Report: McCain camp hyped attack tale before truth emerged
Rick Sanchez Calls Out Media That Fell For "Mutilation" Hoax
Campaign Volunteer Faces Charges In Attack Hoax. Ashley Todd told investigators today she "just wanted to tell the truth" -- and was neither robbed, nor attacked
Police: McCain volunteer made up robbery story
Does ANYONE find it "more than a coincidence", that Jack Murtha just called Western Pennsylvania "racist"…and then this McCain supporter from Texas pulls off this HOAX in...WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA??????
"Part of the story is the fact that it was reported by the media," said Sanchez. "We would not be telling the story now had it not been carried by so many outlets. As I mentioned before, it was mentioned on, as a matter of fact I have a list and not to mention names, but the initials of the news organizations are Fox News, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Newsday. And also radio talk show hosts went on their radio stations and talked ad infinitum about the story yesterday, one of them even seemingly being a braggadocio about it when he was on the air with our own Wolf Blitzer yesterday."
(below) 1989: Charles Stuart murdered his pregnant wife and shot himself, and blamed a black man and the media ate it up.
● Her husband is seriously shot and says a black man did the shooting.
● The black man and his family protest his innocence in this case.
Charles Stuart, Puppetmaster. A Look Back at a Notorious Boston Murder with Racist Overtones
Charles Stuart: Puppetmaster (when this movie is over, click "more shows" to see "REEL Bad Arabs", for more RACISM...
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(below) 1994: Susan Smith killed her two boys and blamed a black man.
1994: SUSAN SMITH CLAIMED A BLACK MAN jumped into her car and drove off with her children. She drove her two boys into a lake and killed them, and blamed a black man.
Georgia death row prisoner Troy Anthony Davis is scheduled to be executed Monday night. Earlier this month, the Supreme Court refused to hear Davis’s appeal to have a jury hear new evidence that he says could prove his innocence. Lawyers have asked the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to stay his execution and allow them to file a new federal lawsuit based on innocence claims. We speak to Ezekiel Edwards of the Innocence Project and Laura Moye of Amnesty International USA.
Lawyers Planning Last-Minute Challenges as Time Running Out for Troy Anthony Davis
UPDATE! Another 11th hour stay of execution for Troy Davis!
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Spreading the Wealth
Bill Maher's monologue from last night: