Below: the two most widely disseminated pictures of the woman "shooter" in the San Bernardino FALSE FLAG: Tashfeen Malik. Her and her husband Syed Farook we are told are the San Bernardino "shooters". But why does the one on the left look like a CROOKED FACE PHOTO-SHOPPED OVER A BURKA and why does the one on the right look like a PORTRAIT or DRAWING rather than a photo? Aren't there any photos of her they could put in the mainstream media? I mean, besides the crooked photo-shop looking one? The face looks like it's FLOATING CROOKED in front of the HIJAB!!!
Do these look "odd" to you:
Who is this a picture of below? Some say it's Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik and some say it's his brother of the same name and his wife that were mistaken for them. I even found in a post somewhere that his FATHER's name is also Syed Farook! The picture below BETTER be his brother and his wife, because it certainly doesn't look like the strange "pictures" above of Malik:
And who are THESE two:
All of those picture above are in articles claiming they are Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik. And why are these the only pictures I could find on the internet having to do with this? Are you telling me the mainstream media, family, friends, etc...cannot furnish ANY clear PHOTOS (not bizarre drawings/photoshops) of Tashfeen Malik? Or clarify who these other people are? In this day and age when everyone has a cellphone and takes pictures of everything? What's going on here???
The mainstream media will NEVER question the "official story" of a mass shooting, even when the first question should always be: WAS IT A FALSE FLAG BY THE GOVERNMENT? No matter how many questions there are about the "official story" that people have, they will NEVER ask or explore them. In fact, they will go out of the way to push the "official story" and ignore or ridicule those asking questions about the "official story". The mainstream media's job is to push the "official story". They are controlled by the government. It does not matter which party is in power, which implies there is really no difference between the parties.
Did you notice there are two distinct types of FALSE FLAGS by the government? Rightwing FALSE FLAGS in which the shooter is a rightwinger in order to push gun control in America, and Muslim FALSE FLAGS in which the shooter is a Muslim in order to push the "war on terror" and feed the military industrial complex and keep the endless wars going.
When they do a rightwinger FALSE FLAG and a Muslim FALSE FLAG right in a row, you know they're desperate. This past week or two, the government pulled off a rightwinger FALSE FLAG shooting of a Planned Parenthood, followed up quickly by the FALSE FLAG of a Muslim couple shooting in San Bernardino.
Somehow, the people perpetrating these dueling rightwinger & Muslim FALSE FLAGS have gotten rightwingers to hate Muslims...when in reality, they need to be on the same side exposing these government FALSE FLAGS perpetrated on both of them. That is genius by the perpetrators getting rightwingers and Muslims to hate each other so they wouldn't band together against them. That makes them the perfect targets.
The first question that should be asked about a "mass shooting" is: WAS IT A FALSE FLAG? This question is off-limits to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, PBS, NYTIMES, Washington Post, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Levin, etc...every major corporate mass media entity. OFF LIMITS!!! You cannot question their "official story" they are telling, no matter how many things make zero sense and no matter if the "official story" has zero evidence proving their assertions. You must BLINDLY BELIEVE the mainstream media's "official story" like a religion.
And when they're really REALLY REALLY desperate, they will do an additional storyline pusing WOMEN TERRORISTS. Did you ever notice that? In the San Bernardino "shooting", they are saying the WOMAN was the main "terrorist". Does this ring a bell with any of you, the sub-storyline of WOMEN TERRORISTS? That's because they want you to think ANYONE, even a WOMAN, can be a terrorist. Be afraid of everyone!
The elites do these FALSE FLAGS to control their populations with FEAR so they can keep endless wars going and take away citizens' liberties with laws from the government they control and keep the money flowing to them. RULE BY FEAR against a BOOGEYMAN they create with FALSE FLAGS. Rightwingers & Muslims are the BOOGEYMEN. And the elites are genius enough to get rightwingers to hate Muslims when they should be joining together against them.
When you stop blindly believing and not questioning the "official story" narrative of the mainstream media, all of these "mass shootings" easily fall apart.
OH!!! Witnesses say the "shooters" in San Bernardino were THREE WHITE GUYS:
Do YOU think this is how a daughter would act the next day after her mother was slaughtered by ISIS terrorists in San Bernardino? Or is this how someone would act if it was a FALSE FLAG/HOAX?
Now, a third prominent eye-witness, Chirs Nwadike, has stepped up to challenge the mainstream narrative. He recently told reporters he received a phone call from an unknown person around 7 p.m., on the evening of the shooting, who told him that he must say that Sayd Farook was the shooter.
You read that right, he says that he was called and told to change his story and say that Farook carried out the attacks with his wife, even though that is very different than what he witnessed.
Below: picture of Bataclan in Paris where suicide bombers exploded. Really???
The point of this post is to acknowledge that people around the world are waking up to the fact that governments do FALSE FLAGS and blame Muslims to keep the "war on terror" going and to strip liberties from citizens in their countries in the name of keeping them safe from the Muslim terrorist FALSE FLAGS they're doing. There is NO WAY at this point in 2015 that the U.S. and Israel and Britain and all the advanced countries like France DO NOT KNOW "TERRORISTS" ARE DOING THIS AHEAD OF TIME WITH ALL THE NSA SPYING, SATELLITES, ETC...ETC... Therefore, these countries are doing the FALSE FLAGS and blaming Muslims. There is NO WAY rag-tag cavemen Muslims are continually outsmarting these countries in 2015. The mainstream media does not allow the most important first question: WAS IT A FALSE FLAG? The place to ask this question and get answers is THE INTERNET, which is the place that the mainstream media and their controllers fear the most. Just the fact that the mainstream media NEVER asks the question WAS IT A FALSE FLAG? implicates them as being complicit in the FALSE FLAGS. And one of their jobs is to RIDICULE those asking this important question.
Let's begin here: The first question in any "terror attack" should be a question that is NOT ALLOWED BY THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA & GOVERNMENTS: WAS IT A FALSE this great article below:
And here's what started it all: THE 911 FALSE FLAG - Google "911 five dancing Israelis".Five Israeli's were caught on 911 filming the first plane that hit the Twin Towers, which means they had FOREKNOWLEDGE. THESE were the people celebrating on 911, not Palestinians like Donald Trump said:
FOX did a 4-part series below about the biggest spy ring ever busted and it was on 911:
Below: so this guy was through a terrorist explosion...and his hair is perfectly styled and he's on a cell phone looking into the camera. Really???
