Mailbox aftermath: Judge Muroski takes out mailboxes. Kids and mailboxes aren't safe from the NEPA judges. Don't tell me! That wasn't one of those judges who just took out my mailbox, was it? Be on the lookout for NEPA judges!
First the corrupt NEPA judges threw our kids in private jails for cash, gamed underinsured auto cases, stayed at condo's of corruption in Florida, met with mob gangsters, took they're taking out our mailboxes!!!
He just couldn't do it! He just couldn't NOT do something stupid with all the limelight of the federal corruption probe going on at the Luzerne County Courthouse and just winning "2009 Times Leader Man of the Year"! I bet he doesn't win "2010 Times Leader Man of the Year"!
Muroski stopped at the bar/restaurant after administering the oath of office to the newly elected mayor of Courtdale, Dorothy Duesler, who is the mother of his secretary, Sean Duesler.
Muroski said he was driving south on Route 115 toward his township home, which is about four miles from the crash site, when his vehicle hit a patch of ice and left the roadway. Muroski said his cell phone, which had been damaged by water earlier on Monday, was inoperable.
Did he leave the scene of an accident? It looks to me like he admitted drinking, then driving, then crashing, then leaving the scene of an accident. No one else on the road that night hit this "black ice" and lost control of their car. Was there really black ice there? Did anyone else say there was? Read the article:
The judge judges himself: "I will tell you I was sober. I was not drunk," Muroski said in a phone interview Tuesday. Muroski said he had "one or two drinks" at a Kingston bar/restaurant before the crash.
Read the police report.
Times Leader "2009 Man of the Year" - Judge Muroski....seriously...
LISTEN to judge Muroski - the Uncle Ben's Rice story!
Below: Uncle Ben from Uncle Ben's Rice... GOD! I wish Uncle Ben was a judge here instead of these guys! Would he be called "Judge Ben" or "Judge Uncle Ben"?
Steven Colbert: Night of Terror - the CRAPIFICATION of the American Paint-Scape. We now have a new place to fear (bd: thanks to the military media complex): YEMEN YEMEN YEMEN YEMEN YEMEN YEMEN YEMEN. Colbert blows your mind by pointing out that if you rearrange the letters in YEMEN it says ENEMY. Better Know an Enemy - Yemen - Stephen wants to scare the crap out of you about Yemen with his new high-definition magic monitor. :
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Better Know an Enemy - Yemen | ||||
Ron Paul: "Fourteen or 15 of the [9/11] terrorists came from Saudi Arabia," Paul said. "We didn't attack Saudi Arabia, we attacked Iraq. It doesn't make sense. ... You don't declare war against these countries and say we have to go in and start bombing Pakistan and bombing Afghanistan and bombing Yemen."
Think about this when you see how the media and politicians are trumping up another war in another foreign Arab country:
NYTimes: 6 million Americans living on nothing but food stamps.
The easiest way to make money, easier than being an insider in the stock market, or a corrupt judge, is to be in government or connected to government and invest in something that will skyrocket because of a "terrorist" scare...Michael Chertoff should be thrown in jail!!!
We need (my) body scanners at airports...because of the Muslim terrorists... - Israeli Michael Chertoff
Michael Chertoff: We need (my) body scanners in airports. (another "inside job")
Since the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, former Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff has given dozens of media interviews touting the need for the federal government to buy more full-body scanners for airports.
What he has made little mention of is that the Chertoff Group, his security consulting agency, includes a client that manufactures the machines.
(bd: what makes even LESS mention, is that Chertoff has dual Israeli citizenship!!!)
Ex-Homeland Security chief head said to abuse public trust by touting body scanners
(bd: And what's really REALLY funny, is that the Washington Post let's Chertoff pimp his body scanners under the guise of terrorism! And then someone else in the Washington Post has to point this out!)
The Airport Scanner Scam
Full Body Scanning
Flashback: We need (my) TAMIFLU...because of the Bird Flu - Donald Rumsfeld
Who Owns the Rights on Tamiflu: Rumsfeld To Profit From Bird Flu Hoax
We spend the hour with one of the most influential health policy writers in the country, Dr. Atul Gawande. He is an associate professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, a practicing surgeon at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a staff writer at The New Yorker magazine. We speak with him about an influential article on healthcare costs that was cited by President Obama and became “required reading” at the White House, healthcare systems in other industrialized countries, the effect of solitary confinement on prisoners, and his new book, The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right.
Dr. Atul Gawande on Real Healthcare Reform, Why Solitary Confinement Is Torture, and His New Book, “The Checklist Manifesto”