If "evangelicals" exist, they should be PISSED about these LIES!!! If they exist and they aren't pissed, they're just as INSANE.
OK, so what's the REAL plan? We KNOW NEWT is another Herman Cain sacrificial lamb. We KNOW that whoever is orchestrating NEWT's rise to the top, KNOWS of his eventual fall, too.
So what is the REAL plan??? It's hard to believe - in fact they're LYING to us - that these bozos like Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Mitt Romney are all taking turns leading the Republican Party candidates, but not Ron Paul. THEY ARE LYING TO US. THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. And the mainstream media PRETENDING THIS IS NOT INSANE! The corporate mainstream media pretending this is not insane is part of the GOP insanity. The INSANITY of "EVANGELICALS for NEWT". It's a LIE. The INSANE mainstream media making up INSANE FAKE STORIES about the INSANE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. Ron Paul is not insane. But the corporate mainstream media and all the other Republican candidates are INSANE. Their debates are INSANE, and Ron Paul looks around and talks like they are INSANE. And he's right. The AUDIENCE in the debates is INSANE, when they do things like give a standing ovation when NEWT says all Palestinians are terrorists. The moderator is INSANE, when he doesn't say anything about it. The moderator is INSANE for not saying to the candidates (except for Ron Paul) and the audience: "SHAME!!!!!!!!!!" The Republican debates are so REVOLTING AND REPULSIVE, I cannot continue to watch them. AN INSANE FREAK SHOW! Embarrassing not only to Americans, but the entire world. The RADICAL FRINGE FREAK SHOW Party is now "mainstream", thanks to the mainstream media that allows it.
Is this all a ruse so Jeb Bush can step into the rubble, while still ignoring Ron Paul, and accept the Republican nomination in the bottom of the 9th? That makes more sense than what's going on right now! The GOP field (except for Ron Paul, whom they are blackballing, ignoring, marginalizing, blacking out) is SURREAL, they are so stupid, psychotic, embarrassing, arrogant, lacking of knowledge, re-writing history, unscientific, pro-Israel to the point that they seem like they're talking to ISRAEL and not US falling over backwards to see which one of them can please Israel the most. Ron Paul should QUIT the Republican Party RIGHT NOW!
Before any election, there's stories of mysterious blocks of "voters" who appear from nowhere. Remember "Reagan Democrats"? That's where it started. There's some you may have forgotten (that don't exist) like "hispanics for Bush". Remember "Hillary PUMA's"? How about "McCain Democrats"?
Well now we have the latest fake voting block of people: "EVANGELICALS FOR NEWT". What's an "evangelical"? Are they card-carrying "evangelicals"? Did you ever MEET a person who identifies themselves as an "evangelical"? Can you simply SAY "I'm an evangelical", and you're an "evangelical"?
Somehow the mainstream media can scientifically not only identify "evangelicals", but they can also identify that "evangelicals" are VOTING FOR NEWT GINGRICH!!! What did the FAKE poll look like: "ARE YOU AN EVANGELICAL VOTING FOR NEWT GINGRICH? THEN PUT A CHECKMARK HERE"???
How about THIS question: why are "EVANGELICALS" for Newt Gingrich...but only after Herman Cain dropped out? Why weren't they for NEWT BEFORE Herman Cain dropped out? Because the mainstream media needs a FAKE story to explain Ron Paul not being on top! Ask yourself why, ONLY AFTER HERMAIN CAIN DROPPED OUT, the media suddenly pushed "evangelicals for newt" stories. Who were "evangelicals" voting for BEFORE Herman Cain dropped out? Herman Cain? Well why didn't they tell us that? Obviously, no one cared who "evangelicals" were voting for....UNTIL HERMAN CAIN DROPPED OUT!
Even if there ARE such a thing as "EVANGELICALS FOR NEWT", then "evangelicals" SUCK!!! They're supposed to be RELIGIOUS, and they're voting for a LYING PHILANDERER WITH ETHICS VIOLATIONS! A guy who had to vow FOUR TIMES not to cheat on THREE WIVES?
Newt cheated on his first two wives, one while she had cancer:
"Gingrich served divorce papers on his first wife while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer."
He had an affair with his 2nd wife WHILE IMPEACHING BILL CLINTON for the Lewinsky affair:Read all this here:
The former U.S. House speaker has said he had an affair with Callista, a former congressional aide, while married to his second wife. It happened at the same time he was attacking President Bill Clinton for his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
PATRIOTIC ADULTERY: 'I had an affair because I love America', claims presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich
Candidate Gingrich vows fidelity to wife
ABOVE: who is that??? Which wife is that below:
Which of his 3 wives is THIS, did I duplicate any:
I think I duplicated his SECOND WIFE. How come I can't find any pictures of his FIRST WIFE??? Which wife did he serve divorce papers to, while she was dying in a hospital of cancer? I'm getting mixed up!!!
I found a picture of Newt's first wife: Jackie Battley:
ABOVE: Jackie Battley, first wife of Newt Gingrich
Age: 75
Education: Unknown
Occupation: Teacher
Children: Kathleen and Jacqueline
How they met: Battley was Gingrich’s geometry teacher in high school. They secretly dated until they got married on June 19, 1962 while Gingrich attended Emory University in Atlanta. Gingrich and Battley were 19 and 26, respectively, at the time.
How it ended: In 1980, the couple separated after Gingrich began an affair with Marianne Ginther. In 1984, David Osborne reported in Mother Jones magazine that Gingrich insisted on discussing their divorce while Battley was in the hospital for uterine cancer. Gingrich has disputed that report.
Fun fact: After Gingrich graduated high school, Battley followed him to Emory University and began teaching there.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/gop-spouses-club-gallery-1.20877#ixzz1gSU0QrxF
Newts first wife was a cradle robber - she was his high school geometry teacher - and he married her when he was just 19?
Think that one through.
Prior to marrying his high school geometry teacher, how long had he been fucking her? Why wasn't she ever brought up on charges for sleeping with her student? WTF?
Meanwhile - the would-be first lady of the United States is seen here in this clip - evidencing her SIX YEAR AFFAIR WITH GINGRICH (in one of the NEWT TV clips below).
Newt's glass house: Gingrich's reluctance to stone Clinton for adultery -- or Gore for campaign finance violations -- is not motivated by Christian compassion.
NEWT: all Palestinians are terrorists and they are an invented people -
Gingrich on Palestine: Small Truths In A Big Lie
Jerusalem Post: If Newt Gingrich wants to talk about national identities with no historical record, he need look no further than his own country - the United States.
Evangelicals for Newt Taking Freddie Mac Money
HypocritesForNEWT.com --->>> GOTCHA!!!
Here's CONTINUAL PROOF of how the mainstream media is PLAYING you: I wrote this Nov 5:
The Three Stooges Simultaneous Meltdown: orchestrated by KARL ROVE so JEB BUSH can step in at the last second????
...and NEWT wasn't even ONE OF THE THREE STOOGES AT THAT TIME!!! The THREE STOOGES on Nov 5 were: Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, and Rick Perry. That PROVES they are playing musical chairs around Ron Paul and somehow EVERYONE EXCEPT RON PAUL mysteriously move up and around Ron Paul! The mainstream media is making a FOOL out of you!!!
So when NEWT falls, who else (besides Ron Paul of course) will be the next SHILL the mainstream media will shove in front of our faces as "the leader"?
Newt was drummed out of congress in the 1990's for ETHICS VIOLATIONS:
Washington Post's archive of Newt Gingrich 1990's ETHICS PROBE while in congress
How about IDIOTS & LIARS who say: "That was in the past! That happened 30 years ago!" These are the SAME PEOPLE who kept bringing up CHAPPAQUIDDICK for Ted Kennedy for 50 years! LIARS like Rush Limbaugh and Mike Savage.
I guess we should "forget the past" and forget that RON PAUL was faithful to his wife for ALMOST 50 YEARS OF MARRIAGE! That's "in the past", let's not bring that up! Let's not "bring up the past", that RON PAUL never had any ethics violations!
Now here's something that HAS been proven: there is a media blackout of Ron Paul:
Pew Research Center via Atlantic Wire: Ron Paul Media Blackout Confirmed
Now think about it: if the mainstream media blackout of Ron Paul is SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN, don't you think there's a TINY CHANCE they're making up "EVANGELICALS FOR NEWT" to explain Newt Gingrich somehow being in the lead? The blackout media needs SOME "reason" for Newt to be in the lead. Newt can't just mysteriously be in the lead for no reason. It's THE EVANGELICALS! That's it!
Well, guess what? I AM AN EVANGELICAL! I just joined "EVANGELICALS FOR RON PAUL" on facebook. Guess what else? THERE'S NO "EVANGELICALS FOR NEWT" on facebook! Know why? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST/AIN'T HAPPENIN'!!! Look for yourself. It's another FAKE story in the "news": "EVANGELICALS FOR NEWT".
Some comments about other past mysterious blocks of voters who don't exist:
Reagan Democrats: Reagan won over 30 years ago. If you are a "Reagan Democrat", FACE IT YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN!!! You are not a "Reagan Democrat" or a "Democrat". You are simply a REPUBLICAN.
McCain Democrats: maybe these were the non-existent kids of the non-existent "Reagan Democrats"? That's my best guess.
"SOCCER MOMS": they are married to "NASCAR DAD'S"? Are you getting the feeling that only REPUBLICANS make this shit up? Somehow "SOCCER MOMS" vote for Republicans, NASCAR DAD'S vote for Republicans, "EVANGELICALS FOR NEWT" is a Republican thing because Republicans HATE Ron Paul, REAGAN DEMOCRATS voted for Republicans, "HISPANICS FOR BUSH" was found out not to be true, hispanics actually voted for Democrats once again, but that doesn't matter, the mainstream media got their FAKE story out there for the stolen election. Doesn't matter if after the fact it's proven to be a MEDIA HOAX.
Now do you remember the Kerry-Bush "election"? The story for that one was that young voters just sat on their asses, that's why Kerry "lost". But once again, the after-election FACTS proved otherwise.
We are BRAINWASHED BY THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA DAILY. 24x7 MASS HYPNOSIS. Politics are now 24x7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They used to be ramped up every few years just before elections.