The government either has knowledge of, or is participating in these FALSE FLAG HOAXES. The agenda is not necessarily gun control IMO. I think it's more so to just keep the population occupied with terror and distractions so we look to the government for SAFETY instead of focusing on: half our taxes go to the Pentagon, banksters and corporations and wealthy families foreign (in particular Israel) and domestic run our government and own all our politicians, elections are rigged on electronic voting machines, tens-of-millions of Americans don't have health care and half of bankruptcies are due to medical problems by Americans who don't have health insurance and even HAVE health insurance and the health insurance doesn't pay for the bills, the growing poor in America, the growing gap of wealth between the 1% and the 99%, corrupt government agencies, endlessly stealing our tax money to police the world and endlessly bomb other countries, and last but not least the police state and spying state we are now in. It's not for gun control or to take our guns, that will never happen IMO. That's a red herring they want you also to be preoccupied about. The mainstream media is complicit in all of this. Without a controlled mainstream media, none of this would be possible. Without a lull in terror, they know people can't think rationally. When one hoax starts dying out, you can be sure another one will pop up so we have continuous, evenly spaced TERROR.
And don't forget: sometimes people really die in FALSE FLAGS & HOAXES (see: 911). Sometimes no one dies and they just say they did. Sometimes they really kill people, but they blame a patsy or someone who doesn't exist and they made up. And when people really die, their families believe the patsy or non-existent person did it, and not government-related operatives or foreign operatives from other countries like Israel, sometimes with knowledge of our "government".
And also don't forget LOTS OF MONEY is made by everyone involved in these FALSE FLAGS & HOAXES: millions and billions! In all sorts of ways: monetary gains by foreknowledge of the event, donations, "GO FUND ME"S, wars, government contracts, government millions of our tax money to the FAKE VICTIMS' FAMILIES without taxpayers' permission. All of this works because of EMOTION...people who believe the FALSE FLAG OR HOAX not thinking rationally, but with emotion. Believing what the media and government says without any evidence except blind belief in the biggest liars in the world. Isn't it funny how EVERYONE goes around saying the government/politicians and the media are LIARS...but yet all turn around and blindly believe them when it's a (fabricated) tragedy? Can some psychologists chime in on that peculiar reaction of gullible people.
I may as well use this picture below again, like my last post, because it's the same exact thing: another FALSE FLAG HOAX:
The last post I did was on August 29, 2015, which is over a month ago. That's a long time for me between posts. But the last post happened to be about the FALSE FLAG HOAX REPORTER SHOOTING. So it's appropriate that this post will be about questioning whether this latest "mass shooting" was ALSO a FALSE FLAG HOAX.
In my last post, and in many posts I've written in the past years, I explained the FALSE FLAG HOAX FORMULA which I will cut/paste below and it's also in my very last post:
– "news" immediately refers to shooter as a "LONE NUT GUNMAN" or "LONE WOLF"
– had some/all of these: confederate flag, nazi flag, 9/11 t-shirt, rightwinger/white supremacist/skinhead/etc…
– there will be a "hero" story, where someone saved some lives during the shooting
– the FBI either had prior contact with the shooter, or "fumbled the ball" on sure-fire identifying him ahead of time or stopping him from purchasing a gun, or the “lone nut gunman” was an FBI INFORMANT
– a "MANIFESTO" will come out afterwards, most likely in the "white racist" FALSE FLAG, not the "muslim" FALSE FLAG. the "muslim" FALSE FLAG will have mentions of "the QURAN" (Koran) or ISIS.
– sensatinal pictures will come out of him , if it's a "white racist", he'll have pictures with guns and confederate and/or nazi flags. if it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, pictures of ISIS or tweets from ISIS and sensational "TURBAN" or "NINJA" pictures will surface or "muslims" training on "monkey bars" somewhere with masks on
– no video will come out of this, even though you can't take a shit without the government or someone having a video of it
– NSA/DHS is paid BILLIONS to ID people like this ahead of time…but no one will talk about how they somehow never ID crazy lone nut gunmen telegraphing the event well ahead of time
– they will push a law such as Patriot Act, take down confederate flag, gun control, radical Islam, etc…
– somehow "jews" will come up, like he hated jews, was a nazi sympathizer, etc…
– southern poverty law center will be extensively quoted on "domestic rightwing terrorists"
– conflicting stories, multiple shooters going down to "lone nut gunman", anonymous sources, no proof, no evidence…just take the mainstream media's word for it!
– enormous amount of things that don't make sense in the story, impossibilities, videos that don't make sense, and in fact more evidence points towards the "official story" being total bullshit
– instant wrap-up of event…although they didn't see it coming
– detailed history of "lone nut gunman" emerges with lightning speed…even though they didn't see this coming
- if it's not a "rightwinger" but it's a muslim/middle easterner/former soviet bloc, adjust above accordingly, IE: he had connections to ISIS instead of to white supremacist groups, etc...
- if it's a "white racist", Southern Poverty Law Center will be widely quoted and call for "hate crimes" and "gun control".
- if it's a "muslim", SITE/Rita Katz will have "found" audio and/or video. Pam Geller is likely associated with a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, also.
- if it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, the "shooter" likely will have "Mohammed" or "Abdul" as part of his name, or some over-the-top muslim-sounding name. it "sells" better than if a muslim's name is GEORGE.
- no one ever happens to have a gun to defend themselves except the "LONE NUT GUNMAN"
- The ready influx (upon the scene) of many “law enforcement” personnel – all ready to perform their crisis acting parts
- big time charities set up that make millions, sometimes set up before the actual "shooting"
- surreal interviews with family, friends, witnesses in which they seem to be acting or showing no emotion or saying strange things
- pictures of flowers and funerals and people dying after-the-fact for the emotional "sell" to continue to push they "official story" and you don't question it
- the "MOTIVE" is non-existent and seemingly filled in by the media and the actual act doesn't make any sense doing it and is overly sensational (HITLER, NAZI'S, CARTOON CARICATURES OF MOHAMMED, etc...), and is NEVER a REALISTIC motive that WOULD actually make sense for a guy going nuts like: the guy's unemployment ran out and he's losing everything, he has no health care benefits and he's at his wits end with a treatable problem but he's getting no help or going bankrupt from medical bills, the state is taking his home off him,'s ALWAYS a divisive, sensational issue the aristocrats/elites would like the non-elites fighting about like racism, terrorism, etc...
