● "Take Our Energy, Our Passion, Our Strength And Do All We Can To Help Elect Barack Obama"
Hillary concedes and will throw her full support into getting Barack Obama elected president, and asks all her supporters to now throw their full support for Obama.
● The full 30 minute concession speech (it's very good, btw)
● Text of Hillary Rodham Clinton's speech
● Hillary wants you to support Senator Obama, "sign up now and together we can write the next chapter in America's story" (Hillary)
● McCain: It’s ‘Ambiguous’ Whether Bush’s Warrantless Wiretapping Program Was Illegal, ‘Let’s Move Forward’
● Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) rhetoric on the budget has become increasingly muddled in recent months. McCain has gone from pushing a balanced budget by 2012, to a balanced budget by 2017, to a “who cares” approach. A brief timeline:
● McCain Wouldn’t Vote For Everglades Because Of Pork But Will Fund Iraq At Any Cost
● Labor Secretary Chao Blames High Unemployment Rate On America’s Youth
● Federal prosecutors are aiming to block the sale of the home of Christopher J. Ward, former treasurer of the National Republican Congressional Committee, over allegations that he shifted over $500,000 from Senate Republicans into his personal accounts over a four-year period to make mortgage payments and fund remodeling jobs.
● Nearly 60 House Democrats want a special counsel created within the Justice Department to determine whether top Bush administration officials have committed crimes in authorizing the use of harsh interrogation tactics against suspected terrorists
Pigs at the trough: "conservative" Republican Dennis Hastert cashes in for half-million dollar lobbying job for favors he did (not for American citizens, but for his own personal enrichment):
● Former Republican House speaker Dennis Hastert recently joined Dickstein Shapiro, a “powerhouse Washington law and lobbying firm.” He will cash in on his time as a lawmaker and is estimated to make more than $500,000 a year. Today, the New York Times has an editorial on this troubling revolving door:
● NCMR '08: Let's Take This Baby Home!
● Click here for streaming coverage of NCMR '08 via Free Speech TV
I'm going to post something everyday from the 2008 National Conference for Media Reform! This is congressman Keith Ellison addressing NCMR 2008:
It's very painful for me to read about this, because I know it's coming every year during high school graduation...
● Yearly tradegy: Like clockwork, every year NEPA teens die in car crashes after their high school graduation ceremonies...
● W-B soldier severely injured while serving in Afghanistan. A Wilkes-Barre soldier was one of the men wounded in the roadside bombing in Afghanistan last month that killed 1st Lt. Jeffrey DePrimo of Pittston.
● LCCC $20M master plan not bid out. Commissioners said the county used a request for proposals when seeking to construction manager for project.
● Motorcyclists take to the road in ‘Bike for Mike’ benefit for cancer victim’s family. Two members of the Garbush family died in a span of three years because of cancer.