It looks like they've stepped up the FALSE FLAG's to the tune of about one per week in the past few weeks. The latest is the LAS VEGAS FALSE FLAG. I'm sure there will be more after this post, I can't keep up with them. As with all the false flags, they have a formula to instantly raise suspicion. The NSA should be disbanded, because if this "official story" were true, we're spending MILLIONS & MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars supporting an agency that appears to be spying on everyone except who they're SUPPOSED to be spying on!!! They are USELESS and their purpose is something other than what we think.
The false flags are getting lousier, shittier, more easy to identify, and more ridiculous and not believable in any way, shape, or form by any rational human being (non-idiot). Only MORONS and media shills who PRETEND they believe them say they believe them.
Some of the "formula" points are:
- mention "white supremacist" or "neo nazi" or "anti semite"
- perpetrators "commit suicide" at the end
- calls for "gun control" by the media and Jewish senators
- mention "Southern Poverty Law Center" somewhere
- the NSA once again does not catch known kooks ahead of time...even though the NSA is spying on everything everyone is doing and crazy videos of the "perpetrators" will surface which were made well ahead of time...apparently they just don't spy on "lone nut gunmen", mass shooters with "manifesto"s, kooks who telegraph what they're going to do on youtube and facebook ahead of time, banksters, corrupt politicians, rapists, child abusers, etc...they are apparently only spying on regular citizens who don't do anything.
- mention OTHER false flags like: Columbine, Sandy Hook, Batman Aurora, Gabby Giffords, Boston Marathon, etc...
- no video footage of the actual shooting...even though no one can make a move anywhere without being filmed
- a followup "HERO" story to get emotions running and stop questioning the "official story"
- sensational pictures or actions like yelling "this is a revolution", dressing up like THE JOKER, etc...
- conflicting stories, multiple shooters going down to "lone nut gunman", anonymous sources, no proof, no evidence...just take the mainstream media's word for it!
- enormous amount of things that don't make sense in the story
- instant wrap-up of event...although they didn't see it coming
- they were "911 truthers"
- they had a picture/painting of Hitler
- they were "INFORMANTS" - FBI or police informants or had prior FBI or police communications
There are several different types of false flags:
- everyone's in on it and no one got hurt, this is called a "DRILL" that they then tell the complicit mainstream media to report really happened
- some are in on it and some are not, and some got hurt or killed
- everyone's in on it...except the PATSIES, and the patsies may have unwittingly participated OR THEY WEREN'T EVEN THERE
- In this particular case, maybe the cops weren't even killed, but maybe they were. Maybe the two perpetrators killed the two cops, maybe they didn't, or maybe someone else did and they are PATSIES. The most UNLIKELY scenario that probably isn't true is what the mainstream media is telling as the "official story".
And right on schedule, he had a "MANIFESTO":
BREAKING: Las Vegas Cop Killer Jared Miller’s Manifesto
Right on schedule, Jewish politicians connect false flags and demand gun control:
Interior Secretary Jewell (Jewish) connects Las Vegas shooting to Bundy ranch
Right on schedule, Nazi/Hitler references:
Las Vegas cop-killing couple left swastika-stamped manifesto on officer's body, previously warned of Columbine killing: report
Right on schedule, SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center - one of my bullet items of identifying a FALSE FLAG) chimes in:
SPLC Calls Shots in Post-Vegas Propaganda War
Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center?
Shooting in Las Vegas is a Zionist Hoax
Official: Police, not wife, killed Jerad Miller
Anthony Antonello calls BULLSHIT on this Las Vegas FALSE FLAG
These false flags are getting so formulaic that I wrote about the many false flags in the past year or so in the below posts and they apply to this one (these are all BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG posts from the past year or so):
Why Isn't The Victim's Father Blaming The NSA Instead Of The NRA ???
The "news" and Southern Poverty Law Center pushing ANTI-SEMITE Story Down Our Throats Today: ANTI-SEMITE KILLS 3 CHRISTIANS AND ZERO JEWS
Now I Feel Vilified That I Immediately Said Sandy Hook Was A False Flag
Paul CIAmossadFBIcia Shoots Up LAX Airport
Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker: Team 6/Bin Laden Story Is ONE BIG LIE, not a word of it is true
Navy gunMAN 13-for-13; Chicago gunMEN 0-13
CIA & Mossad Tell Us Through Their Mainstream Media That They Might Do False Flag Terrorism And Blame Their "Al Qaeda Muslims"...& Larry Silverstein's HUGE 911 Jewish Zionist BALLS
And The Emmy For The Worst Acting In A False Flag Goes To: The Woolwich England Machete Guy
MORE Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing.......
Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing
Conspiracy Theory: Intelligent People Researching "OFFICIAL STORY"s Told By "OFFICIALS" That Appear To Be LIES; I HAVE NO LEGAL REPRESENTATION...I'M JUST A PATSY ~ Lee Harvey Oswald
Lots Of High-Profile And "LONE NUT GUNMAN" Shootings Conveniently Coincide With Government/Media Pushing "GUN CONTROL"
"OFFICIALS" and their "OFFICIAL STORY"s are crumbling left and right because of the internet
Questions About The Newtown, Connecticut School Shooting, Gun Control, Operation Gladio, MK-ULTRA, & The Shock Doctrine
The launch of the term "OFFICIAL STORIER" to combat their REPUGNANT phrase "CONSPIRACY THEORY": Annual "OFFICIAL STORIERS" Hold The Line And Push The False 911 "OFFICIAL STORY"
MAGIC: Sikh Temple Shooting In Wisconsin - PROOF the mainstream media (and especially the "RADIO NEWS BRIEFS") and government is totally corrupt
Zionist AGENTS hit the TV circuit after the Batman shooting
Queen of the FAKE Bin Laden videos Rita Katz/SITE is the "source" for a supposed Al Qaeda hostage situation...as usual
The Magical Passport: the day I began to listen to REAL INDEPENDENT EXPERTS about 9/11, and not to politicized government agencies paid by the government (NIST), Magazine hucksters (Popular Mechanics, Michael Shermer/Skeptics Magazine), TV & radio characters, and slick anonymous websites (debunking 9/11)
They Just Won't Stop The Team 6 Bullshit
CARTOON "NEWS" still pimping "The Big 10-Year Lie" 24x7 Mass Hypnosis by the "news": cartoon "news", an insult to our intelligence.
I cut/paste the original story to highlight the FALSE FLAG WORDSMITH'S red flags (highlighted in red) which should tip anyone off that it was a FALSE FLAG:
Two Las Vegas police officers were killed Sunday in what appears to be a politically motivated ambush in a pizza restaurant that spilled over to a nearby Wal-Mart, where the two shooters committed suicide after killing a man in the store.
Details are sketchy, but Metropolitan Police Department sources close to the investigation say the shooters shouted that “this is the start of a revolution” before opening fire on the officers, and draped their bodies with cloth showing a Revolutionary War-era flag. Investigators have also found paraphernalia associated with white supremacists.
Sunday night, Metro homicide investigators and FBI agents cordoned off and were searching a small apartment complex at 110 S. Bruce St., about four miles from the shooting scene. A resident of the complex said he had spoken with a man who lived in the apartment being searched. He said the man appeared “militant,” and often talked about conspiracy theories.
An explosion was heard at the apartment complex at about 9:30 p.m., but no information was immediately available Sunday night.
Sheriff Doug Gillespie said officers Alyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, were shot while they ate lunch at CiCi’s Pizza, 309 N. Nellis Blvd., at about 11:20 a.m. Sunday. In a late afternoon news conference he said no motive for the attack has been determined.
“It’s a tragic day,” the sheriff said. “We have lost two officers with young families.”
Beck was a senior patrol officer who had taught Advanced Officer Skills Training and at the Metro academy. He was hired by Metro in 2001 and had a wife and three children.
Soldo has been a Metro officer since 2006 and had a wife and baby. Both were uniform patrol officers assigned to the Northeast Area Command.
A law enforcement official who has been briefed on the incident said an officer — unconfirmed reports indicate it was Soldo — was refilling a soft drink when the female shooter approached him from behind and shot him in the head, killing him instantly.
The woman then shot the other officer several times as he drew his pistol. Gillespie said the officer was able to return fire but it was unclear if he hit anyone.
One officer was reported dead at the scene, while the other died later in surgery at University Medical Center.
Witnesses told police one of the shooters yelled “This is the start of a revolution” before shooting the officers. Gillespie later said he could not confirm that.
The shooters then stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and badges, according to a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. They then covered the officers with something that featured the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner with a coiled snake above the words, “Don’t tread on Me.”
The flag is named for Christopher Gadsden a Revolutionary War general who designed it. It has recently come back in vogue as an adopted symbol of the American tea party movement.
The shooters left the pizza parlor and headed into the Wal-Mart across the street at 201 North Nellis. Witnesses at the scene reported hearing shots fired in quick succession inside the Wal-Mart.
At a news conference at about 1 p.m. Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill said the male shooter, described as a tall white man, yelled “everyone get out” before shooting.
One unconfirmed report is that the two exchanged gunfire with a citizen who was carrying a concealed weapon, and that one of the shooters was injured.
A man was shot and killed just inside the front doors of the Wal-Mart. His name has not yet been released.
As Metro officers entered the front and back doors of the store they exchanged gunfire with the shooters, Gillespie said.
The female shooter then shot her accomplice at least once before shooting herself in the head, a law enforcement official said. The wounded man then shot and killed himself. Their identities have not been released by police.
Both shooters were reportedly carrying large duffle bags, and a bomb squad was called to the scene. It’s unclear what, if anything, was found in the bags. A fire department official said the bomb squad response was “a precaution.”
Hector Garcia was shopping in Wal-Mart’s arts and crafts aisle toward the back of the store when he encountered a man brandishing a gun. He looked like he was in his 20s, was wearing camouflage and had a duffle bag draped over his shoulder.
He said the shooter appeared calm when he pointed the gun at him and said, “Don’t run.” The gunman, Garcia said, continued walking to the back of the store. Garcia said that store employees were evacuating customers through the back of the store.
After the gunman walked out of sight, Garcia walked out of the store. Garcia said he was shaken up and couldn’t remember what kind of gun the man carried.
The shooters were a married couple thought to be in their late 20s who were new to the Las Vegas Valley, according to a law enforcement official close to the investigation. Police are looking into their links to the white supremacy movement and found swastika symbols during their initial investigation.
Residents of the Bruce Street apartment complex gathered outside the building to talk about the couple whose unit was being searched.
Several neighbors identified the man as Jared, while one called the woman Amanda.
Like many of the neighbors contacted, Krista Koch said she didn’t know the couple’s last names. She described them as “militant.” They talked about planning to kill police officers, “going underground” and not coming out until the time was right to kill.
Brandon Monroe, 22, has lived in the complex for about two weeks. He said the man who lived in the apartment that was being searched often rambled about conspiracy theories. He often wore camouflage or dressed as Peter Pan to work as a Fremont Street Experience street performer. A woman lived with him, Monroe said, but he didn’t see her as often.
They were weird people, Monroe said, adding that he thought the couple used methamphetamine.
The man told neighbor Jessica Anderson, 27, that he had been kicked off Cliven Bundy’s ranch 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas while people from throughout the U.S. gathered there in protest of a Bureau of Land Management roundup of Bundy’s cattle.
Reached Sunday, the rancher’s wife, Carol Bundy, said the shooting and the April standoff against the federal government were not linked.
“I have not seen or heard anything from the militia and others who have came to our ranch that would, in any way, make me think they had an intent to kill or harm anyone,” Carol Bundy said.
Las Vegas police have not said whether they believe the attack was more than an isolated incident, but the department asked for any available off-duty officers to work Sunday afternoon.
Patrol squads were doubling up so each officer would have a partner, sources said. Metro officers usually patrol solo, but Gillespie said they would continue to ride with partners in the coming days while the investigation continues.
“It’s a very, very difficult day,” Gillespie said, “but we still have a community to police, and we still have a community to protect.”
FBI officials would say little about their involvement in the investigation.
“We will not comment on specifics at this time,” FBI spokeswoman Bridget Pappas said. “The FBI is working closely with LVMPD and our law enforcement partners to determine the facts of this tragic incident.”
Late into the afternoon dozens of bystanders were standing outside police tape, watching the investigation. Wal-Mart employees and shoppers cried and hugged before police took them to be interviewed in a nearby store. After talking with witnesses, officers took them to one of several buses waiting in the parking lot.
A grandmother who was shopping in Wal-Mart with her two teenage granddaughters said they crouched in a makeup aisle when they heard shots. She prayed out loud, but the girls asked her to keep quiet so the shooters wouldn’t find them.
When they peeked around the aisle and couldn’t see the shooters, they ran out of the store.
Marlene Buck works at the Denny’s on Nellis across from Wal-Mart. She said she was impressed with Metro’s quick response.
“It took less than fifteen minutes,” she said.
As police patrol cars cordoned off the street, Buck said restaurant customers crowded against the windows and started to rush outside.
“I did everything I could to keep everyone inside,” she said, adding it looked like a war zone and making a machine-gun gesture with her hands.
Obama references another FALSE FLAG, the PORT ARTHUR MASSACRE IN AUSTRALIA IN 1996 (one of my points above to identify a FALSE FLAGE is that "officials" reference OTHER FALSE FLAGS:
Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died