Now comes the OREGON SHOOTING, and we shall check how many of the bullet items above occurred or will occur in the upcoming days. The following two videos are excellent, and reiterate what I'm saying about the FALSE FLAG HOAX FORMULA. They go through many points already hit in the formula, such as mention of: NAZI'S, JEWS, LONE NUT GUNMAN, THE HERO STORY, FALSIFIED CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LONE NUT GUNMAN TO DEMONIZE WHAT THEY WANT TO BE DEMONIZED, and many other bullet items in THE FALSE FLAG HOAX FORMULA.
I will post relevant videos and news stories below:
Here's a video playlist from my very close friend and neighbor Anthony Antonello about the OREGON SHOOTING: The School in Oregon where the shooting took place admits that they held drills there just last week (that's a bullet item). He goes through several of the bullet items of the FALSE FLAG HOAX FORMULA, most importantly that there was a DRILL at the school last week:
Redsilverj goes through some of the FALSE FLAG HOAX FORMULA bullet items, including how they build a profile of the patsy or non-existent "LONE NUT GUNMAN" to demonize others who do things that the "LONE NUT GUNMAN" does:
The government & media terrorists perpetrate another hoax on us, surreal interviews on the network terrorists' "news" channels where supposed victims' supposed loved ones are immediately on TV the same day bizarrely and unemotionally calling for gun control instead of personal grieving out of the spotlight of "news" cameras. Notice the bullet items that are hit in my FALSE FLAG SHOOTING FORMULA such as: MANIFESTO surfaces, reference of other FALSE FLAGS, and many other items:
Meet the ACTOR Andy Parker:
Why is the media parading around CARROT TOP FAKER as Alison Parker's boyfriend and not telling us about THIS BOYFRIEND BELOW? They're interviewing EVERYONE, why not THIS GUY:
UPDATE: this video below just came out - a REAL shooting side-by-side with the FAKE reporter shooting, COMPARE:
If you keep buying believing this BULLSHIT, then you DESERVE to have your GUNS and LIBERTIES taken away from you by these TERRORISTS. They are TERRORISTS by the very definition of TERRORISM. They are TERRORIZING us with sensational FAKE STAGED FALSE FLAG HOAX SHOOTINGS.
And this is noteworthy: I consider myself, if categorized, as a LIBERAL in that I'm for full health care from birth to death, higher wages, a $20 minimum wage, free education, and I don't own a gun and never have owned a gun. But you GUN NUTS are getting FUCKED with these obvious STAGED FALSE FLAG HOAXES which the obvious intent is GUN CONTROL. I am all about TRUTH 24x7 I may have some purely philosophical differences with people who are on "the right", but this is what's going on and THEY ARE AFTER YOUR GUNS. That is why I have CRED with EVERYONE, because I always admit the TRUTH and welcome debate on purely philosophical differences. I have many GUN NUT friends and I am VERY GLAD they exercise their 2nd amendment rights and I am VERY GLAD they have guns and I'm sure they'd have my back against these government and media TERRORISTS with their FALSE FLAG'S. I trust my fellow 99% GUN NUT friends ANY DAY over the government & media TERRORISTS.
But my message to my GUN NUT FRIENDS is: YOU BETTER START OUTING THESE "EVENTS" FOR WHAT THEY ARE: STAGED FALSE FLAG HOAXES WITH THE INTENT OF GUN CONTROL and stop any and all gun control debates which first ASSUME these staged events actually are for real.
Here's my post exposing the FALSE FLAG/HOAX FORMULA (I have to adjust my formula to add the new twist of a BLACK RACIST "shooter" instead of a "muslim" or "white racist" "shooter"):
– "news" immediately refers to shooter as a "LONE NUT GUNMAN" or "LONE WOLF"
– had some/all of these: confederate flag, nazi flag, 9/11 t-shirt, rightwinger/white supremacist/skinhead/etc…
– there will be a "hero" story, where someone saved some lives during the shooting
– the FBI either had prior contact with the shooter, or "fumbled the ball" on sure-fire identifying him ahead of time or stopping him from purchasing a gun, or the “lone nut gunman” was an FBI INFORMANT
– a "MANIFESTO" will come out afterwards, most likely in the "white racist" FALSE FLAG, not the "muslim" FALSE FLAG. the "muslim" FALSE FLAG will have mentions of "the QURAN" (Koran) or ISIS.
– sensatinal pictures will come out of him , if it's a "white racist", he'll have pictures with guns and confederate and/or nazi flags. if it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, pictures of ISIS or tweets from ISIS and sensational "TURBAN" or "NINJA" pictures will surface or "muslims" training on "monkey bars" somewhere with masks on
– no video will come out of this, even though you can't take a shit without the government or someone having a video of it
– NSA/DHS is paid BILLIONS to ID people like this ahead of time…but no one will talk about how they somehow never ID crazy lone nut gunmen telegraphing the event well ahead of time
– they will push a law such as Patriot Act, take down confederate flag, gun control, radical Islam, etc…
– somehow "jews" will come up, like he hated jews, was a nazi sympathizer, etc…
– southern poverty law center will be extensively quoted on "domestic rightwing terrorists"
– conflicting stories, multiple shooters going down to "lone nut gunman", anonymous sources, no proof, no evidence…just take the mainstream media's word for it!
– enormous amount of things that don't make sense in the story, impossibilities, videos that don't make sense, and in fact more evidence points towards the "official story" being total bullshit
– instant wrap-up of event…although they didn't see it coming
– detailed history of "lone nut gunman" emerges with lightning speed…even though they didn't see this coming
- if it's not a "rightwinger" but it's a muslim/middle easterner/former soviet bloc, adjust above accordingly, IE: he had connections to ISIS instead of to white supremacist groups, etc...
- if it's a "white racist", Southern Poverty Law Center will be widely quoted and call for "hate crimes" and "gun control".
- if it's a "muslim", SITE/Rita Katz will have "found" audio and/or video. Pam Geller is likely associated with a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, also.
