Are you seeing the signs that we are going to attack Iran?
● 1. Worried Yet? Saudis Prepare for "Sudden Nuclear Hazards" After Cheney Visit
● 2. Still Not Worried? Petraeus Blames Iran for Green Zone Attack
● 3. Worried Just a Bit? Bush Launches Economic 'Shock and Awe' on Iran
● Rather than an attack with "bunker-busters", the first attack of the war was made with a "bank-buster", and it came in the form of a shot across the bow of the global banking system. The hypocrisy couldn't be clearer, not that this will matter much to the Iranian victims -- unless the truth suddenly becomes as important to the world's bankers as it is to some of the world's bloggers.
● US Treasury chief says Social Security 'unsustainable' (bd: I have predicted that Bushco will go after social security AGAIN...before he leaves office, and here it is...I THINK THIS IS A HUGE STORY, AND IT'S NOT GOING TO STOP! It is the final piece of Bushco dismantling AMERICA as we KNEW IT!!!)
● Dominos: How Bear Stearns default threatens the entire world financial system
● Cracking up: the ice shelf as big as Northern Ireland
● Poll: Obama Ahead 21 Points In North Carolina Primary
● Latest PA & NC Polls Show Shifts To Obama
● A McCain Moment: Do You Want Four More Years of This?. Election 2008: It's not just George Bush's war that McCain wants to continue; it's George Bush's approach.
● Pentagon Holds Thousands of Americans "Prisoners of War". War on Iraq: There are at least 60,000 of them, but they're not on the DoD's list of soldiers missing in action.
● The Probable Cause to Charge Dick Cheney With Mass Murder, Terrorism, and High Treason (bd: I suggest to anyone who has never questioned the "official" govt 9/11 story to read this...)