Here they come! This is a once-in-a-lifetime event FREE in Scranton. When it comes to proving the "official story" of 911 to be 100% FALSE, Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth (AE911Trtuth) is the best, most well-funded, worldwide famous, with the most accredited experts, the most videos and documentaries, the best speakers, and continually has been pumping out evidence disputing the government/media "official story" of 911. It's a treat when the #1 (OF ANYTHING) in the ENTIRE WORLD comes to your backyard. You shouldn't miss it.
And they're coming to our own backyard in Scranton, Pa.!!! They will be here Saturday March 21, 2015, at The Four Points by Sheraton, 300 Meadow Avenue, Scranton, PA 18505 (570) 344-9811.
Check this out, this is the specific part of the above article about Scranton:
The Four Points by Sheraton
300 Meadow Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505
(570) 344-9811
Free Event
In Scranton, the Great American Speakers Bureau has arranged Gage's two presentations. “Richard Gage speaks with great ability and conviction on a very important topic,” says Lisa Zanin, who is helping arrange the March 21st and 22nd events. “I’ve seen his videos, and they're impressive and convincing.”
“When the 9/11 attacks occurred, people became somewhat paralyzed," Zanin recalls. "From the start, the mainstream media seemed to discourage us from determining for ourselves what was really happening. Everything was ‘taken care of’ for us by our government and the media. Despite being told what to think, though, some of us asked questions right from the start. When we heard that the passport of one of the hijackers had survived the fires, survived the destruction of Twin Towers — survived everything — and had landed in the hands of a government official, I thought, 'Wow, what a time for a miracle!'"
Marking that date as the starting point of enormous changes in the day-to-day realities of life in America, Zanin observes, “We got the Patriot Act and we got NDAA [the National Defense Authorization Act], which allows the President to pretty much incarcerate anyone without due process. These are dangerous things. It seems unreal to me that is happening to Americans and to America.”
Pointing to the conflicting accounts of what happened in Shanksville, the Pentagon and Manhattan, Zanin says that if things didn’t in fact happen as the government reported they did, it should drive everybody to ask themselves, “Then who is responsible for the deaths of all those innocent people?”
Gage's three presentations are free of charge. They will be his last public appearances before he embarks on his third AE911Truth European tour in April.
Here is Richard Gage on C-SPAN (he will be speaking in Scranton)"
Richard Gage, AIA, is a San Francisco Bay Area architect of 25 years, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Mr. Gage has worked on most types of building construction, including numerous fire-proofed, steel-framed buildings. Most recently, he worked on the construction documents for a $400M mixed-use urban project with 1.2 million square feet of retail, a parking structure, and 320,000 square feet of mid-rise office space.
Did you know a 3rd skyscraper a block away from the Twin Towers fell demolition-style free-fall on 911? And it wasn't hit by a plane? Skyscrapers just don't fall POOF! for absolutely no reason, especially a reinforced steel 47 story skyscraper that wasn't hit by a plane on 911. If you don't know that, watch this:
If you still believe the "official story" of 911, psychologists can explain why you do even though there's 10+ years of a growing mountain of evidence to the contrary:
Here's the "official story" of 911, and this is no joke, we are supposed to believe and not question this nonsense:
Here is one of my 911 posts that I consider my best one, and the reason I first questioned the "official story" of 911 told to us by the biggest liars on the planet: the government and the mainstream media:
BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG Thursday, March 1, 2012: The Magical Passport: the day I began to listen to REAL INDEPENDENT EXPERTS about 9/11, and not to politicized government agencies paid by the government (NIST), Magazine hucksters (Popular Mechanics, Michael Shermer/Skeptics Magazine), TV & radio characters, and slick anonymous websites (debunking 9/11)
Here is a 911 playlist of the best 911 videos I've come across over the years, there are over 100 videos here, bookmark this to view them for future reference:
Here is a list of some (but not all) professionals who have started 911 Truth organizations:
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Pilots for 9/11 Truth
Firefighters for 9/11 Truth
9/11 Consensus Panel: Scientific Panel Investigates 9/11
Journal of 9/11 Studies (scientific peer-reviewed papers on 9/11)
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Scientists for 9/11 Truth
Physics 9/11
Military, Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, and Government Patriots For 9/11 Truth
Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
WHO DID 911 ???
The Dark Minds of the 911 Conspirators