● Rolling Stone Magazine: McCain Resurrected. The Arizona Senator has gone from laughingstock to presumptive nominee by campaigning for World War III. So why do conservatives fear him?
● Obama, McCain trade blows over Iraq
● Key civil rights leader switches support to Obama
● John McCain's 10,000 Years War
FOX Attacks Obama!
Fox is not a credible news outlet and their deception needs to be stopped. FoxAttacks.com will give you the information and tools you need to hit fox where it hurts. The current video presents the erroneous and slanted stories Fox recently ran about Barack Obama. In response, Obama refused to appear on Fox. Watch the video, then follow Obama's lead and... Do Something.
● Soldier admits having himself shot to avoid Iraq return
● ACLU calls out US over 'absurd bloating' of terror watch list
● Civil liberties groups call for end of Wikileaks blackout
● NYTimes Editorial on the Alabama Blackout of 60 Minutes' Report on Don Siegelman. 'It would be deeply troubling if a partisan broadcaster could suppress information on the public airwaves'...
● Merck childhood vaccine linked to more convulsions
● ABC News: 9/11 Redux: 'Thousands of Aliens' in U.S. Flight Schools Illegally. Former FAA Inspector: TSA's Enforcement of Post-9/11 Laws 'Basically Nonexistent'
● FLASHBACK: Five Years Ago, Wolfowitz And Rumsfeld Were ‘Off The Mark’ On Troop Levels
● State Dept. orders another review of troubled Baghdad embassy
● America Loves Peace? Odd, Since We're Always at War. ForeignPolicy: We've been in conflict for about half the period between World War II and the present, but consider ourselves a "peace-loving" nation.
● Carter chides Bush on secrecy in govt.
● What a Choice! Sex with a Sleaze for $100,000 or Writing for Peanuts. Sex and Relationships: Sites like SugarDaddy.com lure young women by offering them far more money than they could get in most professions. What's wrong with this picture?
● L.A. County Registrar Prepares to NOT Count Thousands of 'Double Bubble' Ballots from Super Tuesday's Democratic Primary. New Planned Method for Counting Uncounted Non-Partisan Crossover Ballots, as Proposed by Dean Logan in Response to Sec. of State's Request, Will Needlessly Disenfranchise Thousands of Legal Voters. SoS Bowen Must Intervene Again to Assure All Votes That Can be Counted ARE Counted...
● Today Senator Mike Gravel filed a federal lawsuit against a pro-Hillary 527 political organization, which is running a YouTube ad that, if aired on TV, flagrantly violates the law. The Senator has asked the court to slap a temporary restraining order on this 527 to prevent it from breaking the law with this commercial. This 527 has failed to register with the Federal Election Commission. The law prohibits 527s from distributing ads that use “phrases . . . or individual words, which in context can have no other reasonable meaning than to urge the election . . . of” a particular candidate or “[w]hen taken as a whole and with limited reference to external events, such as the proximity to the election, could only be interpreted by a reasonable person as containing advocacy of the election . . . of” a particular candidate (2 U.S.C. § 431(17)).
Here is the Hillary ad: (h/t tg)
Mike Gravel: Then & Now