The following statement is now true - FOUR TIMES:
"Newt gave his word to be faithful to Mrs. Gingrich."
He did so each of the THREE TIMES he pledged to be faithful "in sickness and in health" - and apparently just did so again to reiterate the prior pledge made to #3 on the day of his wedding (to the secretary he cheated on #2 with).
So now here's the 4th pledge of promised marital fidelity that he's taken:
How Is Newt's Fidelity Pledge Different From His Wedding Vows?
So this time he really, really, really really means it!
Think about this from the perspective of a Fortune 500 company's Board Of Directors (all Republicans) analyzing the resumes of various CEO candidates to run their enterprise...
Name any other career where a job candidate - known to have cheated at least twice on two previous wives, and now married to a third, with whom he did the cheating, would now be asked to swear a 4th (redundant) pledge to be faithful to his spouse - as a prerequisite for the job.
THAT is LOL ridiculous. The shareholders would fire the entire Board if they even considered entrusting such a person with their pension funds and investments.
Republicans cannot have it both ways. If you wouldn't hire such a person to run your corporation, it is other-worldly hypocritical to blindly follow the lies (fake poll numbers) of the Media and the wishes of Israel to install such a man in the White House.
Why aren't they asking Ron Paul to pledge his allegiance and loyalty? Because they know they don't have to - because he demonstrates it daily - by his own actions.
As demonstrated once again - only those in position to be blackmailed to the greatest extent possible (by Israel) are allowed into the political arena in the first place. Those with the most to protect have the greatest likelihood of being (s)elected - by Israel - to run what in effect is Israel's piggy bank and military.
Each item mentioned above is a creation of the Architect and Branding Strategist, Karl Rove, the cocksucker.
Where's Jeffery Gannon Guckert, Karl?
Since wife #1, Newt has never married a woman who was not herself, an adulteress, knowing sleeping with - and subsequently marrying - a married man.
So we're all supposed to believe that the Right Wing of the United States is in favor of their First Lady being a known adulteress, wife-stealing whore?
These two whores are to become the moral example for America's children to follow...
This video of Ron Paul sums it up - they are scared shitless of his actual popularity...so they create FAKE POLLS and FAKE STORIES like "evangelicals for newt":
Ron Paul furious over indefinite detention act
OK - so figure this out, and tell be there's no conspiracy...
Ron Paul is touted by this international business publication as being correct of foreign policy:
Yet his name appears no where in this entire article about the race and Newt's lead.
He's not even mentioned in the context of the Tea Party - which he started. The polls are FAKE - ordered up by the likes of Karl Rove to help explain how it comes to pass that the voting machines were so tampered with in the general election that Newt wins it. Rove plans strategy years in advance and knows he needs to create perceptions that suit the outcome he intends to deliver via illegal means. FAKE POLLS are critical to his plan. When you control the media and the polling - it's easy:
"Gingrich is winning over the Tea Party. Recent polls show that he’s capturing a larger share of these voters in Iowa, Florida, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. But they’re rallying around him because they see him as the “lesser of two evils.”
With Herman Cain out and Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry no longer viable contenders Gingrich comes as close to the Tea Party’s philosophy as they’re going to get this season."
The Rasmussen poll is bought and paid for by the Republican Party. No poll conducted by Rasmussen will ever reflect reality.
Former Pollster Pleads Guilty to Fabricating Results
Tracy Costin, the former owner of polling company DataUSA Inc., entered a guilty plea to conspiracy to commit mail fraud for fabricating the results of polls the company conduct on behalf of, among others, President Bush in 2004.
GOTCHA!!! There's no such thing as "COCKSUCKERSFORNEWT.com". Just like there's no such thing as "EVANGELICALS FOR NEWT".
EvangelicalsForNEWT.com --->>> GOTCHA AGAIN!!!
Evangelicals FOR/WITH Newt: MEET the NEWTLES
Evangelicals FOR The BEATLES???
BREAKING: there IS an "evangelicals FOR newt" facebook page, but it's closing down, the first post in it says:
"Evangelicals for Newt: Guys, please don't forget that this page will be closing soon. Please, like our new page Evangelicals WITH Newt! https://www.facebook.com/EvangelicalsWithNewt""evangelicals FOR newt"
The NEW "evangelicals WITH newt" has 30 members, so there are THIRTY EVANGELICALS "with" NEWT!!!
But what about the 85 "evangelicals" that were "FOR" Newt on facebook? OR...are the 30 "WITH" Newt facebook members part of the former 85 "FOR" Newt facebook members? But still, then what happened to the 55 "FOR" Newt evangelicals who didn't join up with the 30 "WITH" Newt evangelicals? I ask of thee? Sadly, I have joined the possibly upwards of 85 evangelicals in BOTH the "WITH" and "FOR" (there is no "forthwith") Newt facebook pages, so one of those "evangelicals" is ME! GODDAMMIT! I'M AN EVANGELICAL!
"evangelicals WITH newt"
"evangelicals MEET newt" --->>> GOTCHA!!!!!!
Check out EvangelicalsForBigDansBigBlog.com --->>> GOTCHA!!!
Check out EvangelicalsWithBigDansBigBlog.com --->>> GOTCHA AGAIN!!!
Ron Paul is WAY AHEAD, probably by double digits, and they are LYING TO US! There is NO WAY Rick Perry, then Herman Cain, then Mitt Romney, etc...etc...keep hopping over Ron Paul. That is impossible that ONLY RON PAUL never moves up when someone above him drops out or there is a bombshell revelation about them. ONLY RON PAUL NEVER MOVES UP! Out of all of them.
Check out FAKE POLLS above, FAKE NEWS, and here's FAKE RIGGED ELECTIONS on electronic voting machines:
Do you REALLY think a small, elite, super rich, super powerful group of people with mostly all the money, wealth, and power can't do things like I mention above? Do you REALLY think that these people would trust the outcome of a NON-RIGGED DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM?
NEWT shit has come to light:
ReplyDeleteHere's you new(t) favorite web site - Newt eviscerated:
Evangelicals for Newt Taking Freddie Mac Money:
'Newt Gingrich is a hypocrite', claims ex-staffer who had affair with thrice-married GOP candidate
GOP presidential candidate has apologised for affairsBut now Anne Manning has spoken of a 'fling' in 1977She claims they had sexual relations in WashingtonExperts say his behaviour suggests he's a 'sex addict'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2071215/Newt-Gingrich-sex-addict-hypocrite-say-experts-ex-staffer-Anne-Manning.html#ixzz1gQhFPNl7
Gee - there aren't any of those either!
Jeb Bush kisses bald Democrat donor’s shiny head at Miami-Dade mayor ($100k?) fundraiser
“I couldn’t resist,” former Gov. Jeb Bush
said, explaining why he kissed the head of Chris Korge, a Democratic
money-man, who introduced the Republican on stage at a fundraiser for
Miami-Dade’s mayor, Carlos Gimenez, who could have picked up as much as
$100,000 at the $500-a-plate lunch featuring Frangipani flower-garnish.
With grey-shot wavy hair, a relaxed Bush sounded at times like the
quintessential Florida retiree who’s enjoying his newborn granddaughter
and the weather in greater Miami. But Bush is anything but sedentary.
Though he lives in the same city as the Biltmore, Coral Gables, he
joked that his address should be in an airline because he spends so much
time jet-setting the country on the speaking circuit. He and Korge have
also spent a little time dealing with the fallout from Innovida. Chances
are better than not that, if President Obama is re-elected, Bush runs
for president in 2016, now that we hear his wife, Columba, has given a
tacit nod.
Bush dwelled on the politics of not being political at the
fundraiser. He spoke about how County Hall is better at governing than
gridlocked Washington, and he credited Gimenez for following through on
the campaign promises he made before his June 28 election.
Bush also joshed with the 200-plus business leaders about raising
money in December for an August mayoral race But, he said, he has
learned that “the best way to win a race is to win it early.”
“This is actually a fundraising savings plan,” Bush said. “You’re
saving a ton of money by asking friends today” to help Gimenez win
Among those in the crowd: Miami-Dade insider Jorge Arrizurieta,
former Florida Republican Party chairman Al Cardenas, U.S. Sen. Marco
Rubio’s 2010 campaign manager Jose Mallea, U.S. Rep. and Senate
candidate Connie Mack, rival Senate candidate and former U.S. Sen.
George LeMieux, Republican fundraiser Ana Navarro, former state Rep. and
Florida Crystals Vice President Gaston Cantens, former state Rep.
Marcelo Llorente, Rep. Jose Felix Diaz, Rep. Michael Bileca, and
lawyer-lobbyist and Sayfie Review founder Justin Sayfie, former U.S.
Rep.-turned-lobbyist Lincoln Diaz-Balart.
Read more: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2011/12/jeb-bush-kisses-bald-democrat-donors-shiny-head-at-miami-dade-mayor-100k-fundraiser.html#ixzz1gQm3jNkC
ReplyDeleteA third major party? Most Americans say it's needed
I think there's two possible theories, and each one DOESN'T involve Ron Paul getting in there:
ReplyDelete- Jeb Bush will come out of nowhere and accept the nomination
- this whole Cain/NEWT/etc...rise/take down farce is to make Romney look like the "most electable Republican"
Since wife #1, Newt has never married a woman who was not herself, an adulteress, knowing sleeping with - and subsequently marrying - a married man.
ReplyDeleteSo we're all supposed to believe that the Right Wing of the United States is in favor of their First Lady being a known adulteress, wife-stealing whore?
These two whores are to become the moral example for America's children to follow...
"NEWT shit has come to light" - the dude
The Big Lebowski: definitely one of the greatest movies of all time!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWalter: I DON'T ROLL ON SHABBOS (mentally "shot" vietnam vet Walter converted to Judaism in The Big Lebowski)
Big lebowski - Sheriff scene
Opponent JESUS doesn't go for Walter's "I don't roll on Shabbos"
JESUS doesn't go for Walter's "I don't roll on Shabbos"
"the dude", Walter, and Donny are bowling in the playoffs against JESUS:
My friend John Niems tunes pianos, he said it's a dying art. I told him, "No it isn't, check out EvangelicalsForPianoTuning.com "!!!
