...and debt ridden country's "news" uses propaganda to trick its people to think otherwise, using "HUMANITARIAN REASONS" as the usual FAKE reason...the truth is: Ghadaffi sounds like a better leader than Bush or Obama (I'm serious! I'd rather have Ghadaffi than Bush & the Republicans or Obama & the Democrats! Now don't forget, we'll have to cut some social security, health care, and sell off some more public owned things to pay for attacking Libya, we need more "austerity" but keep spending TRILLIONS on the wars! I don't even think AMERICAN IDIOTS even bought this one, as I didn't hear ONE person rallying to say we should oust Ghadaffi for a BILLION DOLLARS! I think all Americans are realizing our government serves the fewest: the 1% wealthiest, the war profiteers, & corporations.):
Libya/Ghadaffi: free electricity, free great medical care, interest free loans, govt. paid 50% for purchase of a car, govt gave newly married couples $50,000 to buy a house, the lists goes on and on in how well the Libyan people have/had it. The problem was Libya had an independent state bank, not part of BIS (Rothschild's banks) and wanted to switch trading oil from dollars to gold:
"Gaddafi supplied to Libyans free college education, healthcare, housing assistance and other social benefits. NATO wants it privatized to make it costly or unaffordable henceforth, along with charging for everything formerly gotten free. Plus the 'rebels' already set-up a Rothschild-owned central bank."
~ Carla Elaine
Lies, War, and Empire: NATO's "Humanitarian" Imperialism in Libya
Now let me pick one of the evening news liars, CBS, but they're all the same propaganda, and show you how they are reporting Ghadaffi & Libya. Watch how they will not report on OUR filthy rich because that's "class warfare", but watch how they report on Ghadaffi's "lavish lifestyle" with no mention of Libya's free health care, free education, etc... Ghadaffi's "jet skis & hot tubs & he even has a piano & liquor", and he has a private jet! you know, like ALL of OUR POLITICIANS & CEO's and rich here! Watch how the "news guy" holds up a plate at the end and says "the end of Ghadaffi's gilded age"...yeah, and the beginning of OURS! I wish CBS (and the rest of the evening news liars) would report like this on OUR rich & wealthy! But that's "class warfare" if they reported on OUR rich & wealthy like this, and watch for CBS reporting on Libya's FREE health care, FREE education (NOT!) and keep in mind they're all the same - ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN - they only want you to "think" they're different, but they have all the same stories in the same order every night. In the following CBS "new" on Ghadaffi, just replace Ghadaffi with the Bush family, the Rockefeller family, the Koch brothers, the CEO of Exxon, the CEO of Bank of America, etc...but subtract free health care, free education, etc...:
America's #1 enemy: the mainstream media -
BREAKING NEWS: NATO Destroyed Libya - Hugo Chavez
The Libyan crisis: spontaneous revolution or coup in progress?
Libya all about oil, or central banking?
Rebel Assassins Terrorizing Libyans
The Real Reason for NATO Attacking Libya EXPOSED
Can you handle the TRUTH about Libya & the UN bombing?
Media Manipulation: 'NATO in a hurry to wrap up war in Libya'
WikiLeaks cables expose Washington’s close ties to Gaddafi
The West Wants to take Control of Libya's Oil Wealth
When you contemplate the impending collapse of the dollar (indeed all paper "money"), and the need to replace fiat with real money - backed by something other than empty promises and debt, and you note that the banksters don't want that something to be gold or silver - you can picture a scenario whereby they select oil as the commodity that backs all "currency." The US actually has abundant oil reserves - including newly drilled and capped wells across west-Texas and huge discoveries (Alaska) that the oil/banking cartel simply refuse to allow to come onto the market. They limit refining capacity for one reason only - to constrain supply and keep prices high.
If you assume that the plan is to back a one-world currency with oil, then it makes perfect sense that the empire with the dying "petro-dollar" go out and acquire (at the tip of a spear), all of the oil it can - regardless of cost. It also explains why this same oil/banking cartel has kept every alternative to the internal combustion engine and alternative fuel sources out of automobiles - despite innovations that can replace gasoline to power cars. They simply require that oil remain "precious." Just like gold - OIL IS MONEY.
The end of the US fiat "currency" has been planned for thirty years. If they are replacing it with a form of money said to be backed by oil, that would explain why they chose to implement 9/11 as the pretext and the cover story for acquiring the majority of the world's oil supply. Those with the inside knowledge (and a copy of the script) are behaving just as you would expect them to, when insider trading is free to occur on a global scale without restriction or penalty.
What else explains it? - plunger
If there's a "HUMANITARIAN CRISIS", then WE caused it by an unprovoked attack on Libya:
Libya: on brink of humanitarian disaster
General Wesley Clark on 9/11 n Libya, Libya was already planned, Iran next..
Gaddafi's Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains 'Financial Terrorism'
How FASCISM is sold to the American public (especially people on the RIGHT who listen to RUSH LIMBAUGH) as "shrinking the government".
Open proposal for US revolution
Open proposal for US revolution: end unlawful wars, parasitic economics. 1 of 4
Open proposal for US revolution: end unlawful wars, all from known lies. 2 of 4
Open proposal for US revolution: end parasitic and criminal economics. 3 of 4
The Police State Road Map: Three Hundred Trillion Dollars and Counting
CFAP Report: $42 Million From Seven Foundations Helped Fuel The Rise Of Islamophobia In America
Obama once again, like Bush, sides with the elites & banksters against us with the foreclosure scandal:
Obama Goes All Out For Dirty Banker Deal
Wikileaks: Obama Administration Secretly Worked To Prevent Prosecution of War Crimes By The Bush Administration
Bush AND Obama LIE about 9/11 and tell you not to dig too deep (or what? you'll find out the truth?):
The Election March of the Trolls, The only commodity the troll state offers is fear.
First Federal Reserve Audit Reveals Trillions in Secret Bailouts
Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Secret Loans
Salon.com columnist Glenn Greenwald on Thursday blasted President Barack Obama’s mantra that the nation should “look forward, not backward” regarding alleged crimes committed by the Bush administration.
“Imagine if, for example, we decided to announce tomorrow that we were no longer going to prosecute murder or rape or child abductions because we didn’t want to ‘keep looking backwards,’” he said on MSNBC’s The Last Word. “What do you think would happen? Obviously there would be a lot more people engaging in murder, rape, and child abduction.”
Greenwald added that American political culture had “decided our highest political officials are free to break the law without consequences” and Obama had continued the “evisceration of the rule of law for political elites.”
You're watching our government and their "news" trick you about Libya in real time, now go back and take a look at how they tricked you on 9/11:
NOTE: The term 'National Security" does not mean what you think it means. As in Orwell's 1984 - the term has been hijacked. It now means: "protect the guilty Shadow Government co-conspirators"Whenever you hear the term "national security" - just think "Cover-Up"...Ellsberg seemed hardly surprised that today’s American mainstream broadcast media has so far failed to take [former FBI translator and 9/11 whistleblower Sibel] Edmonds up on her offer, despite the blockbuster nature of her allegations [which Ellsberg calls "far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers"]. As Edmonds has also alluded, Ellsberg pointed to the New York Times, who "sat on the NSA spying story for over a year" when they "could have put it out before the 2004 election, which might have changed the outcome." "There will be phone calls going out to the media saying ‘don’t even think of touching it, you will be prosecuted for violating national security,’" he told us.
* * *
"I am confident that there is conversation inside the Government as to ‘How do we deal with Sibel?’" contends Ellsberg. "The first line of defense is to ensure that she doesn’t get into the media. I think any outlet that thought of using her materials would go to to the government and they would be told ‘don’t touch this . . . .‘"
The TRUTH is "anti-American": Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Ellsberg Says Government Has ORDERED the Media Not to Cover 9/11(Article)
There was no "Underwear Bomber" - as there was never any "Bomb."
There was no "Portland Bomber" - as there was no "Bomb."
There was no "Shoe Bomber" - as there was no Bomb."
These are total FBI/CIA/Media inventions - psyops.
Watch this video of eyewitnesses to "the underwear bomber":
Truly a Bizarre Passenger list for Flight 77 that Crashed into the Pentagon (Article)
Shanksville Resident Speaks Out About 9-11
Recent developments among supporters of the US government’s version of events indicate that they plan to begin blaming Saudi Arabia for the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Big Dan's famous 9/11 post
The first of many 9/11 propaganda pieces pushing the official government 9/11 LIE: National Geographic -
News Corp. owned National Geographic’s 9/11 documentary more interested in feelings than facts
Language and words are essentially "tools" by which humans convey information to one another. As such, "truth" must have a beneficial use in order to be retained within language. Defining this potency and applicability can be looked upon as "criteria", and the method used to recognize a "truth" is termed a criterion of truth. Since there is no single accepted criterion, they can all be considered "theories".
The coherence theory of TRUTH
The main contender to the semantic theory of Tarski is the coherence theory. In general terms, the theory says that a proposition is true if it coheres (or agrees) with other propositions we already hold to be true.
The easiest way to appreciate what this means is to consider an example: suppose a person drops an expensive vase when browsing in an antique shop and is asked to pay for it. Instead, the person offers the explanation or proposition "I dropped it because an African elephant knocked it from my grasp, since we were arguing over who should buy it".
Why might we not accept this story?
African elephants are not known to talk.African elephants are not known to be patrons of antique shops. African elephants are not found in this part of the world.No elephant was known to be within a certain number of kilometres of the shop.No-one else in the shop saw the elephant. And so on. Each item in the list is some other proposition we already hold to be true, or approximately so. Given, then, that the person's claim conflicts (or fails to cohere) with the set of propositions we have previously accepted, we reject it and call it false.
