"There are areas...where Bush has excelled."
● He was President when the United States was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001. He was decisive in his response and showed admirable leadership both at home and abroad. (bd: by attaking Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11! and also Bush didn't keep 3,000 Americans safe, he should've immediately resigned. I'm sure if there was a Democratic president, Connor would have been in the forefront calling for impeachment. Connor fails to mention that's it's documented that Bush had plans to attack Iraq BEFORE 9/11 and fails to mention Cheney's secret energy meetings with Ken Lay and others discussing how to divvy up the Iraq oil fields...all BEFORE 9/11. Connor fails to mention this, too: the costs of the Iraq & Afghanistan: Per Month - $12.3 billion; Per Week - $2.9 billion; Per Day - $410 million; Per Hour - $17 million; Per Minute - $284,722; Per Second - $4,745)
● The Bush administration has been forceful in trying to bring calm and to allocate money to industries fighting to survive. (bd: Bush and Paulson handed trillions to the banksters and nothing to people losing their homes)
● He paved the way for democracy in Iraq and other countries. (bd: OH MY GOD!!!)
● Lincoln was criticized, as Bush has been, for running afoul of the Constitution and civil liberties. (bd: Connor compares Bush to ABE LINCOLN!!! Yeah! Bush is a regular "ABE LINCOLN"!!! Connor must be living in another country than we are!!!)
● He will not be known for a public display of intellectual depth. (bd: Possibly the ONLY correct sentence in the column)
Connor also fails to mention the BILLIONS Bush funnelled to his family and friends via these wars.
Another incredibly lousy column by Richard L. Connor
Below: Bush family war profiteers - ALSO not mentioned by Richard L. Connor. Did ABE LINCOLN's family profit from war???
NEPA History: 50th Anniversary of Knox Mine Disaster
The small group of men fleeing onrushing water through the Knox Coal Co.’s River Slope Mine tore frantically at the pile of debris before them, trying to clear a way to the air shaft through which they hoped to escape...(read more in link below)
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