· FDA faces damning report on science expertise; Expert panel blasts outdated technology, lack of funding
· Iran drops dollar from oil deals: report
· The Smart car is coming to America. It costs between $11,590 and $16,590. It measures less than 9 feet long and — in the city — gets 42 miles to the gallon.
· Congressional Leaders Briefed On CIA Waterboarding In 2002
· Guilty is as Guilty Does: America is Being Governed by Criminals
· Rush Limbaugh's Going To Have A Field Day Next Week! Secretly briefed, Pelosi did not object to waterboarding in 2002
· On December 6, Tighe Barry, a CODEPINK activist who along with Medea Benjamin was deported from Pakistan at gunpoint for supporting pro-democracy forces, was arrested at the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing on US Assistance to Pakistan. Barry and Benjamin, deported on December 5, flew directly to Washington DC to attend this hearing. They had asked for the opportunity to testify about their firsthand experience with the heroism of Pakistan's civil society and the brutality of the government, but were told that the witnesses had already been selected.
· Election Integrity on Trial in Pima County: Final Day and Wrap-Up; A Courtroom Report as Pima County Democrats Seek Public Records Access to Diebold Election Databases
· Katrina Victims Can live at Canadaville rent-free for five years if they follow a "charter of conduct." Among other things, they must work or go to school, volunteer at least eight hours a week, participate in the community council and stay away from drugs, project manager Shane Carmichael said.
· A Word From Yoko Ono On The Anniversary Of John Lennon's Death