Note that this is much the same way as we usually come by knowledge,especially on a day-to-day basis. Moreover, this has nothing at all todo with Ockham's Razor or the likelihood of different explanations; indeed, it seems that when people appeal to Ockham they are usually employing a coherence theory instead.
Ockham’s Razor is a principle; that is, it does not tell us that the simplest explanation is true (or what there is); but instead that we ought to prefer it on methodological grounds. We are counseled to adopt theories which are minimallyefficient, insofar as they can do the same with less. Note that there is apparently no reason why we should do so: a direct route to a destination is neither better nor worse than a diversion unless we include the criterion that we wish to get there by the most direct route (and even then it may not be, so we will return to this analogy later.) Nevertheless, it seems plain enough that we are inclined to favor the simpler explanation, other things being equal. It is this assumption that we shall now examine.
So you see, as long as the likes of Rumsfeld and Rove can blind us to the true meaning of the word TRUTH itself - they need never fear that it will come to been widely accepted and agreed upon. In truth - for all you know - fully 80% of Americans may already believe that 9/11 was an inside job. As Rove is fully aware - and counts on - unless and until the media informs the citizens of a truth - it never exists - as without the media to confirm its truthfulness - we are all left to look at our neighbors, friends and loved ones - and wonder what they consider to be true...all while having been brainwashed and programmed not to ask them directly.
Behold the individuals, awaiting development of the herd - while the essential rallying cry - the truth - is left unsaid - by the only medium capable of broadcasting it with credibility - the formerly free press.
I hold this truth to be self-evident.
BILL MOYERS: Let me get to the blunt conclusion you reach in your book. You say that two years after the devastating financial crisis of '08 our country is still at the mercy of an oligarchy that is bigger, more profitable, and more resistant to regulation than ever. Correct?
SIMON JOHNSON: Absolutely correct, Bill. The big banks became stronger as a result of the bailout. That may seem extraordinary, but it's really true. They're turning that increased economic clout into more political power. And they're using that political power to go out and take the same sort of risks that got us into disaster in September 2008.
BILL MOYERS: And your definition of oligarchy is?
SIMON JOHNSON: Oligarchy is just- it's a very simple, straightforward idea from Aristotle. It's political power based on economic power. And it's the rise of the banks in economic terms, which we document at length, that it'd turn into political power. And they then feed that back into more deregulation, more opportunities to go out and take reckless risks and-- and capture huge amounts of money….The American democracy was not given to us on a platter. It is not ours for all time, irrespective of our efforts. Either people organize and they find political leadership to take this on, or we are going to be in big trouble, okay?... That's absolutely the heart of the problem. I would also say and tell you, and emphasize, these people will not come out and debate with us. The heads of these companies or their representatives, they will not come out. They're afraid. They don't have the substance. They don't have the arguments. We have the evidence. They have the lobbyists. And that's all they have.
BILL MOYERS: They've got the power, the muscle, the money.
SIMON JOHNSON: They have money.
BILL MOYERS: You just have the arguments. You just have the facts. On your side.
SIMON JOHNSON: Absolutely. That's exactly what it comes down to.
Reality-based community is an informal term in the United States. In the fall of 2004, the phrase "proud member of the reality-based community" was first used to suggest the commentator's opinions are based more on observation than on faith, assumption, or ideology. The term has been defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from judicious study of discernible reality." Some commentators have gone as far as to suggest that there is an overarching conflict in society between the reality-based community and the "faith-based community" as a whole. It can be seen as an example of political framing.
The source of the term is a quotation in an October 17, 2004, The New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind, quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush (later attributed to Karl Rove[1]):
The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)
Hey Rachel:
What is the truth of 9/11?
Imagine that question going viral across the internet - everywhere - every day.
- plunger
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Can FRACKING Cause Earthquakes? (plus Ron Paul's scary pick & FBI "informants"))
Can FRACKING cause earthquakes? It looks like "YES". Fracking and other "destroying our environment" news:
United States, Mineral: A sign on the door lets visitors know that City Hall, which shares a building with the local DMV office, was closed after the building was damged by yesterday's 5.8 earthquake August 24, 2011 in Mineral, Virginia.
Fracking – Natural Gas Affects Water Quality
“In other words, the drilling and fracking endanger the groundwater and deplete rivers and lakes all for a quick payoff to the industry and the province, after which the taxpayer is left with the clean up.”
Media ignoring fracking incidents in their reporting
Fracking could have caused East Coast earthquake
COMMENT FROM THIS ARTICLE by frck August 25, 2011, 01:24
Marcellus Shale drilling to blame for Virginia earthquake? No fracking way, industry officials say
Human Activity Is Officially Acknowledged to Cause Earthquakes, Injection Wells Can Induce Earthquakes, "Fracking" Can Cause Earthquakes, Websites Ask Whether Fracking Caused the Virgina Quake:
It's Official: Human Activity Can Cause Earthquakes
Questionable pick by Ron Paul:
Ron Paul picks "dirty" connected insider to be his senior advisor; right from Ron Paul's page:
Ron Paul Campaign Welcomes Constitutional Law Heavyweight Bruce Fein as Senior Advisor
Now take a look at this about Bruce Fein, and there will be more here about this in later updates:
Bruce Fein & Turkey
Fein connection to Turkey / Edmonds:
Summary of FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds’ August 8, 2009 deposition under oath
BDBB commenter plunger writes:
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds testifies under oath in a deposition for the Schmidt v. Krikorian case. David Krikorian, a 2010 Democratic candidate for US Representative of Ohio, had been sued by Jean Schmidt (R-OH) in response to his claim that she had accepted “blood money” from the Turkish lobby in exchange for opposing an Armenian genocide resolution. As part of his defense against Schmidt’s charge that he had libeled her, Krikorian subpoenaed Edmonds’s testimony, as she had previously spoken and written about corruption of members of Congress by the Turkish Lobby. In two unrelated lawsuits prior to this one, Edmonds had been blocked from testifying by former Attorney General John Ashcroft, under the State Secrets Act. In Schmidt v. Krikorian, however, the Department of Justice under Attorney General Eric Holder does not reinvoke the claim of “state secrets” or otherwise move to block the testimony, and does not dispatch legal counsel to raise objections during the deposition. At the deposition, Krikorian is represented by Dan Marino of Mark Geragos’ law firm, Schmidt is represented by Bruce Fein
He is an AEI guy - clearly Fein's belief in the constitution does not carry over to a free press:
"The CDI's Ledeen, Amitay and Sobhani were featured speakers at a May 2003 forum on "the future of Iran' sponsored by AEI, the Hudson Institute and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. The forum, chaired by the Hudson Institute's Meyrav Wurmser, the Israeli-born wife of David Wurmser (he serves as Cheney's leading expert on Iran and Syria), included a presentation by Un Lubrani of Israel's Ministry of Defense.
Summarizing the sentiment of neoconservative ideologues and strategists, Meyrav Wurmser said: "Our fight against Iraq was only a battle in a long war. It would be ill-conceived to think we can deal with Iraq alone. We must move on, and faster."
JINSA, a neoconservative organization established in 1976 that fosters closer strategic and military ties between the United States and Israel, also has its sights on Iran. At a JINSA policy forum in April 2003 titled "Time to Focus on Iran-The Mother of Modern Terrorism," Ledeen declared, "The time for diplomacy is at an end; it is time for a free Iran, free Syria and free Lebanon."
JINSA, along with CSP, serves as one of the main institutional links to the military-industrial complex for neoconservatives. Ledeen served as JINSA's first executive director and was JINSA's "Godfather,"according to Amitay. Amitay is a JINSA vice chair. JINSA board members or advisers also include former CIA director James Woolsey, former Rep. Jack Kemp and the AEI's Joshua Muravchik. After he joined the administration, Feith resigned from JINSA.'s board of advisers, as did Vice President Dick Cheney and Undersecretary of State for Arms Control John Bolton."
Is Iran Next? The Pentagon neocons who brought you the war in Iraq have a new target
Zionist Influence On The US War Machine
The AEI considers itself to be the American-Jewish political presence in the world. World domination is their goal. The Neoconservative dream world is a Jewish World.
The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) is fundamentally made up of mostly scholars, corporate executives and politicians with Neoconservative leanings to the right. It is more or less a central “think tank” of Zionism. They over-see and make decisions regarding trade, economics, social welfare, government tax, spending, US policies on foreign affairs and all US defense policies related to Israel and the
entire Middle East.
The AEI is considered by the US government to be America’s foreign policy "experts."
The Neocon Zionist AEI
AEI representatives testify repeatedly before congressional committees and provide consultation to all branches of the US government.
The AEI Influence over the Media
AEI’s huge status in the national media is unmatched by any other US Government policy institute. The AEI is quoted and cited often and reprinted in the national media more than any other political think tank in this country. Because of this, AEI basically controls what Americans see and read and thus what they believe.
AEI is the main think thank responsible for this “politically correct” rhetoric we are constantly being exposed to in the media. AEI controls and regulates the media. They, alone and also through other institutions, disseminate huge amounts of political propaganda via literature and all other forms of media. AEI publishes hundreds of books, articles and reports alone yearly. They are also well known for their political propaganda magazine, The American Enterprise. AEI publications are dispersed extensively to all government officials and legislators, journalists, business executives, corporations and academia. AEI has political conferences, seminars, and lectures world-wide that are regularly covered by American national television.
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.” George W. Bush, said at a Gridiron Club dinner, Washington, D.C., March 2001
Sibel knows the deal...
GOP Rep Jean Schmidt Found Guilty of Accepting $500,000 in ‘Indirect’ Turkish Lobby Payment:
The Revered Bruce Fein & Foreign Lobby Dollars in the Form of Illegal Payment of Legal Bills
The report above casually, and very quickly, glosses over one of the implicated, that is, directly implicated, parties in this case: Schmidt’s lawyer- the lawyer who supposedly, and intentionally, misled his client, and did so with a dollar amount not in the thousands, but actually half a million dollars. Ordinarily this slip by a government garbage disposal facility like the Times would not raise big flags. However, this lawyer is no ordinary lawyer. The lawyer in question here happens to be a famous, very public, high-profile and very deviously and shrewdly marketed man. The lawyer in this case is none other than deceivingly perceived Bruce Fein. A man who has gotten very wealthy thanks to the foreign lobby, in this case the Turkish lobby in need of a man who knows the maze that gets the cheese to the congressional mice:
In 2007, Ayasli transferred $30 million in stock to fund a new endeavor, the nonprofit Turkish Coalition of America. The organization is headquartered in a Washington suite that has also been listed as the address for the Turkish Coalition USA PAC, the lobbying firm of Lydia Borland (who has represented the Turkish government), and the law firm of Bruce Fein and Associates (Fein comprises half of the Turkish American Legal Defense Fund).
In addition to the advocacy done through the ATC (which also funds trips to Turkey for congressional staff), a handful of its members–Citigroup, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, Chevron, Textron, United Technologies, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, which spent a combined $80 million lobbying Washington last year lobbied Congress directly on the genocide resolution and other issues important to Turkey; the Aerospace Industries Association, a trade group, helped coordinate the effort.
Paul is doing a deal with the devil - assuming this solves his media blackout issue - since Fein is in on that game. Paul doesn't realize he's just retained one of the insiders who is in on the blackout.
How is a closed and monopolized media constitutional?
Hitting Fein where he has literally no defense will focus on media control, and how extra-constitutional the Zionist control of us media has become.
And let's not forget this is the SAME JEAN SCHMIDT who stole her election in the famous "moisture" election:
The Veteran Of Fallujah Defeated By OH's Humidity
More on Bruce Fein:
Bruce Fein has maintained close ties to those involved in the last impeachment. Fein now serves as one of the “principals” of the American Freedom Agenda. Its other leaders include 2008 Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr, Rutherford Institute founder John Whitehead, and direct New Right pioneer Richard Viguerie.Barr served as one of the House managers during Bill Clinton’s impeachment.Perhaps the past is prologue.
Lawyer Drafts Articles of Impeachment Over Libya
"He needs to be impeached for several constitutional reasons which Bruce Fein has perfectly laid out."
take a look who is financing the push to impeach Obama...
In 2006, Whitehead was one of the most notable Republican donors to the campaign of Joseph Lieberman in his independent re-election campaign for the U.S. Senate
John C. Whitehead
Whitehead graduated from Haverford College in 1943 and served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, where he commanded one of the LCVP landing crafts at Omaha Beach, in the D-Day landing invasion of Normandy.[3][4]
In 1947 he received an MBA degree from Harvard Business School[2] and subsequently joined the prestigious New York investment bank of Goldman Sachs. He rose to become chairman over a total period at the firm of 38 years, and he retired in 1984 as Co-Chairman and Co-Senior Partner.
He served as United States Deputy Secretary of State in Ronald Reagan's administration from 1985 to 1989 under George Shultz, and was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal by President Reagan. In 1996, he was the campaign chairman for Michael Benjamin who ran for a seat in New York's 8th congressional district.
He is former Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the United Nations Association, and a former Chairman of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Harvard Board of Overseers. He is a former director of the New York Stock Exchange and Chairman Emeritus of The Brookings Institution.
He has a long association with the Rockefeller family, having held positions at various times with family-created institutions such as Rockefeller University, the Asia Society (where he is Chairman Emeritus and Honorary Life Trustee), the Lincoln Center Theater and the WTC Memorial Foundation. In these organizations, and previously when he was for a time on the family's powerful Trust Committee, overseeing the family fortune and investments of the Rockefeller Group[citation
needed], the real estate firm that previously owned and managed Rockefeller Center, he became closely associated with David Rockefeller...
why would Rockefeller want President Obama impeached?
I really don't know why Rockefeller would want Obama impeached. Perhaps as Obama is campaigning for a second run at ruining our country, it is possible that he hasn't nullified the sovereignty of our country to the U.N. as quickly as the
controllers would have liked. Although, he does have a great start at this.
Bruce Fein, below, has drafted articles of impeachment and will bring them before Congress if Obama declares war on Libya. I would not ever want to be on the wrong side of Bruce Fein.
Constitutional lawyer Bruce Fein drafts ‘Article of Impeachment’ of President Obama
Re: The impeachment power...Do you think Barack Hussein Obama will ever be impeached?
THE INFORMANTS: The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic attack. But are they busting terrorist plots—or leading them?
"Terrorists for the FBI:" How the FBI Uses Informants to Surveil and Entrap Americans
The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic terrorist attack. But are they busting plots—or leading them? That’s the question addressed by a year-long investigation in Mother Jones magazine. It suggests FBI informants are not only busting terrorist plots, they are actually leading them so the FBI can later claim victories in the so-called "war on terror." In collaboration with the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California, Berkeley, reporter Trevor Aaronson examined more than 500 terrorism-related cases and found that nearly half the prosecutions involved the use of informants, many of them incentivized by cash rewards up to $100,000 per assignment. We speak with Aaronson and are also joined by James Wedick, a retired FBI agent who worked for the Bureau for 35 years, and Gadeir Abbas, staff attorney for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
"COINTELPRO" was the FBI's secret program to undermine the popular upsurge which swept the country during the 1960s. Though the name stands for "Counterintelligence Program," the targets were not enemy spies. The FBI set out to eliminate "radical" political opposition inside the US. When traditional modes of repression (exposure, blatant harassment, and prosecution for political crimes) failed to counter the growing insurgency, and even helped to fuel it, the Bureau took the law into its own hands and secretly used fraud and force to sabotage constitutionally- protected political activity. Its methods ranged far beyond surveillance, and amounted to a domestic version of the covert action for which the CIA has become infamous throughout the world.
FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US
Records show FBI practice of hiding evidence in secret databases
Top 10 Greatest FBI FAILs of All Time
With CIA Help, New York Police Secretly Monitored Mosques, Muslim Communities Post-9/11
A new investigation by the Associated Press reveals how, after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the New York City Police Department decided it could no longer trust other agencies to prevent terrorism and started expanding its own intelligence gathering. In the process, it became "one of the nation’s most aggressive domestic intelligence agencies," targeting ethnic communities in ways that would run afoul of civil liberties rules if practiced by the federal government. The report, titled "With CIA Help, NYPD Moves Covertly in Muslim Areas," also finds that these operations "benefited from unprecedented help from the CIA, a partnership that has blurred the line between foreign and domestic spying." The report details how police used informants, known as "mosque crawlers," to monitor sermons, even without any evidence of wrongdoing. Also falling under NYPD’s scrutiny were imams, taxi cab drivers and food cart vendors — jobs often done by Muslims. We speak with Matt Apuzzo, co-author of the Associated Press investigative report, and get response from Gadeir Abbas, staff attorney for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
CIA Using The NYPD For Domestic Spying And False Flag Terrorism Patsy Programs
Just to let you know, I was right again about something - BATH SALTS. I said there is "NO ACTUAL PROOF" in all these bath salts stories that the people were actually "high on bath salts", and in this newswatch 16 report, they report that THERE IS NO TEST TO TEST PEOPLE FOR BATH SALTS (and many people argued with me about this btw...):
I also wrote (cut/paste from a previous post):
And I'm cut/pasting this from the last post, because I'm right about 9/11, too:
Not TV guys & politicians, REAL EXPERTS - scientists, architects, engineers, firemen, professors............
If this doesn't change your mind in 15 minutes about believing the official 9/11 story, nothing will. Watch this 15 minute video from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. If you still believe the official 9/11 story, then you believe TV guys & politicians and you DON'T believe FACTS, SCIENCE, & EXPERTS. I love when architect Richard Gage says in the video, "LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS" before he shows an array of REAL EXPERTS (not TV guys & politicians) scientifically proving the official government/media story of 9/11 is not possible:
If you won't watch that 15 minute video above, will your short attention span allow you to watch this 4 (FOUR) minute version?
Above video & message from AE911Truth: This is AE911Truth's new 9/11 documentary on the mysterious destruction of World Trade Center Building #7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner, and architect, Richard Gage, AIA, as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account ("collapse due to normal office fires") of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds - and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall.
This is AE911Truth's best shot at a professionally produced 15 minute informative and engaging WTC 7 documentary - designed for newcomers. It is free. Please spread far and wide.
The documentary includes several of the dozens of technical and building experts that were interviewed and that appear in our forthcoming full length documentary - 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out. Altogether of course there are more than 1,500 Architects & Engineers that have signed the AE911Truth petition calling for a new investigation of the destruction of all 3 high-rises at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Special thanks to the AE911Truth volunteer video crew!
We are proud to partner with the 9/11 family members and first responders of http://RememberBuilding7.org in the 10th Anniversary Campaign to raise awareness about WTC 7 in cities across America.
Please visit http://RememberBuilding7.org and decide what you can do to help the campaign.
Please also support the work of AE911Truth, a non-partisan non-profit 501c3 organization with your financial support by visiting http://AE911Truth.org today and click the Donate button. We are a community organization with no corporate sponsorship. YOU are our lifeline. Join the family of sustaining supporters today!
Real Experts: more in depth interviews -
Cover Up by BOTH parties: Bush AND Obama warn you not to dig too deep and listen to the REAL EXPERTS (listen to us LYING POLITICIANS & OUR MAINSTREAM MEDIA PRESSTITUTES, not SCIENTISTS, ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, FIREMEN, PHYSICS PROFESSORS....):
Engineers Request Permission to Speak Freely Regarding World Trade Building 7
Diane Horning, mother of a 9/11 victim, on phone-hacking probe
United States, Mineral: A sign on the door lets visitors know that City Hall, which shares a building with the local DMV office, was closed after the building was damged by yesterday's 5.8 earthquake August 24, 2011 in Mineral, Virginia.
Fracking – Natural Gas Affects Water Quality
“In other words, the drilling and fracking endanger the groundwater and deplete rivers and lakes all for a quick payoff to the industry and the province, after which the taxpayer is left with the clean up.”
Media ignoring fracking incidents in their reporting
Fracking could have caused East Coast earthquake
COMMENT FROM THIS ARTICLE by frck August 25, 2011, 01:24
My 1st thought for the cause was fracking...
I live in the epicenter of Earthquake country, and I can assure you that quakes can stretch beyond 160 miles. You people have no idea what you're talking about. Anyway, The Marina, SOMA, & Market districts in SF were built on landfill, which saw the greatest destruction and amplification due to soil liquefaction.
Liquefaction could easily occur from injecting fluids back into the ground, and it is well-documented that Fracking has caused multiple earthquakes.
"The Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission placed a moratorium on fracking wastewater wells, as geologists investigated a possible link between fracking activity and the outbreak of more than 1,200 earthquakes that measured lower than 4.7 in magnitude."
"Scott Ausbrooks of the Arkansas Geological Survey said a network of cracks and joints in underground rock formations allowed the fracking fluids to reach the fault and cause earthquakes. The earthquakes began rumbling through the countryside after the injections began, and after the operations stopped, the number of earthquakes dropped by two-thirds."
The media here (U.S.) won't even explore the possibility of fracking as the cause, because they're funded by the Petrol corporations. Oil and Nat. Gas companies run non-stop ads on our "news" channels; thus, their word is tainted with oil
Marcellus Shale drilling to blame for Virginia earthquake? No fracking way, industry officials say
Human Activity Is Officially Acknowledged to Cause Earthquakes, Injection Wells Can Induce Earthquakes, "Fracking" Can Cause Earthquakes, Websites Ask Whether Fracking Caused the Virgina Quake:
It's Official: Human Activity Can Cause Earthquakes
Questionable pick by Ron Paul:
Ron Paul picks "dirty" connected insider to be his senior advisor; right from Ron Paul's page:
Ron Paul Campaign Welcomes Constitutional Law Heavyweight Bruce Fein as Senior Advisor
Now take a look at this about Bruce Fein, and there will be more here about this in later updates:
Bruce Fein & Turkey
Fein connection to Turkey / Edmonds:
Summary of FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds’ August 8, 2009 deposition under oath
BDBB commenter plunger writes:
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds testifies under oath in a deposition for the Schmidt v. Krikorian case. David Krikorian, a 2010 Democratic candidate for US Representative of Ohio, had been sued by Jean Schmidt (R-OH) in response to his claim that she had accepted “blood money” from the Turkish lobby in exchange for opposing an Armenian genocide resolution. As part of his defense against Schmidt’s charge that he had libeled her, Krikorian subpoenaed Edmonds’s testimony, as she had previously spoken and written about corruption of members of Congress by the Turkish Lobby. In two unrelated lawsuits prior to this one, Edmonds had been blocked from testifying by former Attorney General John Ashcroft, under the State Secrets Act. In Schmidt v. Krikorian, however, the Department of Justice under Attorney General Eric Holder does not reinvoke the claim of “state secrets” or otherwise move to block the testimony, and does not dispatch legal counsel to raise objections during the deposition. At the deposition, Krikorian is represented by Dan Marino of Mark Geragos’ law firm, Schmidt is represented by Bruce Fein
He is an AEI guy - clearly Fein's belief in the constitution does not carry over to a free press:
"The CDI's Ledeen, Amitay and Sobhani were featured speakers at a May 2003 forum on "the future of Iran' sponsored by AEI, the Hudson Institute and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. The forum, chaired by the Hudson Institute's Meyrav Wurmser, the Israeli-born wife of David Wurmser (he serves as Cheney's leading expert on Iran and Syria), included a presentation by Un Lubrani of Israel's Ministry of Defense.
Summarizing the sentiment of neoconservative ideologues and strategists, Meyrav Wurmser said: "Our fight against Iraq was only a battle in a long war. It would be ill-conceived to think we can deal with Iraq alone. We must move on, and faster."
JINSA, a neoconservative organization established in 1976 that fosters closer strategic and military ties between the United States and Israel, also has its sights on Iran. At a JINSA policy forum in April 2003 titled "Time to Focus on Iran-The Mother of Modern Terrorism," Ledeen declared, "The time for diplomacy is at an end; it is time for a free Iran, free Syria and free Lebanon."
JINSA, along with CSP, serves as one of the main institutional links to the military-industrial complex for neoconservatives. Ledeen served as JINSA's first executive director and was JINSA's "Godfather,"according to Amitay. Amitay is a JINSA vice chair. JINSA board members or advisers also include former CIA director James Woolsey, former Rep. Jack Kemp and the AEI's Joshua Muravchik. After he joined the administration, Feith resigned from JINSA.'s board of advisers, as did Vice President Dick Cheney and Undersecretary of State for Arms Control John Bolton."
Is Iran Next? The Pentagon neocons who brought you the war in Iraq have a new target
Zionist Influence On The US War Machine
The AEI considers itself to be the American-Jewish political presence in the world. World domination is their goal. The Neoconservative dream world is a Jewish World.
The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) is fundamentally made up of mostly scholars, corporate executives and politicians with Neoconservative leanings to the right. It is more or less a central “think tank” of Zionism. They over-see and make decisions regarding trade, economics, social welfare, government tax, spending, US policies on foreign affairs and all US defense policies related to Israel and the
entire Middle East.
The AEI is considered by the US government to be America’s foreign policy "experts."
The Neocon Zionist AEI
AEI representatives testify repeatedly before congressional committees and provide consultation to all branches of the US government.
The AEI Influence over the Media
AEI’s huge status in the national media is unmatched by any other US Government policy institute. The AEI is quoted and cited often and reprinted in the national media more than any other political think tank in this country. Because of this, AEI basically controls what Americans see and read and thus what they believe.
AEI is the main think thank responsible for this “politically correct” rhetoric we are constantly being exposed to in the media. AEI controls and regulates the media. They, alone and also through other institutions, disseminate huge amounts of political propaganda via literature and all other forms of media. AEI publishes hundreds of books, articles and reports alone yearly. They are also well known for their political propaganda magazine, The American Enterprise. AEI publications are dispersed extensively to all government officials and legislators, journalists, business executives, corporations and academia. AEI has political conferences, seminars, and lectures world-wide that are regularly covered by American national television.
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.” George W. Bush, said at a Gridiron Club dinner, Washington, D.C., March 2001
Sibel knows the deal...
GOP Rep Jean Schmidt Found Guilty of Accepting $500,000 in ‘Indirect’ Turkish Lobby Payment:
The Revered Bruce Fein & Foreign Lobby Dollars in the Form of Illegal Payment of Legal Bills
The report above casually, and very quickly, glosses over one of the implicated, that is, directly implicated, parties in this case: Schmidt’s lawyer- the lawyer who supposedly, and intentionally, misled his client, and did so with a dollar amount not in the thousands, but actually half a million dollars. Ordinarily this slip by a government garbage disposal facility like the Times would not raise big flags. However, this lawyer is no ordinary lawyer. The lawyer in question here happens to be a famous, very public, high-profile and very deviously and shrewdly marketed man. The lawyer in this case is none other than deceivingly perceived Bruce Fein. A man who has gotten very wealthy thanks to the foreign lobby, in this case the Turkish lobby in need of a man who knows the maze that gets the cheese to the congressional mice:
In 2007, Ayasli transferred $30 million in stock to fund a new endeavor, the nonprofit Turkish Coalition of America. The organization is headquartered in a Washington suite that has also been listed as the address for the Turkish Coalition USA PAC, the lobbying firm of Lydia Borland (who has represented the Turkish government), and the law firm of Bruce Fein and Associates (Fein comprises half of the Turkish American Legal Defense Fund).
In addition to the advocacy done through the ATC (which also funds trips to Turkey for congressional staff), a handful of its members–Citigroup, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, Chevron, Textron, United Technologies, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, which spent a combined $80 million lobbying Washington last year lobbied Congress directly on the genocide resolution and other issues important to Turkey; the Aerospace Industries Association, a trade group, helped coordinate the effort.
Paul is doing a deal with the devil - assuming this solves his media blackout issue - since Fein is in on that game. Paul doesn't realize he's just retained one of the insiders who is in on the blackout.
How is a closed and monopolized media constitutional?
Hitting Fein where he has literally no defense will focus on media control, and how extra-constitutional the Zionist control of us media has become.
And let's not forget this is the SAME JEAN SCHMIDT who stole her election in the famous "moisture" election:
The Veteran Of Fallujah Defeated By OH's Humidity
More on Bruce Fein:
Bruce Fein has maintained close ties to those involved in the last impeachment. Fein now serves as one of the “principals” of the American Freedom Agenda. Its other leaders include 2008 Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr, Rutherford Institute founder John Whitehead, and direct New Right pioneer Richard Viguerie.Barr served as one of the House managers during Bill Clinton’s impeachment.Perhaps the past is prologue.
Lawyer Drafts Articles of Impeachment Over Libya
"He needs to be impeached for several constitutional reasons which Bruce Fein has perfectly laid out."
take a look who is financing the push to impeach Obama...
In 2006, Whitehead was one of the most notable Republican donors to the campaign of Joseph Lieberman in his independent re-election campaign for the U.S. Senate
John C. Whitehead
Whitehead graduated from Haverford College in 1943 and served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, where he commanded one of the LCVP landing crafts at Omaha Beach, in the D-Day landing invasion of Normandy.[3][4]
In 1947 he received an MBA degree from Harvard Business School[2] and subsequently joined the prestigious New York investment bank of Goldman Sachs. He rose to become chairman over a total period at the firm of 38 years, and he retired in 1984 as Co-Chairman and Co-Senior Partner.
He served as United States Deputy Secretary of State in Ronald Reagan's administration from 1985 to 1989 under George Shultz, and was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal by President Reagan. In 1996, he was the campaign chairman for Michael Benjamin who ran for a seat in New York's 8th congressional district.
He is former Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the United Nations Association, and a former Chairman of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Harvard Board of Overseers. He is a former director of the New York Stock Exchange and Chairman Emeritus of The Brookings Institution.
He has a long association with the Rockefeller family, having held positions at various times with family-created institutions such as Rockefeller University, the Asia Society (where he is Chairman Emeritus and Honorary Life Trustee), the Lincoln Center Theater and the WTC Memorial Foundation. In these organizations, and previously when he was for a time on the family's powerful Trust Committee, overseeing the family fortune and investments of the Rockefeller Group[citation
needed], the real estate firm that previously owned and managed Rockefeller Center, he became closely associated with David Rockefeller...
why would Rockefeller want President Obama impeached?
I really don't know why Rockefeller would want Obama impeached. Perhaps as Obama is campaigning for a second run at ruining our country, it is possible that he hasn't nullified the sovereignty of our country to the U.N. as quickly as the
controllers would have liked. Although, he does have a great start at this.
Bruce Fein, below, has drafted articles of impeachment and will bring them before Congress if Obama declares war on Libya. I would not ever want to be on the wrong side of Bruce Fein.
Constitutional lawyer Bruce Fein drafts ‘Article of Impeachment’ of President Obama
Re: The impeachment power...Do you think Barack Hussein Obama will ever be impeached?
THE INFORMANTS: The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic attack. But are they busting terrorist plots—or leading them?
"Terrorists for the FBI:" How the FBI Uses Informants to Surveil and Entrap Americans
The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic terrorist attack. But are they busting plots—or leading them? That’s the question addressed by a year-long investigation in Mother Jones magazine. It suggests FBI informants are not only busting terrorist plots, they are actually leading them so the FBI can later claim victories in the so-called "war on terror." In collaboration with the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California, Berkeley, reporter Trevor Aaronson examined more than 500 terrorism-related cases and found that nearly half the prosecutions involved the use of informants, many of them incentivized by cash rewards up to $100,000 per assignment. We speak with Aaronson and are also joined by James Wedick, a retired FBI agent who worked for the Bureau for 35 years, and Gadeir Abbas, staff attorney for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
"COINTELPRO" was the FBI's secret program to undermine the popular upsurge which swept the country during the 1960s. Though the name stands for "Counterintelligence Program," the targets were not enemy spies. The FBI set out to eliminate "radical" political opposition inside the US. When traditional modes of repression (exposure, blatant harassment, and prosecution for political crimes) failed to counter the growing insurgency, and even helped to fuel it, the Bureau took the law into its own hands and secretly used fraud and force to sabotage constitutionally- protected political activity. Its methods ranged far beyond surveillance, and amounted to a domestic version of the covert action for which the CIA has become infamous throughout the world.
FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US
Records show FBI practice of hiding evidence in secret databases
Top 10 Greatest FBI FAILs of All Time
With CIA Help, New York Police Secretly Monitored Mosques, Muslim Communities Post-9/11
A new investigation by the Associated Press reveals how, after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the New York City Police Department decided it could no longer trust other agencies to prevent terrorism and started expanding its own intelligence gathering. In the process, it became "one of the nation’s most aggressive domestic intelligence agencies," targeting ethnic communities in ways that would run afoul of civil liberties rules if practiced by the federal government. The report, titled "With CIA Help, NYPD Moves Covertly in Muslim Areas," also finds that these operations "benefited from unprecedented help from the CIA, a partnership that has blurred the line between foreign and domestic spying." The report details how police used informants, known as "mosque crawlers," to monitor sermons, even without any evidence of wrongdoing. Also falling under NYPD’s scrutiny were imams, taxi cab drivers and food cart vendors — jobs often done by Muslims. We speak with Matt Apuzzo, co-author of the Associated Press investigative report, and get response from Gadeir Abbas, staff attorney for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
CIA Using The NYPD For Domestic Spying And False Flag Terrorism Patsy Programs
Just to let you know, I was right again about something - BATH SALTS. I said there is "NO ACTUAL PROOF" in all these bath salts stories that the people were actually "high on bath salts", and in this newswatch 16 report, they report that THERE IS NO TEST TO TEST PEOPLE FOR BATH SALTS (and many people argued with me about this btw...):
I also wrote (cut/paste from a previous post):
Another "BATH SALTS" story in the "news", the usual usual: no proof they were on bath salts...besides them just saying it, and references to the two sensational priest stabbing and wall stabbing stories:
• James E. Piacente of Shickshinny and Theodore Glowacki of Nanticoke were charged with public intoxication after police responded to a call of two suspicious men on Livingston Lane Friday afternoon. Police said the two men admitted ingesting bath salts and were taken into custody and held at police headquarters until they were sober. -> on the internet you can't see what's in the paper, but it references the priest stabber and the people who stabbed their walls...just like I keep saying. Keep the two sensational stories referenced in any bath salts story, both of which provide no proof the people were on bath salts...except just "saying" they were on bath salts. My point is: since when is it PROOF of something, when someone just merely "says it"? That's my point! Maybe these two guys "said" they were on bath salts...and maybe they didn't even "say" that! Did you ever think about that? Beyond even PROVING they were on bath salts, how do we even know for sure they SAID they were on bath salts? It's all taking peoples' word for it with no actual proof, which is my point.
Do you think it's reasonable not to believe something, if someone just "says it"? I think that's reasonable. I think it's NUTS to believe something just because someone said it verbally or in print.
I'm high on bath salts right now! I must be...because I said it. I think they're trying to link crimes with being high on bath salts, that's why they keep repeating the two sensational stabbing stories every time there's a story about bath salts.
And I'm cut/pasting this from the last post, because I'm right about 9/11, too:
Not TV guys & politicians, REAL EXPERTS - scientists, architects, engineers, firemen, professors............
If this doesn't change your mind in 15 minutes about believing the official 9/11 story, nothing will. Watch this 15 minute video from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. If you still believe the official 9/11 story, then you believe TV guys & politicians and you DON'T believe FACTS, SCIENCE, & EXPERTS. I love when architect Richard Gage says in the video, "LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS" before he shows an array of REAL EXPERTS (not TV guys & politicians) scientifically proving the official government/media story of 9/11 is not possible:
If you won't watch that 15 minute video above, will your short attention span allow you to watch this 4 (FOUR) minute version?
Above video & message from AE911Truth: This is AE911Truth's new 9/11 documentary on the mysterious destruction of World Trade Center Building #7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner, and architect, Richard Gage, AIA, as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account ("collapse due to normal office fires") of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds - and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall.
This is AE911Truth's best shot at a professionally produced 15 minute informative and engaging WTC 7 documentary - designed for newcomers. It is free. Please spread far and wide.
The documentary includes several of the dozens of technical and building experts that were interviewed and that appear in our forthcoming full length documentary - 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out. Altogether of course there are more than 1,500 Architects & Engineers that have signed the AE911Truth petition calling for a new investigation of the destruction of all 3 high-rises at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Special thanks to the AE911Truth volunteer video crew!
We are proud to partner with the 9/11 family members and first responders of http://RememberBuilding7.org in the 10th Anniversary Campaign to raise awareness about WTC 7 in cities across America.
Please visit http://RememberBuilding7.org and decide what you can do to help the campaign.
Please also support the work of AE911Truth, a non-partisan non-profit 501c3 organization with your financial support by visiting http://AE911Truth.org today and click the Donate button. We are a community organization with no corporate sponsorship. YOU are our lifeline. Join the family of sustaining supporters today!
Real Experts: more in depth interviews -
Cover Up by BOTH parties: Bush AND Obama warn you not to dig too deep and listen to the REAL EXPERTS (listen to us LYING POLITICIANS & OUR MAINSTREAM MEDIA PRESSTITUTES, not SCIENTISTS, ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, FIREMEN, PHYSICS PROFESSORS....):
Engineers Request Permission to Speak Freely Regarding World Trade Building 7
Diane Horning, mother of a 9/11 victim, on phone-hacking probe
Sunday, August 21, 2011
If This Doesn't Change Your Mind in 15 Minutes (or 4 Minutes), then you are hopeless.......
