It's increasingly clear that Trump was compelled by his Russian "Partners" to run for office, as the Intel Community was picking up chatter about supporting a Trump run in the spring of 2015, before he'd even declared his candidacy. When Trump declared he'd finance the campaign out of his own pocket, paying for all that jet fuel, it now appears evident that money from Russian sources was flowing through Trump Properties to help fund the effort (tax returns would reveal). Foreign Money Laundering funded the vast scheme to inject chaos into the US electoral process and sow negative stories designed to at least weaken any Clinton Presidency. Kushner directed the digital micro-targeting that resulted in the Trump victory, and the co-conspirators efforts were determinative in the outcome of the race. If this proves to be true, it's waaay beyond collusion. It's Treason.
“What’s happening to us in the United States of America in 2016, 2017, it isn’t just happening here,” he said. “In the first decade of the century, history was going from the west to the east. That hasn’t been true for some time... For the past several years, history has been coming from the east to the west… The cyber war, fake news, those things are old news in some places…. They are only new here. The fact we’re shocked by them is because we’re provincial. We’re not paying attention.”
Is Trump's Attraction to Russia About Shaping the U.S. Version of Putin's 21st-Century, Postmodern, Authoritarian, Kleptocratic Regime? Yale historian Timothy Snyder asserts that Trump's ties to Russia are far deeper and more dangerous than campaign collusion.
Is Trump's Attraction to Russia About Shaping the U.S. Version of Putin's 21st-Century, Postmodern, Authoritarian, Kleptocratic Regime?
Yale historian Timothy Snyder asserts that Trump's ties to Russia are far deeper and more dangerous than campaign collusion. The links between President Trump and Russia will prove to be deeper and darker than many Americans now believe. This is according to Timothy Snyder, a noted istorian of the…
(I had to make the below pic of Christie ORCA kkklan extra-large, get it?)
From smoking gun to CONFLAGRATION. Evidence that between POTUS, Donald Jr., Manafort and Kushner, there's not half-a-brain, moral or ethic between them. Too stupid to hold a security clearance. Easy marks. Trump was so delighted the Russians favored him, he had to brag about it. Trump knew everything that transpired in the meeting when Manafort had lunch with him that day. Trump knows everything, because he directed everything. Anyone who doesn't see Trump continuing to collude with the Russians, today, simply doesn't want to see the obvious. Where do you think the idea of the Cyber Security alliance came from? You don't think Putin planted that with Trump, and Trump immediately agreed while in the meeting, utterly clueless as to the ramifications? This guy is a total idiot. Putin in laughing his ass off. He's divided the US and hamstrung the government without firing a shot. No wonder Kim Jung Un is firing off missiles. Who's going to stop him? The compromised and blackmailed POTUS? As if!
A Sneak Peek At Charlie Daniels' Next NRA Ad
In his new NRA Ad, Charlie Daniels introduces the "Ayatollahs of Iran" to the real America, but there's even more America he didn't get to.
I cant even finish watching it laughing too much
The stupid continues -what could possibly go wrong?.... Fox News said that Trump Jr. would appear on its network Tuesday night for an interview with host Sean Hannity.
"I believed I was meeting with an official Russian Agent with top secret intelligence damaging to the Former Secretary Of State"
Just like the POTUS, everything he says can and will be used against him, and he can't STFU!
They are TOAST! It's increasingly clear that Trump was compelled by his Russian "Partners" to run for office, as the Intel Community was picking up chatter about supporting a Trump run in the spring of 2015, before he'd even declared his candidacy. When Trump declared he'd finance the campaign out of his own pocket, paying for all that jet fuel, it now appears evident that money from Russian sources was flowing through Trump Properties to help fund the effort (tax returns would reveal). Foreign Money Laundering funded the vast scheme to inject chaos into the US electoral process and sow negative stories designed to at least weaken any Clinton Presidency. Kushner directed the digital micro-targeting that resulted in the Trump victory, and the co-conspirators efforts were determinative in the outcome of the race. If this proves to be true, it's waaay beyond collusion. It's Treason.
A Who's Who of the Trump Campaign's Russia Connections
Everything we know about the members of Trump's campaign who had contact with the Russian government.
Russiagate and the Magnitsky Affair, Linked Again
Natalia Veselnitskaya is at center of explosive Trump-Russia revelations; the latest indication that Russiagate didn't begin last year – but almost a decade ago.
If there's not such an offense as "CRIMINALLY STUPID" - there ought to be. Serial Stupidity defines their decision making, daily. Had they not heard the Snowden revelations that the NSA captures EVERY electronic communication, particularly between foreign enemies and US citizens where KEYWORDS pop-up in emails and phone calls? Israel, Russia & the NSA all have the actual audio of every phone call. The NSA surely has an actual recording of the actual meeting in Trump Tower, via any number of cell phones in the room. While Trump was offended enough by Snowden's whistleblowing (to suggest his execution), he apparently didn't learn a thing by the revelations made about the government's surveillance capabilities - arrogantly assuming himself not to be subject to them. Got Blackmail?
So what lesson were the Trump's too ill-informed to have learned - such that they became the next available TOOLS of Putin?