ReplyDeleteBreaking: there IS an "evangelicals for newt" facebook page, but it's closing down:
ReplyDeleteEvangelicals for NewtGuys, please don't forget that this page will be closing soon. Please, like our new page Evangelicals WITH Newt! https://www.facebook.com/EvangelicalsWithNewthttp://www.facebook.com/EvangelicalsForNewt?sk=wallThey will now be "evangelicals WITH newt", and guess how many members there are? THIRTY! So there's 30 "evangelicals" voting for newt!!!!!!!!!
WITH the Beatles album cover:
MEET the Beatles album cover:
ReplyDeleteMormons for Newt, we can all have 4 wives!
ReplyDeleteRon Paul furious over indefinite detention act....
You must have caught my "Hiatus". Welcome back.
ReplyDeleteNewt Admits to affair during Clinton Impeachment efforts in interview with Focus On The Family:
Newt explains himself to evangelical TV:
BS to "Value Voters:"
Newt Gingrich Discusses His Three Marriages - "Loved the country too much and worked too hard - so I fucked a woman other than my wife" (or something like that).
ReplyDeleteNewts first wife was a cradle robber - she was his high school geometry teacher - and he married her when he was just 19?
Think that one through.
Prior to marrying his high school geometry teacher, how long had he been fucking her? Why wasn't she ever brought up on charges for sleeping with her student? WTF?
Meanwhile - the would-be first lady of the United States is seen here in this clip - evidencing her SIX YEAR AFFAIR WITH GINGRICH
As a high school student — precocious, lonely, overweight
— Newt secretly romanced his geometry teacher, a buxom, matronly woman
named Jackie Battley. The furtive romance with his 24-year-old teacher
included nighttime sessions in the back of a car in remote areas of Fort
Benning, Ga.
Once, Newt and Jackie were so worked up, they got their car caught in
a tank trap on the military base and had to call his best friend to
rescue them before a daylight exposé, according to the friend’s widow,
Linda Tilton. Defying his stepfather, a stern Army colonel, Newt pursued
Jackie, married her and promptly had two children.http://www1.salon.com/news/1998/08/28news.html
ReplyDeletefrom the Salon article:
It's tempting to congratulate Gingrich for his understanding of
human frailty, but don't mistake his comments for Christian charity. The
rabidly partisan Gingrich would love to bring down Clinton. Forcing a
Democratic president to resign would be sweet revenge for Gingrich, who
cast himself as Richard Nixon in his high school play and has always
admired the disgraced Watergate villain.
No, it's not compassion that tempers the speaker's censure of Clinton's
self-destructive sexual compulsions. It's self-protection. Gingrich, lest
we forget, has a closet full of sexual misconduct.
For one thing, Gingrich pioneered a
denial of adultery that some observers would later christen "the Newt
Defense": Oral sex doesn't count. In a revealing psychological portrait
of the "inner" Gingrich that
appeared in Vanity Fair (September 1995), Gail Sheehy uncovered a woman,
Manning, who had an affair in Washington in 1977 with a married
"We had oral sex," Manning revealed. "He prefers that modus
operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'" She added
that Gingrich threatened her: "If you ever tell anybody about this, I'll
say you're lying."
Manning was then married to a professor at
West Georgia, the backwater college where Gingrich taught. "I don't claim to be an angel," she told
Sheehy, but "he's morally dishonest."
Gingrich refused to comment on Manning's charges, though he has
admitted sexual indiscretions during his first marriage -- hey, it was the
'70s, man! But Newt's oral sex denial proved embarrassing at a time
when he was the secular leader of the "family values" crowd, appearing
frequently at Christian Coalition gatherings.
During Gingrich's 1995 summer book
tour, when he was testing the
waters for a presidential bid, demonstrators hounded him about his oral
hypocrisy. I was covering Gingrich for a PBS documentary when the
speaker appeared at a book signing in Los Angeles and was confronted by a
man waving a Bible and shouting, "I want to know here where it says
that oral sex doesn't count as adultery." The gentleman was
hustled out of the bookstore by the Secret Service before Gingrich could
answer his theological question.
I was shocked to read that Clinton
was supposedly considering the Newt Defense in the Lewinsky affair and
relieved when he came clean,
more or less. Anyone who considers oral sex not to be "sexual
is either doing it wrong or is a politician.
So don't expect Gingrich to hector Clinton about adulterous oral sex.
He's been there and done that. That's a Pandora's Box he'd rather not
Like Clinton's, Gingrich's sexual history is old, tangled and
furtive. Newt himself is the product of a weekend marriage. His
16-year-old mother, Kit, married hard-drinking, brawling Big Newt
McPherson, whom she met at a roller rink. But she quit the marriage after
just three days when he hit her. "I wanted to break our engagement," the
chain-smoking Kit told me at her home in eastern Pennsylvania. "But then we
wouldn't have Newtie."
Newt Gingrich's Skeleton Closet
Does Newt have some kind of problem with women? He has said that he
read a book called "Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them", and
"found frightening pieces that related to my own life."
Incidentally, Marianne told Gail Sheehy she doesn't want Newt to run for
President. " I told him if I'm not in agreement, fine, it's easy. I
just go on the air the next day, and I undermine everything. ... I
don't want him to be president and I don't think he should be." Newt's
response? Marianne "was just making the point hypothetically" that he
would not run unless she agreed he should.
House Banking Scandal: Newt Bounced 22 Checks
Remember the House Banking scandal, where so many congressmen wrote
rubber checks on government money? Newt hopes you don't, because he
bounced 22 himself, which almost cost him reelection in 1992. His vote
for the secret House pay raise, and the chauffeur who drove him around
Washington in a Lincoln Town Car, didn't help.
Lucrative and Questionable Book Deals: Murdoch's $4.5 Million wasn't the first
The 1995 Murdoch Deal --- The 1984 Book Deal
The 1995 Murdoch Deal
You probably heard something about Newt's book scandal. He was offered
first $2.5 million, then $4.5 million by Harper Collins, a publishing
company owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also owns the Fox TV network and
newspapers and TV stations around the world. Murdoch has been having
problems with a complaint by NBC that Fox is a foreign owned TV network,
which is against US law.
In the past, Harper Collins has offered million dollar book contracts to
several conservative politicians in countries where Murdoch was having
regulatory trouble, including England (Margaret Thatcher, Jeffrey
Archer) and China (Deng Xiaoping's daughter). A week after the initial
offer, Newt met with Rupert Murdoch - and Murdoch's legislative lobbyist
- to discuss politics, including the NBC complaint.
As facts about the deal were made public, and even Republicans
criticized him, Gingrich decided to give up the $4.5 million advance for
a still-lucrative deal based on royalties.
Gingrich's story kept changing through the controversy. First, Newt's
spokesman said that Murdoch knew nothing about Gingrich and the book
deal. On Friday January 13, Newt's spokesman admitted that Murdoch
actually met Newt on a park bench the week before the deal was made, but
didn't talk about it. He also said he knew nothing about Murdoch's
lobbyist being at their meeting. The next day, he admitted the lobbyist
was there, but claimed he didn't say so because no one asked.
Newt also said repeatedly that the book wasn't his idea; that a
literary agent named Lynn Chu had sought him out and proposed it. After
Ms. Chu said that Gingrich's associate Jeff Eisenach called her first
on Newt's behalf, Eisenach and Newt's spokesman admitted that was true.
The 1984 Book Deal
Murdoch's book deal wasn't the first lucrative and controversial book
deal Newt engineered. In 1983 he established a limited partnership in
Atlanta called COS Limited, which pulled together about two dozen of his
biggest campaign contributors to finance his book.
The former administrator of his congressional offices in Georgia,
Dolores Adamson, resigned over the deal. "The manuscript was put
together in the district office using office equipment," she said. "He
would just come in and say 'This is what I want to do.' I would say,
'This is not ethical," but after a while he didn't listen." That office
equipment, of course, was paid for by US taxpayers including you.
Actually - I did - though my comment was more along the lines of acknowledging the proprietor's generous mention of my name in the main body of the blog posting, which did not occur on the last posting, but had previously for a while, despite his best efforts to stop himself from being so generous.
ReplyDeleteNewt was in a relationship with his teacher when he was 16 years of age. That is considered child abuse, and a few weeks ago, a female teacher doing the same thing in Ohio, got 4 years.
ReplyDeleteTry and find a picture of his first wife!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGOP "first spouses" club:
OK, so what's the REAL plan? We KNOW NEWT is another Herman Cain sacrificial lamb. We KNOW that whoever is orchestrating NEWT's rise to the top, KNOWS of his eventual fall, too.
ReplyDeleteSo what is the REAL plan???
Look who's talking about 'invented' peoples!
How The Zionists Invented Modern Terrorism
Palestinians Are Terrorists - Newt Gingrich
btw...we had some real excitement here today: my neighbor directly across the street from us, their house caught on fire. Their dryer was on fire, this happened about 2pm. The smoke was so thick and black throughout the house, I took a couple of steps inside and almost feinted, couldn't breathe. Never experienced anything like that in my life. And there was thick, black smoke coming out all the windows of their house.
ReplyDeleteI got them all set up with their insurance to put them up in a hotel, meals paid, etc... the whole works. They were in no condition to do this, and I know that is of the utmost importance. I found out their insurance and made all the calls myself, set everything up, got them all the information they needed, and everything's set on that end.
One of the girls ran out with no shoes or coat, and it's freezing here. I got her a coat and shoes, made the mother tea, she was freaking out baaaaaad. The firemen were going in the wrong way, I told them where to go in (the basement on the side).
Now I know how people die in fires from the smoke. I swear, I took two steps into the house, breathed, and almost feinted. And the kids were trying to go back in, I said DON'T YOU DARE!!!!!!!!!!!! They said they were looking for their cat. I said A CAT COULD SURVIVE A HOLOCAUST! DON'T WORRY ABOUT YOUR CAT!
ReplyDeletePublished on Monday, December 12, 2011 by CommonDreams.org
Gingrich on Palestine: Small Truths In A Big Lie
by Ira Chernus
If Newt had really said what the headlines
claimed: “Gingrich Calls Palestinians an ‘Invented’ People,” I would
have shrugged and said, So what? Americans are an invented people too.
So are British, Chinese, and every other national group. We’ve been
teaching that in our college classrooms for twenty years or more as an
obvious no-brainer.
But that’s not what Gingrich said. He said “We,” apparently meaning
the United States, “have invented the Palestinian people.” Wrong! The
Palestinians invented themselves, at least as early as the first
Palestinian National Congress in 1919. So it’s the “we,” not the
“invented,” that should get headlines and stir angry reactions.
Gingrich got another small piece of the truth right when he said that
the Palestinians “are in fact Arabs and are historically part of the
Arab people.” the dream of one big pan-Arab nation was a powerful idea
before World War I. But it died for all practical purposes after that
war when Britain and France divvied up the Middle East between them and
started creating new nations.
Those smaller mistakes by Newt and the mass media pale, though, before their big ones. Read the whole transcript.
You're a good neighbor to have, Dan! Way to go!
ReplyDeleteThat article I posted earlier about Jeb had the tell-tale sign. He said that his wife had given him permission to run for President - in 2016. Wouldn't it be far easier to simply be drafted at the last moment in this cycle? After all - his wife gave him permission to run for President.
ReplyDeleteThat's the "tell."
The picture of the child molester that Newt started having sex with when he was 16 and later went on to marry is here (scroll down to it):
NEWT: all Palestinians are terrorists and the Palestinians are in invented people -
COME ON! That's funny: evangelicalsforpianotuning.com
ReplyDeleteI think they had a kid: NEWT ARAFAT
ReplyDelete...would you believe, NEWT IAMFAT???
ReplyDelete...how about NEWT MYASSISFAT.
ReplyDeleteThe fire started in their gas dryer. We have an electric dryer. In fact, gas dryers are pretty rare from what I know, at least around here. I know 3 people my entire life that have gas dryers instead of electric dryers. Their gas dryer, they said was not old, either. It was just a couple of years old.
ReplyDeleteI looked in their cellar, they have a side opening to the cellar, and I could see the flames in the cellar. That's why I knew where to tell the firemen to go. The firemen were going on the opposite side of the house, on the wrong floor, and I yelled at them to go around the other side to the cellar entrance. They were looking at me, and I said, "WELL, GO AROUND TO THE CELLAR ENTRANCE!!! NOT HERE!" LOL
Einstein: Letter to New York Times [Scanned Original]
Heating aid for terrorists in the northeast cut:
REPUBLICAN David Frum: FOX creating alternate knowledge system:
Look at the absolute masterpiece propaganda of this Rush Limbaugh fake caller banter with Rush, how Rush is talking about (religious) football player Tim Tebow, and the masterful writer for Rush and the caller's fake conversation makes Tim Tebow's critics "liberals" (it's FOOTBALL, not politics! somehow Tebow's critics are "lefty liberals"), and the Republicans should take a page from Tebow and lead like Tebow. Likening politics to sports.
ReplyDeleteThe background is that the Denver Broncos were 2-5 and going nowhere, and super religious Tim Tebow, the underdog who all the "lefty liberals" said would never make it, has led the Broncos to 6 straight astounding against the odds wins.
Now think about this: Rush happened to be talking about Tim Tebow...and the very next caller happened to call in about Tim Tebow. Does anyone ever think about how this always happens? Rush Limbaugh takes RANDOM calls, he does not have a subject. But talks about Tim Tebow, and the very next caller is a Tim Tebow expert, all the way back to COLLEGE DAYS, the caller HAPPENED to go to University of Florida, too! OMG! And was HONORED that Tim Tebow beat his Florida Gators every year! And learned to love enemy Tim Tebow, because he's a winner and religious guy! We all love when our team loses, right? Like the caller.
A work of art, I can do this with ANY transcript from ANY Rush Limbaugh "caller":
I wrote posts where Rush was talking about Mitt Romney not appealing to Christians, and then a super christian who loves Romney was the very next caller...etc...etc...
The dumbing down of the nation: fake conservative talk shows and news. ANYONE can see this fakery...except the dittoheads. There's SOOOOOOOOO many points in the transcript, where you just go: "ALL RIGHT, COME ON!!!!!!!! THIS IS FAKE!"
Rush and the caller are on the exact same page: Republicans/GOD/football. What a great and lucky call Rush got at precisely the right moment! Once again!
Anyone can call about ANYTHING (supposedly), but the very next caller to Rush always happens to be an "expert" on exactly what Rush is talking about, and the caller always enhances what Rush has just said, "compliments" exactly what Rush has just said.
Rush goes to bat for NEWT: he had to sign that pledge, or he'd look bad -
There was a video "Proof Obama will sign NDAA 1031 Citizen Imprisonment Law in a few days", I put it on facebook, and now it's gone from youtube:
Someone else uploaded it:
Military drones being used on US citizens in America right now!
RT grills Richard Perle:
The interviewer has Perle stuttering when she says, "If Sadaam really had WMD's like you thought, you wouldn't have attacked him, because he could've used WMD's". Perle starts stuttering from that point forward in the interview.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul vs Obama issue by issue
Ron Paul on Alex Jones show:
NEWT: The Palestinian people are an "invented" people...whom I loved to embrace:
ReplyDeleteA Deeper Crisis is Coming, We Must Control the Banks
John Weeks: Obama gave the banks time to rally opposition to severe regulations; another banking collapse is on the way
ReplyDeleteBig Dan at Fire...
