The Hijacking of Our Movement and the Next Wave of Patriots
Ron Paul Spokesman on Rachel Maddow show: Libertarians say Republicans have hijacked tea party movement
Ron Paul spokesman:
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CIVIL WAR - INTRA-TEABAGGER WARFARE: It’s Paultards/Randians/Truthers/Seceshes/’Libertarians’ Vs. ‘Astroturfers’/GOP Leadership/Hannititties/Fat Cats/Gingrichians/Santelliosos/Fox News/Dick’s Armey…??…!
Matt Taibbi: The peasant mentality lives on in America
Paul Krugman: Tea Parties Forever
Krugman: 'Right-wing billionaires...manufactured' tea parties
Krugman Calls Out GOP Hypocrisy On Job Creation And Defense Cuts
If we fall for the divide and conquer strategy, where idiots on both sides try to focus our anger on the "other team" instead of the real culprits, we will get distracted, lose direction, and thus became easy to ignore and control. Then the powers-that-be will be able to continue pickpocketing us for years to come.
The Futility of Protesting
Andrew Sullivan: The Highjacking Of The Tea Parties
Has Cheney been Murdering Americans?
An Open Letter to Paul Wellstone
Special commentary by Big Dan: "Hey! You know where all those pirates are? Where pirates keep capturing ships? For years? For Ransom? I have an idea - LET'S SAIL THERE! Do you expect me to believe all this CRAP??? COME ON!!! And then there's a coordinated media blitz by the neo-cons, saying we have to increase military spending because of the pirates. COME ON!!! Why are Kristol and Bolton on TV all the time as 'experts' on everything???"
While the pirates story has dominated the corporate media, there has been little to no discussion of the root causes driving piracy.
Analysis: Somalia Piracy Began in Response to Illegal Fishing and Toxic Dumping by Western Ships off Somali Coast
Pirate rescue simulation
John Oliver creates a sophisticated simulation of the chain of events that led to the pirate rescue.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Pirate Rescue Simulation | ||||