Financial Reform: None of the measures being considered will end "too big to fail". There are several ways to hold "rainmakers" accountable; unlikely in current bills. Need to make parasitical forms of investment illegal, need public control of finance sector. Banks use the Federal Reserve to hold the economy hostage.
6,000 U.S. Veterans committed suicide last year:
Republican: Microchip Illegals Like Dogs:
We're Killing Women & Children On Obama's Watch! Phil Donahue
Special Rant by Big Dan that has nothing to do with what's in the "news": "You might think I'm kidding around about this, but I'm totally serious: NO MORE COMPUTERS CALLING PEOPLES' HOUSES!!! There needs to be a law that only HUMAN BEINGS can call peoples' phones. Corporations and politicians who have endless money, can set up computers to call your phones with calls: bill collectors (especially medical bills), scam artists, political ads, politicians who aren't even on the phone themselves have a recording of themselves on a computer. THIS IS HARASSMENT, AND I WANT A LAW: NO MORE COMPUTERS CALLING PEOPLES' PHONES!!! NO MORE RECORDED VOICES CALLING PEOPLES' HOMES!!! I'm serious! They can set up a computer to call your phone every 20 minutes. If a bill collector calls my home and it's a HUMAN BEING, then FINE! They MUST have a human being calling your home. They want to waste YOUR time and not THEIR time or pay a human being to do it. I'm sure 99.9% of the American people want this to be a law...and the 0.1% are the corporations and politicians harassing us!!! I should have a right NOT to have some corporation or politician set up a computer to call my phone!!! And I don't mean a 'no call list', I mean a NO COMPUTERS EVER CALLING MY PHONES LIST!!! There is a difference. I must stress, if they are listening: I DO NOT CALL BACK COMPUTERS! I DO NOT GET THE PHONE IF IT'S A COMPUTER OR A RECORDED VOICE! Do they know this? Do they care? No, they don't's harassment because they've programmed a computer to do it! And they save money by harassing you like this, because they don't have to pay a human being to call you. I'm going to get rid of my phone, if they don't come up with a law to stop this. It's the same thing as junk mail, and should be illegal."
Constitutional Law expert and George Washington U. Law professor Jonathan Turley: there are two grounds for challenging Arizona's Illegal Immigration Law -
BD: The most ridiculous thing about the Arizona Illegal Immigrant Law is by far people saying that the federal government isn't doing anything about it, so they had to "rush" in a law...WHAT ABOUT THE 8 YEARS OF BUSH/CHENEY??? THEY didn't do anything and there was no "rush"!!!!!!
Keiser Report №38: Markets! Finance... Goldman Sachs! Plus: Webster Tarpley on what effect Greece's problems will have on the U.S. and the rest of the world.
Corbett Report (no, not WILK FOX "news" Jr.'s FAKE liberal Steve Corbett!!!): the manufactured Greek financial crisis and the manufactured Arizona Illegal Immigrant law; both were manufactured for ulterior motives, right on queue...PLUS, new study "Fair Use" benefits the economy but study isn't being covered by the corporate media:
Story#1: The European Economic Crisis Is Not Complicated
You might assume that the reason for the implosion in the Eurozone is a mystery. But it's not:
DRILL, BABY, DRILL - at the Republican National Convention
...hey...don't they know we have VIDEOS?????????
Here's what happens when you "DRILL, BABY, DRILL" -Good Luck & Best Wishes, Gulf of Mexico!!! We should put some oil rigs off the coast of: South Carolina & Florida, DRILL BABY DRILL!!!
The Young Turks - multi-millionaire Rush Limbaugh & rightwing media side with the BANKSTERS!!! Now you know who Rush Limbaugh works for!!! The rightwing BULLSHIT statement: "Banks were FORCED to give home loans to the poor"
Guardian Article on TYT Army (Which Senator Blacklisted TYT?)
Showdown on Wall Street
More on Wall St. - Keiser Report with very special Hollywood guest
One more time...sorry - The Greatest Video of All Time: TeaBagger Meltdown
I'm considering becoming a TeaBagger after seeing this guy...he shows us the calm, thoughtful demeanor of the TeaBaggers! ...and he makes some great points, like when he says we should shut down the VA and when he wants to impale the cameraman with the American flag and throw him in the river! I love this guy!!!
Palestinian village inspires popular movement
Live From Daryl's House 9/15/09 - Darryl Hall (of Hall & Oates) doing Todd Rundgren's "Can We Still Be Friends" with Todd
Arizona's Great Hispanic Voter Brown-Out: the REAL reason behind the Arizona racial profiling law!
THE STORY THE CORPORATE-OWNED MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS MISSING (on purpose) - The Republican Arizona governor Jan Brewer's REAL agenda is to INTIMIDATE, BLOCK, & HARASS LEGAL HISPANIC VOTERS...What moved GOP Governor Jan Brewer to sign the Soviet-style show-me-your-papers law is the exploding number of legal Hispanics, US citizens all, who are daring to vote -- and daring to vote Democratic by more than two-to-one. Unless this demographic locomotive is halted, Arizona Republicans know their party will soon be electoral toast. In 2004, Arizona governor Jan Brewer, then Secretary of State, had organized a racially loaded purge of the voter rolls that would have made Katherine Harris blush. Beginning after the 2004 election, under Brewer's command, no less than 100,000 voters, overwhelmingly Hispanics, were blocked from registering to vote. In 2005, the first year of the Great Brown-Out, one in three Phoenix residents found their registration applications rejected.
The timing of the Arizona racial profiling bill is impeccable! Just in time for 2010 elections, as usual! Here's some GOP voter purge flashbacks before the 2008 elections:
The greatest video of all time, I'm posting this again - TEABAGGER MELTDOWN:
IGNORED - Corporate owned media owned by 90% conservatives they want us to think is liberal, downplays or doesn't cover huge Earth Day protest:
Yes, the biggest single climate rally in U.S. history is dismissed by comparison with the hypothetical cumulative turnout of dozens of future rallies on immigration. Who says the media isn’t fair? Apparently preserving the health and well-being of countless future generations isn’t “hot-button” enough for the media to be interested [kind of an ironic phrase, considering the rally was for action of global warming].
Lou "Houdini" Barletta gets a FREE PASS from WILK on the Arizona racial profiling issue.
HELLO, YOU THERE LOU? Hazleton's Lou "Houdini" Barletta pulls disappearing act, anyone have a Lou Barletta sighting since this Arizona thing? Lou is strangely silent on the Arizona unconstitutional racial profiling law...WHERE ARE YOU, LOU? You were on Entercom's WILK FOX "news" Jr. almost daily until this happened!!! Lou is busy right now...can't get a hold of him! Lou: why aren't you calling into WILK anymore? Steve Corbett: why aren't you having Lou Barletta on RIGHT NOW, asking him about the Arizona racial profiling and how it relates to what he did in Hazleton? He was on your show all the time! And if he doesn't call, you can say how he's disrespecting you and NEPA voters by not calling in, like you do to the Democrats! Lou Barletta gets a FREE PASS from his buddy Steve Corbett and WILK on this issue. Sssshhhhh.....don't anybody point out Lou "Houdini" Barletta's disappearing act!
And NEPA's WILK FOX "news" Jr. proves me right again: they replaced a host (Kevin Lynn) who would be AGAINST racial profiling, with a host who is FOR racial profiling: "Webster". Complete with the same old rightwing arguments: WELL, the illegal aliens are all from ONE group of people (Hispanics), it's costing taxpayers money (not concerned about military spending), they had to do something because the federal government isn't doing anything (8 years of Bush/Cheney, Arizona did nothing; 1 year of Obama, suddenly it's an emergency! Also, ram through an unconstitutional law because the federal government isn't doing anything? How about ramming through a CONSTITUTIONAL law?)...following this logic, we should do the same thing to Arabs because all "the terrorists" are from ONE group of people!!! So, WILK replaced their only voice one notch to the left of center, Kevin Lynn, who just won an award and was on most of the promos, with a washed up Rock Jock who's for racial profiling. It didn't take long to identify where "Webster" is coming from, he's only there 3 weeks! Expect more of the same. You should have on Hazleton's Lou Barletta and yuck it up with him about racial profiling. clap.....clap.....clap.....clap.....clap.....
In honor of WILK's "Swing To The Right": Todd Rundgren's Utopia 1982, complete with mocking Reagan-esque conservative suits; album cover mocking the SOUTH burning Beatles albums:
Swing to the right
Try to face the fact that I ain't that young no more
Hair's short again and a suit is in,
Better brush up on how to tie a Windsor knot
Swing to the right
Credit's hard to find and a dollar doesn't go so far
What's more important when the count comes in
A sell-out who's alive or a corpse that can't be bought?
Stop the hand of time, Think I see a sign
Tables turning 'round, Hear a different sound
Stop the hands of time, Looking out for mine
Swing to the right Don't want to hear what the povertous expect from me Let 'em eat cake if they feel that way I gotta work why should I have to pay for that? And I don't want to be left holding the bag for them 'Scuze me for living but I have to say, I've got some worries of my own, like staying fat
Judge Napolitano: Arizona law signed by Republican Governor will bankrupt the Republican Party:
The law makes it a crime to walk the streets without clutching your passport, green card, visa, or state I.D. It not only empowers but absolutely requires cops to demand paperwork if they so much as suspect a person of being undocumented. A citizen can, in fact, sue any police officer they see not harassing suspected immigrants. The bill would also make it a class one misdemeanor for anyone to “pick up passengers for work” if their vehicle blocks traffic. And it makes a second violation of any aspect of the law a felony.
Since President Obama's inauguration, right-wing website Newsmax has repeatedly used inflammatory anti-Obama rhetoric and stoked readers' fears of hyperinflation and economic collapse to drive sales of the financial-services products it offers, including newsletters and investment programs. Fox News analyst Dick Morris and Steve Forbes have played key roles in promoting Newsmax's financial products and economic rhetoric.
In this report:
* Newsmax uses anti-Obama rhetoric and stokes fear of hyperinflation to drive sales of the financial-services products it offers.
* Newsmax promotions entice participants to spend $1,295 or more on investment schemes that promise a "Potential Reward" of thousands in return.
* Newsmax's investment schemes center on stock tips from Newsmax's "chief financial adviser," or advice on entering foreign currency trading markets.
* Morris was paid to tout one Newsmax promotion to his mailing list, and Newsmax rented Morris' mailing list to promote another scheme.
* Morris and Forbes have appeared in the videos and webcasts Newsmax uses to promote the website's financial products
TeaBaggers: if you're for bringing down the national debt and NOT for slashing the #1 spending debt, military spending, then you really don't care about the debt:
FOX "news", the news for the Confederacy, goes on a rampage defending racial profiling in Arizona...The Confederacy wants to "take their country back".
NEPA's WILK FOX "news" Jr. ignores bringing up this racial profiling in Arizona in relation to Hazleton's Lou Barletta, our own backyard racial profiler, even though he's always on WILK. They're too busy bashing Barletta's opponents for him, bashing Democrats and ignoring liberals.
I always find it ironic, that rightwing hatemeister Michelle Malkin is always jumping in on these racist things...AND SHE'S DARK-SKINNED AND ORIENTAL LOOKING! Does anyone else find this hilarious? She does look like she had some Michael Jackson skin-lightening treatments lately, based on this picture below. Maybe someone said something to her, along the line of: "Michelle, if you want to remain in rightwing media, you better start looking more WHITE and less ORIENTAL!!!"
On the April 23 edition of his Salem Radio program, radio host and Fox News contributor Mike Gallagher told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, "Sign it, baby, sign it" and that the Arizona legislature is his "new hero."
Harassing Latinos with racial profiling isn't an inevitable side effect of Arizona's anti-immigration law -- it's the entire point.
Hey FOX "news" - how about a little Muslim-bashing to go along with your Hispanic racial profiling endorsement???
Fox News' recent rush to defend Rev. Franklin Graham, who described Islam as a "wicked" and "evil" religion, including hosting him on Fox & Friends, is just the latest example of Fox News' relentless crusade against Muslims. The network has a history of making controversial assertions about Muslims -- often by baselessly branding them as "terrorists" or "terrorist sympathizers" -- calling for profiling, or equating Islam and all of its adherents with radical extremists who claim to act in its name.
David Brock, the reformed conservative noise-maker, on how the Right has sabotaged journalism, democracy, and truth.