Not TV guys & politicians, REAL EXPERTS - scientists, architects, engineers, firemen, professors............
If this doesn't change your mind in 15 minutes about believing the official 9/11 story, nothing will. Watch this 15 minute video from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. If you still believe the official 9/11 story, then you believe TV guys & politicians and you DON'T believe FACTS, SCIENCE, & EXPERTS. I love when architect Richard Gage says in the video, "LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS" before he shows an array of REAL EXPERTS (not TV guys & politicians) scientifically proving the official government/media story of 9/11 is not possible:
If you won't watch that 15 minute video above, will your short attention span allow you to watch this 4 (FOUR) minute version?
Above video & message from AE911Truth: This is AE911Truth's new 9/11 documentary on the mysterious destruction of World Trade Center Building #7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner, and architect, Richard Gage, AIA, as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account ("collapse due to normal office fires") of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds - and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall.
This is AE911Truth's best shot at a professionally produced 15 minute informative and engaging WTC 7 documentary - designed for newcomers. It is free. Please spread far and wide.
The documentary includes several of the dozens of technical and building experts that were interviewed and that appear in our forthcoming full length documentary - 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out. Altogether of course there are more than 1,500 Architects & Engineers that have signed the AE911Truth petition calling for a new investigation of the destruction of all 3 high-rises at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Special thanks to the AE911Truth volunteer video crew!
We are proud to partner with the 9/11 family members and first responders of http://RememberBuilding7.org in the 10th Anniversary Campaign to raise awareness about WTC 7 in cities across America.
Please visit http://RememberBuilding7.org and decide what you can do to help the campaign.
Please also support the work of AE911Truth, a non-partisan non-profit 501c3 organization with your financial support by visiting http://AE911Truth.org today and click the Donate button. We are a community organization with no corporate sponsorship. YOU are our lifeline. Join the family of sustaining supporters today!
Real Experts: more in depth interviews -
Cover Up by BOTH parties: Bush AND Obama warn you not to dig too deep and listen to the REAL EXPERTS (listen to us LYING POLITICIANS & OUR MAINSTREAM MEDIA PRESSTITUTES, not SCIENTISTS, ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, FIREMEN, PHYSICS PROFESSORS....):
Engineers Request Permission to Speak Freely Regarding World Trade Building 7
9/11: "Honest Mistake" or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7? Jane Standley Breaks Her Silence
bd: But ask yourself why you believed the official 9/11 story. The best reason I could come up with is the reason I believe the official story for a long time: we saw it on TV. Before all the experts weighed in to tell us the official story is not scientifically possible, all we had to go on was TV "news", radio "news briefs", and the press. We all saw 2 planes hit the Twin Towers and then TV immediately and in impossible time flashed the pictures of the hijackers and Osama Bin Laden on the TV. Case closed. No experts said it was true, only TV guys and politicians. Then those same TV guys and politicians kept repeating the impossible story over and over and over, with no evidence, proof, or facts backing the story - not a shred of evidence. Well, the evidence has come in by the real experts and none of them believe the official story. It turns out the mainstream media is simply the spokesman for the government. And the mainstream media continues to push the lie until this day and ignore the real experts. This leads to the very scary conclusion that there is total corruption at the highest levels of the mainstream media, the government, law enforcement, and the courts. These are the same people transferring the wealth of this country to super rich globalists who have no loyalty to the United States, telling us we must cut public programs and sell public property because we're in a financial crisis, all the while feeding trillions into the "wars" that were all started by the 9/11 LIE.
New Explosive 9/11 Documentary Trailer
All the criminals like Rudy Giuliani will be there for the 9/11 10th anniversary, but not the DYING first responders:
clockwise some of the scientific non-experts, but expert LIARS, that you believed until REAL EXPERTS began speaking out: Bush, Cheney, Helms, Gingrich, Sharon, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Ashcroft, Powell, Delay, Rove, Perle
Responders Not Invited to Memorial on 9/11: Firefighters and other responders will be on the outside looking in during the ceremony next month.
The official tally is that 23 NYPD officers lost their lives in the Sept. 11 terror attacks — but 45 cops have died of cancer since then, and hundreds more are battling the disease.
Interview with Mike Ryan, Dying 9/11 First Responder on Toxic Dust, WTC7 and Medical Treatment:
get ready for media/politicians to reinforce the 9/11 lie for the 10 year anniversary
The same mainstream media that lied to you on 9/11 continues to push stories one after another to keep the 9/11 MYTH alive, like The Ground Zero Mosque, Juan Williams, etc:
Big Dan's famous 9/11 post where I did my OWN research.
Get your head out of the sand and look at the facts and listen to the REAL EXPERTS, not TV guys and politicians:
It is such a simple matter for me to have predicted this false flag attack - coinciding with the visit of fully 1/5 of the US Congress and their staff and families to Israel. BLATANT - IN YOUR FACE - FALSE FLAG TERROR. ISRAELI IDF FORCES FIRING ROCKETS AT THEIR OWN SYNAGOGUE - and seeing to it that one of their own soldiers dies. A nicely timed/staged terror event - preventing any potential for a tour of Gaza - driving home the need for US military aid, and quelling the uprising in the streets.
bd: If "terrorists" are attacking Israel and killing Israeli soldiers, should 1/5 of congress be there? How can Israel keep 1/5 of our congress safe, if they can't keep their own soldiers safe? OR...is this proof it's a false flag?
plunger: The only way that Israel can guarantee the safety of fully 1/5 of the US Congress visiting there at the same time, is if Israel is also the country responsible for firing rockets onto their own country in the first place. My prediction included the false flag firing of rockets to land very near to these US Traitors - to really scare the shit out of them. Any takers on that bet? Imagine how much fear they can generate in the hearts of any Congressman who did not vote 100% in Israel's favor every single time. All of this is treasonous.
Dubious Evidence Israeli Bus Attackers Based in Gaza
Following deadly terror attacks on Israel, Israeli Air Force kills 9 in Gaza despite lack of evidence connecting attackers to the Strip
81 members of Congress entertained, perhaps being recruited in Israel.
'US imposes news blackout on lawmakers' junkets to Israel'
Apparently the total media blackout of our bought congress vacationing in Israel has not prevented word from slipping out - and the dirt bag traitors are a bit too nervous about being seen there...at least with Beck...Boehner Isn't Allowing Members Of Congress To Attend Glenn Beck's Israel Rally
what a total crock of shit this is... "May we have your attention over here Senator...this is why we need another $3 billion in foreign aid..."
If you actually believe that Israel left it to chance that militants would fire rockets from Gaza while Congress was in Israel - you need your head examined. Here's what's going on. Israel wants Congress to fund a shitload more of these systems. When warmongers are in bed with systems suppliers - they rig the tests to ensure a high success rate. The IDF is physically in Gaza launching test rockets with homing devices built in to ensure the interceptor missiles will take them out. They are on the radio to each other giving a countdown and coordinates...guaranteed. They totally control Gaza. THIS IS THE THEATER OF THE ABSURD.... - plunger
Traitors in a foreign country, not being covered by the other traitors: the mainstream media.
Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran.
911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel
Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior
Confirmed Government employing Internet Trolls Shills and Agents for Facebook and YouTube
Super Rich are not "looters" for taking TRILLIONS, but common people are "looters" if they protest:
...and the government (SEC) covers up the super rich's crimes:
SEC Whistleblower: Feds Destroyed Evidence Of Thousands Of Wall Streets’ Worst Crimes
Bernie Sanders LEAKS NAMES of those manipulating oil prices (but where are the names?)
Michael Ruppert NAMES NAMES
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ordered the central bank to repatriate $11 billion of gold reserves held in developed nations’ institutions such as the Bank of England as prices for the metal rise to a record.
Every Mother's Son by Traffic:
Once again I'm northward bound, on the edge of sea and sky
Tomorrow is my friend, my one and only friend
We travel on together searching for the end
I'm a traveling soul and every mother's son
Although I'm getting tired I've got to travel on
Can you please help, my god? Can you please help, my god?
Can you please help, my god? I think it's only fair
Once again I'm northward bound, on the edge of sea and sky
Together we will go and see what waits for us
A backdoor to the universe, that old moondust.
If this doesn't change your mind in 15 minutes about believing the official 9/11 story, nothing will. Watch this 15 minute video from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. If you still believe the official 9/11 story, then you believe TV guys & politicians and you DON'T believe FACTS, SCIENCE, & EXPERTS. I love when architect Richard Gage says in the video, "LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS" before he shows an array of REAL EXPERTS (not TV guys & politicians) scientifically proving the official government/media story of 9/11 is not possible:
If you won't watch that 15 minute video above, will your short attention span allow you to watch this 4 (FOUR) minute version?
Above video & message from AE911Truth: This is AE911Truth's new 9/11 documentary on the mysterious destruction of World Trade Center Building #7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner, and architect, Richard Gage, AIA, as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account ("collapse due to normal office fires") of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds - and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall.
This is AE911Truth's best shot at a professionally produced 15 minute informative and engaging WTC 7 documentary - designed for newcomers. It is free. Please spread far and wide.
The documentary includes several of the dozens of technical and building experts that were interviewed and that appear in our forthcoming full length documentary - 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out. Altogether of course there are more than 1,500 Architects & Engineers that have signed the AE911Truth petition calling for a new investigation of the destruction of all 3 high-rises at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Special thanks to the AE911Truth volunteer video crew!
We are proud to partner with the 9/11 family members and first responders of http://RememberBuilding7.org in the 10th Anniversary Campaign to raise awareness about WTC 7 in cities across America.