MY TAKE: Following multiple bankruptcies, Trump had burned through western options to keep his Real Estate Ponzi alive, and resorted to Russian capital, specifically laundering money via condo sales to help Oligarchs offshore their money, where overpaying for alleged "assets" served a purpose - getting more of their money out of Russia. This was the strategy behind bringing the Miss Universe Pageant to Russia, to seek financial relationships, with hot babes as the bait. Ultimately it will be found that the alleged "Trump Real Estate Empire" is in fact a money laundering operation. Via tax returns, it will be learned that upwards of 80% of his professed "net worth" is attributed to the wildly inflated valuation placed on his "TRUMP" BRAND alone. That brand is rapidly becoming worthless, daily - an actual liability. He is losing massive brand equity, daily, by his own actions, and NOBODY will participate in the funding of ANY Trump-Branded deal.
GAMEOVERVILLE: Recall the Kushners recently being caught attempting to seduce Chinese "investment" in Trump condos with the lure of "Citizenship"? They are out of funding options, having run out of Greater Fools to fill in the bottom row of the pyramid scheme. How many Russian Oligarchs own how much Trump-branded real estate that is declining in value with every new revelation? How pissed are they, and how fearful are they of being drawn into the Mueller probe? How many more potential witnesses are fearing for their very life? Kushner is trying to get out front, and save his own skin. Others will scurry to follow his lead. Flynn was absolutely given instructions by the then-President-Elect to get word to Putin, via Kislyak, to sit-tight on responding to Obama's new sanctions. The cover story that Flynn lied to Pence about having discussed sanctions with Kislyak (5 times in one day) is itself, a lie. Trump and Pence were both in on the decision to contact Putin. Flynn took one for the team. He's likely fearing for his life at this point, as are Manafort, and others.
How Trump invited Putin to hack the 2016 election. Then denied it happened. Every last utterance
It was Democrats whining about losing. It wasn’t Russia. Putin says he didn’t do it.
How is the Trump business model so different from any run-of-the-mill "Pump & Dump" scheme? How is it different from the Madoff Ponzi? Is this really so complicated? Occam's Razor suggests the SIMPLEST explanation - the one hiding in plain sight. Simple-minded stupidity, combined with arrogance, desperation and megalomania provide the explanation. Ponzi schemes work, until they don't - the point of maximum potential is also the point at which the bottom row of the pyramid scheme requires the highest number of "Greater Fools" to feed those at the top, in need of Exit. How is Trump so different from every charismatic multi-level-marketing leader? He was simply the best at it - having developed his own Cult Of Personality - until he wasn't.
Desperation to obtain exponentially more funding explains the inexplicable risks taken. He ran for POTUS to raise his brand value to its maximum potential, which was achieved on the day of his (s)election. Actually winning was, and is, his worst possible nightmare. He knew the day that Sessions recused himself from all matters "Russian" that he was screwed. This explains the preemptive full-court-press against the press. His only hope was/is to dupe Americans into disbelief of the blindingly obvious truth.
Welcome to GAMEOVERVILLE. How dangerous is a wild, cornered animal - with the lives of his own family at stake? Dangerous enough to start a war with Iran, under false pretense, perhaps?
Tourists In Israel Can Now Pretend To Kill Palestinians For Only $115
These part-propaganda, part-morbid fantasy “terror camps” provide tourists a chance to play the role of IDF soldiers in dramatic situations.
A fave of mine
ANYONE who's still talking about dnc hillary etc... is definitely running interference instead of talking about this
Gitter dun
In the broadest sense, he's just had a series of Ponzi Schemes, with a get out of jail free card via BK each time
thanks for keeping an eye on the ball instead of HILLARY BENGHAZI DNC MURDER
there was an ACTUAL murder of a RNC guy ad no one covered it on the right
Whether all that shit is true or not - this guy's got his finger on the button, and she doesn't
a REAL murder did you see it?
Bodies are going to start falling like cord wood
Can you even imagine how freaked out these co-conspirators must be, knowing that Putin is actually more likely to take them out as Trump?
LOL true
he's a cornered rat with his finger on the button
BTW, it occurred to me , Putin could have sent agents into Sheldon Adelson's casino to LOSE MONEY, as a way to launder it to the Trump campaign via Adelson. Got Zionist Conspiracy?
Think like a criminal!
When Trump claimed he was self-funding a run for POTUS, I thought "bullshit" - he's not that rich"
remember when fringe freaks were shunned in america? like rush limbaugh?
i could never think of that
Assume that when he was in Moscow for the Pageant, he was specifically courted, while thinking he was the one doing the courting, at Putin's request, to play to his ego - to run for POTUS, at the urging and with the support of Putin himself, as proposed by the Russian Oligarch
"Donald, I have it on good authority that Putin wishes you would run for President, and stands ready to support you in that endeavor, including intelligence against Clinton and other forms of support that I can arrange for you."
He's literally that fucking stupid, so you wouldn't need to be any more clever than that
He literally said on television that he wanted to become his "New Best Friend". It doesn't get any more stupid than that.
this is so funny, is it a liberal troll purposely doing it? if it is, i am not worthy: I'M going to do this on a conservative site if this is for real, because it's GENIUS if this guy purposely misspelled todd runDgren.'s too late, you'd have to contact thousands of MORA
Deplorables are banning Todd of misspellings of his name. Maybe MILLIONS. It's RUNDGREN you Sean KKKlannity luvin' can't spellin' hick ASSHOLES: