How to Opt Out of Facebook’s Instant Personalization
Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF: How to opt out of FaceBook's Instant Personalization (Part I & II)
Friday morning Facebook changed its privacy settings layout, making it a bit more challenging to opt out completely. As before, unchecking the "Allow" box is not sufficient because you need to block each Instant Personalization website to fully opt out. However, the previous path (via "Learn More") to the necessary Block Application buttons was removed, with Facebook suggesting instead you first go to the sites (at which point your information is disclosed), and then click "'No Thanks' on the blue Facebook notification on the top of partner sites." To fully opt out, you need to:
Growing outcry over Facebook privacy changes
FaceBook is giving your personal information to 3rd parties:
Did BP ever perform a safety test they were supposed to do to detect if explosive gas was leaking from the mile-deep well???
In the fateful hours before the Deepwater Horizon exploded about 50 miles off the Louisiana shore, a safety test was supposedly performed to detect if explosive gas was leaking from the mile-deep well.
While some data were being transmitted to shore for safekeeping right up until the blast, officials from Transocean, the rig owner, told Congress that the last seven hours of its information are missing and that all written logs were lost in the explosion. Earlier tests that suggested explosive gas was leaking were preserved.
The gap poses a mystery for investigators: What decisions were made -- and what warnings might have been ignored?
"There is some delay in the replication of our data, so our operational data, our sequence of events ends at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the 20th," Steven Newman, president and CEO of Transocean Ltd, told a Senate panel. The rig blew up at 10 p.m., killing 11 workers and unleashing the gusher.
Houston attorney Tony Buzbee, who represents several rig workers involved in the accident, questioned whether what he called "the phantom test" was even performed.
BP tries tube to siphon spewing oil to tanker
NPR is now reporting that the oil spill could be 70,000 barrels of oil a day, which is considerably greater than the estimate of 5,000 barrels per day currently being reported.
Is 70,000 barrels a day a possibility for the oil spill?
Just like Goldman Sachs, BP acted irresponsibly by recklessly pursuing profits at the expense of the American people. Both companies gambled, both companies lost, and both companies expect the taxpayer to clean up their mess. It's time both companies are held accountable.
Gulf oil gusher ‘ten times worse’ than previously estimated, experts say
BP, Does Their Conduct Rise to Manslaughter
Shell games the system to drill off shore; can MMS restructuring save regulation?...and Trans Ocean is "located" in Zug, Switzerland:
Republicans search schoolroom, remove pro-labor teaching materials: Teachers at a middle school in Portland, Maine, are upset with attendees of a Republican convention who rifled through teachers' materials in a classroom they were using and reportedly stole materials from the room, replacing it with GOP slogans.
Portland, Maine: Republicans search schoolroom, remove pro-labor teaching materials
Seattle Police Expand Investigation To Include Officers Who Watched Innocent Latino Man Beaten
We keep killing civilians...what if some other country was doing this HERE???
Angry protests over deaths in Nato night raid in Afghanistan: Villagers and family members accuse US soldiers of killing civilians after operation in Nangahar province
Special Commentary by Big Dan: "I have a funny story about the Philadelphia Flyers: in the 90's, my wife's cousin from Germany came in and me, my wife, two kids, and Connie went to Canada: Niagara Falls, Toronto, etc...on vacation. We went to an amusement park, Paramount, and we were in line for a ride, and while in line this older Canadian guy said in a low, gravelly voice: "You like duh hockey???" I had a Philadelphia Flyers hat on, I said "Yes". He said, "What's your favorite team?" I said, "The Philadelphia Flyers". He yelled at me: "THE FLYERS ARE A BUNCH OF BULLIES!!!" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!"
MY Philadelphia Flyers hockey team overcomes 3-0 series deficit and 3-0 deficit in game 4 in Boston, to win 4 straight games against the Boston Bruins, the first time in 35 years a team has done so (2004 Red Sox/Yankees Redux???):
HBO Special: The Broad Street Bullies - The 1970's Philadelphia Flyers
Traffic: John Barleycorn Must Die
Vezi mai multe din Muzica, Videoclipuri pe
Same guys, same song, about 25 years before: