This makes NEPA activist Tim Grier's complaint questioning county officials' borrowing of $93.5 seem more legitimate. Grier's complaint was recently dismissed by Pennsylvania Secretary of Community and Economic Development Dennis Yablonsky, but Grier has appealed this.
When Grier's complaint was originally dismissed, Luzerne County defense attorney Peter Moses made WWF-like statements such as, "Tim Grier threw a snowball at the county, and today he got hit with an avalanche,” and, “Today the county collected the pot.” Also, Moses said. “Mr. Grier has cost the taxpayers of Luzerne County valuable time and money with his frivolous complaints.”
To me, it sounds like the Luzerne County commissioners cost the taxpayers of Luzerne County a lot of money, not Tim Grier! To the tune of 3 new juvenile detention facilities! Tim Grier's complaint of questioning Luzerne County officials' borrowing of $93.5 million dollars must be looked upon in a new light after this scathing state audit report on the county's inept or corrupt handling of the juvenile detention center!
Tim Grier
Tim Grier just started a website,, accepting donations to help defray costs in his legal battle against Luzerne County. He also told me, Drumbo, and Sherlock, that he might go out for Chinese food with us some Saturday in Wilkes-Barre. Tim, I recommend the "House Mei Fun"...
Luzerne County's defense attorney Peter Moses, aka "The Hulk":
· Local Activist Tim Grier Bushwhacks Luzerne County (NEPA) Commissioners During Debit Card Debacle
· Local Activist Tim Grier Bushwhacks Luzerne County (NEPA) Commissioners During Debit Card Debacle