- if it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, the "shooter" likely will have "Mohammed" or "Abdul" as part of his name, or some over-the-top muslim-sounding name. it "sells" better than if a muslim's name is GEORGE.
- no one ever happens to have a gun to defend themselves except the "LONE NUT GUNMAN"
- The ready influx (upon the scene) of many “law enforcement” personnel – all ready to perform their crisis acting parts
- big time charities set up that make millions, sometimes set up before the actual "shooting"
- surreal interviews with family, friends, witnesses in which they seem to be acting or showing no emotion or saying strange things
- pictures of flowers and funerals and people dying after-the-fact for the emotional "sell" to continue to push they "official story" and you don't question it
- the "MOTIVE" is non-existent and seemingly filled in by the media and the actual act doesn't make any sense doing it and is overly sensational (HITLER, NAZI'S, CARTOON CARICATURES OF MOHAMMED, etc...), and is NEVER a REALISTIC motive that WOULD actually make sense for a guy going nuts like: the guy's unemployment ran out and he's losing everything, he has no health care benefits and he's at his wits end with a treatable problem but he's getting no help or going bankrupt from medical bills, the state is taking his home off him,'s ALWAYS a divisive, sensational issue the aristocrats/elites would like the non-elites fighting about like racism, terrorism, etc...
They way the MEDIA TERRORISTS sell this is with EMOTION. They pull a slight-of-hand with the amount of time spent on the ACTUAL SHOOTING VIDEO vs rolling EMOTIONAL CRISIS ACTORS on TV being interviewed 24x7 like pushing an INFOMERCIAL to get you all tied up in EMOTION instead of LOGIC AND EXAMINING THE HOAX SHOOTING VIDEO which is so comically non-believable, EVEN MY WIFE DOESN'T BELIEVE IT. And that's saying a lot!!! Believe me! If my WIFE doesn't believe this one, THEY DID A COMICALLY BAD JOB on the HOAX this time.
No blood in the shooting at point blank range, the shooter walks up to the reporter, cameraman, and person being interviewed (the HOAX ACTORS) pointing a gun at them FOR AN INCREDIBLY LONG TIME AT INCREDIBLY CLOSE RANGE AND THEY DON'T SEE HIM!!! And how about NO WITNESSES! Only the 3 victims and the "shooter" were there? Now COME ON!!!
This hoax STINKS!!! They did such a COMICALLY BAD JOB, they should be EMBARRASSED!!!
But the BIGGER picture is this: our judicial branch is so corrupt and controlled, these people cannot be thrown in jail despite a MOUNTAIN OF EVIDENCE and just your pure COMMON SENSE that these government and media TERRORISTS have STRUCK AGAIN!!!
FALSE FLAG SHOOTING FORMULA BULLET ITEM: Story comes out trying to somehow link this hoax shooting to 911:
"Pro-life" is a white conservative Republican religious movement full of hypocrites. These things would lower the amount of abortions but these hypocrites are against all of these things: higher wages (73% of women who have abortions say it's because they can't afford a child), full health care from birth, and birth control.
"Pro-life"ers should be called "Pro-birthers" because all they care about is the BIRTH, not about the LIFE afterwards.
2/3 of abortions are minorites, yet all the pro-lifer's are white with white babies on their signs. Where are the black babies on the signs?
And what should the penalty be if a law is made to ban abortions? PRISON or DEATH PENALTY? Really? Death penalty for a million American women per year?
I will take "pro-life"ers seriously when I see them ALSO protesting for higher wages, health care at birth, and birth control. Until then, it's just a bunch of white conservative Republican religious HYPOCRITES.
The entire "pro-life" movement would go down in flames if reporters covering them (or ANYONE for that matter) asked them these questions:
1. Are you for these things that would prevent an enormous amount of abortions: raising wages, full health care from birth, and birth control?
2. What should the penalty be if abortion is outlawed: LIFE IN PRISON or the DEATH PENALTY?
3. Does a woman's body become "PUBLIC PROPERTY" when she becomes pregnant, and her body is now subject to public opinion and laws of corrupt male politicians and other 3rd parties?
4. Have you offered to adopt a woman's baby who is having an abortion?
5. Are you REALLY "pro-life"? So you're also protesting against WAR, TORTURE, & THE DEATH PENALTY?
6. 2/3 of abortions are MINORITIES. Why are all of you pro-lifer's WHITE and why are all the babies on your signs WHITE?
Pro-life'ers are NEVER NEVER NEVER asked these questions. Reporters ESPECIALLY don't do their jobs and ask them these questions. These white conservative Republican religious self-righteous hypocritical zealots are just allowed to, unchallenged, march around with their protest signs with white babies on them trying to make everyone think they are on the side of God and Jesus and everyone who's not on their PRO-BIRTH ANTI-LIFE side is a BABY-KILLER. Their entire movement would be exposed as making no sense, if they were challenged with those questions above every time they come out of the woodwork marching around. They would be exposed as being "PRO-BIRTH"ers and ANTI-PRO-LIFE.
They're also "ANTI-LIFE" on these subjects: they're PRO-WAR, PRO-TORTURE, PRO-DEATH PENALTY, and they tend to be a little NEGOTIABLE on the lives of Muslim babies.
They're also anti-big government conservatives...but they want BIG GOVERNMENT to make a law for them banning abortion. They're against big government...except when they're FOR big government. But then they want that big government to not raise the minimum wage, cut food stamps, cut CHIP children's health care, and outlaw birth control or at least don't cover it to prevent more abortions. HYPOCRITES!!! White conservative Republican religious HYPOCRITES!!!
Every "pro-life"er I've ever asked what the penalty should be for abortion, LIFE IN PRISON or DEATH PENALTY, has answered, "I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT" or they didn't answer the question and WENT BALLISTIC for me even asking it. "Pro-life"ers really didn't think things through to the end.
Lafayette Louisiana "LONE NUT GUNMAN" story looks like a FALSE FLAG because it hits so many bullet items in the "FALSE FLAG SHOOTING FORMULA":
(NOTE: I just updated this at the bottom with anti-gun nut Jewish Zionist Senator Chuck Schumer & his cousin actress Amy Schumer who happens to be the star of the movie "TRAINWRECK" which happened to be playing at the theater where the HOAX was perpetrated...what a coincidence, now she gets to pimp his new anti-gun legislation LIKE AN INFOMERCIAL)
– "news" immediately refers to shooter as a "LONE NUT GUNMAN" or "LONE WOLF"
– had some/all of these: confederate flag, nazi flag, 9/11 t-shirt, rightwinger/white supremacist/skinhead/etc…
– there will be a "hero" story, where someone saved some lives during the shooting
– the FBI either had prior contact with the shooter, or "fumbled the ball" on sure-fire identifying him ahead of time or stopping him from purchasing a gun, or the “lone nut gunman” was an FBI INFORMANT
– a "MANIFESTO" will come out afterwards, most likely in the "white racist" FALSE FLAG, not the "muslim" FALSE FLAG. the "muslim" FALSE FLAG will have mentions of "the QURAN" (Koran) or ISIS.
– sensatinal pictures will come out of him , if it's a "white racist", he'll have pictures with guns and confederate and/or nazi flags. if it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, pictures of ISIS or tweets from ISIS and sensational "TURBAN" or "NINJA" pictures will surface or "muslims" training on "monkey bars" somewhere with masks on
– no video will come out of this, even though you can't take a shit without the government or someone having a video of it
– NSA/DHS is paid BILLIONS to ID people like this ahead of time…but no one will talk about how they somehow never ID crazy lone nut gunmen telegraphing the event well ahead of time
– they will push a law such as Patriot Act, take down confederate flag, gun control, radical Islam, etc…
– somehow "jews" will come up, like he hated jews, was a nazi sympathizer, etc…
– southern poverty law center will be extensively quoted on "domestic rightwing terrorists"
– conflicting stories, multiple shooters going down to "lone nut gunman", anonymous sources, no proof, no evidence…just take the mainstream media's word for it!
– enormous amount of things that don't make sense in the story, impossibilities, videos that don't make sense, and in fact more evidence points towards the "official story" being total bullshit
– instant wrap-up of event…although they didn't see it coming
– detailed history of "lone nut gunman" emerges with lightning speed…even though they didn't see this coming
- if it's not a "rightwinger" but it's a muslim/middle easterner/former soviet bloc, adjust above accordingly, IE: he had connections to ISIS instead of to white supremacist groups, etc...
- if it's a "white racist", Southern Poverty Law Center will be widely quoted and call for "hate crimes" and "gun control".
- if it's a "muslim", SITE/Rita Katz will have "found" audio and/or video. Pam Geller is likely associated with a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, also.
- if it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, the "shooter" likely will have "Mohammed" or "Abdul" as part of his name, or some over-the-top muslim-sounding name. it "sells" better than if a muslim's name is GEORGE.
- no one ever happens to have a gun to defend themselves except the "LONE NUT GUNMAN"
- The ready influx (upon the scene) of many “law enforcement” personnel – all ready to perform their crisis acting parts
- big time charities set up that make millions, sometimes set up before the actual "shooting"
- surreal interviews with family, friends, witnesses in which they seem to be acting or showing no emotion or saying strange things
- pictures of flowers and funerals and people dying after-the-fact for the emotional "sell" to continue to push they "official story" and you don't question it
- the "MOTIVE" is non-existent and seemingly filled in by the media and the actual act doesn't make any sense doing it and is overly sensational (HITLER, NAZI'S, CARTOON CARICATURES OF MOHAMMED, etc...), and is NEVER a REALISTIC motive that WOULD actually make sense for a guy going nuts like: the guy's unemployment ran out and he's losing everything, he has no health care benefits and he's at his wits end with a treatable problem but he's getting no help or going bankrupt from medical bills, the state is taking his home off him,'s ALWAYS a divisive, sensational issue the aristocrats/elites would like the non-elites fighting about like racism, terrorism, etc...
Here is the Louisiana FALSE FLAG SHOOTING article cut/paste (I'll highlight the things in RED that hit my formula above):
LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) — A man who lost his family, home and businesses as he spent years angrily espousing right-wing extremism on television, the Internet and to anyone else who would listen did not say a word as he opened fire on strangers in a darkened movie theater, authorities said Friday.
John Russell Houser, 59, stood up about 20 minutes into Thursday night's showing of "Trainwreck" (bd: why do they keep mentioning the movie "TRAINWRECK" in every single article? IS THE NAME OF THE MOVIE RELEVANT? are they promoting the movie via this FALSE FLAG?) and fired on the audience, killing two people and wounding nine with a semi-automatic handgun.
"That was a horrific scene in there — the blood on the floor, sticks in the seats (showing the trajectory of the bullets), the smell," state police Col. Michael Edmonson said after top officials got an inside look at the theater.
"He took his time, methodically choosing his victims," Gov. Bobby Jindal added. "One of the surviving wounded victims actually played dead to stay alive." (bd: HERO/emotional pitch)
Houser then tried to escape by blending into the fleeing crowd after one of his victims pulled a fire alarm and hundreds poured out of the theater complex. But he turned back as police officers approached, reloading and firing into the crowd before killing himself (bd: often in a FALSE FLAG, we're told the "LONE NUT GUNMAN" killed himself) with a single shot inside the theater, police said.
"This is such a senseless, tragic action," Lafayette Police Chief Jim Craft said. "Why would you come here and do something like this?"
Investigators recovered Houser's journals (bd: AH! The "MANIFESTO"), were studying his online postings and trying to reconstruct his movements to identify a motive and provide what Edmonson called "some closure" for the victims' families.
Craft said Houser bought the weapon legally (bd: GUN CONTROL) at a pawnshop in Phenix City, Alabama, last year, and that he had visited the theater more than once, perhaps to determine "whether there was anything that could be a soft target for him." (bd: do they know he visited the theater more than once, let alone reading his mind that he was determining "soft targets"? This may also be a push for more TSA in "soft targets" like movie theaters)
He had only been in Louisiana since early July, staying in a Motel 6 room littered with wigs and disguises. His only known connection to the Lafayette was an uncle who died there three decades ago.
Details quickly emerged about Houser's mental problems , prompting authorities in Louisiana and Alabama to bemoan the underfunding of mental health services in America. (bd: here's another push for something in the government)
Court records describe erratic behavior and threats of violence that led to a brief involuntary hospitalization in 2008 and a restraining order preventing Houser from approaching family members. Houser "has a history of mental health issues, i.e., manic depression and/or bi-polar disorder," his estranged wife told the judge. (bd: notice another part of "THE FORMULA: even though everyone was caught by surprise, they come out in record time with extreme detailed history)
Educated in accounting and law, he owned bars in Georgia — including one where he flew a Nazi banner (bd: DING DING DING - white guy so there's a reference to "NAZI"s) out front as an anti-government (bd: he's an ANTI-GOVERNMENT NAZI) statement. He tried real estate in Phenix City, Alabama. But Houser's own resume, posted online, says what he really loved to do was make provocative statements at local board meetings and in the media.
On an NBC television affiliate's call-in show in the 1990s, Houser encouraged violent responses to abortion and condemned working women, host Calvin Floyd recalled. He was an "angry man" who spoke opposite a Democrat and really lit up the phones, he added.
Houser wrote that he was a weekly guest for 60 episodes on "Rise and Shine WLTZ" in Columbus, Georgia, where he "invited political controversy on every one of them, and loved every minute of it."
In recent years, Houser turned to right-wing extremist Internet message boards, where he praised Adolf Hitler (DING DING DING - ADOLF HITLER!!!), and advised people not to underestimate "the power of the lone wolf (bd: it's either "LONE NUT GUNMAN" or "LONE WOLF)," according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (DING DING DING: it's a white guy so SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER is mentioned), whose hate-group watchdogs spotted Houser registering to meet with former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke (bd: mentioning Nazi, Hitler, and now KKK & David Duke is so over-the-top, this is BEYOND A DOUBT a FALSE FLAG) in 2005.
What prompted Houser to kill people Thursday night remains unknown.
He seemed like just another patron as he entered The Grand 16 theater, one of 25 people who bought tickets to the romantic comedy starring feminist jokester Amy Schumer as a boozing, promiscuous reporter.
Police believe he hoped to escape his deadly ambush before police closed in. Inside a Motel 6 room he rented, they found wigs, glasses and other disguises. Houser also swapped the license plates on his 1995 Lincoln Continental before parking it by the theater's exit door. He stashed the keys atop one of its wheels.
Once inside, he sat by himself and gave others in the theater no reason for concern before he began shooting, firing first at two women who were sitting in front of him, then wounding nine other people.
Twenty-one year old Emily Mann and a friend, who arrived a little bit late to the movie, were sitting in the same row as the gunman, and saw the flashes from his gun barrel.
"About twenty minutes into the movie, you hear one loud shot and you're sure that's not what it is because it would never be that. And then you hear another and another and another and you realize that those aren't just lights and sounds. That this is a man," Mann said.
As the chaos ensued she said she got down on her hands and knees and tried to make her way to the lobby.
"Lost a shoe, left my purse," she said. (bd: says the fake witness)
Once outside the theater she ran to the lobby where people were yelling there was a shooter. She later found her friend outside the theater and drove home.
Jeanerette High School English teacher Ali Martin and librarian Jena Meaux were credited with helping save lives amid the chaos. (bd: AH! it's about time we hit the "HERO STORY" part of my FALSE FLAG SHOOTING FORMULA, here it is right on schedule) Meaux, who was shot in the leg, told her colleagues that Martin, who was shot in the kneecap, still managed to pull a fire alarm, their former principal Heath Hulin said.
The lights came as the siren sounded, with a message urging everyone to leave. Outside, a woman was laying down, shot in her leg, said Jacob Broussard, who heard the gunshots from another theater across the hall.
"She was bleeding on the grass, in the front of the theater," Broussard said. "A man had actually dragged her out."
Theatergoers didn't panic, police said, but they left in a rush, leaving behind purses, keys and even shoes. Officers found 15 spent shell casings.
The two women killed were 21-year-old Mayci Breaux and 33-year-old Jillian Johnson. Breaux's body was brought to the same hospital where she was preparing to become a radiology technician. Johnson ran clothing and art boutiques, played in a rootsy rock band and planted fruit trees for neighbors and the homeless.
The wounded ranged in age from teenagers to their late 60s, Craft said. Five were treated at Lafayette General Health Center. Three patients had been stabilized, including one who remained in intensive care. Two others were released Thursday night.
Russell County Sheriff Heath Taylor said his office denied Houser's request for a concealed weapons permit in 2006 because he had been treated for mental illness and arrested for arson in Georgia.
"He was pretty even-keeled until you disagreed with him or made him mad," said Jeff Hardin, the former mayor of Phenix City, Alabama, just across the state line from Columbus. "Then he became your sworn enemy."
Hardin said he once partnered with Houser on a real-estate project, but they had a falling out and hadn't spoken since around 2007.
Houser was evicted from his home in Phenix City last year, then returned to throw paint, pour concrete down the plumbing and tamper with a gas line, Taylor said. (bd: and he wasn't on some kind of "watch list" by NSA/DHS/etc...? but everyone else in the country is?)
Houser's wife filed for divorce in March, saying their differences were irreconcilable and his whereabouts were unknown. His mother recently lent him $5,000, but "It just seems like he was kind of drifting along," Craft said. (bd: I'm thinking of adding "DRIFTER" to my formula, they mention it so much here)
Houser's only known relative in Lafayette, an uncle, died 35 years ago.
After detailing each victim's wounds, David Callecod, president of Lafayette General Health, pleaded Friday for society to provide as much funding for mental health services as it does for other medical problems.(bd: this is one of the many government agendas linked to this FALSE FLAG, as well as GUN CONTROL and at the top of the reasons for all FALSE FLAGS is DISTRACTION FROM IMPORTANT THINGS such as half your taxes going to THE PENTAGON and the BANKSTERS fleecing you of all your money and ENDLESS WAR and CORPORATIONS & WEALTHY ELITES running the government with no democracy and in general KEEPING THE U.S. POPULATION IN A STATE OF FEAR in order to TAKE MORE LIBERTIES away from us and pass more DRACONIAN LAWS which we would never agree to unless we were in a constant state of FEAR & EMOTION distracting us 24x7). Pressed to explain why Houser wasn't arrested before, Sheriff Taylor also blamed cuts in the safety net. (bd: the cuts went into the pockets of THE PENTAGON & WEALTHY ELITES).
"There's cuts being made all over," Taylor said. "What should be scary for the community is that the cuts being made in mental health around the state are allowing these people, who should not be walking around, to be out in the community."