Please visit http://RememberBuilding7.org and decide what you can do to help the campaign.
Please also support the work of AE911Truth, a non-partisan non-profit 501c3 organization with your financial support by visiting http://AE911Truth.org today and click the Donate button. We are a community organization with no corporate sponsorship. YOU are our lifeline. Join the family of sustaining supporters today!
Real Experts: more in depth interviews -
Cover Up by BOTH parties: Bush AND Obama warn you not to dig too deep and listen to the REAL EXPERTS (listen to us LYING POLITICIANS & OUR MAINSTREAM MEDIA PRESSTITUTES, not SCIENTISTS, ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, FIREMEN, PHYSICS PROFESSORS....):
Engineers Request Permission to Speak Freely Regarding World Trade Building 7
9/11: "Honest Mistake" or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7? Jane Standley Breaks Her Silence
bd: But ask yourself why you believed the official 9/11 story. The best reason I could come up with is the reason I believe the official story for a long time: we saw it on TV. Before all the experts weighed in to tell us the official story is not scientifically possible, all we had to go on was TV "news", radio "news briefs", and the press. We all saw 2 planes hit the Twin Towers and then TV immediately and in impossible time flashed the pictures of the hijackers and Osama Bin Laden on the TV. Case closed. No experts said it was true, only TV guys and politicians. Then those same TV guys and politicians kept repeating the impossible story over and over and over, with no evidence, proof, or facts backing the story - not a shred of evidence. Well, the evidence has come in by the real experts and none of them believe the official story. It turns out the mainstream media is simply the spokesman for the government. And the mainstream media continues to push the lie until this day and ignore the real experts. This leads to the very scary conclusion that there is total corruption at the highest levels of the mainstream media, the government, law enforcement, and the courts. These are the same people transferring the wealth of this country to super rich globalists who have no loyalty to the United States, telling us we must cut public programs and sell public property because we're in a financial crisis, all the while feeding trillions into the "wars" that were all started by the 9/11 LIE.
New Explosive 9/11 Documentary Trailer
All the criminals like Rudy Giuliani will be there for the 9/11 10th anniversary, but not the DYING first responders:
clockwise some of the scientific non-experts, but expert LIARS, that you believed until REAL EXPERTS began speaking out: Bush, Cheney, Helms, Gingrich, Sharon, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Ashcroft, Powell, Delay, Rove, Perle
Responders Not Invited to Memorial on 9/11: Firefighters and other responders will be on the outside looking in during the ceremony next month.
The official tally is that 23 NYPD officers lost their lives in the Sept. 11 terror attacks — but 45 cops have died of cancer since then, and hundreds more are battling the disease.
Interview with Mike Ryan, Dying 9/11 First Responder on Toxic Dust, WTC7 and Medical Treatment:
get ready for media/politicians to reinforce the 9/11 lie for the 10 year anniversary
The same mainstream media that lied to you on 9/11 continues to push stories one after another to keep the 9/11 MYTH alive, like The Ground Zero Mosque, Juan Williams, etc:
Big Dan's famous 9/11 post where I did my OWN research.
Get your head out of the sand and look at the facts and listen to the REAL EXPERTS, not TV guys and politicians:
It is such a simple matter for me to have predicted this false flag attack - coinciding with the visit of fully 1/5 of the US Congress and their staff and families to Israel. BLATANT - IN YOUR FACE - FALSE FLAG TERROR. ISRAELI IDF FORCES FIRING ROCKETS AT THEIR OWN SYNAGOGUE - and seeing to it that one of their own soldiers dies. A nicely timed/staged terror event - preventing any potential for a tour of Gaza - driving home the need for US military aid, and quelling the uprising in the streets.
bd: If "terrorists" are attacking Israel and killing Israeli soldiers, should 1/5 of congress be there? How can Israel keep 1/5 of our congress safe, if they can't keep their own soldiers safe? OR...is this proof it's a false flag?
plunger: The only way that Israel can guarantee the safety of fully 1/5 of the US Congress visiting there at the same time, is if Israel is also the country responsible for firing rockets onto their own country in the first place. My prediction included the false flag firing of rockets to land very near to these US Traitors - to really scare the shit out of them. Any takers on that bet? Imagine how much fear they can generate in the hearts of any Congressman who did not vote 100% in Israel's favor every single time. All of this is treasonous.
Dubious Evidence Israeli Bus Attackers Based in Gaza
Following deadly terror attacks on Israel, Israeli Air Force kills 9 in Gaza despite lack of evidence connecting attackers to the Strip
81 members of Congress entertained, perhaps being recruited in Israel.
'US imposes news blackout on lawmakers' junkets to Israel'
Apparently the total media blackout of our bought congress vacationing in Israel has not prevented word from slipping out - and the dirt bag traitors are a bit too nervous about being seen there...at least with Beck...Boehner Isn't Allowing Members Of Congress To Attend Glenn Beck's Israel Rally
what a total crock of shit this is... "May we have your attention over here Senator...this is why we need another $3 billion in foreign aid..."
If you actually believe that Israel left it to chance that militants would fire rockets from Gaza while Congress was in Israel - you need your head examined. Here's what's going on. Israel wants Congress to fund a shitload more of these systems. When warmongers are in bed with systems suppliers - they rig the tests to ensure a high success rate. The IDF is physically in Gaza launching test rockets with homing devices built in to ensure the interceptor missiles will take them out. They are on the radio to each other giving a countdown and coordinates...guaranteed. They totally control Gaza. THIS IS THE THEATER OF THE ABSURD.... - plunger
Traitors in a foreign country, not being covered by the other traitors: the mainstream media.
Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran.
911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel
Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior
Confirmed Government employing Internet Trolls Shills and Agents for Facebook and YouTube
Super Rich are not "looters" for taking TRILLIONS, but common people are "looters" if they protest:
...and the government (SEC) covers up the super rich's crimes:
SEC Whistleblower: Feds Destroyed Evidence Of Thousands Of Wall Streets’ Worst Crimes
Bernie Sanders LEAKS NAMES of those manipulating oil prices (but where are the names?)
Michael Ruppert NAMES NAMES
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ordered the central bank to repatriate $11 billion of gold reserves held in developed nations’ institutions such as the Bank of England as prices for the metal rise to a record.
Every Mother's Son by Traffic:
Once again I'm northward bound, on the edge of sea and sky
Tomorrow is my friend, my one and only friend
We travel on together searching for the end
I'm a traveling soul and every mother's son
Although I'm getting tired I've got to travel on
Can you please help, my god? Can you please help, my god?
Can you please help, my god? I think it's only fair
Once again I'm northward bound, on the edge of sea and sky
Together we will go and see what waits for us
A backdoor to the universe, that old moondust.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Big Dan's Big News August 15, 2011 - our troops are fighting the wrong people!
Breaking..........as predicted, corrupt mainstream media pushing "terrorist attacks in Israel" to wipe out of the "news" the fact that 1/5 of the U.S. congress and their families are on an all expenses paid (by AIPAC, the Israel lobby) vacation in Israel AND to wipe out of the "news" the recent stories of media bias against Ron Paul, AND it's conveniently timed to occur WHILE congress is in Israel, so Netanyahu can show them how much they need U.S. aid and backing against the "terrorists". Question: if there's a reporter there, why hasn't he been covering 1/5 of congress & their families in Israel? and why is he STILL not mentioning it? You think he'd say, "Wow! There hasn't been any terrorist attacks here in such a long time, what are the odds they would occur while 1/5 of congress is here? Furthermore, you'd think there would be more security here than usual! GEE! Since there's attacks going on here, isn't it against U.S. national security to have 1/5 congress in Israel?":
More: SITE (Israeli shills) find "terrorist" threat on "jihadist website":
Iran shuts down cell phones on protesters protesting a cop shooting a civilian.
NOPE! It was the United States! I believe our Constitution says we have the right to freely assemble in protest. The slap in the face to our troops and the irony is this: the U.S. government is taking away its own citizens' freedoms and sending our troops to Arab countries to kill people who AREN'T taking away our freedoms. Our troops are fighting the wrong people!
San Francisco Cops Jam Cell Phones to Prevent Protest
BART: 1st Amendment issues mount over cell shutdown
Egypt did the same thing to THEIR protesters first, and our mainstream media and politicians were all over it: "OH! Look how OPPRESSIVE these Arab countries are on their protesters!"
BART Pulls a Mubarak in San Francisco; Shuts Cell Phone Service to Impede Protest:
Bay Area Rapid Transit Accused of Censorship for Blocking Wireless Services to Foil Protests
Disguised Member of Hacktivist Group "Anonymous" Defends Retaliatory Action Against BART:
Freedom?: Police Say They Can Detain Photographers If Their Photographs Have 'No Apparent Esthetic Value'
"The Global Plutocracy Is Terrified of Dissent. In Some Places, The War On Dissent Is Being Fought With Bullets. In Others, The War On Dissent Targets Social Media And Mobile Communications"
The next time you see the mainstream media or Hillary Clinton or some other politician telling us how some ARAB country is suppressing their protesters, think about this!
How do you know when politicians and their mainstream media stenographers are LYING? It's when they move their lips.
Our troops are just doing the bidding of corrupt civilian leaders:
Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So
3rd world country - look at these things going on HERE IN THE UNITED STATES (don't worry about IRAN!!!):
3rd world country: 1 in 5 U.S. children live in poverty
6 Million Gallons Of Tritium Leaked In Braidwood Illinois, Sickened Residents Not Warned
Another structure collapses probably due to the "free market" policing itself:
Don't worry, the "free market" will speak when too many people get killed by huge structures and stop attending things that have huge structures!!! Like Rand Paul said: shops should be allowed to be "white only", and the free market will put them out of business by not patronizing these shops! Take Rand Paul's advice and don't go to ANYTHING that has a huge structure - like a concert, football game, baseball game, a fair, an amusement park, etc...
3rd world country: our nuke plants are a disater waiting to happen -
Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes?
Department Of Justice Investigating S&P Over Mortgage Securities Ratings
Marcy Kaptur Says "Wall Street Greed & Endless Wars!' Are To Blame For Our Budget Crisis
FAKE social security crisis:
More 3rd world country - Here's what our corrupt leaders are doing: one of their top most important agendas is to criminalize homelessness -
Criminalizing poverty: During economic crisis, new laws crack down on America's poor, homeless
Iceland went through what we are now going through, and they threw out their corrupt government and started all over:
25 Ordinary Citizens Write Iceland’s New Constitution With Help From Social Media
WAKE UP AMERICA! - The Real U.S. Budget Problem: Defense & War Spending Equal 94% Of All Federal Income Tax Revenues
Steven Pearlstein: Blame for financial mess starts with the corporate lobby
Note: not a WORD about this traitorous trip of 1/5 of our congress THIS MONTH, save for an isolated article here and there -
1/5 of Congress Benedict Arnold TRAITORS going on all expenses paid trip with their families THIS MONTH to Israel, paid for by AIPAC, a lobby for a foreign country. They're selling it as "It's OK, because no taxpayer money".
Check out this comment in this link on Rep Pat Meehan's (of Pennsylvania) site 'splainin' about his treasonous trip to Israel:
Mike Rivero comments:
Click on the below on Rep Pat Meehan's site, and pay special attention to the comments under Meehan's post that he's going to Israel, along with 1/5 of Congress. The shit's going to hit the fan on this one, as our congress is most likely being blackmailed by Israel via NSA phone tapping, which all calls go directly to Israeli companies. So will they do as they're told by Israel, or get outed via blackmail:
Pat Meehan: goin' to Israel!!!
CODEPINK files complaint with Congressional Ethics Committee against AIPAC-funded junkets to Israel
All expenses for the 81 members and any spouses and staff members who choose to travel, are covered by the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), better known as AIPAC’s education arm. We know all about AIPAC, but what is this AIEF?
Unconditional Support for Israel is Profoundly Damaging to Americans
Corrupt mainstream media obviously pushing Michele Bachmann over Ron Paul:
Michele Bachmann: I wish this was Netanyahu's COCK!
Ron Paul tied Michelle Bachmann in straw poll - and CNN and rest of corporate media intentionally censor that news
Did Israel bribe the presstitutes to ignore Ron Paul?
Corporate Media Admit They Censor Candidates Who Challenge the Status Quo
Media picks your candidates! Where's Cynthia McKinney in the media, too! Notice the candidates that are ignored aren't kissing Israel's ass!
Jon Stewart/Daily Show: Mainstream media & rightwing media pretending Ron Paul doesn't exist -
If you wish to donate to BDBB:
Breaking..........as predicted, corrupt mainstream media pushing "terrorist attacks in Israel" to wipe out of the "news" the fact that 1/5 of the U.S. congress and their families are on an all expenses paid (by AIPAC, the Israel lobby) vacation in Israel AND to wipe out of the "news" the recent stories of media bias against Ron Paul, AND it's conveniently timed to occur WHILE congress is in Israel, so Netanyahu can show them how much they need U.S. aid and backing against the "terrorists". Question: if there's a reporter there, why hasn't he been covering 1/5 of congress & their families in Israel? and why is he STILL not mentioning it? You think he'd say, "Wow! There hasn't been any terrorist attacks here in such a long time, what are the odds they would occur while 1/5 of congress is here? Furthermore, you'd think there would be more security here than usual! GEE! Since there's attacks going on here, isn't it against U.S. national security to have 1/5 congress in Israel?":
More: SITE (Israeli shills) find "terrorist" threat on "jihadist website":
Iran shuts down cell phones on protesters protesting a cop shooting a civilian.
NOPE! It was the United States! I believe our Constitution says we have the right to freely assemble in protest. The slap in the face to our troops and the irony is this: the U.S. government is taking away its own citizens' freedoms and sending our troops to Arab countries to kill people who AREN'T taking away our freedoms. Our troops are fighting the wrong people!
San Francisco Cops Jam Cell Phones to Prevent Protest
BART: 1st Amendment issues mount over cell shutdown
Egypt did the same thing to THEIR protesters first, and our mainstream media and politicians were all over it: "OH! Look how OPPRESSIVE these Arab countries are on their protesters!"
BART Pulls a Mubarak in San Francisco; Shuts Cell Phone Service to Impede Protest:
Bay Area Rapid Transit Accused of Censorship for Blocking Wireless Services to Foil Protests
Disguised Member of Hacktivist Group "Anonymous" Defends Retaliatory Action Against BART:
Freedom?: Police Say They Can Detain Photographers If Their Photographs Have 'No Apparent Esthetic Value'
"The Global Plutocracy Is Terrified of Dissent. In Some Places, The War On Dissent Is Being Fought With Bullets. In Others, The War On Dissent Targets Social Media And Mobile Communications"
The next time you see the mainstream media or Hillary Clinton or some other politician telling us how some ARAB country is suppressing their protesters, think about this!
How do you know when politicians and their mainstream media stenographers are LYING? It's when they move their lips.
Our troops are just doing the bidding of corrupt civilian leaders:
Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So
3rd world country - look at these things going on HERE IN THE UNITED STATES (don't worry about IRAN!!!):
3rd world country: 1 in 5 U.S. children live in poverty
6 Million Gallons Of Tritium Leaked In Braidwood Illinois, Sickened Residents Not Warned
Another structure collapses probably due to the "free market" policing itself:
Don't worry, the "free market" will speak when too many people get killed by huge structures and stop attending things that have huge structures!!! Like Rand Paul said: shops should be allowed to be "white only", and the free market will put them out of business by not patronizing these shops! Take Rand Paul's advice and don't go to ANYTHING that has a huge structure - like a concert, football game, baseball game, a fair, an amusement park, etc...
3rd world country: our nuke plants are a disater waiting to happen -
Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes?
Department Of Justice Investigating S&P Over Mortgage Securities Ratings
Marcy Kaptur Says "Wall Street Greed & Endless Wars!' Are To Blame For Our Budget Crisis
FAKE social security crisis:
More 3rd world country - Here's what our corrupt leaders are doing: one of their top most important agendas is to criminalize homelessness -
Criminalizing poverty: During economic crisis, new laws crack down on America's poor, homeless
Iceland went through what we are now going through, and they threw out their corrupt government and started all over:
25 Ordinary Citizens Write Iceland’s New Constitution With Help From Social Media
WAKE UP AMERICA! - The Real U.S. Budget Problem: Defense & War Spending Equal 94% Of All Federal Income Tax Revenues
Steven Pearlstein: Blame for financial mess starts with the corporate lobby
Note: not a WORD about this traitorous trip of 1/5 of our congress THIS MONTH, save for an isolated article here and there -
1/5 of Congress Benedict Arnold TRAITORS going on all expenses paid trip with their families THIS MONTH to Israel, paid for by AIPAC, a lobby for a foreign country. They're selling it as "It's OK, because no taxpayer money".
Check out this comment in this link on Rep Pat Meehan's (of Pennsylvania) site 'splainin' about his treasonous trip to Israel:
Mike Rivero comments:
There is a reason that members of Congress are not supposed to accept free trips from lobbyists and foreign governments, and the fact that Congress has voted thorough a specific exemption for Israel does not erase the questions from the public mind as to why members of Congress voted into office and paid from US taxpayer dollars, are using that taxpayer-funded time to act as the "Vichy Government" for a foreign power, let alone accepting trips to Israel for a week of obvious political indoctrination!
No government can serve two masters, and a government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people. A friend to Israel is no friend of America. America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third.
Please remember who you are supposed to work for and represent. This election I am making it my one mission that every politician who screams about how much they love Israel will be voted out of office, so that they free to go live there for the rest of their lives.
Click on the below on Rep Pat Meehan's site, and pay special attention to the comments under Meehan's post that he's going to Israel, along with 1/5 of Congress. The shit's going to hit the fan on this one, as our congress is most likely being blackmailed by Israel via NSA phone tapping, which all calls go directly to Israeli companies. So will they do as they're told by Israel, or get outed via blackmail:
Pat Meehan: goin' to Israel!!!
CODEPINK files complaint with Congressional Ethics Committee against AIPAC-funded junkets to Israel
All expenses for the 81 members and any spouses and staff members who choose to travel, are covered by the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), better known as AIPAC’s education arm. We know all about AIPAC, but what is this AIEF?
Unconditional Support for Israel is Profoundly Damaging to Americans
Corrupt mainstream media obviously pushing Michele Bachmann over Ron Paul:
Michele Bachmann: I wish this was Netanyahu's COCK!
Ron Paul tied Michelle Bachmann in straw poll - and CNN and rest of corporate media intentionally censor that news
Did Israel bribe the presstitutes to ignore Ron Paul?
Corporate Media Admit They Censor Candidates Who Challenge the Status Quo
Media picks your candidates! Where's Cynthia McKinney in the media, too! Notice the candidates that are ignored aren't kissing Israel's ass!
Jon Stewart/Daily Show: Mainstream media & rightwing media pretending Ron Paul doesn't exist -
If you wish to donate to BDBB:

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