This latest VA health care "outrage" is coming from one source: THE RIGHT - Limbaugh, Hannity, rightwing media, & the Republicans. It is a great case-in-point how THE RIGHT controls the media, all the while falsely referring to it as "the liberal media".
Is there a problem with VA health care? YES. The previously mentioned sources want everyone to know this and it's Obama & the Democrats' fault.
What DON'T they want you to know? 3 months ago on February 27, 2014, 41 REPUBLICAN senators BLOCKED A LANDMARK VA HEALTH CARE BILL:
FEB 27, 2014: 41 Republican Senators Voted Against a Landmark Veterans Bill in February, Today They Blame the VA
FLASHBACK: Mainstream Media Largely Ignored GOP's Obstruction Of Veterans Health Bill
This whole media frenzy about VA health care is textbook "RIGHTWING FAKE OUTRAGE"...just like Chick-Fil-A, Death Panels, Ground Zero Mosque, etc...etc... They string everyone along from FAKE OUTRAGE to FAKE OUTRAGE. How many of you are still tricked by this? If you are, you just might be a "DITTOHEAD".
Rush Limbaugh is "OUTRAGED" that VA health care isn't better (isn't VA health care SOCIALISM, btw???) !!! Fine! Then let's UPGRADE VA health care and put more money into it, right, Rush???
...but he WASN'T on February 27th, 2014, when REPUBLICANS blocked a landmark VA health care bill:
Rush Limbaugh Compares Obama To Hitler And Brings Up Death Panels While Talking About VA
Look at how SAD Republicans are about VA health care:
Has WILK or 94.3 "the talker" brought up that the GOP blocked a landmark health care bill in February 2014? OF COURSE NOT! They ALSO are feigning FAKE OUTRAGE at VA health care all the while never mentioning this !!!
Now riddle me this: if the FACTS are on the Democrats' side and they can simply bring up February 27th, 2014, blocking of that landmark VA health care benefits bill everytime THE RIGHT accuses them of being responsible for the state of VA health care...THEY WHY AREN'T THEY ???
One thing I admire about Republicans is THEY LIE AND LIE AND LIE and say the opposite RIGHT TO YOUR FACE. That is how they somehow win elections. And your other choice is the DEMOCRATS who have all the ammo in the world to answer back...BUT UNEXPLICABLY DO NOT !!!!! For YEARS !!!!!
So you have a party that blatantly LIES about everything, and a spineless jellyfish party who can fight back with the TRUTH about some things...AND DON'T !!!!! ...and this is nothing new, both parties STINK. That is why I voted 3rd party in the last "election" and will continue to do so forever.
REPUBLICANS have also been BLOCKING UNEMPLOYMENT since January 1, 2014 (AGAIN...complete with the media totally ignoring this!!!) .......I bet they're OUTRAGED ABOUT UNEMPLOYMENT BEING BLOCKED!!!!!!
Saturday, January 25, 2014 - BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG - Republicans (the "right to life gang") freezing Unemployed Americans (including FETUSES) in the Northeast by filibustering unemployment since Jan. 1...but in the meantime propose bill to penalize American college kids on behalf of Israel
WE'RE OUTRAGED ABOUT UNEMPLOYMENT BEING BLOCKED SINCE JANUARY 1ST (...please don't research that WE are the ones actually blocking it!!!!!!!!!)
Republicans this year have: blocked the unemployment extension (since January), blocked a landmark VA health care bill (in February), and now have blocked raising the minimum wage.