Monday, February 22, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Feb 22, 2010

Teach your children well...

BD: When I was a kid, they taught us what America stood for and America was the world's moral compass and we were to be looked up to. They taught us that America always took the high road, the harder road to travel, to serve as an example to the world. Will they teach our kids in school nowadays that America tortures? I don't go to church anymore, but I still taught my kids that torturing people is wrong. I don't see the church or the schools or the American media saying torturing people is wrong. They're saying that if WE do it, it's OK. If someone else does it, it's wrong. I still think it's wrong. I didn't change my mind. RIP Moral America, I want no part of this.

Chris Floyd: This is the lesson that the United States government -- the government of the historic progressive, Barack Obama -- taught the children of America today:

"Children, the law is nothing but a rag smeared with blood and shit.

"It is only for suckers, rubes and losers.

"Claw your way to the top -- by any means necessary -- and the law can never touch you.

"This is the American way."

Teach Your Children Well: There Is No Law but Might and Murder

The American Way Of Torture

This is sickening and disgusting:

TV and newspapers and radio (and the classrooms next?) would like you to think someone named Franklin Delano Roosevelt never existed, now they're working on JFK. Don't worry, the Democrats aren't liberal anymore. If you think Obama's a liberal, then the propaganda worked. For those of you who are younger and grew up in the new media that we're supposed to think is liberal, FDR was a president a long time ago and he was one of our greatest presidents. You probably don't know who he is, because the media is now controlled by corporations, the military, and the 1% wealthiest.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "I WELCOME THEIR HATRED":

"For twelve years this Nation was afflicted with hear-nothing, see-nothing, do-nothing Government. The Nation looked to Government but the Government looked away. Nine mocking years with the golden calf and three long years of the scourge! Nine crazy years at the ticker and three long years in the breadlines! Nine mad years of mirage and three long years of despair! Powerful influences strive today to restore that kind of government with its doctrine that that Government is best which is most indifferent.

For nearly four years you have had an Administration which instead of twirling its thumbs has rolled up its sleeves. We will keep our sleeves rolled up.

We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace‹business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.

They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.

Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me‹and I welcome their hatred."

Helen Thomas catches Bush SpokesLiar Dana Perino lying about torture. Dana Perino then went on to FOX "news".

JFK's Secret Societies Speech

Torturing Democracy:

Torturing Democracy from National Security Archive on Vimeo.

Taxi To The Dark Side Taxi to the Dark Side = in full Video

Eisenower's Military Industrial Complex speech

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

"We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."


  1. All in the name of "The war on terror".
    But just whose terror are we talking about?

  2. Here in Opposite World, "War On Terror" translates to "War OF Terror"

    "No Child Left Behind" = "Poor Children Left Behind"

    "Patriot Act" = "Unpatriotic Act"

    "Making Homes Affordable Program" is in actuality the "Home Confiscation Program"


  3. Lies are truth, truth are lies, war is peace, peace is war.

  4. Beware Blogger users - This morning I had 5 emails at my work claiming to be from Blogger. The told me to update my Blogger account and had a long link to do so. Each had a slightly different link - I did not research it.

    Due to the fact that my work email address is not linked to any of my Blogger accounts I am sure these are attempts to do damage to either your computer or your blogs.


  5. With the mainstream corporate owned media pushing it, spreading the BIG LIE.

  6. MSNBC: the only corporate owned channel calling out torture for what it is. I'm surprised they're letting them do it.

  7. Dear Big Dan and all of the other idiots who post on this blog. As a dedicated American Republican voter for 40 years, I am amazed and disgusted, yet confused, by your rants on "free" health care. For Christ's sake, whatever happened to "paying for your own" health care. I am a retired Postal worker and I hate to read all of your boo-hoo bullshit about "free" this and stuff for freeloaders is what got this great country into debt in the first place. Pick yourself up by your damn bootstraps MAN! Quit waiting for your gravy train to come riding by to pick you up. And if you love Canada so much, move the fuck over there. You will wait forever and a day for proper care! We postal workers worked for our health should you. If you are without health care, then too fuckin' bad asshole. I worked for the United States Postal Service, buddy. That is the best organization known to man. USPS, Pal. That means hard work...American style, with all of the benefits that go along with it.

  8. If you want it, then pay for it. It is simple as that.

  9. And also. Quit with your conspiracy psychobabble on the 9-11 attacks. Our people died in that attack. Who the fuck are you to say that it was an inside job. This is coming from a Postal worker, not some pinko, conspiracy wannabe asshole. I worked for the USPS man. I paid my way. I worked hard. I pay for what I got.

  10. Ted Keeling? Is that you - from Blanco,TX on Pawprint Lane? Well, how the hell are ya, Ted?

  11. Hey BD - Here's Ike's entire speech - about 16 minutes worth.

  12. So, if you can't pay for health care, you should die? Or not get health care?

  13. Obviously, you believe everything the mainstream media and the government tell you, and you haven't examined anything else but that which you've been told by only those entities.

  14. btw...I just watched Family Guy, and they fried FOX "news" so bad it was out of control. There's got to be some blowback from it, that's how bad it was.

    For example, they were in FOX "news" studio, and someone asked for a cold beverage, and the FOX guy said "Here's the refrigerator", and Ann Coulter was there and she spread her legs and a light came on. They looked inside and said "It's cold and there's nothing anyone would want in here".


  15. I really don't have time to answer Theodore M. Keeling, I've got to go out now. Is that someone joking around, though? Or is this guy for real?

  16. I dont know if he's for real but its always the sign of a damn good post that's filled with truth when trolls or a meat head like "Theodore" shows up, you ever notice that? When the real shit comes out they are everywhere trying to do damage control. But this guy is a classic example of self righteous hypocritical self proclaimed republican. First the guy is obviously gay only gay guys want to be called or refer to themselves by their full name...not that there is anything wrong with that but their platform is clearly anti-gay and yet they are everywhere, very hypocritical. Secondly "Theodore" you worked for the government sucking off the public tit for your paychecks, the USPS is socialized as is our fire departments, police force, road systems you like those thing to dont ya. Good fricken lord...maybe its Z pulling a fast one but I hear people like this guy all the time on Thom Hartmanthey're are just clueless. I mean thats as god damned dumb as the people shouting for the government to keep its hands off their medicare and its fricken government run...HAHAHAHA what an idiot. Hey "Theodore" enjoy your socialized pension and medicare you putz.

    Hey your blog is also glitching alot tonight BTW, the videos are loading like crapola.

  17. Did you notice Ted worked for the USPS? That's the Post Office. That's...ummmm....the government! So, Ted had nice health benefits, and probably a nice pension...FROM THE GOVERNMENT!


  18. You think Drumbo's fuckin with us??

  19. In the Washington Times???

  20. Len Hart: Good as far as it goes. Deficits resulting from GOP tax cuts which benefit ONLY the very rich DO MATTER! They take money OUT of circulation. That's why Nixon was DEAD WRONG when he signed off on a whopping budget deficit with: "We are all Keynesians now!' Not really, Dick!

    We need jobs, not deficit cuts

    Listen to Keynes and ignore those behind all the noise about deficits, who are simply looking to profit from private debt

  21. Ok so judging from your comment I'd say you didnt read mine but...great minds think alike I guess.

  22. Well that would be funny now wouldnt it..

  23. In the Washington Times???

    That's the first I've seen about the A&E for 9/11 Truth conference ANYWHERE!

  24. Wow, check this out:

  25. Using war as propaganda...