As a young journalist in the 1990s, David Brock was a key cog the Republican noise machine. Writing for the American Spectator, a conservative magazine funded by billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, Brock gained fame for his attack pieces on Anita Hill and President Bill Clinton. Then, in 2002, Brock came clean. In his memoir, Blinded by the Right, Brock admitted that his work was based on lies and distortion, and part of a coordinated smear campaign funded by wealthy right wing groups to discredit Clinton and confuse the public.
Since then, Brock has continued to expose the conservative media onslaught. In his newest book, The Republican Noise Machine, Brock documents how right-wing groups pressure the media and spread misinformation to the public. It's easy to see how this is done.
Fringe conspiracies and stories will be kept alive by outlets like Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Times, and the Drudge Report, until they finally break into the mainstream media.
Media groups like Brent Bozell's Media Research Center have spent 30 years convincing the public that the media is, in fact, liberal. As Brock says, it's all asham: "I have seen, and I know firsthand, indeed from my own pen, how the organized Right has sabotaged not only journalism but also democracy and truth."
Hazleton's Lou Barletta, the TeaBaggers, and the Confederacy "want their country back" - What's going on in Arizona is TOTALLY RELEVANT to Hazleton's Major and Kanjorski challenger Lou we really want Lou Barletta to embarrass NEPA on a national stage as a U.S. Congressman???
The Confederacy lives!!! Arizona's governor signs into law The Paper's Please bill: requires police officers in Arizona of any person WHO LOOKS LIKE he or she may be an "illegal alien" - Lou Barletta would be proud! He should move to Arizona!
Question for Arizona police: WHAT DOES AN ILLEGAL ALIEN LOOK LIKE??? The elephant in the room is the question: "What would make a police officer SUSPECT someone is an illegal alien?" Answer: THEY LOOK HISPANIC! THERE IS NO OTHER ANSWER! America is changing and the TeaBaggers and the Confederacy "want their country back"!!! Like the "old days". Know what I mean? The whites in good ole RED STATES like Texas and Arizona are afraid of the fact that they will soon for the first time ever be the minority in their states. That is why this is happening. It's not to "save taxpayers money", and all that other BULLSHIT! Just tell it like it is!
This might eventually get ripped down, but here goes:
Bill Maher to the TeaBaggers - If you're protesting government debt and NOT protesting the biggest part, our military empire spending, you will have to admit that you are just racist sore losers:
TeaBaggers: here's where most of your government spending is going...
Iraq, Afghan wars drop bombs on US image abroad as Obama's fame fades
Cenk on MSNBC - Goes Off On Tea Party
Wellpoint Insurance Targets Breast Cancer Patients
Bill Maher opening monologue and interview with Dr. Kervorkian:
Yeah, I'm nuts for writing this one...but NOW IT'S FUNNY!!!
Here's the top liberal/progressive radio show host in the nation, the anti-WILK FOX "news"'ll never see Thom Hartmann syndicated on WILK like Rush Limbaugh or Mike Savage, they have a strict rightwing GOP lineup:
Republicans start the same SHIT with financial reform as they did with Health Care: START OVER!!!
AP misreports their OWN poll (on purpose, I guarantee you) about marijuana to make you think most people don't want to legalize it! I keep telling you, the corporate owned media they want us to think is liberal, is a sham. It's OWNED by 90% conservatives and corporations. AP wanted to "manufacture consent" against legalizing pot. Don't believe every "poll" you see.
The AP's own report completely failed to mention the key data, which would appear to contradict their lead angle. Instead, the news wire handed the story's sole alcohol reference to the California Narcotics Officers Association, which suggested marijuana legalization is unpopular due to problems caused by alcohol and prescription drugs.
DRILL, BABY, DRILL!!! Wait until they off shore drill and it ruins beaches along the east coast!!! Which president or party wants to be responsible for that??? We're seeing how safe the drilling in Marcellus Shale is doing, right? Take a look at the original environmental disasters: oil spills -
Obama = Wall Street? Celente on corruption and gambling in finance
Can I see your papers, please??? Man gets pulled over and put in chains because he has brown skin and doesn't have his birth certificate on him in Arizona!!! See yesterday's post about this, too...