Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Feb 23, 2010

1,000 U.S. soldiers now officially dead in Afghanistan War going on 9 years, no one cares

Is it me? Or is the media ignoring the Afghanistan War? Did you see a countdown like we used to have, leading up to the 1,000 soldier killed? Remember they'd start reporting before it hit the milestone? I didn't see any of that. In fact, I didn't see any stories when the 1,000 soldier died. Did I miss it? It's in it's 9th year and I don't know why we're there. If we're there to beat someone, why didn't we beat them yet? Why are no REPUBLICANS who are candidates in 2010 or elected REPUBLICANS mentioning that we're spending 2.5 BILLION a week on these wars, when they say we need to cut spending? They keep saying to cut spending in health care, education, and things like that. Never the wars. They want MORE for the wars! Furthermore, they are never ASKED by anyone in the media why they don't mention military spending! I think there's a lot of rich people making a lot of money and that's why we're there. That, and the poppy fields. Why else are we there? Do you know why? Never in my life have I seen a government so disconnected from the people. 99% of us have no representation in the government. The reason Obama is losing his popularity is because he isn't STOPPING the wars and isn't ramming through HEALTH CARE FOR ALL! Not because he's "socialist". That's bullshit! Look it up: the ONLY countries that don't cover all their citizens with universal health care are the United States and some 3rd world countries! Queen millionaire Sarah Palin's grandson just got government health care, she says one thing for YOU, and another thing for her grandson! (see below)

Using war as propaganda: Senior military officials decided to launch the current U.S.-British military campaign to seize Marja in large part to influence domestic U.S. opinion on the war in Afghanistan, the Washington Post reported Monday.

This is GREAT, Phyllis Bennis has made more sense here than ANYONE I've ever seen about the Afghanistan War. CAN SHE BE OUR PRESIDENT, PLEEEEEEEESE??????? Keep this in mind: Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann not only want to CONTINUE these wars, THEY WANT TO BOMB IRAN!!!

Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say

Obama ain't no FDR, that's for sure!

With 1000 US Soldiers Dead in Afghanistan, Time to Revive the Anti-War Agenda

Aghanistan government officials say at least 33 civilians have been killed in a Nato attack on a convoy of vehicles in Uruzgan, a province in the country's south.

The ironies of Afghan opium production

War is many things, but it’s certainly not a game. That’s why we can’t allow a violent video game – designed by the Pentagon specifically for children as young as 13 years old – to be used as a military recruitment tool.


General Petraeus Says U.S. Losses in Afghanistan to Be ‘Tough’

BDBB Flashback: Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - General Petraeus Inks Deal With Subway Subs

Pennsylvania schools spying on students using laptop Webcams, claims lawsuit. Class-action suit alleges schools remotely activate Webcams on school-issued notebooks

Thursday, Feb 18th, 2010 A school district in Philadelphia faces a class action lawsuit after it allegedly issued laptop computers to 1,800 students across two high schools and then used concealed cameras within the machines to spy on students and their parents without their knowledge or consent.

Lower Merion School District in the suburbs of Philadelphia faces charges of invasion of privacy, theft of private information, and unlawful interception for providing computers with webcams that were remotely and covertly turned on by administrators.

The suit was brought on behalf of all the students and their parents after it was revealed that the computers had been used to monitor students both at school and at home.

The case, Blake J. Robbins v. Lower Merion School District (PDF), was filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, February 16, 2010.

According to the filing, the actions of the school district were exposed when one of the schools vice principals disciplined Mr Robbins son for improper behavior in his home, and used a photo taken from the computer camera as evidence.

Are you jerking off to porn? Better make sure the CIA isn't activating your webcam to blackmail you! What if your kid had the webcam on and it caught you and your wife having sex? They can morph the video and voices, too! Splice it, etc...perfectly! Morph voices...think of the cell phone calls from the planes on 9/11. Not so far-fetched now, huh? How about the Bin Laden videos? Everyone else around the world thinks he's been dead for years. Can you say BLACKMAIL? If someone said this before it was PROVEN, everyone would call them "CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORISTS"!!! AND YOU KNOW IT!!! ADMIT IT!!!


Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

AE911Truth Press Conference from MysterE Productions on Vimeo.

Sarah Palin: YOU LIE!!!!!!!!

Millionaire Queen Sarah Palin's grandson has health care paid for by the federal government, according to newly released court documents. Ummm...that's SOCIALISM!!! You HYPOCRITE and LIAR! You people without health care or you people protesting against government or socialized health care just remember: SARAH PALIN'S GRANDSON GOT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE!!! But YOU CAN'T HAVE IT! FUCK YOU!!! Says Queen Sarah!

Court documents reveal Palin’s grandson uses socialized medicine

Michele Bachmann: YOU LIE!!!!!!!!

The "other Sarah Palin", Anti-socialist Bachmann got $250K in federal farm subsidies

…and her son works in one of Obama's "re-education camps"!

Republican women politicians BLOW just as bad as their white men do!!!

CPAC 2010 - Rage Within the Machine

CPAC calls its conference the conservative Woodstock, but Dick Cheney turns it into Altamont.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
CPAC 2010 - Rage Within the Machine
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Rage Within the Machine - Progressivism

Samantha Bee reports from an alternate universe free from progressivism with a beard and a gun phone.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rage Within the Machine - Progressivism
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple? Predating Stonehenge by 6,000 years, Turkey's stunning Gobekli Tepe upends the conventional view of the rise of civilization


  1. BD: Glad to see you put up the Obama in N.Y. years. Hope people go to the link. This will need more exposure.
    1,000 dead, and rising. Along with the countless innocent Afghans civilians. Of course Iraq Is now on the back burner, and the deaths in Pakistan are not reported about at all. Out of sight out of mind as far as our bought and paid for media is concerned.

  2. This is off the charts:


  3. If some measly old SCHOOL can spy on you, think of what the CIA can do!

  4. OBL is still alive and very scary. LOL

    Now remember this was not made by professionals, like ALCIADA, and Disney Productions.

  5. The archeological site in Turkey is very revealing. Love the shot of the horse in the house looking OUT of the widow.
    Here half way around the world is Puma Punku. What i find most intriguing about this is they had NO written language. If one connects this site to the Nazca Lines in Peru it must make one think that WE ARE NOT ALONE! !


  6. So, Dr. David Ray Griffin was RIGHT ON, saying they morphed the cell phone calls.

  7. Crossing the Rubicon.


  8. Virginia Republican says disabled children are a form of punishment for women who had abortions.


  9. See my comment and link on Afghanistan at the bottom of yesterday's comments.

    There are reasons for all of this shit...

    Keep 'em afraid and keep 'em ignorant!

    It's their mantra you know!

  10. The Korea Herald has a whole section just for expats.


  11. Ain't that sweet!

    Sheesh - he better stay away from my wife - she'd rip his throat out!
    (She works with the multi/severely handicapped kids at a grade school.)

  12. I just realized, I didn't put up the link for the 1,000 soldiers killed! I just commented on it without the link! LOL!


    Using war as propaganda...


  13. I got my wife watching Rachel Maddow & Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. I got home from picking up my daughter from night class at college and she had it froze on Rachel Maddow reporting on the Republicans in the Senate holding up 290 bills that already passed the House, some overwhelmingly with overwhelming Republican bipartisan support. The Senate Republicans are filibustering every bill.

    Interesting: I did not see this reported anywhere on TV (except Maddow), radio, or in newspapers. OR on ABC, NBC, CBS nightly "news". Has anyone seen this anywhere? I think I posted something similar a few days ago, but it was from Rachel Maddow.

    How can they compare FOX "news" to MSNBC's Maddow/Olbermann/Schultz? They say they're the FOX "news" of the left? You call telling the public something the entire news media is keeping from us, like the Republicans filibustering a record 290 bills in the Senate, the FOX "news" of the left? It's the only place in the corporate owned world they're reporting TRUE FACTS about what the Republicans are doing!

