Onward Christian Soldier
Onward Christian Soldiers (Bizarre but real slideshow)
Bible quotes adorned covers of top-secret Rumsfeld intelligence reports
Are U.S. forces trying to convert Afghans to Christianity?
Onward Christian (and Israeli) Soldiers
Who Owns the Rights on Tamiflu: Rumsfeld To Profit From Bird Flu Hoax
Video 1 - CBS reports that Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 TRILLION was missing from the Pentagon budget. That's big news in itself, but it's off the charts THAN HE ANNOUNCED IT ON 9/10/2001! The day before 9/11! So, it was totally wiped out of the news! What a coincidence! How many coincidences are you going to believe?
Video 2 - Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney grills Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the Pentagon's missing trillions, DynCorp's slave trade, and the 9/11 wargames.
House Hearing on FY06 Dept. of Defense Budget, March 11, 2005.
Video 3 - Rumsfeld: Iraq War will last 6 days
Video 4 - WMD LIES
Video 5 - Rumsfeld met with cries of "WAR CRIMINAL" at White House correspondents dinner
Video 6 - Rumsfeld WHOOPS! Says Shanksville plane was "shot down"