfaces of AGENT PROVOCATEUR COPS LOOTING and blaming protesters.
(the latest STAGED "LOOTING" pictures for mass media consumption)
I wrote a post on the Ferguson protests about how "officials" dispatch agent provocateurs to protests to discredit peaceful protests and how it is a plan to shift the focus of the "news" from the actual peaceful protesters to (fake) "LOOTERS" complete with STAGED PHOTOS of "LOOTING" so then everyone talks about the "LOOTERS" instead of the real protest. I supplied the obviously STAGED "LOOTING" photos, see here in this post below:
BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG August 17, 2014: You Can Be Assured That Agent Provocateurs Are "LOOTING" And Throwing "MOLOTOV COCKTAILS" In Ferguson
So today I start reading my Sunday paper, not thinking about protests/looting/agent provocateurs/staged photos, and I come across an article about the Freddie Gray protest in Baltimore. There were two pictures in the paper accompanying the article. I looked at the photos and several things jumped out at me (to the trained eye): the SAME WOMAN was in both pictures although the pictures were for two separate incidents. She was very distinctive: she had red hair, a very skintight black dress, black stockings, and black high-heel shoes. In one picture, there is a black man playing tug-of-war with this woman and her purse along with two other women, and in the 2nd photo this same woman is being held back by a white male as she appears to be trying to stop a black male from throwing a chair through a storefront window:
Picture #1 - notice woman with red hair, black skintight dress, black stockings, black high-heel shoes. Also notice that the REAL PROTESTERS aren't even looking at a black guy playing tug-of-war with three white women's purses in a "FROZEN IN MOTION" picture:
Picture #2 - notice woman with red hair, black skintight dress, black stockings, black high-heel shoes, this woman happens to have a cameraman following her around to capture this white woman's HEROIC EXPLOITS at the protest against BLACK LOOTERS. The white male wants to stop the white heroine from the evil black chair-thrower, although he himself doesn't want to stop him:
Just like the STAGED Ferguson "LOOTING" photos, they are "FROZEN IN MOTION" staged photos.
Who is taking these photos? Why is the same woman in two separate photos of two separate incidents? Someone happened to take a perfect "FROZEN IN MOTION" picture of the same woman in two separate incidents and BOTH PICTURES happen to make a syndicated "news" paper story?
Picture #3: Here is another picture of this same woman I happened to come across on the internet while looking at pictures of the Baltimore protest. This same woman is now standing in front of the store that the black guy threw the chair through the window. So after being held back by a white male from the evil black man throwing a chair through the window, she then stood in front of the window for a NICE PICTURE. The black man and the white man holding her back must've left, but the PHOTOGRAPHER is still following her around for more pictures of her :
Picture #4 - I'm not done yet with this woman. I found ANOTHER photo of her on the internet of a DIFFERENT ANGLE of the chair-throwing incident which was photo # 2:
So there happened to be TWO CAMERAMEN capturing this SAME chair-throwing event from TWO DIFFERENT ANGLES, and at the EXACT SAME MOMENT!!!
BUT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you notice that in photo #2 & photo #4, the same event at the exact same moment but from two different cameramen, the WINDOW IS ALREADY BROKEN in both photos? So is this black man THROWING A CHAIR THROUGH AN ALREADY BROKEN WINDOW?
Photo #3 of the "aftermath" shows the chair lying OUTSIDE of the building. So it appears that the black man DID NOT THROW THE CHAIR THROUGH THE WINDOW because the window was ALREADY BROKEN and the chair is OUTSIDE THE BUILDING.#5
Now look at photo's #5 & #6: BAR & GRILLE CUSTOMERS EXPERIENCE "DEJA VU":
Photo #5 and photo #6 are identical: a black man ready to punch a white man and the black man in each photo is captured perfectly in each picture at the point where his black fist is cocked and at the furthest back position ready to punch the white guy. The only thing is: it's two different black guys and two different white guys in the SAME EXACT "FROZEN IN MOTION" POSE IN FRONT OF THE SAME EXACT RESTAURANT!!!!! The customers must be experiencing DEJA VU or else they're in the set of Bill Murray's movie "GROUND HOG DAY":
Picture #5
Picture #6
So the exact same thing happened in front of the exact same restaurant and the exact same photo was snapped....only with a different black guy and a different white guy? Really? Or were the patrons just watching a "show" being put on for them? HEY LOOK! THE EXACT SAME THING IS HAPPENING AGAIN! AND THAT SAME GUY IS STANDING BEHIND THEM SNAPPING THE SAME EXACT PICTURE! GIMME ANOTHER BEER!