  14. I can't even find the original link that made me realize 1,000th U.S. soldier died, that inspired me to do this post! LOL!

    Usually something just makes me think of something to post. Then when I post something, it leads to something else, or it reminds me of something else. I have a good memory, that helps. I remember things, news, and pictures from a long time ago that have something to do with what I am currently posting. I throw in some comments if I think I have a good comment to add to it.

    Basically, and I've said this before, I have no plan whatsoever! Seriously! Whatever I see throughout the day or think of, I post. No plan at all! LOL!!!

  15. Democray NOW! is dry and hardcore and more important, MSNBC is actually fun to watch. I try and make my blog like that. I throw in some music, some comedy, some funny comments. Today, Maddow had a short bit on how dogs start howling when the "Law and Order" theme comes on, and had an animal expert and a dog. It's true, there's something in the "Law and Order" theme that makes dogs howl! Now that was fun and interesting to watch. It wasn't important, but man doesn't live by bread alone, there's desert, too.

  16. Daily Show:

    CPAC 2010 - Rage Within the Machine

    CPAC calls its conference the conservative Woodstock, but Dick Cheney turns it into Altamont.


  17. Daily Show:

    Rage Within the Machine - Progressivism
    Samantha Bee reports from an alternate universe free from progressivism with a beard and a gun phone.


  18. Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa

    Share This Site
    By Dan Eden for viewzone.

    They have always been there. People noticed them before. But no one could remember who made them -- or why? Until just recently, no one even knew how many there were. Now they are everywhere -- thousands -- no, hundreds of thousands of them! And the story they tell is the most important story of humanity. But it's one we might not be prepared to hear.

    Something amazing has been discovered in an area of South Africa, about 150 miles inland, west of the port of Maputo. It is the remains of a huge metropolis that measures, in conservative estimates, about 1500 square miles. It's part of an even larger community that is about 10,000 square miles and appears to have been constructed -- are you ready -- from 160,000 to 200,000 BCE!


  19. Heavy on communications from the heart,.. light of sanitized versions of thought, devoid of rigid preconceptions and/or beliefs.

    Fluid, flowing, factual and fun.

    Except for the comments by bigdan.




  20. More,


  21. Michael Tellinger, author of groundbreaking book "Slave Species of god" talks about how science and astronomy is forcing us to reconsider everything we know about our human origins and how we sudde...

    More at link, video,


  22. Psychological Operations 101: Obama Vs. Fox News

    For those of us who are strong enough to see beyond our propaganda-induced preconceptions and prejudices, the insidious nature of the Economic Elite’s divide-and-conquer strategy is on full display in the feud between Obama and Fox News. About half of the country loves Obama and hates Fox News, and the other half loves Fox News but hates Obama. They both use very effective propaganda to seduce their followers. However, as hard as it is for people who love one of them to admit, they both serve the same masters.

  23. Ancient Sumerian history describes the ancient metropolis and its inhabitants!

    I'll be honest with you. This next part of the story is difficult to write. It's so shocking that the average person will not want to believe it. If you are like me, you'll want to do the research yourself, then allow some time for the facts to settle in your mind.

    We are often made to believe that the Egyptians -- the Pharoahs and pyramids -- are where our known history begins. The oldest dynasties go back some 3200 years BP. That's a long time ago. But the Sumerian civilization, in what is now Iraq, is much older. What's more, we have translated many of their history tablets, written in cuneiform and earlier scripts so we know a lot about their history and legends.

    The seal image [above] depicts the legend of the "Great Flood" which consumed mankind. Many Sumerian legends are strikingly similar to Genesis. Like Genesis, the Sumerian legend, Atrahasis, tells the story of the creation of modern humans -- not by a loving God -- but by beings from another planet who needed "slave workers" to help them mine gold on their extra-planetary expedition!


