.......oh! And David Cameron and all the politicians are safe!!!!!
Let me recap: a "Muslim terrorist" waving around a bloody machete with which he just decapitated a nearby body still laying there and running around yelling "NONE OF YOU ARE SAFE"..........and not one person runs away (they even are talking to the "machete beheaders"), a woman even almost whacks him with a shopping cart (in the video below @ 1:20), and a guy interviews a machete beheader immediately after the killing while he's all bloody and waving machetes around and before police get there? No one's the least bit scared! Then the machete killer waits around for 20 minutes for the police to come and get him! And everyone's casually standing around this bloody threatening machete-waving terrorist and no one's running?
They even threw in that the "beheaded" guy was "WHITE MAN WITH A 'HELP THE HEROES' T-SHIRT! A dark skinned muslim beheading a white man with a "help the heroes" t-shirt? Really?
I think we can all agree, even the most skeptical among you, THIS IS FAKE:
You have to be a blithering moronic idiot to think that this is real. The people you should be afraid of are: the people who do these false flags and the people who believe them.
There were some arguments about the authenticity of the Batman shooting, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon bombing. But I think with this one we can all be united - all Jews, Christians, Muslims, every other faith, black, white, orientals, every one in the world - and finally say this is total FAKE BULLSHIT. This is the worst false flag ever. IT STINKS!!!
In this video, they actually cut out the woman casually walking by the bloody "terrorist" and almost whacking him with a cart she's pulling:
This is so bad, it's embarassing. Maybe in Britain, they don't have CrisisActors.org to run their false flags more professionally like in America with the Batman shooting, Sandy Hook, or the Boston Marathon Bombing.
Now you can brace yourself for Phase II of the propaganda: follow-up stories in the "news" for days that embellish the false mains story but never question it. You'll see the usual suspects: "SUSPECT WAS ACTUALLY BEING WATCHED BEFOREHAND BY 'OFFICIALS'", "SUSPECT HAD CONTACT WITH 'OFFICIALS' BEFOREHAND", "PART OF POSSIBLE 'TERROR CELL'", "ANTI-MUSLIM PROTESTS SPRING UP OVER KILLING" (how do we know the protests aren't being faked or at least the media is blowing some minor ones out of proportion btw?), "FRIEND(S) OF WOOLWICH SUSPECT ARRESTED", etc...etc...all stories to embellish the main FALSE story, but never question the "OFFICIAL STORY" even though there will be mounting evidence that it's a FALSE FLAG. I mention this tactic in this post. Some examples are "BATMAN SHOOTER CONVERTS TO ISLAM WHILE IN JAIL", "SCUBA DIVER LOOKS FOR BIN LADEN'S BODY AT SEA", "IRAQI WOMEN SUICIDE BOMBERS WITH DOWNS SYNDROME", "BOSTON MARATHON BOMBERS CONNECTED TO UNSOLVED TRIPLE-MURDER YEARS AGO". They have the follow-up embellishment bullshit stories ready to go right now! You will NEVER see a story in the mainstream media questioning the "OFFICIAL STORY". Then you'll see shills and genuine idiots on the internet and on call-in radio shows offering no proof this is for real, but simply saying cliche's like, "WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT???" as their "evidence" that this is for real, which implies that they have 100% blind faith in the biggest liars of all-time: government politicians and TV/radio/newspaper mainstream media. And you'll also get the paid shills on the internet who go into comments and say, "I'M FROM THERE, IT'S FOR REAL!", "YOU'RE DISRESPECTING THE VICTIM'S FAMILY BY QUESTIONING THE 'OFFICIAL STORY'", "TRUST ME, IT'S FOR REAL, I KNOW THE PERSON", and attack people doubting the "official story" even though they have intelligent questions about it. The internet shills have already been given their marching orders to go into comments on any posts and attack people questioning the "OFFICIAL STORY".
Maybe the fake left mainstream media or fake right mainstream media will yank someone questioning the "OFFICIAL STORY" on TV and ridicule them like in these two clips below, that usually happens when they're trying to put out fires from people asking legitimate, intelligent questions:
A conspiracy so vast, no one dare speak of it: The real terrorists are the mainstream media and governments.
Why Disinformation Works. In America “Truth has no Relevance. Only Agendas are Important”
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:
Have you ever wondered how the government’s misinformation gains traction?
What I have noticed is that whenever a stunning episode occurs, such as 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing, most everyone whether on the right or left goes along with the government’s explanation, because they can hook their agenda to the government’s account.
The leftwing likes the official stories of Muslims creating terrorist mayhem in America, because it proves their blowback theory and satisfies them that the dispossessed and oppressed can fight back against imperialism.
The patriotic rightwing likes the official story, because it proves America is attacked for its goodness or because terrorists were allowed in by immigration authorities and nurtured by welfare, or because the government, which can’t do anything right, ignored plentiful warnings.
Whatever the government says, no matter how problematical, the official story gets its traction from its compatibility with existing predispositions and agendas.
In such a country, truth has no relevance. Only agendas are important.
Why Disinformation Works. In America “Truth has no Relevance. Only Agendas are Important” by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
OPERATION GLADIO: 'You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."
Mainstream Media TV Fakery...AGAIN!!!
Even DUMMIES & IDIOTS Are Catching On To FAKE TERRORISM & THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS & The False Left/Right Paradigm
Conspiracy Theory: Intelligent People Researching "OFFICIAL STORY"s Told By "OFFICIALS" That Appear To Be LIES; I HAVE NO LEGAL REPRESENTATION...I'M JUST A PATSY ~ Lee Harvey Oswald
Lots Of High-Profile And "LONE NUT GUNMAN" Shootings Conveniently Coincide With Government/Media Pushing "GUN CONTROL"
"OFFICIALS" and their "OFFICIAL STORY"s are crumbling left and right because of the internet