Sunday, February 21, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Feb 21, 2010

My hero: Down Syndrome actress response to Sarah Palin:
"In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes."

Take THAT, Queen Sarah!!!

Down Syndrome Actress = REAL person
Sarah Palin = media creation, multi-millionaire

The rightwing's "War on Cartoons" continues. What "War on Cartoons"? How about this, and last week Marvel Comics, and Oscar the Grouch with Breitbart, and the purple Teletubby, it's been going on since cartoons were first started. It's like when the "Muslim extremists" flip out over cartoons. The GOP is the American Taliban! Sarah Palin, the queen of fake outrage in the media, somehow is anointed to speak for an actress with Down Syndrome on a FOX infomercial (they call it "news"). The actress responds, and basically tells Queen Sarah the Spokeswoman for everything to mind her own business (IE: "FUCK OFF, Sarah! YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR ME!"):

'Family Guy' Actress Responds To Sarah Palin's Criticism

Family Guy's Seth MacFarlane Talks Palin Controversy With Bill Maher

Sarah Palin keeps the "RETARD" controversy going:

I have to admit, the Republicans are way better at selling this SHIT:

Now imagine...I just said IMAGINE - COOL IT!!! ...imagine if our government was behind 9/11 as a false flag to keep these endless wars going...I don't see Obama pulling us out, either! Right? And please don't forget: the "financial crisis" began as Bush was leaving office and he and Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke did the first TRILLION dollar bailout of the banksters. Obama did the next one.

Israel is under growing international pressure over the assassination of a top Hamas commander in Dubai last month. On Thursday, the international police agency Interpol placed eleven members of an alleged hit squad on its most wanted list. The team of eleven suspects included six holding fake British passports bearing the names of Israeli citizens and three holding Irish passports. At least seven of the names on the passports belong to Israeli residents whose identities had been stolen.

Israel Accused of Stealing Identities, Using Fake Passports in Killing of Hamas Commander in Dubai

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Israel's foreign minister will face sharp questions from his British and Irish counterparts in Brussels on Monday over Israel's alleged use of forged European passports by a team of assassins in Dubai.

Here's the problem I have with these anti-government "patriots": they're anti-government only when the president isn't a Republican. They were nowhere to be found when Bush was president. There were anti-government "patriots" when Clinton was president. There weren't any when Reagan and Bush I were president. Does anyone detect a pattern? If the next president is a Republican, there won't be any anti-government "patriots". In fact? They will still be "patriots" for backing a Republican president. Don't you remember? If you spoke out against the Bush regime, you were "unpatriotic". Don't you remember? If you speak out against Obama, you are now a "patriot". Don't you remember during the Bush years: "You are with US, or with the terrorists"??? The Republicans and the right control the "news" and call it "liberal". They won't dare admit they control the news, that's part of the sham. Who OWNS the news? It's not a bunch of liberals, it's 5 corporations! 

Who's on the news? The Tea Party "patriots" have 600 people watch Queen Sarah Palin speak and several channels cover it live. There are other protests with thousands and tens of thousands that are totally ignored like the gay rights protest, anti-war protests and health care for all protests. But Queen Sarah Palin has 600 "patriotic" Teabaggers watch her speak and it's covered live on multiple channels. So who is running the news: a bunch of liberals? Now keep in mind: the Teabaggers are "patriotic" because they're protesting a Democratic president. When YOU protested Bush, you were "with the terrorists" and "unpatriotic" for speaking out against government. GOT THAT????????

Thanks to the Republicans' lurch to the far out right, they can at last be honest in their intentions if they get another chance at governing in 2010 or 2012. They no longer need to hide in sheep's clothing; they can now be more comfortable as what they are: wolves in wolves' clothing. And that means they will do what they say if they get the chance.

That is to say, the present Republican leadership and its young new ideologues, have put pretense aside and now openly intend to destroy during their next watch, the twin pillars of the nation's public social insurance system-75 year old Social Security and 50-year-old Medicare.

Gray Matters -- Outing the GOP's Plans For 2010-2012: The Real Republican Plans To Kill America Medicare And Social Security

Should Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Mark Levin and other Tea Party Propagandists be charged as co-conspirators in the terrorist attack by Tax Protesting Terrorist Joe Stack who crashed a plane into a IRS Building?