To wrap this up, another thing pointing to these photos being staged is that they were the photos in the "news" paper. If photos were staged to take the focus off the protest and put the focus on "LOOTERS", they, in fact, would be the photos they would put in any "news" articles. Think about it: why would they put ONLY "LOOTING" photos in the Baltimore protest, and NOT ONE photo of anything other than "LOOTING"?
UPDATE 4/27/2015: Others are catching on to these same exact obviously staged photos, look at this video I found today:
Crisis Actor Caught Staging “Victim” Scenes at Freddy Gray Protests In Baltimore
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Another FALSE FLAG Rigged Court Show Trial Is In The Books For Another FALSE "OFFICIAL STORY"
The PATSIES didn't have the backpacks:
...but THESE GUYS did:
...but YOU wouldn't know that, if you listen only to the mainstream media!!!
Just another day in the country that used to be the United States: The Boston Marathon False Flag rigged court trial is now over. Another false "Official Story" is in the books. The complicit mainstream media can now employ the 1967 CIA tactic developed for the JFK assassination of ridiculing those who question the FALSE "OFFICIAL STORY" of the Boston Marathon false flag "CONSPIRACY THEORISTS".
Here's how the "trial" went: the defendant didn't get to speak, they didn't bring up the footage of men from CRAFT dressed in black walking around the Boston Marathon with the exact black backpacks the "bombs" were in, they didn't mention that the defendant DIDN'T have that kind of backpack, and they didn't mention the footage of the loudspeakers saying there was a DRILL going on by "officials". The defendant HAD TO have a lawyer that was in on all of this sham.
I put this post out April 18, just 3 days after the Boston Marathon FALSE FLAG, it didn't take me ling to realize it was another FALSE FLAG:
Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing
Then I put this post out on April 24, 2013, just 9 days after the Boston Marathon FALSE FLAG:
MORE Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing.......
Notice how some of the videos in those posts have "disappeared" from YouTube. Isn't that peculiar? Really, it ISN'T peculiar. YouTube makes sure videos that go against "OFFICIAL STORY"s somehow "disappear" over time, and that's not that long ago, that's just 2 years ago. I notice that on many of my best posts, when I go back to them, the videos have "disappeared" from YouTube. Many times I go back and edit the posts to find the videos again somewhere else and put them back in the posts. It's a lot of work, but I DO do that, especially on past posts I consider exceptional.
I've also noticed, and so have others, that very famous videos with hundreds-of-thousands of hits on them don't come up in a search on YouTube, even though they're there. Even if you put the EXACT title of the video.
I can add very little to what I've already said in those two posts above, but I will post anything new that has to do with the SHAM RIGGED "trial" below. I am totally disgusted by what this country has become. It is run by criminals and murders who rig elections on, among other things, electronic voting machines. Our courts are rigged, especially in FALSE FLAG trials like The Boston Marathon and especially 911. The JFK Warren Report may have been the start of what we see now.
I'm really sorry to say all of this and I'm sorry to burst your bubble if you think the U.S. is "exceptional", the "good guys", etc... We have been brainwashed with that since birth. It's tough to get rid of that and see the truth. It's tough to cut through and detect the propaganda we are surrounded by especially the mainstream media which is really a branch of the government.
Above all, I feel most sorry for the PATSIES whom this rap was pinned on. Pinned on by the REAL criminals and murderers in our government and connected to our government.
Sorry about all of this "TRUTH" I'm laying on you, but the truth is the truth. If you don't like it, don't blame me. Blame the ones doing it and yourself for believing it.
