Hannity suggests Christianity compatible with torture
You Can't Be a Christian and Tolerate Torture
Taxi To The Dark Side
Taxi to the Dark Side = in full
Torturing Democracy
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Jon Stewart fries Jim Cramer - Day III
In Cramer We Trust
Jim Cramer didn't recommend buying Bear Stearns stock a week before it collapsed -- he did it five days earlier.
What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
In the U.S., you can advocate torture, illegal spying, and completely optional though murderous wars and be appointed to the highest positions. But you can't, apparently, criticize Israeli actions too much or question whether America's blind support for Israel should be re-examined.
Charles Freeman fails the loyalty test
AIPAC lobbied reporters on 'background' over Intel nominee
For all of you out there who may have questioned whether there was a powerful "Israel lobby," or who admitted that it existed but didn't think it had much influence, or who thought that the real problem was some supposedly all-powerful "Saudi lobby," think again.
On Chas Freeman's withdrawal
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Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11
How much of AIG’s bailout/handout is financing Israeli mortgages in Jerusalem & the West Bank?
The Pentagon is "Against the Troops"!!!
"In my professional opinion, the known carcinogens and respiratory sensitizers released into the atmosphere by the burn pit present both an acute and a chronic health hazard to our troops and the local population," Aeromedical chief Lt. Colonel James Elliott wrote.
Pentagon knowingly exposed troops to cancer-causing chemicals, document shows
Signing off on the crime
Whistleblower speaks out on KBR electrocutions