Glenn Greenwald on Joe Stack ramming an airplane into the IRS building in Texas: The immediate official and media reaction was to avoid, even deny, the term "terrorist" because the perpetrator of the violence wasn't Muslim. But if Stack's manifesto begins to attract serious attention, I think it's likely the term Terrorist will be decisively applied to him in order to discredit what he wrote. His message is a sharply anti-establishment and populist grievance of the type that transcends ideological and partisan divisions -- the complaints which Stack passionately voices are found as common threads in the tea party movement and among citizens on both the Left and on the Right -- and thus tend to be the type which the establishment (which benefits from high levels of partisan distractions and divisions) finds most threatening and in need of demonization. Nothing is more effective at demonizing something than slapping the Terrorist label onto it.

Glenn Greenwald - Terrorism: the most meaningless and manipulated word

ABC: Joe Stack Hailed as Hero in American 'Patriot' Resurgence

Has anyone noticed the latest Bill Moyers' Journal on PBS features MY Luzerne County (Pa.) judges in "Justice For Sale"?

A report released today by Senators Max Baucus and Charles Grassley said Glaxo knew Avandia may cause heart damage several years before a study documented the risk and the company pressed doctors to retract warnings

Gerald Celente : The Global Financial system is Collapsing, America was never a democracy

Man bulldozes his $350,000.00 home, rather than let the banks get it in foreclosure:


  1. REALITYZONE [Moderator] 13 hours ago in reply to Big Dan
    When we got to Korea, the doctor there almost put her in the hospital, saying not only was she on the wrong medicine but the guy OVER PRESCRIBED HER. IF glaxo knew this going in, then the people in charge should go to jail. not some little fine of a couple of mill which means nothing to them and they write off any way. Our whole fucking system is broken, and i am sick of it. I personally know many people that are planning on leaving the states. Hopefully we will be gone in 2-3 years. I am 59 my clock is ticking. but my clock will not run out here in the states. there are ex-pats everywhere, and loving it. most have the same mind set as we do.

    That is an excellent comment. My daughter and her boyfriend are already seriously looking into Canada, I said "I don't blame you".

    We are 47 already. We have no health care. Our daughter and her boyfriend have no health care. Our son has no health care.

    If you have no health care, you better not own anything, including a house. You HAVE TO move to another country, for the pure math and economics of it. There is no choice. The alternative is: WHEN (and I mean WHEN) you get sick next, you'll lose your house. It's a matter of time.

  2. FBI Ends Nine-Year Probe Of Anthrax Attacks



    The FBI has concluded that a former Army researcher was solely responsible for the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks, ending a nearly nine-year investigation, NPR has learned from sources familiar with the case.

    Officials planned to release new evidence Friday proving that Dr. Bruce Ivins, 62, mailed poison-laced letters to a handful of politicians and newspaper outlets — a finding the bureau advanced during its preliminary investigation more than a year ago.

    Five people died and 17 were sickened by the attacks. Government investigators were still several major legal steps away from indicting Ivins when he killed himself in 2008.

    The case has been controversial because the FBI initially believed a different Army researcher, Steven Hatfill, was behind the attacks. Hatfill eventually cleared his name and won a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the government for wrongly accusing him.

    More info,

  3. Israel's nukes, Underwear patsy, Beck the Truther - Sunday Update

  4. Israel is being accused of effectively stealing more than $2.5bn in taxes from Palestinian workers.

    A recent report by an Israeli NGO says money was deducted from the salaries of Palestinians who were working in Israel.

    The tax funds were transferred to the government to provide social services and benefits to the Israeli people.

    But many Palestinians had to pay without being qualified to receive any of the benefits, prompting the NGO to accuse the government of "theft".

    Al Jazeera's Sherine Tadros reports from occupied Jerusalem.

  5. The finding that Bush's torture was just "bad judgement", opens the door to any president anytime doing war crimes and subsequently saying it was "bad judgement" and nothing will happen to them...forever...any president ever:

  6. Family Guy Down Syndrome Actress Slams Palin

  7. CPAC closed with this odd result concerning their presidential straw poll,

    Ron Paul - 31%
    Romney - 22%
    Palin - 7%
    Pawlentyy - 6%
    Pence - 5%

  8. I've been saying this for YEARS and arguing with people:

    Winning Essay In High School Ethics Writing Competition Argues That File Sharing Isn't Wrong

  9. Eliot Spitzer's Tough Words For Obama: Reform Doesn't Come From Bipartisanship (VIDEO)

  10. Feds Wanted Private Data on Visitors to Liberal News Site

  11. Dutch government falls over Afghan military mission

  12. US researchers unveiled a vehicle Thursday that earns money for its driver instead of guzzling it up in gasoline and maintenance costs.

  13. War is many things, but it’s certainly not a game. That’s why we can’t allow a violent video game – designed by the Pentagon specifically for children as young as 13 years old – to be used as a military recruitment tool.

  14. Lost Causes Are the Only Causes Worth Fighting For: Camp OUT NOW Coming to Washington

    Saturday 20 February 2010

    by: Cindy Sheehan, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

  15. Len Hart: The GOP could have stolen the last election for McCain-Palin. But that would mean Mc-Palin would take the rap for the crap left Obama by Bush. The GOP is a POX upon humankind, a kooky cult of liars, psychopaths and mass murdering criminals who make a living off war crimes and aggression.

  16. Gerald Celente : The Global Financial system is Collapsing

  17. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Israel's foreign minister will face sharp questions from his British and Irish counterparts in Brussels on Monday over Israel's alleged use of forged European passports by a team of assassins in Dubai.

  18. Israel Accused of Stealing Identities, Using Fake Passports in Killing of Hamas Commander in Dubai

    Israel is under growing international pressure over the assassination of a top Hamas commander in Dubai last month. On Thursday, the international police agency Interpol placed eleven members of an alleged hit squad on its most wanted list. The team of eleven suspects included six holding fake British passports bearing the names of Israeli citizens and three holding Irish passports. At least seven of the names on the passports belong to Israeli residents whose identities had been stolen.

  19. BD: Thanks for reposting this.
    I have also looked into Canada, unless you have a certain trade that they are looking for, have a lot of cash. forget it. I looked into Canada to get away from Nam, then again when W came into power. You can get an entrepenuer Visa, BUT THEY WANT LIKE 300k.
    Me an my wife also do not have Ins. even though we own a small business, we can not afford it. We are barely making it as it is. At your age of 47, you and your wife should seriously start thinking [[[[ex-pat]]]]. I have a big advantage when it comes to Korea, because my wife was born in S/K, even though she is a naturalized American Citizen, they will allow her back. Me being her spouse seals it for us. We will be making another recon trip this fall.


  21. israels fleet of drones can reach iran.

  22. Right Wing Nuts Rewriting Textbooks For Schools!

  23. violent video game – designed by the Pentagon specifically for children as young as 13 years old – to be used as a military recruitment tool.

    Have you seen the latest Air Force recruitment ad... (or Marines?)

    A man and his son are standing on a beach. Along comes a fighter jet with the telltale cone of condensation around it revealing the bow shock of breaking the sound barrier. There is a roar and the kid says "What's that dad?" - "That's the sound of Freedom!" followed by various shots of fighters peeling out of formation, helicopters mid-air refueling etc.

    First of all, if that jet passed that close at that speed it would have at least temporarily deafened them and probably knocked them on their ass!

    And such pretty shots of the planes flying along with beautiful backgrounds, no blown up buildings and body parts flying, no link to reality whatsoever.

    Ask the 100,000 dead civilians in Iraq, the dozen or so Afghanistan civilians killed each week at wedding parties and schools by errant missiles and drones. Ask them what it is a sound of!

  24. The other day I saw an article in the paper claiming how the Taliban were responsible for the rise in opium production in Afghanistan.

    EXCUSE ME...

    In the 2 years prior to 9/11 the Taliban reduced opium production to 4% of its record high in 1999:

  25. Of High Treason and Economic Incompetence: The Reagan Years Revisited!
    by Len Hart


    Patreus. "tough"
    wrong word.

  27. Why can't the MIC be pretty,.. and obscenely profitable,.. showing all the blood, guts, and gory details might cloud the patriotic calling heard by our youth. Why can't/shouldn't war be Madison Avenue-ized ?

  28. Newt Gingrich has lost his damn mind

    "I believe we are now in a struggle over whether or not we are going to save America," Gingrich said. "I believe the radical left is a secular, socialist machine so dedicated to values destructive of America that if it is allowed to remain in power…that machine is antithetical to the survival of America as a prosperous healthy country. "

    Unfurl your barf bag,

  29. Yes Gingrich, America can only be saved by a hyper Fascist Corporatist Robber Baron Rethug,

  30. Don't Shoot the Messenger!

    Back in the day, during time of war, messages were delivered by a person to the opposing camp. What a job to have, huh? Many times the messgenger was killed after the message was delivered out of rage, revenge, or just because.

    Today, during times of war, the messages are delivered quite differently, but being in the business of delivering messages is still risky, especially if some people very vehemently do not want to hear the truth.

    Now, "Attacking the Messenger" is a subdivision of the ad hominem logical fallacy, and boy, did I get attacked last week for having Glenn Greenwald on my show and exposing the Presidential Assassination Program. I haven't been so roundly, thoroughly or more vilely attacked since I started to publicly say that the war in Iraq was based on lies--but this time from the other "side."

    I got called "liar", and things that the rightwing reactionaries usually call me that can't be printed in polite company--for just pointing out the truth.

    And like my guest said, "Where's the outcry" against this administration for ordering the assassinations of U.S. citizens--and many times their families and neighbors? There was a huge outcry from the Democratic base when we found out the that the Bush Admin was spying on our phone calls, but not even a peep when we find out that the Obama regime is targetting U.S. citizens in this extra-judicial crime spree. It's not a comfortable fact, but it's a fact, and anger should be directed properly. Your government is a rogue government--facts are facts and truth is the truth no matter who warms up the presidential chair in the Oval Office.

    Anyway, I will keep telling the truth, and I don't "lie" about anything. If I ever get my facts wrong, I always correct that, but you can all be guaranteed if I say something, it has been researched through credible sources! And of course, you can always research whatever I say yourself.

    Cindy Sheehan

    Please listen to today's show with amazing truth-teller, Australian Journalist, John Pilger (pictured here with Pres. Chavez of VZ)--it's probably one of the best ever--listen at the website.

  31. Unbelievable propaganda. The media has a stranglehold over America.

  32. Unbelievable propaganda. The media has a stranglehold over America.

  33. And did we "give" them the drones?

  34. You know what? I picked up the paper today, and saw nothing but Republicans in it. With glowing articles about Republicans. Newt Gingrich, oddly Alexander Haig. Is it off the charts that the Republicans totally run the news and they are the minority? What is going on? Newt Gingrich hasn't been in office for what, two decades? And it has a glowing article about Newt Gingrich in the Sunday papers. That is why I don't touch the "liberal" mainstream media with a 10 foot pole. It's off the charts that people think the mainstream media is liberal.

    Really think about that: the main story in the Sunday paper I looked at was about a Republican from yesteryear who hasn't held office for over 2 decades. This is the "news".

  35. Yes, I know, the Dems and GOP are two faces of the same party. Or at least they're two mob gangs fighting over who screws everyone.

    But, and I keep asking this, why are the real heavy hitters in the GOP and why do they control the media (and say it's "liberal", "liberal" not meaning "Democrat", I mean real liberal).

  36. Maybe I'm not phrasing the question correctly, I don't think I'm getting my point across.

    If there is no difference between the parties, why does one party for all intents and purposes get 100% of the breaks in the media (the GOP), 100% of the electronic voting machine swings, and things like that? Why aren't they splitting everything, because they're supposedly all in on it together behind the scenes? Can someone explain this?

  37. Basically it is an American citizen living abroad in a foreign country. One has to come back to the states every so often to keep their American Citizenship in order. Soc. Sec. can be transferred directly to a foreign bank, or how ever you wish to do it. One guy I know is setting himself up in N.Z. Another guy already bought property in the Philippines. Right now each person can [legally] take 10K cash out of the country. Here is an example of a bank set up in S/K specifically for ex-pats.
    Also another cool thing is TESOL
    Noe then, I only have a high school education, but one can get this certificate and teach English as a secondary language. Real big in S/K. some countries want to see a college B.A. degree. With a masters degree one can teach in a university, say in Japan, or S/k. China obviously is more lax on their standards. So is S. America. My best suggestion for all, is to have a passport at hand. And start thinking and doing out of the box. TICK-TOCK.

  38. Everything you wanted to know about the anthrax letters on 9/11:

  39. IMHO: "Liberal" still equates to communist, when it comes to the old American guard. So it is a good bait and switch for the right. The GOP need all the help they can get. There are more dems than rethugs. When [tptb] want to put the pedal to the metal for their agenda they get a rightie in office. When they want to cool it down and throw the people a bone they put a leftie in office. Now they are so blatant they do not even throw us a bone any more. Health care is proof of that. I thought they would allow O to get that through. But NO. O was the CORPORATE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. He will now take us to levels we have never seen before. The times make the man, the man does not make the times.

  40. Here it is. this is where and when they found, and started grooming the BIG O.
    This relates back to what I was saying earlier about ZBIG and Kissinger. Read page two of the article. Zbig, --dem--NEOlib--, and Khalilzad --rethug--Neocon. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME MAN. The company that O worked for was also rumored to be a CIA front.


    I do not know if you guys are familiar with this site? But it has a great archive search engine that pertains to anything and everything NEOCON.

  42. A recent archeological site in southern Turkey predates the Egyptian pyramids by 6,000 years.

    See video,

  43. More,

  44. More on Turkey find,