These articles below I'd like you to read about the "trial" are by the website WhoWhatWhy.org. I think they had the best coverage of the Boston Bombing trial I have seen. I have to recommend this website as one of the best I've come across. It's fairly new compared to most others. It's a facts-based website which remind me of PROJECT CENSORED! I am really impressed with this site. It may someday make it to my very short list on the upper-right of my site, where I've only had 3 websites for years listed as THE Best: Washington's Blog, What Really Happened, and TV News Lies. This site may someday break that barrier and be listed there. Here is all their mountains of great coverage all in one spot of the BOSTON BOMBING INVESTIGATION:
This video I just found summarizes everything:
UPDATE: I just found this new article that's excellent:
EXCLUSIVE: In Defense of Dzhokhar: The Real Smoking Gun in Boston
I cannot stress enough for everyone to STOP WATCHING THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. And part of the MAINSTREAM MEDIA is also the FAKE LEFT MSNBC and the FAKE RIGHT FOX NEWS. This "trial" shows that although MSNBC & FOX "pretend" to be left and right, when it comes to "OFFICIAL STORY"s, they are in LOCKSTEP with the government on ALL "OFFICIAL STORY"s from The Boston Marathon back to 911 and back to JFK. Sure they "pretend" they're left and right, exactly like the Democrats and Republicans pretend they're left and right. But they ALL - MSNBC FOX DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS - are in lockstep on EVERY SINGLE "OFFICIAL STORY" IN HISTORY: 911, Boston Marathon, JFK, Oklahoma City, etc...ALL OF THEM. And they ALL ridicule those who question the "OFFICIAL STORY" and call the "CONSPIRACY THEORISTS":
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
Below is a summary of the important points in the CIA memo, but click on the link above to read the memo. How many of these things have you heard being used or even being used on YOU? I notice one in particular: the CIA urges those attacking people who question "officials" to say, "HOW CAN SO MANY PEOPLE KEEP A SECRET???" I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone question and "OFFICIAL STORY" and IMMEDIATELY someone says that! That is called a SHILL btw:
Summarizing the tactics which the CIA dispatch recommended:
Other articles on the Boston Bombing FALSE FLAG:
Boston Show Trial: Dzhokhar “Guilty!” on all 30 counts: Not even probable cause to warrant an indictment, much less proof to justify a conviction
Boston Show Trial: The Opinion of an Attorney at Law: A former law professor explains the backpacks of the accused were the wrong ones
New York Times: All the lies they can fit in print: Their Boston trial coverage demonstrates conclusively that even our nation's newspaper of record is corrupt to the core
The Boston Show Trial: The “bloody confession” of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: Not even Leonardo da Vinci could have written uniformly spaced, straight-line text on the curved surface of the inside of a boat
Boston Show Trial: Attorney declares patsy “Guilty!” - In a grotesque miscarriage of justice, she saves the state the impossible task of proving her client did it
...but THESE GUYS did:
...but YOU wouldn't know that, if you listen only to the mainstream media!!!
Just another day in the country that used to be the United States: The Boston Marathon False Flag rigged court trial is now over. Another false "Official Story" is in the books. The complicit mainstream media can now employ the 1967 CIA tactic developed for the JFK assassination of ridiculing those who question the FALSE "OFFICIAL STORY" of the Boston Marathon false flag "CONSPIRACY THEORISTS".
Here's how the "trial" went: the defendant didn't get to speak, they didn't bring up the footage of men from CRAFT dressed in black walking around the Boston Marathon with the exact black backpacks the "bombs" were in, they didn't mention that the defendant DIDN'T have that kind of backpack, and they didn't mention the footage of the loudspeakers saying there was a DRILL going on by "officials". The defendant HAD TO have a lawyer that was in on all of this sham.
I put this post out April 18, just 3 days after the Boston Marathon FALSE FLAG, it didn't take me ling to realize it was another FALSE FLAG:
Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing
Then I put this post out on April 24, 2013, just 9 days after the Boston Marathon FALSE FLAG:
MORE Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing.......
Notice how some of the videos in those posts have "disappeared" from YouTube. Isn't that peculiar? Really, it ISN'T peculiar. YouTube makes sure videos that go against "OFFICIAL STORY"s somehow "disappear" over time, and that's not that long ago, that's just 2 years ago. I notice that on many of my best posts, when I go back to them, the videos have "disappeared" from YouTube. Many times I go back and edit the posts to find the videos again somewhere else and put them back in the posts. It's a lot of work, but I DO do that, especially on past posts I consider exceptional.
I've also noticed, and so have others, that very famous videos with hundreds-of-thousands of hits on them don't come up in a search on YouTube, even though they're there. Even if you put the EXACT title of the video.
I can add very little to what I've already said in those two posts above, but I will post anything new that has to do with the SHAM RIGGED "trial" below. I am totally disgusted by what this country has become. It is run by criminals and murders who rig elections on, among other things, electronic voting machines. Our courts are rigged, especially in FALSE FLAG trials like The Boston Marathon and especially 911. The JFK Warren Report may have been the start of what we see now.
I'm really sorry to say all of this and I'm sorry to burst your bubble if you think the U.S. is "exceptional", the "good guys", etc... We have been brainwashed with that since birth. It's tough to get rid of that and see the truth. It's tough to cut through and detect the propaganda we are surrounded by especially the mainstream media which is really a branch of the government.
Above all, I feel most sorry for the PATSIES whom this rap was pinned on. Pinned on by the REAL criminals and murderers in our government and connected to our government.
Sorry about all of this "TRUTH" I'm laying on you, but the truth is the truth. If you don't like it, don't blame me. Blame the ones doing it and yourself for believing it.
These articles below I'd like you to read about the "trial" are by the website WhoWhatWhy.org. I think they had the best coverage of the Boston Bombing trial I have seen. I have to recommend this website as one of the best I've come across. It's fairly new compared to most others. It's a facts-based website which remind me of PROJECT CENSORED! I am really impressed with this site. It may someday make it to my very short list on the upper-right of my site, where I've only had 3 websites for years listed as THE Best: Washington's Blog, What Really Happened, and TV News Lies. This site may someday break that barrier and be listed there. Here is all their mountains of great coverage all in one spot of the BOSTON BOMBING INVESTIGATION:
This video I just found summarizes everything:
UPDATE: I just found this new article that's excellent:
EXCLUSIVE: In Defense of Dzhokhar: The Real Smoking Gun in Boston
I cannot stress enough for everyone to STOP WATCHING THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. And part of the MAINSTREAM MEDIA is also the FAKE LEFT MSNBC and the FAKE RIGHT FOX NEWS. This "trial" shows that although MSNBC & FOX "pretend" to be left and right, when it comes to "OFFICIAL STORY"s, they are in LOCKSTEP with the government on ALL "OFFICIAL STORY"s from The Boston Marathon back to 911 and back to JFK. Sure they "pretend" they're left and right, exactly like the Democrats and Republicans pretend they're left and right. But they ALL - MSNBC FOX DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS - are in lockstep on EVERY SINGLE "OFFICIAL STORY" IN HISTORY: 911, Boston Marathon, JFK, Oklahoma City, etc...ALL OF THEM. And they ALL ridicule those who question the "OFFICIAL STORY" and call the "CONSPIRACY THEORISTS":
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
Below is a summary of the important points in the CIA memo, but click on the link above to read the memo. How many of these things have you heard being used or even being used on YOU? I notice one in particular: the CIA urges those attacking people who question "officials" to say, "HOW CAN SO MANY PEOPLE KEEP A SECRET???" I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone question and "OFFICIAL STORY" and IMMEDIATELY someone says that! That is called a SHILL btw:
Summarizing the tactics which the CIA dispatch recommended:
- Claim that it would be impossible for so many people would keep quiet about such a big conspiracy (bd: this is the big one I always hear!)
- Have people friendly to the CIA attack the claims, and point back to “official” reports
- Claim that eyewitness testimony is unreliable
- Claim that this is all old news, as “no significant new evidence has emerged”
- Ignore conspiracy claims unless discussion about them is already too active
- Claim that it’s irresponsible to speculate
- Accuse theorists of being wedded to and infatuated with their theories
- Accuse theorists of being politically motivated
- Accuse theorists of having financial interests in promoting conspiracy theories
Other articles on the Boston Bombing FALSE FLAG:
Boston Show Trial: Dzhokhar “Guilty!” on all 30 counts: Not even probable cause to warrant an indictment, much less proof to justify a conviction
Boston Show Trial: The Opinion of an Attorney at Law: A former law professor explains the backpacks of the accused were the wrong ones
New York Times: All the lies they can fit in print: Their Boston trial coverage demonstrates conclusively that even our nation's newspaper of record is corrupt to the core
The Boston Show Trial: The “bloody confession” of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: Not even Leonardo da Vinci could have written uniformly spaced, straight-line text on the curved surface of the inside of a boat
Boston Show Trial: Attorney declares patsy “Guilty!” - In a grotesque miscarriage of justice, she saves the state the impossible task of proving her client did it
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Why Do Bakers Hate Gays So Much?
(update to post at the end: STOP BLAMING "LIBERALS", the following are against this law: NASCAR, ANGIE'S LIST, APPLE COMPUTER, WAL-MART, NFL, NBA, NCAA, GOP GOVERNOR OF NORTH DAKOTA, GOP MAYOR OF INDIANAPOLIS, GOP GOVERNORS OF INDIANA & ARKANSAS WANT LAW RE-WRITTEN TO SPECIFICALLY SAY NOT TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST GAYS...want me to keep naming NON-LIBERALS??? Rightwing media is trying to COVER-UP all the people and businesses and organizations ON THE RIGHT who are against this law, and blame only "LIBERALS" & "LEFTISTS". Of course, this is FALSE as I say above. The biggest, most powerful voices AGAINST this law is the "BIG BUSINESS RIGHT", NOT THE "LIBERALS'.)
Apparently I missed this, but there's an epidemic of gay-hating bakers in America. Every time I hear someone defending Indiana's new "religious freedom" law, they all bring up the same exact example: a baker doesn't want to bake a cake for a gay wedding. I heard this example on TV, radio, and newspapers. I heard this gay-hating baker story the second I got in my car on the way to work this morning. I was flicking around the channels and got onto our local 94.3 radio show with host David Madeira. The first words out of his mouth were "CAKE". He was in the middle of the gay-hating baker example of not wanting to bake a cake for a gay wedding. This was after hearing the gay-hating baker story the past 24 hours on every form of media. The previous day, my friend said the OTHER channel's host LA Tarone gave the gay-hating baker example, as I'm sure every host all day long on these two talk radio channels did.
Are there MILLIONS of gay-hating bakers in America? I did not know that! Why do bakers hate gays so much? All the gays want to do is buy a stupid cake from them. They would pay for it, they're not asking for it for free.
This whole thing makes me very leery of bakers. I thought bakers were kind of...well...kind of just "there" all the time, quietly baking their...ummm....the stuff they bake. Probably: bread, cakes, donuts, and things like that. I didn't know bakers were so political and intolerant. In fact, they're downright SCARY if they're this unhinged about baking a cake for a gay wedding!
I also wonder how people who back this law claim "religious freedom". I thought the #1 rule, especially if you're a Christian, is the GOLDEN RULE. The consensus among everyone is the golden rule, which is "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU", is the ONLY commandment that is needed. All the other commandments are really a subset of the golden rule. You don't want to be killed?....then don't kill someone else. You don't want someone fooling around with your wife?......then don't fool around with someone else's wife. When you go to buy something, you want to be treated equally like everyone else. You don't want to be told, "YOU'RE GAY, I'M NOT SERVING YOU". See? The GOLDEN RULE didn't say "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU.........unless you're gay"!!! Did it say there were EXCEPTIONS? Then how can people cite "religious beliefs" to back using this law? WHAT RELIGION? What religion says there are exceptions on how you treat others? WHAT RELIGION ARE THEY QUOTING, AND WHERE EXACTLY DOES IT SAY THIS???
And getting back to these hate-filled bakers, I have an idea for you: charge DOUBLE for gays. This way everyone's happy: you get to make DOUBLE the money, and the gays get their cake! Everyone's happy! It's still "sort of" discriminating, but it's also sort of a compromise.
Oh, and btw...I thought of this: how can you tell BEYOND A DOUBT (I said BEYOND A DOUBT, that means 100%) that someone is gay? Because they order a gay wedding cake? Then you ASSUME they're gay? That's not 100% certain. In fact, I'm going to PROVE it: I'm not gay, and I'm going to order a gay wedding cake. btw...what's a "gay wedding cake"? Is it gay because there's two grooms on it? I'll do a little research on that one. Maybe if I google "gay wedding cake", I can find out what a "gay wedding cake" is, and order one to prove that doesn't mean you're gay just because you order one.

(disclaimer #2: that is a NOT a black penis, it's a chocolate penis)
Someone told me a gay wedding cake could be shaped like a giant DICK. But that caused even MORE arguments. Another person said a cake that looks like a giant dick is for a BACHELOR PARTY. But then I said, that would, to ME, be a GAY bachelor party! I would expect that at a BACHELOR-ETTE party, not a BACHELOR party, would order a cake shaped like a giant dick. So forget about the DICK CAKE for now, that's still up for debate. We'll just stick with the simple 2-grooms on top make it a gay wedding cake.
Now, I thought of ANOTHER angle to all of this: what if there ISN'T an epidemic of millions of gay-hating bakers in America, and it's just that the people who want this law want to give a SIMPLISTIC EXAMPLE of how "harmless" this law is, and it's not about DISCRIMINATION, it's about SAVING MILLIONS OF GAY-HATING BAKERS...that don't exist. And this is the only example, even though there's no epidemic of this, that they can think of as for MORONS who they don't want to find out ALL the ramifications of this law.
So, it looks like there's either a huge epidemic of gay-hating bakers in America, or people who want to discriminate under the guise of "religious freedom" can't think of a better example for their moronic followers.
As far as I can find out in researching this issue, the reason businesses cannot discriminate in any way is because they are "public accommodations" which means their business is "open to the public" which means there are certain rules that are different than "private or individual"s rights. Some of those rules for "public accommodations" are:they must have smoke alarms, they must be handicap accessible, and they MUST NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RELIGION, RACE, COLOR, OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Basically, if you are a "public accommodation" open to the public for business, you can't discriminate. An INDIVIDUAL can discriminate all they want, that is covered in the Constitution. But not a "public accommodation" which a business comes under.
Now think about it: if it is already a law that the BUYER can't be discriminated upon based on RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, then how could the SELLER refuse to sell based on religious beliefs? Isn't that a stalemate? NO, because the BUYER'S religious beliefs cannot be discriminated on. Now extrapolate on that: if the BUYER'S right to purchase cannot be denied based on his RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, just replace RELIGIOUS BELIEFS with SEXUAL ORIENTATION: the BUYER'S right to purchase cannot be denied based on his SEXUAL ORIENTATION. The SELLER'S religious beliefs do not trump the BUYER'S sexual orientation in a "public accommodation". And neither can the BUYER'S race or color.
NEXT UP: BRING BACK SEGREGATION!!!! People have a a right and freedom to keep classes of citizens down in their place, SOCIALLY AND ECONOMICALLY!!! I think BAKERS are for segregation.
BELOW: these bakers may possibly be the evil gay-hating bakers everyone's talking about, beware of these guys -
UPDATE: STOP BLAMING "LIBERALS" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From the article below:
Indiana is losing $256 million dollars AND COUNTING from this law. And let's get this straight: it's not "THE LIBERALS", it's NASCAR, Apple Computer, Angie's List, Wal-Mart, NCAA......that is not a list of "liberals", that's a list of BIG CORPORATIONS AND BIG SPORTS.
Anyone who says it's "the liberals", they're leaving out the BIGGER part of it they don't want to face. It's BUSINESS & SPORTS doing the HUGE damage to Indiana. And if anything, BIG BUSINESS is part of the "right"...not "liberals".
RIGHTWING MEDIA and "dittoheads" are falsely saying it's "the liberals".
WHO...is hurting Indiana economically? The "Liberals"? See the quote below:
******* BEGIN QUOTE *******
******* END QUOTE *******
Did you catch that? "MAJOR BUSINESSES" --->>> NOT "THE LIBERALS"
Here's the article:
Major businesses boycotting a new religious freedom law in Indiana could cost the state’s economy some $256.4 million and counting
And btw...let's stop PRETENDING only "liberals" are gay. There's LOTS of gay REPUBLICANS...and they're HOLDING OFFICES IN GOVERNMENT!!!
North Dakota GOP governor wants ban on anti-gay discrimination
Religion vs. business: How Indiana law opened new split among conservatives (+video)
Here's a good way to make a quick MILLION:
Who started the "go fund me" Memories Pizza donation fund? OUTRAGE FOR PROFIT
Apparently I missed this, but there's an epidemic of gay-hating bakers in America. Every time I hear someone defending Indiana's new "religious freedom" law, they all bring up the same exact example: a baker doesn't want to bake a cake for a gay wedding. I heard this example on TV, radio, and newspapers. I heard this gay-hating baker story the second I got in my car on the way to work this morning. I was flicking around the channels and got onto our local 94.3 radio show with host David Madeira. The first words out of his mouth were "CAKE". He was in the middle of the gay-hating baker example of not wanting to bake a cake for a gay wedding. This was after hearing the gay-hating baker story the past 24 hours on every form of media. The previous day, my friend said the OTHER channel's host LA Tarone gave the gay-hating baker example, as I'm sure every host all day long on these two talk radio channels did.
Are there MILLIONS of gay-hating bakers in America? I did not know that! Why do bakers hate gays so much? All the gays want to do is buy a stupid cake from them. They would pay for it, they're not asking for it for free.
This whole thing makes me very leery of bakers. I thought bakers were kind of...well...kind of just "there" all the time, quietly baking their...ummm....the stuff they bake. Probably: bread, cakes, donuts, and things like that. I didn't know bakers were so political and intolerant. In fact, they're downright SCARY if they're this unhinged about baking a cake for a gay wedding!
I also wonder how people who back this law claim "religious freedom". I thought the #1 rule, especially if you're a Christian, is the GOLDEN RULE. The consensus among everyone is the golden rule, which is "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU", is the ONLY commandment that is needed. All the other commandments are really a subset of the golden rule. You don't want to be killed?....then don't kill someone else. You don't want someone fooling around with your wife?......then don't fool around with someone else's wife. When you go to buy something, you want to be treated equally like everyone else. You don't want to be told, "YOU'RE GAY, I'M NOT SERVING YOU". See? The GOLDEN RULE didn't say "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU.........unless you're gay"!!! Did it say there were EXCEPTIONS? Then how can people cite "religious beliefs" to back using this law? WHAT RELIGION? What religion says there are exceptions on how you treat others? WHAT RELIGION ARE THEY QUOTING, AND WHERE EXACTLY DOES IT SAY THIS???
And getting back to these hate-filled bakers, I have an idea for you: charge DOUBLE for gays. This way everyone's happy: you get to make DOUBLE the money, and the gays get their cake! Everyone's happy! It's still "sort of" discriminating, but it's also sort of a compromise.
Oh, and btw...I thought of this: how can you tell BEYOND A DOUBT (I said BEYOND A DOUBT, that means 100%) that someone is gay? Because they order a gay wedding cake? Then you ASSUME they're gay? That's not 100% certain. In fact, I'm going to PROVE it: I'm not gay, and I'm going to order a gay wedding cake. btw...what's a "gay wedding cake"? Is it gay because there's two grooms on it? I'll do a little research on that one. Maybe if I google "gay wedding cake", I can find out what a "gay wedding cake" is, and order one to prove that doesn't mean you're gay just because you order one.