(I shot that picture seconds after the front wall had collapsed - it as about 6:30PM mid summer - the smoke column was so dense it was dark out. By time it was done the building was completely gone, the concrete block walls all collapsed.)
Eurocrats no longer disguise their loathing of Britain
White House Says No Veto Of Defense Bill
btw...I called my wife to tell her our neighbor's house was on fire (yesterday), and when she picked up (she was at work), she said, "I can't talk to you, there's some apartments on fire here". I quickly said, "WAIT! Our neighbor's house is on fire!!!"
Obama Will Not Veto Defense Authorization
By: emptywheel Wednesday December 14, 2011 4:08 pm
I said this about the detainee provisions in the conference Defense Authorization bill.
It seems to me the language does enough to avoid a veto
from the cowardly Obama, but still does terrible damage to both the
clarity of national security roles and overall investigative expertise.
And I was absolutely correct: Obama’s aides have announced he will not veto the bill.http://www.emptywheel.net/2011/12/14/obama-will-not-veto-defense-authorization/
GOP’s Latest Radical List Of Demands May Force A Government Shutdown In Three Days
Stewart nails it...
BB2: that's actually me taking a piss at the fire!
ReplyDeleteLOL! That joke never gets old! It's like FARTS: if you were on your deathbed, and someone farted, you'd probably laugh. (not women, they don't have the fartfunny gene)
ReplyDeleteExplaining to a 5-Year Old Why the Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to U.S. Citizens on U.S. Soil
ReplyDeleteYou Don’t HAVE to Lock up Joey For The Rest Of His Life Because He Called You A Mean Name, But You CAN Lock Him Away And Throw Away The Key And Then Falsely Accuse Him Of Being a Suspected Bad Guy If It Would Make You Happy
See if you notice some "good" stories come out, especially if Obama doesn't veto the NDAA. Like stories of the FEDS doing something "good" for us, that we agree with. Maybe I'm imagining it, but it seems to me that when something horrific like the NDAA passes, then they do something like extend unemployment, or something like that. Know what I mean?
ReplyDeleteThis is a message to the Police, to the military, to the TSA, to Homeland Security and to members of every other enforcement arm of the government. http://waitingforthestorm.com
LOL!!!!!!!!! I just randomly picked Tim Tebow from Rush Limbaugh's site above, and look what I found:
ReplyDeleteTim Tebow's War on Christmashttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5cm-Ud_NzM
Tim Tebow may be an "evangelical for newt", that just occurred to me.
ReplyDeleteKARL ROVE - it's what I've been saying for years. He's the "Architect"
ReplyDeleteWell, one of his techniques must be to create a divisive issue by saying one of their reps (Tim Tebow in this case) is under non-existent "attack" by "liberals".
ReplyDeleteI should just cut/paste all that above, and make that my next post. lol less work
ReplyDeleteMatt Damon explains Globalisation & New World Order in Just 2 Minutes.
from above: even REPUBLICAN David Frum has had it with FOX/rightwing radio show hosts:
ReplyDeleteREPUBLICAN David Frum: FOX creating alternate knowledge system:Frum had argued that conservative media like Fox News and talk radio “immerse their audience in a total environment of pseudo-facts and pretend information.”http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/12/11/frum-fox-news-creates-an-alternative-knowledge-system/
CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise
Does this look familiar?
ReplyDeleteTCF bank penalizes kid with $4.85 in his account by charging him $234.95 in fees in two weeks
If it looks familiar, look here:
Look for THIS in that post:
Read this article, and it's exactly what happened to us in the transcript that follows:Bank Of America Paying Out $410 Million For Reordering Your Transactions To Maximize Overdraft FeesACTUAL TRANSCRIPT OF ME & MY DAUGHTER TRYING TO SHUT DOWN HER BANK OF AMERICA ACCOUNT ON 11/16/2011: BANK EXTORTIONHere is an ACTUAL TRANSCRIPT of me and my daughter, in a "chat" room with Bank of America, trying to close her account down. So don't think you can close your account online, if you're afraid of being arrested when you do it in person. Unearthed here, btw, is the existence of the secret "EXTENDED NEGATIVE BALANCE FEE". This apparently is a $35 FEE you are charged every 5 days, if you have a negative balance. BUT...they won't let you shut your account down, so you will keep getting the "EXTENDED NEGATIVE BALANCE FEE"FOREVER. The background is that she got two $35 FEES for two transactions due to insufficient funds, which I thought they were told to stop doing to customers because the items are less than the $35 FEE. Furthermore, they sort the two items to be presented for payment in a manner that maximizes the fees. For example, if your balance is $10 and you buy an item for $11 and another item for $1, they will bounce the $11 item FIRST so they get another $35 bouncing the $1 item, too:
ReplyDeleteNortheast cutting heat aid to poor:
Child Poverty In America Is Absolutely EXPLODING – 16 Shocking Statistics That Will Break Your Heart
Census shows 1 in 2 people are poor or low-income
James Morris Discusses Planned U.S. - Israeli War Games
ReplyDeleteTim King Salem-News.comPlaying war games with war criminals... a step in the wrong direction for U.S. troops.
Got Eugenics?