    The above is found way at the bottom of this link,


  24. Well, we just had some excitement here. Our next door neighbor was missing. She's around 65 and recently has deteriorating mental health. It turns out I was the last one to see her, so the police were questioning me (just now this happened). I saw her at 11:30 am walking down the road with no coat and no makeup on. She always has makeup on. We live in a huge hill, so things are always blowing down the hill, like garbage cans. I thought because she had no coat on, she was picking something up down the street. She came back up, then said "HI" to me and went back down and I hopped in my car to go somewhere. That was the last anyone saw her. So, about an hour ago (past midnight), I got questioned by the police. Then me and my wife got in the car and were looking around for her. When we got back, more police were there and the K-9 unit with the dogs were looking for her. We went in the neighbors' house to talk to them and a local hospital called and said she was there asking for her mother. She was there for hours, all day. Her mother wasn't even in a hospital. So I called 911 to call the dogs back from the K-9 unit, and call off the search. The dogs went directly to Pittston Arean High School to a big Pittston Area sign on a hill. They got the scent of the kids in the house instead of her and led them to Pittston Area where the kids were sleigh riding from the big PA sign at the top of a hill.

  25. The truth about the nefilim has been known for many years now. Earlier this century, archaeologists were sifting through mounds of ancient debris in a place called Nippur in what is now Iraq. As they dug deeper, looking for stone artifacts, they hauled countless loads of tiny clay fragments that looked like broken pottery, adorned with designs made of short straight lines. Carelessly piled some distance from the dig, this debris was considered an annoyance and treated with disinterest. The stone artifacts were surprisingly rare at this particular site but, eventually, one was uncovered that left the archaeologists stunned. Like the famous Rosetta Stone that contained Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient Greek, the stone at Nippur contained ancient Mesopotamian as well as a collection of the same straight lines that had decorated the clay debris. Archaeologists then realized that the clay fragments were not useless pottery, but were part of a vast library written on clay tablets in the oldest known human language.

    Translating the odd lines was not easy, but persistence eventually won and the archaeologists had their second great surprise. A tablet written in this new language, called cuneiform, described the library as being "very old" and credited its collection to the Mesopotamian king, Ashurbanipal, who lived about 3000 years ago. In his dedication tablet, Ashurbanipal boasts that he could read several old languages, "including the old writing from before the great flood." But before you draw any comparisons to the Biblical stories in Genesis, you must hear the rest of what was found.

    ( Again the above are the last two paragraphs - at the link below.)


  26. It's 2:30am, it's snowing, and that's enough excitement for tonight!

  27. What, it is the battle of the Titans, ----- to the death.

    She doesn't believe in fairy tales or sumpthin' ?

    What fun would she be on a date ?

    How's your Pops, you back from the visit, or you burning the candle at both ends ?

  28. Nice story, nice ending.

    You should be a storyteller.

    Oh, you are, ------------------ forget it.

    Carry on !!!!!!!!!!

  29. To the Sumerian godhead, evil was a reversion to the weakest impulses and drives of the being. Humans, being part animal (homo erectus) and part god (Anunaki) were prone to give in to their animal desires. This was the evil in men -- the residual primitive drives for self-preservation and procreation. Evil would always prevent man's movement to become more Nefilim-like, by developing his Nefilim abilities. His lack of self control would naturally inhibit this process.

    True, personified evil would result in the use of Nefilim powers for the attainment of self-interest. There have always been those rare individuals who have, perhaps by accident, developed some Nefilim abilities and then used them incorrectly. Like the betrayal of Zu, the misuse of power is at the very core of our concept of evil.

    Where is the devil? He is inside every human, waiting to impose self-interests and attend to our animal psyche. He is, I'm afraid, part of each and every one of us.

    As I said before, this story is true. Rather than list each reference and translation, being caught up in the many arguments over syntax and convention, I have given you the plot. A quick review of history will readily prove the plot, without getting further into the details. You will then have to ask yourself whether you choose to believe that this is true, or that the Sumerians had an extremely lively and creative imagination. The deeper you dig, the more you will recognize the history that has been kept from you. But you have a right to know.

    Above are the last four paragraphs from the link below.


  30. Keith:


  31. http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/keith-olbermann-special-comment-my-father

  32. Anony: I take it you have read Zacharia Sitchin?