(disclaimer #2: that is a NOT a black penis, it's a chocolate penis)
Someone told me a gay wedding cake could be shaped like a giant DICK. But that caused even MORE arguments. Another person said a cake that looks like a giant dick is for a BACHELOR PARTY. But then I said, that would, to ME, be a GAY bachelor party! I would expect that at a BACHELOR-ETTE party, not a BACHELOR party, would order a cake shaped like a giant dick. So forget about the DICK CAKE for now, that's still up for debate. We'll just stick with the simple 2-grooms on top make it a gay wedding cake.
Now, I thought of ANOTHER angle to all of this: what if there ISN'T an epidemic of millions of gay-hating bakers in America, and it's just that the people who want this law want to give a SIMPLISTIC EXAMPLE of how "harmless" this law is, and it's not about DISCRIMINATION, it's about SAVING MILLIONS OF GAY-HATING BAKERS...that don't exist. And this is the only example, even though there's no epidemic of this, that they can think of as for MORONS who they don't want to find out ALL the ramifications of this law.
So, it looks like there's either a huge epidemic of gay-hating bakers in America, or people who want to discriminate under the guise of "religious freedom" can't think of a better example for their moronic followers.
As far as I can find out in researching this issue, the reason businesses cannot discriminate in any way is because they are "public accommodations" which means their business is "open to the public" which means there are certain rules that are different than "private or individual"s rights. Some of those rules for "public accommodations" are:they must have smoke alarms, they must be handicap accessible, and they MUST NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RELIGION, RACE, COLOR, OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Basically, if you are a "public accommodation" open to the public for business, you can't discriminate. An INDIVIDUAL can discriminate all they want, that is covered in the Constitution. But not a "public accommodation" which a business comes under.
Now think about it: if it is already a law that the BUYER can't be discriminated upon based on RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, then how could the SELLER refuse to sell based on religious beliefs? Isn't that a stalemate? NO, because the BUYER'S religious beliefs cannot be discriminated on. Now extrapolate on that: if the BUYER'S right to purchase cannot be denied based on his RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, just replace RELIGIOUS BELIEFS with SEXUAL ORIENTATION: the BUYER'S right to purchase cannot be denied based on his SEXUAL ORIENTATION. The SELLER'S religious beliefs do not trump the BUYER'S sexual orientation in a "public accommodation". And neither can the BUYER'S race or color.
NEXT UP: BRING BACK SEGREGATION!!!! People have a a right and freedom to keep classes of citizens down in their place, SOCIALLY AND ECONOMICALLY!!! I think BAKERS are for segregation.
BELOW: these bakers may possibly be the evil gay-hating bakers everyone's talking about, beware of these guys -
UPDATE: STOP BLAMING "LIBERALS" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From the article below:
Indiana is losing $256 million dollars AND COUNTING from this law. And let's get this straight: it's not "THE LIBERALS", it's NASCAR, Apple Computer, Angie's List, Wal-Mart, NCAA......that is not a list of "liberals", that's a list of BIG CORPORATIONS AND BIG SPORTS.
Anyone who says it's "the liberals", they're leaving out the BIGGER part of it they don't want to face. It's BUSINESS & SPORTS doing the HUGE damage to Indiana. And if anything, BIG BUSINESS is part of the "right"...not "liberals".
RIGHTWING MEDIA and "dittoheads" are falsely saying it's "the liberals".
WHO...is hurting Indiana economically? The "Liberals"? See the quote below:
******* BEGIN QUOTE *******
"""Major businesses boycotting a new religious freedom law in Indiana could cost the state’s economy some $256.4 million and counting"""
******* END QUOTE *******
Did you catch that? "MAJOR BUSINESSES" --->>> NOT "THE LIBERALS"
Here's the article:
Major businesses boycotting a new religious freedom law in Indiana could cost the state’s economy some $256.4 million and counting
And btw...let's stop PRETENDING only "liberals" are gay. There's LOTS of gay REPUBLICANS...and they're HOLDING OFFICES IN GOVERNMENT!!!
North Dakota GOP governor wants ban on anti-gay discrimination
Religion vs. business: How Indiana law opened new split among conservatives (+video)
Here's a good way to make a quick MILLION:
Who started the "go fund me" Memories Pizza donation fund? OUTRAGE FOR PROFIT

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