Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Feb 24, 2010

Make it Rain - Bank of America

Wyatt Cenac examines Bank of America's hidden credit card fees with a former employee and a mafia loan shark.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Make it Rain - Bank of America
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

39% health insurance rate hike - YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT!!!

All the polls show the majority of Americans want the public option with health care, but the Democrats aren't ramming it through and the Republicans consistently vote 100% lockstep against it. Do you call that "representation"???

Polls: In Key States, Public Option Far More Popular Than Senate Plan

White House slammed after declaring ‘not enough support’ for public option

BD: The media was liberal at one time. It did hold the powerful accountable. What better plan was there than for the powerful to usurp the liberal media and keep calling it liberal? The reason they call it liberal is because it was liberal before they usurped it. So, it follows, that those who keep calling it liberal, like Rush Limbaugh, work for the powerful. Do you like his cigar? Did you know cigars are a symbol of the rich and powerful?

"It is known among political scientists that powerful forces always seek to gain control of pre-existing social and political institutions so they can usurp their powers."

Part V: Overcoming the Divide and Conquer Strategy — The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the USA (BD: the media isn't "liberal")

Previous in the series:

I: Casualties of Economic Terrorism, Surveying the Damage

II: The Rise of the Economic Elite

III: Exposing Our Enemy - Meet the Economic Elite

IV: The Financial Coup d’Etat

The MYTH of the "liberal media".

The mainstream media serves elite interests (NOT "liberals"), the military, and corporations. These SAME PEOPLE are the ones calling it the "liberal media" as a deception. Do you think these people would call it the "elites', military's, and corporations' media"??? Another part of the deception is calling the Democrats "liberal", which they aren't. And calling the Republicans "conservative". So the media totally ignores the real liberals and conservatives and tells you the Democrats and Republicans are the liberals and conservatives.

The Corporation (The Corporation is a "must see" movie)

Provoking, witty, stylish and sweepingly informative, THE CORPORATION explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Part film and part movement, The Corporation is transforming audiences and dazzling critics with its insightful and compelling analysis. Taking its status as a legal "person" to the logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" The Corporation includes interviews with 40 corporate insiders and critics - including Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change.

Alex Jones on school webcam spying scandal in Philadelphia

A student in the US city of Philadelphia is suing his local school district for spying on him using his school-issued laptop. Radio Host Alex Jones told RT said that software is available for all kinds of abuse. (see yesterday's video, too!)


  1. We know the mainstream media isn't liberal. But why do the people who control it want us to think it's liberal, and not conservative? That's a pretty good question, isn't it?

  2. 99 said yesterday:

    Psychological Operations 101: Obama Vs. Fox News

    For those of us who are strong enough to see beyond our propaganda-induced preconceptions and prejudices, the insidious nature of the Economic Elite’s divide-and-conquer strategy is on full display in the feud between Obama and Fox News. About half of the country loves Obama and hates Fox News, and the other half loves Fox News but hates Obama. They both use very effective propaganda to seduce their followers. However, as hard as it is for people who love one of them to admit, they both serve the same masters.

    I would rephrase that as: Liberals vs all mainstream media

    ...because Obama isn't liberal. Obama actually falls on the mainstream media side of the equation. And the MSM is controlled by and serves the elites, corporations, and the military. Obama falls under THAT category.

  3. How about this for an answer: if they had to make us believe the MSM was either liberal or conservative, they would pick liberal because of the two, liberal is more opposite the corporations who own them. Conservatives, of the two, would tend to be more palatable to corporations. So call the MSM the one that's most diametrically opposed to those who OWN the media and the BIG LIE.

  4. The reason I harp on the media (MSM) so much, is I believe that's at the top of the pyramid of all the other problems. They couldn't do what they're doing, all the other things, like 9/11, electronic voting machines, etc...without a mass propaganda machine in place to ignore the REAL news. So, therefore, the MSM is the #1 problem above all else. Each of the other things are events under which the MSM is the umbrella that pushes the BIG LIE about the event. That is the #1 thing. The MSM shapes the opinion of the nation.

    Watch this, it's exactly what Chomsky says. You can't control people as well with force as you can with propaganda, especially in an advanced society:

  5. The media WAS liberal at one time. It DID hold the powerful accountable. What better plan was there than to usurp the liberal media and keep calling it liberal?

  6. So, it follows, that those who are calling it liberal, like Rush Limbaugh, work for the powerful.

  7. And Rush Limbaugh is always seen with a cigar, and cigars are a symbol of the rich and powerful:

  8. The same people who call the media liberal (it's their job!) are the same people who will call you "nuts" or "conspiracy theorist" if you say it isn't (that's ALSO their job).


    Artistic expression with canvas, paint, and pogo sticks.

  10. Let me explain myself further. Being a Republican means PRESERVING what resources we have, such as money available for incidentals that may come up during the operation of our country. This does NOT mean just GIVING it away like water to the wreckless people who didn't have the control or discipline to save for a rainy day, or better yet, didn't bother to save to PAY for their own health care. I'll be DAMNED if I am going to pay for your health care. You fucked up, now go without health coverage. I worked for the POST you hear me...THE POST OFFICE. That is the US GOVERNMENT. I have THE BEST COVERAGE BECAUSE I WORKED FOR THE US GOVERNMENT. I am not about to sit out my retirement now watching everyone get it all for free. I'll be DAMNED. Go pay for it yourself. I walked in the rain, snow, sleet, thunderstorms, hurricanes, name it, delivering your mail...but now I have COVERAGE. That doesn't come easy, assholes! Get out there and work for it like I did. I am a REPUBLICAN. I'll die a Republican. I am sick of this shit. WE ARE NOT GIVING IT AWAY I TELL YOU! I WON'T STAND FOR THAT FUCKIN' BULLSHIT. I want you to be turned away and kicked out the damned door when you go to the hospital without coverage...that is the REPUBLICAN WAY, and in my opinion, THE ONLY WAY. I PAYED MY WAY.

  11. Look, it's a CIA agent Faux Food Fight!

    What ploy will they come up with to take down this repository of truth?

    Be wary of new arrivals.

  12. How does a retired former postal worker - a lifelong Republican, happen upon this little blog in the first place? He doesn't.

    Why would he immediately self-identify with his entire name, and employment history - making his actual identity a simple matter to reveal? He wouldn't.

    Why would his first post be a flame throwing epistle specifically designed to incite a response - including the admission that he's been sucking on the government teet his entire life, and will be even in retirement until he's dead?

    It's not logical, is it? It's tactical.

    In a place where personal attacks rarely if ever occur, the new arrival is not likely to be the actual "Theodore M. Keeling" (who forgot to include the "M" in his most recent post above), but rather an agents provacatur - on assignment.

    What adult still refers to himself as Theodore?


  13. He spouts I have THE BEST COVERAGE BECAUSE I WORKED FOR THE US GOVERNMENT without realizing that is exactly the crux of the matter.

    That construction worker building your house or your office building works just as hard as any postal worker and at times doing jobs much more dangerous, yet I'll bet you 10 to 1 that he probably has no health insurance and if he does it probably provides very minimum coverage with co-pays and deductibles equal to several months wages.

    Why should your health coverage depend on where you work? It should be the same for everyone!

  14. Theodore - wasn't he a beaver or something?

  15. BD - your page eats my work computer - just plain freezes it up - had to give up on visiting you at lunch from work.

    New work computer is on the way - hopefully that will cure the problem.

  16. Huh... My Gravitar seems to be missing...

  17. It's working with the standard Blogger commenting system.

    Is disqus pissed because I haven't joined yet - keep deleting all the emails they send me when I first comment in each log-on?

  18. Oh that is just BigDan, he is drunk on that Thunderbird sour mashed bourbon they make up in the back hills near where he lives. BigDan affectionately calls it his mountain lightening brew - but boy does it get him trashed - and the following day a splitting hangover.

  19. Are these the brain dead Nazi Fascists A-99 says we have to bear hug to save America ?


    Oops, I mean,

  21. Here ya go, this ought to do.

    BB-2 in one of his better moods.

    You gotta dye the fur blue though.

  22. BigDan taking it up a notch seeking revenge against the powers that be ?

    Hacker Steals, Shares Confidential Data Of Latvian Banks To TV Station

    Riga, Latvia (AHN) - A hacker stole confidential information about banks and government-owned firms in Latvia and passed them to a local TV station via Twitter.

    The unidentified hacker is now wanted by police for theft, while the Latvian general public is hailing him. The stolen information exposes the names of bank managers who broke their promise to take pay cuts after their banks received bail-out funds from the government.

    Also exposed by the hacker, who is believed to be in Britain, is the secret awarding of bonuses by state-owned companies that sought government assistance.

    The hacker downloaded more than seven million confidential tax documents from the State Revenue Service and private data from 1,000 companies.,%20Shares%20Confidential%20Data%20Of%20Latvian%20Banks%20To%20TV%20Station

  23. New thread:

  24. An other Oh Fuck moments for Dubai,

    Source: Gulf News

    Footage obtained by Gulf News shows water flowing out of the aquarium, and shoppers lifting up clothes to wade through.

    It is believed that a leak occurred in the 270-degree acrylic walkthrough tunnel but it was sealed quickly, Gulf News has learned.


    The Dubai Mall aquarium advertises that 33,000 sea creatures live inside. It has the capacity to hold 10 million litres of water

    It is one of the of the largest tanks in the world at 51m by 20m by 11m and features the world’s largest viewing panel at 32.8m wide and 8.3m high.

  25. Ice Shelves Disappearing on Antarctic Peninsula
    Glacier Retreat and Sea Level Rise are Possible Consequences
    Released: 2/22/2010 11:04:51 AM
    Contact Information:
    U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
    Office of Communication
    119 National Center
    Reston, VA 20192

    The gray area is ice covered areas. The darker blue is where the ice used to extend to (out to the island) but has since retreated/melted back.

    Ice shelves are retreating in the southern section of the Antarctic Peninsula due to climate change. This could result in glacier retreat and sea-level rise if warming continues, threatening coastal communities and low-lying islands worldwide.

    Research by the U.S. Geological Survey is the first to document that every ice front in the southern part of the Antarctic Peninsula has been retreating overall from 1947 to 2009, with the most dramatic changes occurring since 1990. The USGS previously documented that the majority of ice fronts on the entire Peninsula have also retreated during the late 20th century and into the early 21st century.

    The ice shelves are attached to the continent and already floating, holding in place the Antarctic ice sheet that covers about 98 percent of the Antarctic continent. As the ice shelves break off, it is easier for outlet glaciers and ice streams from the ice sheet to flow into the sea. The transition of that ice from land to the ocean is what raises sea level.

    “This research is part of a larger ongoing USGS project that is for the first time studying the entire Antarctic coastline in detail, and this is important because the Antarctic ice sheet contains 91 percent of Earth’s glacier ice,” said USGS scientist Jane Ferrigno. “The loss of ice shelves is evidence of the effects of global warming. We need to be alert and continually understand and observe how our climate system is changing.”
