Libya just used chemical weapons on their own people and used them as "human shields"......WHOOPS! I mean IRAN did that. WHOOPS! No...I mean IRAQ...WHOOPS! Afghanistan! I said Afghanistan, didn't I? FORGET EVERYTHING I SAID.....I meant SYRIA...........we're saving the "CHEMICAL WEAPONS/HUMAN SHIELDS/WMD's" bullshit for IRAN DO believe us, don't you?
Watch this before you read this post: General Wesley Clark ADMITS YEARS AGO the U.S. government had planned well in advance to invade all the Arab countries we are now invading, which implies we needed FALSE FLAGS in order to do so -
As I pointed out in my last post SEQUESTER & FISCAL CLIFF = BOMB SYRIA FOR ISRAEL ???????, there is no evidence that Assad used chemical weapons and a mountain of evidence that "THE REBELS" that the U.S. government is backing used chemical weapons. I also pointed out that congressmen say they are getting calle 499-1 AGAINST bombing Syria. would think the opposite is true, if you watch or listen to any type of mainstream media. The only ones who are FOR bombing Syria are POLITICIANS & MEDIA CHARACTERS. Which adds credence to what I always say here on the blog: the mainstream media is an arm of the government, regardless of which party is in power, be it Bush or Obama. The same thing happened when Bush was president, even the NYTimes and all the other FAKE LIBERAL mainstream media cheerleaded us into the Iraq War, just like they're doing now with bombing Syria.
And now we have John Kerry the famous anti-Vietnam War activist LYING about chemical weapons. This goes to show you that once they get high enough, and it doesn't matter which "party" they're from, they somehow all do the same things. There would be no difference if Romney was president, there would be no difference if McCain beat Obama 2 elections ago, now we KNOW there would've been no difference if John Kerry beat George W. Bush THREE elections ago, and there would've been no difference if Gore/Lieberman beat George W. Bush FOUR elections ago. Joe Lieberman is the WORST of them all!!! He probably would've somehow became president, if he was Vice-President, and then we'd have an Israeli agent running our country!
It's all RIGGED, folks!!!!!!!! And the mainstream media's job is to give the ILLUSION that it's NOT RIGGED!!!!!!! And there's a "left & right" party with huge differences. There's no differences, folks, just minor FAKE differences to give further ILLUSION.
Here's a NYTimes video from April 2012 of "SYRIAN REBELS" we're backing with OUR tax dollars during a SEQUESTER where our politicians just cut our UNEMPLOYMENT and other domestic programs. The "REBELS" are executing and then throwing 7 people from the Syrian army into a pit, it's from April 2012, it's graphic:
To see the WHOLE UNCENSORED VIDEO, click here and see it directly on the NYTIMES website.
NYTIMES: Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West
Syria Video Turns the Debate on U.S. Intervention. The tape made ‘New York Times’ editors sick. Lloyd Grove on the footage of a rebel slaughter that’s upended talk of an authorized U.S. intervention.
Here's one of the "BIG THREE WARMONGERS", John McCain, getting lambasted by constituents:
This is how much EVIL John McCain cares about human life:
Pokergate: McCain Plays Online During "Debate" On Raining Casual Death on Children in Distant Lands, Then Makes Jokes About It Because, Ha Ha, War
Senile, evil warmonger John McCain is a POSTER BOY for TERM LIMITS:
Big Dan's Big Blog July 23, 2008: McCain's "Alzheimer's Express" makes stop in Wilkes-Barre
The "BIG THREE WARMONGERS" that they trot out on TV to push every war (remember them all over TV for the Libya bombing?) are: JOHN MCCAIN, his Israeli handler JOE LIEBERMAN, and LYNDSEY GRAHAM (who's probably blackmailed for being a closet gay):
Pro-Israel and Jewish groups strongly back military strike against Syria
Video: Syrian Rebel Admits Using Chemical Weapons
And here we have anti-Vietnam War activist John Kerry: now that he's got more power he's pro-War FrankenKerry:
John Kerry claims 34 countries support Syrian War, when asked for the list Kerry responds: “I don’t have the list”
John Kerry is KNOWINGLY LYING just like COLIN POWELL LYING about the Iraq WMD's:
See??? It doesn't matter if it's BUSH/POWELL/IRAQ or OBAMA/KERRY/SYRIA!!! They all KNOWINGLY LIE to us to push us into endless wars for war profiteers!!!
Here's John Kerry the huge anti-Vietnam War activist testifying of the horrors of war in 1971:
Mr. Kerry: you recently said only HITLER & SADAAM HUSSEIN have used chemical weapons. That's ANOTHER LIE and you know it:
10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn't Want You to Talk About
Rep Grayson tells White House: Don't Attack Syria
Here's the last REAL REPUBLICAN president, Eisenhower, in his farewell address warning of the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX taking over the U.S. government: