Dick Cheney, neo-cons, and the Mossad did 911, and then the CIA tortured Muslims into false confessions (that's all that torture is for: FALSE CONFESSIONS) knowing they didn't do 911. False Flags like 911 blaming the Muslims persist to this day. See: ISIS.
When you talk about torture, you must keep in mind the CIA tortured Muslims and fully knew Muslims didn't do 911.
After Donald Rumsfeld testified on the Hill about Abu Ghraib in May, there was talk of more photos and video in the Pentagon's custody more horrific than anything made public so far. "If these are released to the public, obviously it's going to make matters worse," Rumsfeld said.
(when do we start pointing out that FOX "news"/Limbaugh/Hannity fans are all AGAINST black Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and Michael Brown, and all FOR white Clive Bundy??? Do ANY of you FOX "news"/Limbaugh/Hannity guys ever have an EPIPHANY and say to yourself, in a private moment, "Gee, if I was AGAINST Trayvon Martin-Eric Garner-Michael Brown, and they are all black, but I was FOR Cliven Bundy and he was WHITE...maybe it appears, just a smidge, racist"???)
FOX "news" is really news for scared white folks. They have been experts at walking a fine line of being blatantly racist since their inception. Lately, they have walked over the line and out of the closet.
If there is a white guy being harassed by law enforcement, especially a millionaire white guy like Clive Bundy of the Bundy Ranch debacle, FOX "news" came down squarely on the side of Bundy and against law enforcement. Between saying "MUSLIMS" 100 times per hour, FOX rammed the legend of poor old Clive Bundy down our throats 24x7 as well.
(above: Cliven Bundy)
But when it comes to law enforcement not only harrassing, but MURDERING blacks, FOX "news" is sure to be squarely 100% on the side of law enforcement, as in the cases of the cops murdering black Michael Brown and black Eric Garner.
We all know about the Michael Brown case and the protests it caused in Ferguson, Missouri, and then subsequently all around the United States and the world, but now comes the case of Eric Garner.
What's similar about the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases, as in a lot of other cases, is the cops murdering unarmed black men and the cops getting off scott-free for murder. (a side note: are cops immune to getting any type of penalty for murdering people? from what I see, I don't think so, and the media is saying ZERO about this important subject)
What's NOT similar about the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases is: when cops murdered Eric Garner, IT WAS ON VIDEOTAPE FROM BEGINNING TO END FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.
So, if you thought that cops are immune to any penalty for murdering someone, now you know EVEN IF IT'S ON VIDEO FROM COMPLETE BEGINNING TO COMPLETE ENDING COPS STILL RECEIVE NO PENALTY FOR MURDERING SOMEONE.
Getting back to FOX "news" racism, Eric Garner was murdered by a cop using the CHOKEHOLD. I was aware of this for a LOOOOOOONG time, because I've been following this even though the news has not. The term CHOKEHOLD has been used since DAY ONE.
What did the RACISTS at FOX "news" come up with, to side with law enforcement vs a black guy (as opposed to their tripping over their tongues backing RICH WHITE Clive Bundy)?
The RACISTS at FOX "news" came up with the term "SEATBELT HOLD" to replace CHOKEHOLD.
A warm, friendly, safe, SEATBELT HOLD (that killed him).
How long did it take the writers at FOX "news" to come up with "SEATBELT HOLD"?
"SEATBELT HOLD" comes from ONE SOURCE, make no mistake about it: FOX "news".
And anyone who uses the term "SEATBELT HOLD" can be identified as a FOX "news" watcher.
The reverse is: no one ever heard of "SEATBELT HOLD" who doesn't watch FOX "news".
Just like only FOX "news" viewers think a MOOZLUM is going to behead them, and law enforcement harassed Cliven Bundy, but law enforcement was right to murder Mike Brown and Eric Garner (and let's not forget they were all for George Zimmerman murdering Trayvon Martin), and they love CHICK-FIL-A, and they're against THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE, and DEATH PANELS are gonna git 'em.......they're the only ones that think cops held Eric Garner in the "SEATBELT HOLD".
Here's another question: You know the MILITIA's who rushed to the aid of Cliven Bundy? Where are they in Ferguson?
I've given this some deep thought, and I sincerely believe no racist thinks they're a racist. Racists don't even know they're racists when they begin every sentence about Ferguson/Mike Brown or Eric Garner with: "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE BLACK OR WHITE, BUT......." or "I'M NOT RACIST, BUT.......".
There's a 100% way to identify a RACIST: they begin sentences with "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE BLACK OR WHITE, BUT......." or "I'M NOT RACIST, BUT.......".
I'll tell you a personal story. I was at Thanksgiving in New Jersey, and one of the people there said, "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE BLACK OR WHITE, BUT IF YOU WERE LOOTING MY STORE, I'D SHOOT YOU". Let me translate that through my RACISM LANGUAGE DECODER: "I'D SHOOT NIGGERS".
Let me put this into a formula for you:
You know you're a racist when you begin sentences with "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE BLACK OR WHITE, BUT......."
You know you're a racist when you begin sentences with "I'M NOT A RACIST, BUT......."
You know you're a racist if you sided with Clive Bundy over law enforcement, but law enforcement over Mike Brown and Eric Garner.
You know you're a racist if you say that cops used the SEATBELT HOLD on Eric Garner, when in REALITY it was a CHOKEHOLD.
You know you're a racist when someone points out that there is still racism in America, you say they're "RACEBAITING". (hint: it used to be PLAYING THE RACE CARD, and REVERSE RACISM, just replace RACEBAITING with THE RACE CARD and REVERSE RACISM)
Here's another formula: if you're a RACIST and you watch news, you watch FOX "news". Not everyone who watches FOX "news" is a racist, but all racists watch FOX "news". PERIOD. CASE CLOSED.E IT'S NOT UP FOR DEBATE.
UPDATE: You know you're a racist if you spend time researching whether a cop was ever thrown in jail for murder, and all you can come up with is a 2011 case where a cop was INDICTED and FACED 30 years (note: INDICTED and CONVICTED AND SENT TO JAIL are two different things, look it up), and then pass it all around FaceBook and parade it on rightwing talk radio shows and "news" to make white people feel better:
I'm still waiting for you RACISTS to come up with an ACTUAL COP WHO WAS CHARGED WITH MURDER WHILE ON DUTY, CONVICTED, AND SENT TO JAIL. So of the THOUSANDS of citizens cops have killed, and the average of 3 per day, all you can come up with is the above? From 3 years ago? Not "INDICTED" (learn what INDICTED means) and "FACED" 30 years in prison (how much ACTUAL time in prison did the above get? NOT ONE SECOND!). That's all you can come up with? And you have the BALLS to BROADCAST this as if it's evidence of "EQUALITY" and even -handedness? The cop in the Garner case was ALSO INDICTED. What happened in the ACTUAL TRIAL? NOT GUILTY. Learn the difference. Nice try, racists. END UPDATE
Watch this great video by Jon Stewart of the Daily Show:
Here's a video of a WHITE man carrying an automatic weapon acting IRRATIONALLY. Ask yourself: if this man was BLACK or had on a TURBAN, would the result be the same:
Other news:
Well guess what? He FAKED IT. It was an INSIDE JOB, a HOAX, a FALSE FLAG, he LIED, etc...whatever you want to call it.
My question is: why don't more people realize these HOAXES, INSIDE JOBS, FALSE FLAGS, etc...ARE GOING ON ALL THE TIME?
Will THIS wake you up? IN HIS OWN WORDS:
‘Libtard’-hating ex-cop claims feds paid him to lure right-wing nutjobs with profane videos
Our Top Story: Government and Police Agent Provocateurs are at it again...WHOOPS! I mean...LOOTING AND MOLOTOV COCKTAILS BY PROTESTERS IN FERGUSON
The first thing you will hear in the "news" about every major protest is: "LOOTING" (and to some extent "MOLOTOV COCKTAILS").
Here's why:
First, you need to realize that for every major protest since the 1960's, the government has employed the AGENT PROVOCATEUR/LOOTING strategy. That is a strategy where the government sends in people who work for them to mingle with the protesters and "LOOT" so the media can then discredit the protest by focusing on stories of LOOTING instead of what the protest is about.
When are we all going to wake up and realize the government does this AGENT PROVOCATEUR/LOOTING routine for every major protest?
I'm sure there were "agent provocateurs" connected with the government inciting and actually doing a lot of the "looting". This has been going on since the 1960's. It's sad more people are not aware of this. Then the "news" is part of this agent provocateuring by publicizing the "looting" of the agent provocateurs and saying they were the protesters. Governments ADMIT doing this, it's been going on for a LOOOOONG time.
There will never be a HUGE "peaceful protest" because the government will MAKE SURE they send in agent provocateurs to "loot" and the media will publicize this as the protesters doing the looting, thereby discrediting the protest and making the focus the LOOTING instead of what the protest is about.
And the thing is, it's guaranteed to work every time.
And often times they wear masks and no one knows them.
And they're often times off to the side "doing their thing" away from the main action.
And the police are aware of the agent provocateurs. In fact, the police WAIT for the agent provocateurs to "do their thing" so they have a REASON to brutalize the protesters.
The M.O. of agent provocateurs is: LOOTING. Part I is the agent provocateurs looting, Part II is the media saying there's looting 24x7 to discredit the protest.
What is the first thing you hear on the "news" for every huge important protest: not what the protest is about, you hear LOOOOOOOOOOOOTING all over the "news". That's all you hear. It's a PLAN. It happens EVERY HUGE IMPORTANT PROTEST.
Your and my entire life, haven't we heard "LOOTING" and "MOLOTOV COCKTAILS" for every single major protest? What are the odds that every single major protest has massive LOOTING in it and none of them are every peaceful?
One of the counter-strategies to combat this that I can think of is for the REAL protesters to surround the agent provocateur, subdue them, and start chanting, "AGENT PROVOCATEUR, AGENT PROVOCATEUR, AGENT PROVOCATEUR", and hold down the agent provocateur and start questioning them, find out who they are, take pictures and video of them.
Here is a government/police agent provocateur being caught in Ferguson:
Here is an interesting video with almost half-a-million hits. A note in the description of the video says, "DISCLAIMER: Lots of hate directed towards me for this video. I provide critical analysis of observing the actions of police. I hope to incite conversation, examination of the evidence, and critical discussion, and that is all."
My comments on this video are not about if the cops threw a flash grenade in an old abandoned El Camino car parked on the side of the Advanced Auto Parts store, my questions are: 1) with all the problems going on there, why were a dozen cops all around an old abandoned car? 2) the Advanced Auto Parts store was obviously not on fire when the cops were there in the video. How did the store, surrounded by a huge police presence, catch on fire and burn to the ground? 3) Why did most of the fires occur in a small area where the militarized police presence was the greatest? Shouldn't that area have the LEAST fires?
QUESTION: Why is FOX/Limbaugh/Hannity/rightwing media/militias AGAINST the police in the Cliven Bundy case, but FOR the police in the Michael Brown case?
This time each year we have to put up with the mainstream media pretending they believe the "official story" of the JFK assassination. They lied back then, and they continue to lie now. Anyone who researches the JFK assassination can come to only one conclusion: Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot JFK.
This lying by the media and anyone in any sort of an "official" capacity, like everyone in congress and every president since JFK and every mainstream "news" person, is an insult to the intelligence of the American people. This continuing lying is reason enough not to trust anyone in any "official" mainstream capacity in government and in media. Even on the local level, media "characters" pretend they believe the "official story" of the JFK assassination because they know they would lose their job. That is how they keep the lie going: you'd lose your job if you said you didn't believe the "official story" of the JFK assassination. All these media "characters" are COWARDS. No one is that stupid to believe the "official story" of the JFK assassination, so therefore these media "characters" are COWARDS who are afraid to get fired. COWARDS are the best people to be employed in the media to keep the "official story" myth alive.
Lee Harvey Oswald tells the truth: I'M JUST A PATSY
The Deathbed Confession of CIA Agent, E. Howard Hunt to his son on the JFK Assassination. Hunt was one of the people who brought down the Nixon Administration during the Watergate scandal. Made famous for being one of the "Plumbers" in the Watergate Hotel Break-In which eventually forced Nixon to resign.
George H. W. Bush involved in the JFK assassination:
George H. W. Bush laughs speaking about JFK assassination:
Lee Harvey Oswald was shot on live television by Jack "Ruby" Rubenstein:
(Apparently, when you NEED your rights, you don't get them. If you DON'T need them, you THINK you have them. Rights appear to be a popularity contest, not rights. If you're not popular, you don't get your rights. If you're not breaking any laws and don't need your rights, they tell you that you have them.)
Since I wrote the above post, "officials" have caught Eric Frein. In addition to all the lies, anomalies, and ridiculous non-believable stories "officials" told us throughout the Eric Frein "manhunt" (officials love the word MANHUNT), WHEN they actually caught him they, of course, told another LIE. Frein's face in photos of when police caught him showed that he was obviously beaten in the face. "Officials" first said they found him like that, then they admitted it was a LIE.
Here is the press conference where police said they found Eric Frein "like that" with the facial cuts, bruises, and black and blue marks already on him:
Notice this, though: there is not ONE story I can find pointing out that at first police said Frein was found that way, and then second they said that they caused the cuts, bruises, black and blue marks on his face. Another way of putting it, the compliant media DIDN'T POINT OUT THE LIE. "Officials" and the media think you're too STUPID to notice this.
NOW...if I was on the right path with my post that "officials" LIE and are LYING, then you would expect this latest story to come as NO SURPRISE. It was buried as a small story in both my local papers, neither one having it on the front page:
If there was something funny going on, if "officials" were LYING about their "official story", then there would be 100% chance that they would prevent Eric Frein's attorney from having access to him.
I would like to cut/paste the entire article below, and highlight the key points in in BLACK HIGHLIGHT and any of my commentary will be in RED:
A LAWYER hired by Eric Frein's family to represent the ambush suspect the night of his capture said yesterday that police prevented him from seeing Frein and refused to tell his client a lawyer was available.
James Swetz, a veteran criminal defense lawyer from Stroudsburg, Pa., said he called ahead, then showed up at the Pennsylvania State Police barracks in Blooming Grove about 9:30 p.m. Oct. 30, about 3 1/2 hours after Frein's arrest.
"I was told, 'He's an adult and has not asked for a lawyer,' " Swetz recounted. (BD: I'd like to paraphrase this: "TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT, NOT YOUR CLIENT: HE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE YOU ~ THE POLICE". Right there, that is illegal, because police for ANYBODY can say to their attorney, "HE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE YOU, JUST BELIEVE US AND DON'T ASK HIM YOURSELF". Is this any way a country based on law acts? Is this any way for an "official" of the government to talk: "HE'S AN ADULT"? Is this official his Dad? Or his schoolteacher? "HE'S AN ADULT"? That's something your father or mother might say to you, but this is serious business - it's an official thwarting a U.S. citizens' rights! It doesn't matter if this "official" didn't explicitly "HEAR" Eric Frein SAY he wanted an attorney. This opens up so many cans of worms, such as this "official" has plausible deniability by saying he didn't "HEAR" Eric Frein ask for an attorney. Eric Frein COULD'VE asked for an attorney, but this "official" can simply say he didn't "HEAR" him? So then he doesn't get one? This "official" ought to be thrown in jail for, among several things, BEING A WISEGUY!)
Authorities have not revealed what Frein, who is charged with killing one state trooper and seriously injuring another, told them in an interview at the barracks. (BD: so he was grilled without his attorney? Can this case be thrown out then?) His public defenders could try to get statements Frein made to police ruled inadmissible at trial, although U.S. and Pennsylvania Supreme Court decisions could make that difficult.
Under legal precedent, "the police have no affirmative duty under the Fifth Amendment to notify a person being interviewed that an attorney is seeking to speak with them," Pike County District Attorney Ray Tonkin, who is seeking the death penalty against Frein, said via email yesterday. (BD: I spoke with several of my fellow Pa. residents, and no one heard of this law. So if this law exists, it's an OBSCURE law that no one ever heard of. YET...DA Ray Tonkin had this obscure law quotable right on the tip of his tongue, which proves he knew he was going to deny Frein's attorney access to Frein, and he researched ANY POSSIBLE LAW he could quote, even an obscure one no one ever heard of, to be able to give plausible deniability for infringing on Eric Frein's rights. Notice, also, the words "under legal precedent". Exactly what does that mean? Here's a refresher on the 5th amendment which they refer to: The Fifth Amendment, or Amendment V of the United States Constitution is the section of the Bill of Rights that protects you from being held for committing a crime unless you have been indicted correctly by the police. The Fifth Amendment is also where the guarantee of due process comes from, meaning that the state and the country have to respect your legal rights.)
Swetz, whose involvement in the case was limited to making sure Frein was represented early after his arrest, said in an email that the state "created an unnecessary issue" by having barred access to the suspect.
Frein is charged with opening fire outside the Blooming Grove barracks on Sept. 12, killing Cpl. Bryon Dickson and seriously wounding Trooper Alex Douglass. He led police on a tense 48-day manhunt through the northeastern Pennsylvania woods before U.S. marshals captured him outside an abandoned airplane hangar about 30 miles away from the shooting scene. (BD: and when they caught him, they LIED about beating him...see above).
Swetz said he tried to see Frein at the barracks later that evening.
"I called and invoked his right to counsel and was told I would not be given access to Eric, and Eric would not be told counsel was retained and available to him," Swetz said. (BD: so if we all have the same rights in this country, this case should be thrown out if the courts aren't rigged.)
Swetz spent about two hours at the barracks, then left.
He wound up meeting with Frein at the Pike County prison the following day, long after Frein had spoken with police. Frein then signed paperwork indicating he did not want to be questioned without his lawyers, Swetz said.
Frein is being held without bail. He has not yet entered a plea.
Notice the cop didn't say that Frein said anything out loud to do with a lawyer. Frein didn't say he did or didn't want to see the attorney. In fact, Frein couldn't have even known the attorney was there, so how could he say he would like to see him? So, the cop's point is that he didn't let Frein see his attorney because Frein didn't explicitly vocally state to the cop that he wanted to see him. Did you get that? Frein may have wanted to see his attorney, but was denied because a cop didn't hear him vocally state it. So, one of our Constitutional rights is based on a cop hearing you ask for the right. The cop didn't hear Frein explicitly say he didn't want to see the lawyer, either. So, since the cop didn't hear Frein say he did or didn't want to see the lawyer, the cop gets to interpret Frein's rights and assume what Frein wanted...in this case the cop assumed he didn't want to see his lawyer...ummm...because that's what the cop thought.
So our new "right" is this: if you don't know your attorney is there, and can't possibly ask for him because you don't know he's there, the cop is allowed to deny you access to your attorney who is there because the cop didn't hear you say out loud that you wanted to see your attorney that you don't know is there!
Let me make this important point: you need your Constitutional rights when you are the MOST in trouble. You don't need them when everything's going fine. In fact, you ONLY need them when you need them! It seems in this country, we "THINK" we have Constitutional rights only when we're NOT breaking any laws or charged with any violations by "officials". Yep! Those are the people saying "founding fathers" and "Constitution" all the time...THE ONES THAT DON'T NEED IT. They are also the ones who are very vocal about saying Eric Frein (and people like him) should NOT get their rights. But THOSE ARE EXACTLY THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO NEED THEM!!! So what good are your rights if, ONLY WHEN YOU NEED THEM, YOU DON'T GET THEM??? We may as well flush our rights RIGHT DOWN THE SHITTER, because that's what they're good for: NOTHING. Our "rights" are only to be talked about by people who don't need them, saying how great our rights are...BUT NOT THEIRS. I find that online on social media, those who say "patriot", "liberty", "founding fathers" the MOST, are also by far the ones who say the MOST that Eric Frein is a "cop killer who doesn't deserve his rights". That is why I don't have the time of day for these FAKE PATRIOTS who pay LIP SERVICE to our rights. RIGHTS are not a POPULARITY CONTEST.
11-3-2014.. ‘Silence Is Compliance LIVE’ Broke another huge international scandal concerning the Pennsylvania State Police, the U.S. Marshals and the story of how Eric Frein was taken into custody. While the main stream were still supplying cover and most people hammering us as “conspiracy nuts” that just hate cops. It turns out that we forced them to mold their “official story” once again. The facts were displayed from all sides, the story was picked apart and dismantled piece by piece. Now, whether it’s damage control, molding the story or just populist reporting, news outlets are reporting on this story and saying how they are the first to report it. So they either saw my show last night and decided it was time to catch up, or they realized they couldn’t avoid the story. Just remember, when I broke this story we couldn’t even talk about this without getting called derogatory names, now it’s okay to ask questions. Once again “Silence Is Compliance” is so far ahead of the curve other outlets can barely see us.
The text of a letter state authorities say Eric Frein wrote to his mother and father:
“Our nation is far from what it was and what it should be. I have seen so many depressing changes made in my time that I cannot imagine what it must be like for you. There is so much wrong and on so many levels only passing through the crucible of another revolution can get us back the liberties we once had. I do not pretend to know what that revolution will look like or even if it would be successful.
“Tension is high at the moment and the time seems right for a spark to ignite a fire in the hearts of men. What I have done has not been done before and it felt like it was worth a try.
“If I am dead I would like to be buried in a wood casket (no lead lined casket!) so that my remains can return to where they came from. I realize that this may not be possible though, laws and what not, so don’t sweat it. Also, light a candle for me at the Russian or Greek Orthodox church in Stroudsburg from time to time. It doesn’t need to be during a liturgy, just whenever they are open. I am sure you can figure it out.
“I do not have a death wish but I know the odds. I tried my best to do this thing without getting identified, but if you are reading this then I was not successful. If I am still alive and free know that I will do my best to remain as such. And as time goes by, if circumstances change, if my spark hit good tinder, then I may be able to return one day.
“I am sorry. You guys are great parents, I am just not a good son. I squandered so much opportunity and support and rarely tried my best at anything. God knows I do not deserve the things I had, maybe He knew I would be sacrificing all of it in the end, or maybe this is just the final squander. Who knows.
“I love you. Please forgive me of my many faults. And thanks for putting up with me for so long.”
I have to say, TO ME, this is getting even MORE suspicious because it's fitting to neatly into a government "LONE NUT GUNMAN/MANIFESTO" formula.
In 2004, computer programmer Clint Curtis testified in front of congress about writing a hacking program for Rep. Tom Feeney of Florida to undetectably hack electronic voting machines and neither party did anything about it:
Computer Programmer testifies that Tom Feeney (Speaker of the Houe of Florida at the time, currently US Representative representing MY district ) tried to pay him to rig election vote counts.
I have to laugh that anyone thinks the "elections/selections" at the federal level will change anything. Does anyone still believe things like that? NOTHING will be different with a Republican senate majority. NOTHING!
The lower down you get, it might have more of an impact, at the state & local level. But NOTHING will change at the federal level. NOTHING. But the "news" wants you to think it will, because it's a great distraction.
At the federal level, we will STILL:
- be going towards a police state
- transferring money from the 99% to the 1%
- wasting half our taxpayer money on endless wars
- bailing out banks but not poor or middleclass people
- NSA spying on all of us
- continual loss of freedoms & rights for 99%
- continually cutting public programs with "austerity" while spending 1 trillion dollars on endless wars enriching the 1%
Does anyone think this will change? It didn't change from BUSH to OBAMA. The "news" wants you to think it did.
They also want you to ENDLESSLY talk about the BIG CHANGE of the Republicans taking over the senate to tie up your time. NOTHING has changed.
They AREN'T going to change. It NEVER changes. Only a 3rd party would change anything.
You know who ALWAYS wins EVERY election? The UNELECTED SHADOW GOVERNMENT that both parties work for.
And the "news" is in on this. They want us to talk about the "BIG CHANGE" of the Republicans taking over the house.
RUSH: We have a 12-year-old on the phone named Madison from Oklahoma City calling about the Adventures of Rush Revere series. Hey, Madison, I'm glad that you got through today. How are you? (it takes HOURS to get through, my friend has called as an experiment and has waited HOURS and NEVER gotten through, EVER...so this 12-year-old girl, during school hours where cell phones aren't allowed, waited - where? btw - for HOURS and got on the Rush Limbaugh Show. If this was NOT a fake caller, a normal host would say, "HOW ARE YOU GETTING ON MY SHOW DURING SCHOOL? DOES THE SCHOOL AND YOUR PARENTS KNOW YOU'RE DOING THIS? WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE SCHOOL SO I CAN REPORT THEM FOR NOT KNOWING WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW?")
CALLER: Good. How are you, Mr. Limbaugh?
RUSH: I'm just dandy now that you've called. You've put me in a good mood here, Madison, thank you. (12 year old girls calling my show during school get me DANDY & in a good mood)
CALLER: You're welcome.
RUSH: So what can I do for you? What's shaking? (hey little 12-year-old girl, WHAT'S SHAKIN'!!!!!)
CALLER: Well, I wanted to call and give my feedback (a 12-year-old girl says "give my feedback"???) on the Rush Revere series (a 12-year-old girl says "the Rush Revere series"???). I think it's a great book. With me being in seventh grade ("with me being in seventh grade" - make sure you tell the audience that!!!) it helps me with my history when I have to remember for a test or something.
RUSH: That's awesome. It's actually helping you in class. Well, there's a reason for that, Madison. It's because the books are loyal to the truth. (excuse me while I BARF, if this whole thing were true, she'd be FAILING history if she learns it from Rush Limbaugh. Unless one of the questions is: HOW MANY OF THE LEGS DID FAT-ASS RUSH REVERE BREAK ON HIS HORSE? )
CALLER: Yeah. But my parents have, on my dad's iPad they have the first two books and pre-ordered the third one. (this little 12-year-old girl doesn't want to watch cartoons or manga or anything else little girls do, she gets her dad to download "The Rush Revere Series" for her, we all know 12-year-old girls who do that!)
RUSH: Oh, really, you're reading them on an iPad?
CALLER: Yeah. (yeah, my DAD's iPad, weren't you listening? I steal HIS iPad and read "The Rush Revere Series, you dope, weren't you listening???)
RUSH: And you've already pre-ordered the third one? Well, that's just wonderful. Let's see. You're 12 years old , so you're right there in the target age-group. And people like you, Madison, are exactly why we're doing these books. But I bet your parents, your family pretty much, you have a lot of respect for America already, right? You love the country? (what a perfect call! the target age group of 12 years old, and she called the Rush Limbaugh Show during school hours! wow! I bet she's going to get TAZED & THROWN IN JAIL by school officials, they are super-strict about disappearing for hours during school! and wait until her PARENTS find out she's been ON HOLD for hours somewhere secretly in school waiting to get on the Rush Limbaugh Show! she's going to get GROUNDED after the school officials taze & jail her!)
CALLER: Yes. Whenever we read the books, at the end my mom always goes on the Internet, on the website, to get Liberty's answers and quizzes on the book to see if I was paying attention. (this is a FAKE MARKETING call which is really only to SELL RUSH's BOOKS, so make sure you explain the DETAILS of getting on the website & the "Liberty" answers & quizzes for the STUPID LISTENERS who might buy "The Rush Revere" series!!!)
RUSH: (laughing) And you always are, right? (HARDEE HAR HAR!!!)
CALLER: Right.
RUSH: You are. Well, the new book is gonna be out October 28th. (now the REAL marketing starts!!! the new book is gonna be out October 28th!!! get rid of that FAKE CALLER RIGHT NOW while I put the finishing touches on my pitch!!!) You'll get it. If it runs for you the way it does for me, it will be like 11:30 or close to midnight on October 27th that you'll get an alert from the iTunes bookstore saying that the book is available for download. (yes: the last few sentences were totally IMPROMPTU, like when he said the day, date, exact time, iTunes, etc...TOTALLY UNREHEARSED!!!) And, Madison, let me tell you something. This one, I'm not ashamed to say, we're so excited about this one. I mean, it's really good. They're all good, but you try to make each one better, and as you get more experience doing them, you hope they do get better. (this one's REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!! you better get your parents to DOWNLOAD IT for you!!! tell them not to forget to have their CREDIT CARD out!!!)
But this, we've combined things. We've combined actual history with a modern-day story (starring Rush Limbaugh?) relevant to the US military (possibly the US military is involved in this BULLSHIT? I should've known!!! they pump his channel into all the bases! I actually feel like getting this book so I could laugh my ass off.) , to whom the book is dictated. And we can't wait for people to see it. We can't wait for people to read it because we have high hopes that it's gonna provide a lot of comfort to military families (if you don't buy my book...YOU HATE THE MILITARY & AMERICA & LOVE THE TERRORISTS!!!). Rush Revere and the American Revolution. Madison (her name just "HAPPENS" to be the name of one of our first presidents, James Madison, did you notice? they were originally going to call the fake caller "JEFFERSON" but that would alienate Rush's listeners because his listeners are all older white males and they might think someone named "JEFFERSON" was black), thanks. Hang on, Mr. Snerdley needs to get an address from you, if you don't mind. (don't worry, there's no address for a FAKE CALLER)
It gets better folks: Limbaugh is pimping TWO products at the same time: his character in the "Rush Revere" "history" series is his character on "TWO IF BY TEA" that he ALSO pimps on his show:
"The illustrated history book, which is already listed for pre-sale on Amazon and will be available in October, stars “Rush Revere,” the Limbaugh-like cartoon character from his beverage line Two if by Tea, and may be developed into a larger series." ~ Fox "news" "book" "review".
So let's recap: "RUSH REVERE" is a character in his "history" children's books AND the cartoon spokesperson for his "TWO IF BY TEA" drinks!!!!!!!!!
So if you're STUPID enough to buy your kids a "history" book by Rush Limbaugh, it's really A MARKETING SCHEME TO SELL HIS "TWO IF BY TEA" PRODUCTS!!!!!!!!!
Probably, "Rush Revere" says he stopped while riding his horse, and because he was so thirsty, he cracked open an ice cold "Two If By Tea"!
HI, RUSH, I'M A BLACK GUY, AND I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAY (fake callers who are non-white identify themselves on Rush Limbaugh by saying, "I'm a black man", etc...btw, how on a RADIO SHOW do they have a picture of the black guy calling?):
Bill Hicks comedy skit about Rush Limbaugh:
I have NEVER seen anyone with a bottle of "Two If By Tea". You have to be an IDIOT if you buy it and a BIGGER IDIOT to be SEEN with it:
You would have to have blind faith in government, like a religion, to believe the stories in the "news" that "officials" are telling us about Eric Frein.
The latest is: they found a "diary" in which he virtually gave a play-by-play confession. Eric Frein, they tell us, shot two cops, killing one of them, and he has been hiding from the police for almost a month.
NOW...don't forget one of the earlier stories they told us: they found Eric Frein's "soiled diapers". I instantly said I did not believe that. Guess what? They very quietly retracted that one. The reason I didn't believe that is I said that they always try to discredit someone like that with an embarrassing story. I cited that with Osama Bin Laden, they said they found "porn". I cited that the CIA admitted that they were going to make up a story that Saddam Hussein was GAY:
It is a PROVEN tactic for "officials" to belittle, ridicule, and threaten someone they're after. I don't know if you realized that. That is why I instantly said the Eric Frein "diaper" story was false. And I was right. And I knew I was right without "officials" admitting it. I don't need "officials" to admit they're lying when I KNOW they're lying.
This "diary" story is so ridiculous that I am not alone on this one. On the internet I am surprised to see so many people do not believe the "diary" story. DIARY/DIAPER.
I have seen ONLY comments NOT believing the "diary" story, and actually laughing at the story. Some comments I remember are "it sounds like something a 3rd grader would make up", "it's like the plot of a bad 'B' movie".
I also predicted they'd FIND a "diary". Actually, I said they'd find a "MANIFESTO", but close enough. I've written here for YEARS that another tactic "officials" lie about is they always find a "MANIFESTO". And I was right about that, too.
Do you believe that? I don't. You know why? Because people in the government LIE. They LIE all the time. They LIED about the "DIAPER". What exactly are they LYING for at all? That's very suspicious to me.
Also, they keep saying they "spotted him". I don't believe that. They are spotting him on multiple occasions with hundreds of police...AND CAN'T GET HIM? Do YOU believe they keep spotting him? And can't get him? And he has CAMPSITES?
Maybe they're LYING about the pipe bomb they found. Maybe they're LYING about EVERYTHING. Who knows? Why would you ever believe a word they say? Only a MORON would unquestioningly blindly believe know LIARS (the government and all their associates, including the media). Two things we're expected to blindly believe without questioning nonsensical stories by them: religion & government/media.
I know one thing: government workers LIE. We all know that. Police LIE. They already ADMITTED they LIED about the "diaper". Did they LIE about the Serbian cigarette pack? That also seemed non-believable. It's not believable that a guy who's leaving cigarette packs, drove a Jeep into water, kept and then left a "diary" while on the run, is continually spotted, left his guns somewhere, somehow had a pipe bomb (the more I think about that one, I'm SURE they're LYING about the pipe bomb!).
This story is ridiculous. And it's getting MORE RIDICULOUS by the day. It's like any other ridiculous story told to us by the "news" and "officials".
Why does ANYONE believe this story? Why does everyone always say, my whole life, politicians and government workers and the news are a bunch of LIARS...THEN, when those same people are being LIED TO IN REAL TIME, THEY BELIEVE THEM??? Maybe less people than the LIARS think, believe this story.
Here's what they think we'll believe: Eric Frein shot 2 cops, got his Jeep stuck/submerged in water, and is on the run for almost a month eluding hundreds of police/SWAT teams/FEDS/you name it. He has to be having difficulty even finding food.
BUT.......he was keeping a "diary" that maybe was levitating above water in his submerged Jeep, and he thought he better rescue his guns......AND HIS DIARY before they go under!!! He wouldn't want the cops NOT having a full play-by-play confession! Instead of finding food, keeping his only weapons, and hiding.........he's making campfires, writing diaries, leaving diapers & cigarette packs! Do you REALLY believe that? Come on!
And I'm sick of seeing NYPOST-like headlines in my local "news"paper everyday in giant letters, like "DEAR DIARY" when they found the "diary" (which I don't believe they found).
Here's a famous German journalist whistleblowing that the CIA and BILLIONAIRES paid him and western "mainstream media" to LIE. He says he now fears for his life. I've been telling you this for YEARS on this blog:
As I said in my post below, I have never in my life seen the U.S. public hate police as much as they do right now, and seemingly be rooting for the "bad guys" (formerly the bad guys?). Message to police: if you don't like that, stop acting the way you are. You can't fool all of the people all of the time, and people are beginning to see, especially with the proliferation of cameras and the internet, exactly how cops act whereas they formerly could not. The public had to take cops at their word, and now they are finding out their word was LYING because there weren't so many citizens armed with cameras. NO WONDER cops freak out when they see citizens with cameras:
Ever notice COPS will shoot someone and they're lying DEAD, and they KNOW the guy's dead, and they still yell, PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR, or PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK, or HE'S LUNGING AT ME???
Watch at around 50 seconds into this video of a cop shooting an unarmed man about a dozen times, then when he's on the ground DEAD, and the cop KNOWS he's dead, he still yells: ON THE GROUND, NOW!!!!!!!
Now watch this South Park video, were they onto something?