A fiercely debated, long-delayed investigation into Ireland's Roman Catholic-run institutions says priests and nuns terrorized thousands of boys and girls in workhouse-style schools for decades — and government inspectors failed to stop the chronic beatings, rapes and humiliation.
Nine years in the making, Wednesday's 2,600-page report sides almost completely with the horrific reports of abuse from former students sent to more than 250 church-run, mostly residential institutions.
Abuse ‘endemic' in Irish Roman Catholic schools: Report - Church sheltered pedophiles and treated children like prison inmates, says final report from Irish investigation into residential school abuse
A broad coalition of organizations dedicated to accountable government, and representing over one million members, filed disciplinary complaints with state bar licensing boards against twelve attorneys who advocated the torture of detainees during the Bush Administration. These detailed complaints with over 500 pages of supporting exhibits have been filed against John Yoo, Jay Bybee, Stephen Bradbury, Alberto Gonzales, John Ashcroft, Michael Chertoff, Alice Fisher, William Haynes II, Douglas Feith, Michael Mukasey, Timothy Flanigan, and David Addington. The complaints, filed with the state bars in the District of Columbia, New York, California, Texas and Pennsylvania, seek disciplinary action and disbarment. Copies of the complaints and exhibits are available at www.disbartorturelawyers.com.
VR Launches New Campaign To Disbar The Torture Lawyers
'VR' Coalition Files Bar Complaints Calling for Disbarment of 12 Bush-era Torture Lawyers. MSM cover; AP helps mislead, misinform...
Cheney's Big Torture Speech
Military attorney: Waterboarding is ‘tip of the iceberg’
The Phony Debate About Torture (torture is illegal and does not work anyway)
How War Caused the Crash
20 things you have to believe, to be a Republican:
1. Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're a conservative radio host. Then it's an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.
click here for the other 19