Pa. Gov Corbett for years somehow escapes the press asking him, "IF WE'RE SHORT ON MONEY, WHY AREN'T YOU TAXING THE FRACKERS?"
Pennsylvania Governor Corbett's Legacy: only state that doesn't tax frackers, radioactive water, crumbling bridges & roads, only northern state that doesn't participate in Medicare expansion for the poor, only northern state that doesn't recognize gay marriage, cover-up of Penn St scandal & missing DA Ray Gricar, insensitive comments about women & gays, forced vaginal ultrasound, against legalizing marijuana but for "privatizing" (1%-izing) liquor stores to make liquor more "available" & "accessible", escapes media scrutiny for ruining Pennsylvania
He should be the governor of a SOUTHERN RED STATE...not PENNSYLVANIA!!!
Pennsylvania Governor, a K-K-Karl Rove protege who probably had a hand in rigging the election to get the FRACKING GOVERNOR in there all set up for fracking, has a horrific legacy that is escaping media scrutiny. How often has the press asked Corbett, when Corbett is saying he has to make cuts to public services, why he isn't taxing frackers if he needs money? I'd say I've seen the press ask this question ZERO TIMES. I've heard callers on "talk radio" ask this question ZERO TIMES. I've heard "talk radio" hosts bring this point up ZERO TIMES.
OH...the media will cover Gov Corbett's BOORISH INSENSITIVE COMMENTS, but nothing really important like I mentioned above:
Gov Corbett on gay marriage: gay marriage is like marriage of "BROTHER AND SISTER"...and that's AFTER he first said it was like MARRIAGE OF CHILDREN:
While we're on the subject of Gov Corbett's BOORISH INSENSITIVE GREATEST HITS.......
Gov Corbett on government forced vaginal ultrasound: "JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES":
Here's the more important parts of Gov Corbett's legacy, besides his BOORISH HICK comments about women & gays:
ONLY state not taxing frackers, costing Pennsylvania residents HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in revenue:
Pennsylvania remains the largest U.S. state without a tax on natural gas production. The tax would have generated an estimated $100 million in its first year.
Pennsylvania and Louisiana have already lost out on hundreds of millions of dollars from the energy boom because of their tax policies, while Texas and North Dakota continue to cash in.
Top Corbett Challenger Puts Cards on Table, Wants to Tax Fracking
Radioactive water from the frackers Gov Corbett's not taxing...just like the old NEPA COAL BARON DAYS:
Fracking may be contaminating a Pennsylvania river with radioactive waste, a Duke University study to be published this week shows.
Only large-populated northern state not participating in MEDICAID EXPANSION FOR THE POOR:
Gov Corbett is AGAINST legalizing marijuana...but FOR "privatizing" (1%-izing) liquor stores TO MAKE LIQUOR MORE AVAILABLE!!!!!!
Gov. Tom Corbett won’t be budged by public opinion polls when it comes to marijuana.
...but he (and the Pa. GOP) want to make ALCOHOL more "AVAILABLE" and "ACCESSIBLE":
“At a time when we continue to struggle with a weak economy, it is mind-boggling that one of Gov. Corbett’s top priorities is to allow alcohol, including hard liquor to be more accessible and available to our young people, which will clearly put them in harm’s way”.
The Penn State pedophile scandal & missing DA Ray Gricar timeline has TOM CORBETT INTERSECTING IT ALL OVER THE PLACE:
Corbett with soon-to-be-missing DA Ray Gricar (above)
January 18, 2005: Tom Corbett is sworn in as Pennsylvania's 46th Attorney General, having won election the previous November.
DA Ray Gricar with AG Tom Corbett at March 31, 2005 drug bust press conference
March 31, 2005: AG Corbett holds a press conference with Centre County DA Ray Gricar to announce the prosecution of Taji "Verbal" Lee in the "largest heroin operation that we have ever seen in Centre County, feeding a drug trade that stretched throughout the region and allegedly resulted in at least one deadly overdose," AG Corbett says. Senior Deputy Attorney General Michael T. Madeira, who works in AG Corbett's Drug Strike Force Section, will prosecute this drug case, AG Corbett announces. The State College newspaper reports that, "Gricar pointed out that heroin and cocaine were problems that have been increasing throughout Pennsylvania."
April 15, 2005: Centre County District Attorney Ray Gricar vanishes.
An insider's timeline of the Corbett/Sandusky/PSU scandal: A timeline decades in the making
BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG Thursday, November 10, 2011: Joe Paterno
BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG Saturday, March 17, 2012: Pennsylvania Women: Got REPUBLICANS In Your Vagina??? GOP "WAR ON WOMEN" Comes To Pennslyvania
BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG Saturday, February 11, 2012: I'm joining the winning teams in Pennslyvania: the Republicans, Roman Catholics, & Frackers