(flowers Little De's boyfriend bought her yesterday)
· The REAL Question (for now) About New Hampshire
PLUS: More to Come on All of it Later Tonight...As you might have guessed, I'm buried for the moment in a blizzard of incoming calls, emails, and more (such as bad, and misleading, articles and blog items about all of this), even while trying to both learn more details on a number of fronts and keep up with media appearances to discuss the issues so Americans might better understand what's really going on here, and what the concerns really are.
· BILL MAHER ON NH PRIMARY: 'I'm Bothered That a Private Company (Diebold) Runs the Machines, Are Only Ones Who Know What Went On'. Says 'Election All for Naught if We Can't Trust Results'. Catherine Crier: 'Glad This Controversy's Come Up, Will Elevate Voting Machine Issue In Minds of American People'...
· Kucinich stepping into "trap" asking for recount? NEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTION INTEGRITY ADVOCATE NANCY TOBI IS CORRECT: "We have no control over the ballot chain of custody and we have learned the pain from the 2004 Nader recount, in which only 11 districts were counted, chosen by a highly questionable person, and then nothing showed up. Now all we hear is how the Nader recount validated the machines." As Tobi says, "A candidate asking for a recount may well be a tool used to 'prove' everything was okay and then that candidate will be further discredited."
· VIDEO: Rep. Rush Holt Calls For Paper Ballots And Audits In Every Election On Countdown. Says 'Anything Of Value Should Be Auditable And We Know Votes Are Valuable'. Steps Necessary 'To Give Voters The Confidence That They Deserve That Their Votes Will Be Counted As They Intended'. Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) speaks about the necessity of a paper ballot for every vote cast, that can be "audited" after an election to ensure voter intent was recorded accurately.
· Index to Brad Blog stories concerning New Hampshire primary.
· Report: Asian-Americans faced discrimination in midterm elections
· Roseanne: Obama 'backs bullshit,' has 'no ideas, no plan'
· MSNBC analyst: Rove Obama attack close to 'outright racist'
Legislators vote fraud caught on video:
Other News:
· Authorities detailed gruesome evidence of a pregnant Marine's death Saturday as they excavated a fire pit where they believe a comrade she accused of rape burned and buried her body after a horrific attack.
· Fraud US-Style: Fake Videos and Elections
· Threatening voice from Iran incident may be famous heckler. The recent controversy over an incident in the Strait of Hormuz involving five Iranian speedboats was punctuated by an allegation that an Iranian voice warned a U.S. ship, “I am coming to you. You will explode in a few minutes.” But the voice “may have come from a locally famous heckler well known to Navy crews.” The Navy Times reports...In recent years, American ships operating in the Middle East have had to contend with a mysterious but profane voice widely known as the “Filipino Monkey,” likely more than one person, who listens in on ship-to-ship radio traffic and then jumps on the net shouting insults and epithets.
· See my related article, "How Come Nothing Happens, When Our Government And Corporate-Owned News Are Caught In Bed Together (again), Lying About Something Important? Bush Gets A "Mulligan" To Think Up Another FAKE Story To Bomb Iran; Nothing Happens To Him For Lying...again..."
· Iran "showdown" (wink wink) has echoes of faked Tonkin attack...
· In the Republican presidential debates, the only candidate to acknowledge the Navy’s doubts over the source of the incident was Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), who struck a much more cautious tone: "Guess what, today the Navy commander of the fifth fleet was on ABC and announced that, 'you know, that voice might not have come from those vessels.' So what does that mean? Was there a rush to judgment on this, ready to go to war? … And we don’t need another war, and this incident should not be thrown out of proportion to the point where we’re getting ready to attack Iran over this.
· California wants to control home thermostats
· A San Antonio man who the Recording Industry Association of America sued for copyright infringement is not entitled to legal fees despite the RIAA dismissing the case after concluding he was not the purloiner.
· Worldwide Protests Mark Sixth Anniversary Of Guantanamo Bay
· NASHVILLE - On a bipartisan basis, the state House approved Thursday a resolution honoring Al Gore Jr. and his efforts to curb global warming. "We're glad that Republicans have realized global warming is a real problem and we appreciate their support of our former vice president, Al Gore," said House Majority Leader Gary Odom, D-Nashville, after the 97-0 vote.
· Ricks: Baghdad Only Seems ‘Peaceful’ Because 2006 Was ‘Pure Hell’
· (5 years into the Iraq War, and claims that the surge is working, does this sound like a war that's "winding down"???) The US military said that its planes rained bombs on Al-Qaeda targets Thursday as the American military pursued militants across Iraq a year after President George W. Bush decided to send reinforcements to the country. A 10-minute blitz saw 40,000 pounds (18,000 kilograms) of explosives unleashed on 40 targets in Arab Jabour village on the southern outskirts of Baghdad, a military statement said.
· The readers mounted near a doorway are likely to read a UHF card 10 or more feet away, however, so even if a person entering a building fails to present the card to an interrogator, the security system will likely collect that entrant's identity passively. To authenticate each individual's identity, surveillance cameras can be used to compare each entrant's card data with his or her face, using facial recognition software.
· The Supreme Court, without comment, ruled in favor of Monsanto on Jan. 7 and upheld a lower court ruling that penalized a Mississippi farmer for reusing genetically modified soybean seeds.