NOTE: MANY other bullet items from my "FALSE FLAG SHOOTING FORMULA" were hit, but they are in different stories besides this one I cut/pasted in this post.
UPDATE: How convenient! The star of the movie "TRAINWRECK", which above I mention how puzzled I was that in every article about this (hoax) "shooting" they go out of their way to mention the movie "TRAINWRECK" was if that's at all relevant, and it seemed to me like they were PROMOTING the movie via this (hoax) "shooting"...
...well guess what? In a million-to-one coincidence - or ON PURPOSE if it's a hoax/false flag - the star of the movie "TRAINWRECK" happens to be anti-gun nut Jewish Zionist Israeli-firster senator Chuck Schumer's cousin AMY SCHUMER!!! And it gets better: this CONVENIENT (hoax) "shooting" perfectly riffs into his new proposed anti-gun legislation and HIS OWN COUSIN AND STAR OF THE MOVIE GETS TO PROMOTE HIS ANTI-GUN LEGISLATION WITH HIM!
HOW CONVENIENT!!! It's a million-to-one odds if it's NOT a hoax/false flag, or it's 100% CHANCE this would happen if it WAS a false flag/hoax.
Setup like an INFOMERCIAL, if you believe this BULLSHIT, I feel sorry for you.
If you believe this Chattanooga bullshit, I have this car over here to sell you...................
Whenever there's a big shooting by especially a "racist", "anti semite", or "muslim", before anything, the first question we must ask and debate is whether it's a government false flag hoax or not. THEN go onto other issues such as the confederate flag, gun control, radical islam, "terrorism", etc... The government/CIA/FBI/media are the biggest liars in the history of the earth and they do FALSE FLAGS to keep us talking about what they want to, not whether they did a false flag or not, and they do it to keep us in FEAR and for political purposes and so we don't talk about important things like banksters, half your money going to the Pentagon, bad health care, rigged elections, etc...
Did you notice any debate is acceptable by the establishment media and government....EXCEPT WHETHER THE EVENT WAS A FALSE FLAG OR NOT??
Shift the subject from what the MEDIA and POLITICIANS want you to talk about - confederate flag, radical islam, racism - to "DID THE GOVERNMENT DO ANOTHER FALSE FLAG HOAX TO KEEP US I FEAR AND TERROR AND TO PUSH A POLITICAL AGENDA AND DISTRACT US FROM IMPORTANT THINGS?"
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”
This time it's a "muslim". It's either a "muslim" or a "white racist", but it's the same exact formula except with slight variations whether it's a "muslim" or a "white racist". They've been shifting back-and-forth between "white racist" and "muslim" FALSE FLAGS. They are ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILLS by the government, which they "turn live" and say it really happened.
Here's the formula, I just posted it for the Dylann Roof/Charleston active shooter drill FALSE FLAG HOAX:
– lone nut gunman
– had some/all of these: confederate flag, nazi flag, 9/11 t-shirt, rightwinger/white supremacist/skinhead/etc…
– there will be a "hero" story, where someone saved some lives during the shooting
– the FBI either had prior contact with the shooter, or "fumbled the ball" on sure-fire identifying him ahead of time or stopping him from purchasing a gun, or the “lone nut gunman” was an FBI INFORMANT
– a "MANIFESTO" will come out afterwards, most likely in the "white racist" FALSE FLAG, not the "muslim" FALSE FLAG. the "muslim" FALSE FLAG will have mentions of "the QURAN" (Koran) or ISIS.
– sensatinal pictures will come out of him , if it's a "white racist", he'll have pictures with guns and confederate and/or nazi flags. if it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, pictures of ISIS or tweets from ISIS and sensational "TURBAN" or "NINJA" pictures will surface or "muslims" training on "monkey bars" somewhere with masks on
– no video will come out of this, even though you can't take a shit without the government or someone having a video of it
– NSA/DHS is paid BILLIONS to ID people like this ahead of time…but no one will talk about how they somehow never ID crazy lone nut gunmen telegraphing the event well ahead of time
– they will push a law such as Patriot Act, take down confederate flag, gun control, radical Islam, etc…
– somehow "jews" will come up, like he hated jews, was a nazi sympathizer, etc…
– southern poverty law center will be extensively quoted on "domestic rightwing terrorists"
– conflicting stories, multiple shooters going down to "lone nut gunman", anonymous sources, no proof, no evidence…just take the mainstream media's word for it!
– enormous amount of things that don't make sense in the story, impossibilities, videos that don't make sense, and in fact more evidence points towards the "official story" being total bullshit
– instant wrap-up of event…although they didn't see it coming
– detailed history of "lone nut gunman" emerges with lightning speed…even though they didn't see this coming
- if it's not a "rightwinger" but it's a muslim/middle easterner/former soviet bloc, adjust above accordingly, IE: he had connections to ISIS instead of to white supremacist groups, etc...
- if it's a "white racist", Southern Poverty Law Center will be widely quoted and call for "hate crimes" and "gun control".
- if it's a "muslim", SITE/Rita Katz will have "found" audio and/or video. Pam Geller is likely associated with a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, also.
- if it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, the "shooter" likely will have "Mohammed" or "Abdul" as part of his name, or some over-the-top muslim-sounding name. it "sells" better than if a muslim's name is GEORGE.
And here comes the FBI bullet item of "the false flag formula":
And here comes the SITE/Rita Katz reference because it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, and not a "white supremacist" FALSE FLAG. Otherwise, it would be Southern Poverty Law Center instead of SITE/Rita Katz:
The media, and especially rightwing media (FOX, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, etc...), is telling us "the liberals" or "the commies" took down the Confederate flag in South Carolina. The big secret, if you actually count the votes in the South Carolina House, Senate, and the executive, is that more Republicans than Democrats voted to bring down the Confederate flag.
Yes, it was the Republican HAT-TRICK: House, Senate, Governor
The South Carolina House passed taking down the Confederate flag 94-20. Of the 94 take-down-the-flag votes, 48 Republicans voted yes to 46 Democrats. So Republicans out-voted Democrats 48-46 to take down the flag in the South Carolina House.
The South Carolina Senate passed taking down the Confederate flag 36-3. Of the 36 take-down-the-flag votes, 20 Republicans voted yes to 16 Democrats. So Republicans out-voted Democrats 20-16 to take down the flag in the South Carolina Senate.
Finally, South Carolina governor Nikki Haley is a Republican. No matter what the outcome of the House and Senate vote was, she could have vetoed it...but she didn't. She signed it into law.
You probably didn't know the REPUBLICANS did the hat-trick and out-voted Democrats to take down the Confederate flag in the House, Senate, and the executive branch. That's all 3 branches of South Carolina government, totally controlled by Republicans, that passed the law. Democrats in South Carolina have no power at all. Only Republicans could have passed the take down the Confederate flag bill. Only Republicans could have PREVENTED the bill from going into law, because they control all branches of government in South Carolina.
So next time you hear Republican politicians and rightwing media and rightwing media pundits saying "THE LIBERALS TOOK DOWN THE CONFEDERATE FLAG", you can look at the links below that give the exact votes in the South Carolina House and Senate, broken down by party, and you can tell them, "NO! REPUBLICANS TOOK DOWN THE CONFEDERATE FLAG! THAT'S A FACT THEY'RE NOT TELLING US!"
Republicans betrayed fans of the Confederate flag, not "liberals" or "commies". How can Republicans take down the Confederate flag and face no repercussions from their voter base? Because they play the media game better and somehow successfully have blamed "the liberals" who actually didn't do it.
Here are the votes in each South Carolina chamber, by party:
Republican governor Nikki Haley signs bill to take down the Confederate flag:
Now ask yourself why you didn't know that! The reason is because of the media and how difficult they've made it on the internet to find out votes by party. It took me quite a long time to find these stats. The average person wouldn't do that. The average person blindly believes what the media tells them: THE LIBERALS TOOK DOWN THE CONFEDERATE FLAG!
He should be holding a FALSE FLAG, not a REBEL FLAG !!!!!!!
(UPDATE: they hit ANOTHER bullet point item of a FALSE FLAG since I posted this: there was a DHS active shooter drill simulation going on - guess where and when? - June 15 through June 19 in Charleston, SC, exactly when this happened. I posted the updates below in this post)
Even though the South Carolina "shooting" by Dylann Storm Roof had all the hallmarks of a FALSE FLAG, I waited and waited and waited and waited and waited to come out and officially say it was a FALSE FLAG.................UNTIL "THE MANIFESTO" story just came out today!!!
This shooting had all the hallmarks of the FORMULA FALSE FLAG, and I said these things BEFORE these stories came out. I said there would be (mix and match these) stories about: he was on psychotropic drugs, prior contact with FBI, somehow NSA/DHS didn't stop this ahead of time even though he was telegraphing (supposedly) everything ahead of time on social media and posting pictures with rebel flags and other racist things, there would be references to Nazi's and/or skinheads and/or white supremacists, a "HERO" story where someone saved some people among all the chaos, media referring to shooter as a "LONE NUT GUNMAN". There is a FORMULA to a FALSE FLAG. When EVERY SINGLE POINT is hit, I have no other choice than to believe it's a FALSE FLAG. This has OVERWHELMINGLY hit every single point of a FALSE FLAG. I know the formula. I've POSTED THE FORMULA on this blog MANY, MANY TIMES.
And here it is, the final point of hitting EVERY SINGLE POINT OF A FALSE FLAG:
There we have it, folks! A ROYAL STRAIGHT FLUSH of EVERY SINGLE POINT of the FORMULA FALSE FLAG !!!!!!! Every FALSE FLAG RED LIGHT is on, the last TUMBLER clicked into place in the lock, ALL RED LIGHTS ARE ON ACROSS THE BOARD.
Congratulations! This is getting so predictable. It's getting so predictable, I PREDICTED IT AHEAD OF TIME !!!!!!!
In this July 9, 2014 post of mine about the Miller's false flag, I pointed out "THE FORMULA", including "THE MANIFESTO":
Here is a CUT/PASTE from the above post of the points of "THE FALSE FLAG FORMULA", mix and match them, I can probably update these points with things like "rebel flag", etc...and refine it even more because this was from a year ago:
Some of the "formula" points are:
- mention "white supremacist" or "neo nazi" or "anti semite"
- perpetrators "commit suicide" at the end
- calls for "gun control" by the media and Jewish senators
- mention "Southern Poverty Law Center" somewhere
- the NSA once again does not catch known kooks ahead of time...even though the NSA is spying on everything everyone is doing and crazy videos of the "perpetrators" will surface which were made well ahead of time...apparently they just don't spy on "lone nut gunmen", mass shooters with "manifesto"s, kooks who telegraph what they're going to do on youtube and facebook ahead of time, banksters, corrupt politicians, rapists, child abusers, etc...they are apparently only spying on regular citizens who don't do anything.
- mention OTHER false flags like: Columbine, Sandy Hook, Batman Aurora, Gabby Giffords, Boston Marathon, etc...
- no video footage of the actual shooting...even though no one can make a move anywhere without being filmed
- a followup "HERO" story to get emotions running and stop questioning the "official story"
- sensational pictures or actions like yelling "this is a revolution", dressing up like THE JOKER, etc...
- conflicting stories, multiple shooters going down to "lone nut gunman", anonymous sources, no proof, no evidence...just take the mainstream media's word for it!
- enormous amount of things that don't make sense in the story
- instant wrap-up of event...although they didn't see it coming
- they were "911 truthers"
- they had a picture/painting of Hitler
- they were "INFORMANTS" - FBI or police informants or had prior FBI or police communications
Now how can I predict all of this if it's not a formula perpetrated upon us by powerful people manipulating us for political purposes? btw that's the definition of TERRORISM.
Other interesting non-corporate-owned-and-controlled posts:
Proud to say my friend and neighbor's video went viral with over 100,000 hits and counting:
What are all these FALSE FLAGS in our own country by our own government all about?
First, learn about OPERATION GLADIO (video below). Operation Gladio, or "The Strategy Of Tension", is about governments doing FALSE FLAGS on their own citizens so their citizens turn to the government for protection against "terrorists" they think exist...but their own government is doing it. The endgame is so the government has more unquestioned power over their citizens. The government perpetrators use the infamous cliche: "TRADE SAFETY FOR SECURITY" from the ones who are actually the terrorists:
I did the above video step-by-step and took a picture of it (below) to prove the video is correct, and I found it: