I put together many videos below of scientists, architects, engineers, firemen, etc...testifying IN GREAT LENGTH & DETAIL. Yeah, I believe THESE guys, not Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Tom Brokaw/etc...:
NO REAL INDEPENDENT EXPERTS (those not connected to the perpetrators like NIST) believe the official 9/11 story! When 100% of the real experts and evidence are on one side, that's overwhelming and that's the side I believe! The side that told us the official LIE of 19 hijackers/Bin Laden/2 planes knocked down 3 buildings/etc... is made up of TV guys and politicians. Why do you think they're lying about everything else, except 9/11? That's NUTS! Do you know what people who believe the official story say to me is their evidence? I'm not kidding, they say "I saw it on TV".
Take a look at this recently released CLEAR video of one of the Twin Towers EXPLODING (not "falling"), play it over and over again, notice how each floor POWERFULLY EXPLODES downward in synch with no accumulating resistance:
Let's examine the reasons people believe the official 9/11 story, even though there's not a shred of evidence backing it:
1. "I saw it on TV".
2. NIST said it.
Since "I saw it on TV" is PROOF OF NOTHING, I will address NIST. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) states they have proven the official story to be true. Now I'll even disregard the fact that NIST is part of the accused culprits (the government) and even #2 above should be thrown out for "conflict of interest" (that's like saying a murderer isn't guilty...because the murderer said so!), but look at the following videos debunking NIST and in fact proving NIST is part of the coverup:
In the following videos and pictures, you will see a 47 story building a block away from the Twin Towers that fell for absolutely no reason in 6 seconds (well, the reason is controlled demolition), a picture of a hole in the ground in Shanksville, Pa. with guys in yellow suits standing near it with no "boeing" (the most famous Shanksville 9/11 picture), and a picture of a hole in the Pentagon with no "boeing" (the most famous Pentagon 9/11 picture). Learn the difference between what you see with your own eyes and what TV and politicians tell you you're seeing that isn't there. If you saw the 47 story building that was not hit by a plane, didn't have enormous flames and smoke bellowing out of it, fall POOF! in 6 seconds, would you think it fell due to fire you don't see, even though it's scientifically impossible for a steel frame building to fall like that due to fire? Fire doesn't melt steel. If you saw a picture of an empty hole, would you think a "boeing" crashed into it and disappeared, if someone first didn't tell you that? If you saw a hole in a building, the Pentagon, with no plane there, would you think a "boeing" crashed into it and disappeared, if someone didn't first tell you that? The only reason you think these things instead of believing your own eyes is because TV and politicians told you those accompanying "suggestions" with the video and pictures. That was their job on 9/11. To tell the lie/story to the public while showing the video and pictures on TV, telling you what you should think happened vs what you actually see.
AND BY THE WAY: did you notice that you never see these things on TV anymore for about the last 10 years? Because if you saw them now, free of the emotion and shock of the moment, you'd realize what a bunch of bullshit the official story is! It's no coincidence that you don't see these things anymore on TV because the shock and emotion of 9/11 is over. But when it was actually happening, they played them over and over and over and pushed the official story while showing them over and over and over, because you would believe anything they said while under shock. Very few people think clearly while they're in shock and do not look for evidence that what their leaders and the media are saying is actually true. That is the time the media & politicians have to sell The Big Lie: while you're under shock. And if you STILL believe an impossible story told to you by media & politicians without a shred of evidence backing that story, see the "11 reasons" why you do, below in this post.
Did it occur to you that in the last 10 years, this same mainstream media that pushed an evidence-free story told only by other people in the media or people connected to the government - one of the culprits - has in the last 10 years purposely not covered a movement full of evidence and experts that are independent of one of the culprits and millions and millions of people either in the movement or agreeing with the movement? The best "evidence" that people who believe the official story can say is: "They said it on TV" or "A politician said it". That is PROOF OF NOTHING. Look at the raw footage in the videos in this post, what do your eyes tell you without some voice-over telling you what you're seeing? A 47 story building falling for no reason, a picture of a hole with no "boeing" or plane, and a hole in the Pentagon with no "boeing" or plane. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU SEE!
Watch World Trade Center Building 7, a 47 story building a block away from the Twin Towers, falling the same way and it was NOT hit by a plane but mysteriously fell POOF! Many people STILL do not know about Building 7 falling like this on 9/11:
I keep posting about this because everything that's happened since - the 6 wars we're in (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia) - are because of this LIE!!!
I have looked beyond what the media & politicians have told us, their FACT FREE 9/11 tale, and have put this information together the best I can in this post which I continually update when even more proof comes out on 9/11 and who did it:
Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!
There is simply NO EVIDENCE backing the official 9/11 story told to us by media & politicians. ALL EVIDENCE debunks the official story. Remember that thing called EVIDENCE? And PROOF? And EXPERT TESTIMONY? Like I said in my opening statement of this post, the media & politicians have done their job, if they have you believing THEM with zero evidence vs REAL EXPERTS!!! And have you thinking that people who believe REAL EXPERTS and REAL EVIDENCE & PROOF are "crazy".
It's real simple for me: I believe REAL EXPERTS, EVIDENCE, & PROOF. Not a bunch of TV guys and politicians "saying shit" with NO EVIDENCE! It's that simple!
Now with the 10 year anniversary coming up 9/11/11, we are going to be BLITZED with BULLSHIT from the SAME PEOPLE - media & politicians - reinforcing the official LIE. We're going to see the same gang on TV: Bush, Cheney, Giuliani, Rumsfeld, etc...reinforcing the LIE. We're going to continue to see the media IGNORE ALL THE EXPERTS & EVIDENCE & PROOF that the official story is a LIE. You're going to AGAIN believe TV and politicians! Check it out, they're going to come out of the woodwork - THE CRIMINALS - for the 10 year anniversary with the same complicit mainstream media pushing it.
Here they come, for the 10 year anniversary of 9/11:
Bush says slow reaction on 9/11 was deliberate decision
Rudolph Giuliani, Dick Cheney to appear in Smithsonian 9/11 special
And please forgive me, but once again I believe experts - REAL PILOTS - who have made this site Pilots for 9/11 truth, who say the "Muslims" that TV & politicians said flew the planes on 9/11 could NOT have flown them and once again I have found NO PILOTS that believe the official 9/11 story:
There was NO PLANE in the hole at Shanksville where one of the "boeings" was said to have crashed, told to us by TV & politicians once again. Here's the picture of Shanksville...DO YOU SEE A PLANE?
There are NO PICTURES OR VIDEO of the said "boeings" at Shanksville, the Pentagon, OR at Ground Zero! Go ahead and look for yourself! How can anyone believe all this?
Here's the Pentagon, do you see a "boeing"?
Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions!
Why should I believe all this EVIDENCE-FREE BULLSHIT??? Because TV and politicians said so? Why would you think the media and politicians LIE all the time...but believe them on 9/11? They have NO EVIDENCE backing the official 9/11 story...but "take their word for it", it happened just the way they said!
Some other random thoughts about 9/11:
- How did TV have the 9/11 "19 hijackers/Bin Laden" story IMMEDIATELY, when it should've taken weeks, if not months, to piece it together?
- If 9/11 was a "surprise", how did they IMMEDIATELY have the entire "19 hijackers/Bin Laden" story?
- Why are there no pictures or video of any of the said "boeings" anywhere?
- How did the fire melt steel (even though that's scientifically impossible) in the towers, but not melt Mohammed Atta's VISA which they found in pristine condition at the scene? He was supposedly flying one of the "boeings".
- On flight 77, Barbara Olson (CNN) was supposed to have been on that flight and called Ted Olson (Bush Lawyer) and said the plane was hijacked and the hijackers had "boxcutters". But yet cell phone calls were impossible and there were no seat phones on that flight. This is the only place where the term "boxcutters" came from.
The Mossad/CIA/FBI couldn't find him for 10 years, although they found everyone else they wanted to in that time. Then they found him watching TV, shot him in the head, and threw him in the sea..."according to Islamic law". He was with his 3 wives and 13 kids they never told us about, who also for 10 years must've been evading the Mossad/CIA/FBI. Apparently, many people will believe ANY evidence-free stories told by media & politicians as long as it's on TV. Then they can say it's true, "Because I saw it on TV", just like 9/11.
The Big Lie: Hitler wrote about "The Big Lie" in his book Mein Kampf. The theory is that the bigger the lie, the more likely it is the masses will believe it. Everyone tells little lies, so everyone's good at detecting little lies. But tell a lie so big that the average person would never tell, and they'll believe it. And it works! And you don't need any evidence! Just like 9/11 & Bin Laden shot/thrown in sea. There's not a SHRED OF EVIDENCE backing either story. People on the left thought every word out of Bush's mouth was a LIE...but they believed 9/11. People on the right think every word out of Obama's mouth is a lie...but believe the Osama shot/thrown in sea story. Tell a lie so big that the average person wouldn't tell it, and they'll believe it WITH NO EVIDENCE!
And here is why you persist believing these farcical lies with no evidence told by the biggest liars in the world: media & politicians -
11 Reasons Why The 9/11 Fable is So Popular (in detail)
1. The bigness of the lie.
2. Mythical archetype of Osama Bin Laden and Islamic terrorists.
3. Most people are children who are easily controlled by fear and mentally guided by authoritative rhetoric. --->>> bd: this one is my personal favorite!
4. Peer pressure, and the fear of mockery and ridicule.
5. Terrorism is regarded as a mysterious, hidden and arcane phenomena, and by showing proof that the CIA, Mossad and MI6 are behind terror attacks in the West we give people the knowledge to re-examine their beliefs and to act.
6. The financial-terrorism-media-military-industrial-Zionist-congressional complex is a beast of prey that puts out propaganda everyday to create a culture of disinformation and myth.
7. Mass social, cultural, and political brainwashing.
8. A lack of knowledge of history.
9. A lack of skepticism, curiosity and a sense of wonder.
10. A lack of humility to admit ignorance.
11. The 9/11 lie is sacred.
300+ 9/11 Survivors and Family Members
9/11 Press For Truth - Victims' Families Tell the Story the Media Won't:
The SPOKESMAN and coverup artist for the REAL culprits behind 9/11: the mainstream media -
Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid
Mainstream Media: Presstitutes for the Rich and Powerful
America's #1 enemy: the mainstream media -
If you're a billionaire or even a millionaire, please click on the $5000 PayPal donation bill below and donate $5000 to Big Dan's Big Blog:
New moves to curb criticism of Israel in US and Canada
Updated: An Analysis - Inconsistencies in the Oslo Bombings 7/22 2011http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=16257
ReplyDeleteAnti-Muslim Ideologues Spurred Killer to Attack
ReplyDeleteBy Michael Collins Piper
The mass media is having a field
day talking about the fact that a Christian—and so-called “right-wing
extremist”—was responsible for the mass murder in Norway. But what the
media has carefully played down is the fact that the confessed
terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik, was a hard-line supporter of Israel, a
violent pro-Israeli lunatic (like fanatic John Hagee) lashing out at a
government—that of Norway’s Labor Party—he perceived to be hostile to
One person you won't hear from in any 9/11 retrospective is Ari Fleisher. He freaked out - couldn't handle the guilt. He likely saw the first plane strike the first tower on closed circuit in the limo outside the school, just like GW admitted - not once, but twice. Ari is shell-shocked. He washed-out. Recall that he tried to be relevant and make a come back - but seriously - Ari - you know the truth - and it's driving you crazy. He's so involved....
War for oil mission accomplished: Secret BP deal strangleholds Iraq
Will he come clean? If he even thinks about it -> "suicide" or "small aircraft crash".
ReplyDeleteIs this for real?
ReplyDeleteSecret Federal Reserve Location Revealed
9/11 Mayor Michael White Reports A Hijacked 767 Out Of Boston Has Landed In Cleveland
G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal
ReplyDeleteThis is the seventh installment in a series of chapter summaries from G. Edward Griffin's must-read book The Creature From Jekyll Island. This book may be the most important "red pill" available and we highly recommend that you read the full book.http://www.activistpost.com/2011/07/g-edward-griffin-barbaric-metal.html
Photo: Globalist warmongering degenerate Anne-Marie Slaughter makes her rounds at the Fortune 500-funded Chatham House.
ReplyDeleteShe is the author of the book "A New World Order" and believes foreign
policy should be shifted into the unelected, unaccountable hands of
corporations, foundations, and NGOs.
Researchers at U.C. Berkeley have discovered that some of the net’s
ReplyDeletemost popular sites are using a tracking service that can’t be evaded —
even when users block cookies, turn off storage in Flash, or use
browsers’ “incognito” functions.
The service, called KISSmetrics,
is used by sites to track the number of visitors, what the visitors do
on the site, and where they come to the site from — and the company says
it does a more comprehensive job than its competitors such as Google
But the researchers say the site is using sneaky techniques to
prevent users from opting out of being tracked on popular sites,
including the TV streaming site Hulu.com.
ReplyDelete11 Reasons Why The 9/11 Fable is So Popular
What is that?
ReplyDelete9/11's a lie...
ReplyDeleteEven the Bee Gees agree: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcRxm6Cw1tE&feature=related
What do you think of this, someone posted it on FB(I):
Why Gaddafi must die!
Throughout the day Saturday, those active in the recall effort were
ReplyDeletetaking to Twitter and calling the fire "suspicious" since it occurred
just 10 days before the recall.
Google "dana hyde files"
9/11 Commission files. Dana Hyde files/ Box 1. Office of the Vice President Notes. Scanned by Mike Williams of 911myths.com on. 23rd Feb 2009
According to Farmer, he returns to Washington and together with Dana
ReplyDeleteHyde, one of his staffers, confronts Zelikow. Hyde complains, “We can’t
do our job if you frustrate us.” Farmer adds: “I thought you were
supporting this subpoena. Now I hear otherwise. What’s going on?” He
demands he be allowed to address the commissioners on the subpoena, but
Zelikow replies: “I represent the staff. I will represent your views.”
According to author Philip Shenon, Zelikow’s face “turn[s] the crimson
color that the staff in Washington ha[ve] seen before in moments of his
most extreme rage.” Zelikow then says, “It’s beyond our pay grade at
this point.” Farmer disagrees and storms out of Zelikow’s office.
Judge allows feds to revise filing in anthrax case
ReplyDeleteRead more: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2011/07/29/118790/judge-allows-feds-to-revise-filing.html#ixzz1TmoaKzIS
I don't understand. Doesn't this imply that there was actually a second terror attack on US soil during the Bush Presidency? How can this be true, regardless of who did it. The media has been so busy tripping all over itself allowing carte blanche to Republicans and Bush apologists to repeat whatever lies they choose without challenge.
ReplyDeleteDo the US media outlets know that there was a second terror attack using anthrax during the Bush administration? Does the Republican Party know? This seems newsworthy, no?
There was an anthrax terror attack? NO SHIT?
ReplyDeleteSuper-Military-Grade Nano Anthrax
ReplyDeleteand Super-Military-Grade Nano Thermite: Calling Cards of the Real
Mass Murderers of Both 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks
The inside-job anthrax attacks were then used as the immediate
ReplyDeletepretext for the illegal secret domestic wiretap program and assault
on the Constitution
Washington Post feature story revealed the timing of the first
legal justifications brought to Bush for the secret and illegal
domestic wiretap program that point strongly toward the insider
anthrax attacks as being what was used to justify the program.
(16) Its Sept. 14, 2008 story revealed that the very first
memorandum, by John Yoo, giving the purported legal rationale for
Terrorist Surveillance Program (TSP), was dated Oct. 4, 2001 – just
after the first published reports of the first anthrax victim, Bob
Stevens, going into the hospital on Oct. 2 and only one day before
his death on Oct. 5, reported widely in the mainstream media. In
former President Bush’s own memoirs Decision Points, he
reveals that then National Security Agency (NSA) Director Air Force
Gen. Michael Hayden and “the legal team” brought the Terrorist
Surveillance Program (TSP) to Bush in the Oval Office on that same
date, Oct. 4, 2001 (pg.164). It’s now clear that that “legal team”
included Yoo, as Yoo’s memo was also dated Oct. 4.
Bush then reportedly signed the
first official authorization’ for the TSP on Oct. 23, 2001 – Right
in the middle of the anthrax attack terror.
Senator John McCain had
just gone on ABC TV, on Oct. 18, to push the lie that a nonexistent
bentonite additive, purportedly marking the anthrax as having come
from Iraq, meant that Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks. The
Bush White House repeatedly refused to provide Congress with this
Oct. 23, 2001 presidential authorization for the illegal warrantless
domestic surveillance program, and for obvious reasons. This is the
alleged authorization that we now know, from a footnote referring to
it in another now-released document, contains Bush’s shocking claim,
probably written by Yoo, that the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment’s
protections against unreasonable searches and seizures do not apply
to U.S. military operations conducted inside the United States.
The fact that the Administration continued its secret and illegal
domestic spying program long after its was publicly known that the
anthrax attacks were the work of one of its own inside military
facilities is further strong evidence the real perpetrators were one
and the same as the high-level officials who used those same anthrax
attacks to justify their illegal surveillance program -- the White
House itself. Exposing the inside job anthrax mailings as the false
pretext for the illegal warrantless domestic wiretap program is thus
critical to bringing President Bush and his administration to
account for its Reichtag Fire-like attack on both the Pentagon and
World Trade Center but also on Congressional Democratic leaders
Daschle and Leahy who were then pushing for an investigation of the
9/11 attacks and resisting the president’s railroading of the
Patriot Act. That Patriot Act is an analog to Hitler’s Enabling Act
passed in the wake of the Reichtag Fire.
We have seen the Terrorists, and They are U.S. It’s time for
under oath pre-impeachment hearings -- and pre-court
martial hearings -- to interrogate these suspects, and all others
who worked with them, to expose who really wears The Scarlet ‘A’.
Dem John Conyers: Obama wanted social security cuts, not the Republicans:
The evidence is clear that Obama is an often-willing servant of
corporate interests -- not someone reluctantly doing their bidding, or
serving their interests only because Republicans forced him to.
Michael Hudson: Mr. Obama’s Scare Tactics to Get Democrats to Vote for His Republican Wall Street Plan
ReplyDeleteBy Michael Hudson, a research professor of Economics at University of Missouri, Kansas City and a research associate at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
ReplyDeleteSpending Escapes Cuts In Debt Plan, Obama Blocks Oversight Of Mercenary
Army In Iraq, When Budget Cuts Aren't Really Cuts, Debt Deal Factsheet,
Some Bankers Never Learn, From Wall St. To Washington And Back
Again (Links)
The people of Iceland have now twice voted not to repay
ReplyDeleteinternational debts incurred by banks, and bankers, for which the whole
island is being held responsible.http://weeklyintercept.blogspot.com/2011/07/icelands-loud-no.html
My False Flag Predictions
Hey, I just noticed something, in your photo at "Here's the Pentagon, do you see a "boeing"?", on the left - is that not some type of gaurd shack or opsevation tower on top of the building by the fire trucks?
ReplyDeleteDo you mean to tell me there were no cameras in their showing exactly what flew right past it on the way into the Pentagon?
Why Is Glenn Beck Obsessed With Israel?
ReplyDeleteUnconditional support for Israel plays brilliantly with
Beck's fans, and proximity to the ‘original seat of power’ can’t hurt
when you’re embarking on a new venture.http://www.alternet.org/teaparty/151849/why_is_glenn_beck_obsessed_with_israel
BB2: the MORE you look at this stuff, like those pictures, you can find so many things like that! You're right!
ReplyDeleteClaim: TSA employees now developing cancer clusters from standing near body scanner machines
ReplyDeleteLearn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032841_body_scanners_cancer.html#ixzz1Tsp9Aa9R
Welcome to the Tea Party's Austerity RecessionEconomic historians will look back on this era as a time
ReplyDeletewhen policy-makers damaged Americans' welfare with ideologically driven,
self-inflicted woundshttp://www.alternet.org/story/151873/welcome_to_the_tea_party%27s_austerity_recession?akid=7350.84948.kzdpX9&rd=1&t=1
Welcome to the Tea Party's Austerity Recession
ReplyDeleteEconomic historians will look back on this era as a time
when policy-makers damaged Americans' welfare with ideologically driven,
self-inflicted wounds
ReplyDeleteNew York magazine writer Frank Rich explained Monday that Rupert Murdoch's unethical business practices were not limited to Britain.
"I think that we're deluding ourselves if we think the whole Murdoch
culture has not spread to America," Rich told HLN's Joy Behar. "We're
reading all this sort of exotic stuff about having British police on the
payroll. Bernie Kerik was on the Murdoch payroll. He had a huge advance
from Harper Collins. And you know, the piece I've written in New York
that's out today, I talk about the bullying things that they do. It's
not just about politics. It's not just about Fox being right-wing. It's
about them going after people who are personal enemies, Bill O'Reilly
having producers stalk people on the street."
"Liberals love to criticize Fox because it's not fair and balanced and all that. They like to criticize the Post
because it's very right wing. Forget about the politics. This is about
power and money, punishing enemies that they don't like, for reasons
that could be personal or business, not just political."
ReplyDeleteMarine from Lackawanna County killed in the war in Afghanistan
Big energy radiation from Fukushima, Gulf oil, fracking: 13 protections
The Missing Security Tapes From The World Trade Center
Obama is but a figurehead of an unelected government in the US. This
ReplyDeleteunelected power of corporate elites – commercial, financial, military –
governs with the same core policies regardless of who is sitting in the
White House. Whether these policies are on social, economic or foreign
matters, the elected president must obey the direction ordained by the
unelected elite. That kind of untrammeled power structure conforms more
closely in practice to dictatorship, not democracy.
Nine Reasons Obama's got to go
ReplyDeleteThe CDP resolution drawn Saturday named nine reasons Obama must not remain president.
The Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party stated in
its resolution that it "recognizes the challenge presented by President
Obama’s negotiating away Democratic Party principles to extremist
The resolution named nine ways Obama has demonstrated supporting the extremists:
His unilateral closed-door budget offer to slash
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, thus endangering The New Deal
and War on Poverty safety nets.His determination to escalate U.S. militarism through illegal secret CIA drone attacks and unauthorized wars.His willingness to extend Bush tax cuts for millionaires and bail
out big banks without ending the foreclosure crisis that displaces
American working families.His insistence on pushing a health insurance bill which enriches
private insurance companies while ignoring growing support for
single-payer health care or robust public options.His continuance of President Bush’s assault on civil liberties with
an extension of the repressive Patriot Act, along with violations of
international human rights. His failure to restore due process and Habeas Corpus, while
continuing the practice of nationwide FBI raids of anti-war progressive
protesters. His decision to increase arrests and deportations of undocumented workers.His facilitation of privatization of the public sphere, which includes education and housing, among others.His disregard of his promises to the Labor movement and environmentalists.
Continue reading on Examiner.com Nine reasons Calif. Dems say Obama's got to go - National Human Rights | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/nine-reasons-calif-dems-say-obama-s-got-to-go?CID=examiner_alerts_article#ixzz1Tuc4Gacj
Paul Krugman is a Political Rookie. Or How Barack Obama Left John Boehner Holding the Teabag, Again.
The debt ceiling deal hammered out by President Barack Obama and congressional leaders and passed in the House on Monday afternoon
ReplyDeletemakes deep, painful, and lasting cuts throughout the federal
government's budget. What's on the chopping block? The numbers tell the
The Obama-GOP plan cuts $917 billion in government spending over the
next decade. Nearly $570 billion of that would come from what's called
"nondefense discretionary spending." That's budget-speak for the pile of money the government invests in the nation's safety and future—education
and job training, air traffic control, health research, border
security, physical infrastructure, environmental and consumer
protection, child care, nutrition, law enforcement, and more.
*Countdown with Keith ...:
ReplyDeleteSpecial Comment: The Four Great Hypocrisies of the Debt Deal
There's your "300" views on youtube, remember I mentioned a few times over the years how some really good videos have exactly or around 300 views all the time? That can't be.
ReplyDeleteAre they EVER going to stop putting the word "unexpectedly" in ANY news about the economy?
Consumer Spending in U.S. Unexpectedly Falls for First Time in Two Years
Is it me, or does anyone care if the stock market has a bad day? Just wonderin'.....
ReplyDeleteToday the news briefs said the stock market took a big hit. It UNEXPECTEDLY took a big hit.
Another one with 300 views:
ReplyDeleteMike Huckabee puts out 9/11 cartoon for profits:
Olbermann's "worst persons" (301 views, what are the odds of that?):
9/11 George Washington Bridge - Truck Full Of Explosives And Two Suspects In Custody (Rare WCBS)
Were these 5 guys the "dancing israelis"?
ReplyDelete9/11 Jerome Hauer On WPIX After WTC 7 Demolition 6:00 pm
ReplyDeleteIt's actually funny: the "news guy" says NYC residents will recognize this next guy, he's always at the scene of every mishap, accident, terror act, etc......
THAT'S BECAUSE HE'S DOING IT!!!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!! Is that obvious???
9/11 Jerome Hauer On WPIX After WTC 7 Demolition 6:00 pm
Hey LOOK! It's that guy who's ALWAYS AT EVERY TERROR INCIDENT! Let's get his take on it...............
ReplyDeleteReporter: Jerry, you're always seen at every single disaster..........
ReplyDeleteHauer: I didn't do it!!!
Reporter: ...I was going to say, is that your job to be at disasters?
Hauer: Ummmmmmmm.......oh, yeah......that's my job.............RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Phew!)
Hell Yes!
ReplyDeleteThere was an APB for a white van as a result of the woman calling the cops after observing the dancing Israelis celebrating their handywork - as would any demolitions expert in the aftermath of a successful demo. The cops pulled over not one - but two white Urban Movers vans that afternoon.
ReplyDeleteIt was only unexpected by the sheeple. The government and all their corporate co-conspirators all had access to the weak economic data days ago. What I found most humorous is how the talking heads on CNBS described "Hot Money From Europe" coming into the bond market, driving mortgage rates lower, in the aftermath of the vote to raise the debt ceiling. That's the Fed's "money" being used by their foreign co-conspirator banksters to game the market. It's all one massive illusion.
ReplyDeleteEPIC! Pretty to see why the oligarchs removed any possibility for him the use their BIG NETWORK soap box for this and what is to follow. He's subjecting himself to charges of sedition. GO KEITH!
ReplyDeletePretty EASY to see...
ReplyDeleteboth parties represent big money interests, with the Democrats now
ReplyDeleterepresenting old Republican positions and the Republicans in some new
political hyperspace, where normal math and economics no longer apply
Note that the words Israel and Zionism were mentioned no where in that otherwise on-point article. These efforts to portray the landscape without naming names or using any form of specificity are ultimately just more noise. It's time for articles such as these to name the actual villains, their means, motive and opportunity, and tell us where the evidence is hidden - to stop them.
ReplyDeleteAll of the criminals have names. What is the role of George HW Bush? What is Netanyahu's role? Lieberman? Rahm? Clinton? Chertoff? Zelikow?
What is their interrelationship to one another?
Once again, you can figure out what's really going on by the way the corporate media uses certain phrases:
ReplyDeleteThe "mostly unarmed" protesters:
This was out a while ago, how come no one said anything about it? Especially the rightwing zeolats?
ReplyDelete150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs: Embryos have been produced secretively for the past three years
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2017818/Embryos-involving-genes-animals-mixed-humans-produced-secretively-past-years.html#ixzz1Txkm5nbD
Hey, look at this message from youtube, I was right:
ReplyDelete"From July 11th to July 18th, YouTube viewcounts have not been
consistently updating for many videos. Please be assured that any views
not currently updated are still being recorded. We are working to
resolve this issue, and you can see the latest updates here"
I said above, there's NO WAY all the videos I post have exactly or near 300 views, that's impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNEW SPEAK
ReplyDeletepurposefully crafted by an agent of propaganda to imply that the public should believe that there were in fact ARMED PROTESTERS
Notice the explanation...
Always the "tell"
"We are working to resolve this issue"
ReplyDeleteImplies they are under the hood with a wrench and a hammer to fix the tubes - "which as you can imagine - will take days." Total bullshit.
FEMA was not only at the 9/11 disaster - they were there the day before it!
ReplyDeleteDid Jerry Hauer coordinate with FEMA the day before 9/11 when they were in town?
Notice how this guy is suddenly on TV all the time as the alleged science answer guy...
When the media is in on promoting a new spokesperson alleged to be an expert - he's a CIA shill.
The local 29 year old who died in the war I posted above, on the radio it said although it didn't say how he died, his parents said he died when fire swept his barracks:
GHW Bush's CIA playbook at work to destroy US:
Was this John O'Neill?
ReplyDelete9/11 Fireman Finds Body in Closet in WTC
Underwater Discovery Sparks Rumors Of Crashed UFO In Baltic Sea Between Finland And Sweden
LOL - I see you finally found the Bee Gees I left you!
ReplyDeleteMost likely.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately - the only thing likely to get people as mad as Keith is encouraging is for him to tell them the truth about Israel's take-over of the US Government and their co-conspiracy with the Bush/Cheney Cabal in the direct implementation of the 9/11 FALSE FLAG ATTACKS AND SUBSEQUENT ANTHRAX ATTACKS. THAT remains the ONLY thing that will get the people into the streets. Keith will tell you every truth but this one. Only he knows the reason why. He's pushing right up against charges of sedition - so he might as well reveal the ENTIRE TRUTH - NAMING NAMES.
ReplyDeletePapantonio: How Obama Let Rove Off The Hook
Fukushima Radiation Highest Ever, Exceeding Capacity of Measuring Device ... Fuel Likely Leaking Out Of Containment Vessel
Ain't it the truth!
ReplyDeleteWhat does this tell you? Was he an agent of Israel all along? Is the leader of Iran as well?
ReplyDeleteMubarak Offered Asylum In Israel
GHW Bush's CIA broadcasting its next false flag attack against us...
ReplyDeleteCIA says a cyber attack is now the second-greatest threat to the U.S., after a nuclear attack
Check this out: Glenn Beck while on CNN calling truth "nutty conspiracy", IE: if you don't believe the mainstream media and the government, YOU are a "nutty conspiracy theorist", even if you believe facts and truth:
Notice the "setup", that's how the MSM works. First let Glenn Beck on by himself to setup the guy as "nuts". When the guy was actually serious and made complete sense. That clip is classic MSM, should be watched by everyone. That's CNN's fault, that's on purpose.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever see this video, 25 million hits, what do you think of it:
My take on it, is they're trying to point out the "boeing" turning black. What do YOU think?
These types of hit pieces are set up in the executive office as a result of a request from the CIA - and their agent, Karl Rove - who suggest the guest, the script - everything. This all comes at the behest of George HW Bush's Shadow Government - who literally owns the CIA. Remember that the US Government is one of the largest customers the media companies have. Between political campaign revenue (which the government has gone out of its way to ensure remains flowing at ever increasing levels), and the ads for military recruitment and every other form of advertising they do - the US Government is these media company's most valued revenue source.
ReplyDeleteIt's called payola for Shadow Government propaganda - a narrative developed by the self-professed reality creation architect - Karl Rove.
Grover Norquist represents yet another example of a guy caught red-handed - and heading for a prison sentence - who instead not only gets off scott-free, but magically becomes the guy responsible for causing so many Republicans to sign a no-tax pledge - effecting the entire future of the United States. This is a PATTERN. Only GHW Bush is powerful enough to wave the Magic CIA Wand and cut deals with individuals such as these - getting the Justice Department to drop all charges in return for their service to the Shadow Government's CIA
Who is Grover Norquist a slave to?
The answer you will never hear is David Rockefeller and ("Read my lips - no new taxes") George HW Bush:
It's time to name ALL of the names of the lying, thieving weasels who were nailed dead-to-rights in the crosshairs of the Justice Department - who subsequently found themselves wealthy and in positions of exceptional influence in the media.
How did Larry Kudlow, Jim Kramer and Joe Scarborough get their jobs? Had they run afoul of the SEC or the law prior to their fame and influence over popular opinion?
Ralph Reed is not in prison. Is Abramoff? PURCHASING CONGRESSIONAL INFLUENCE - From the WaPo article linked above:
ReplyDeleteNorquist has long been an architect of tax-cutting policies and
political strategies that have boosted the Republican Party. He and
Abramoff have been close since their days as young conservative leaders
of the College Republicans more than two decades ago.
The Senate committee report also details Abramoff's dealings with two
others from the College Republicans crowd: Ralph Reed, former Christian
Coalition executive director; and Amy Moritz Ridenour, president of the
National Center for Public Policy Research, which sponsored a golf trip
in 2000 to Scotland for then-Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.).
"Call Ralph re Grover doing pass through," Abramoff wrote in a stark
e-mail reminder to himself in 1999, a year in which Norquist moved more
than $1 million in Abramoff client money to Reed and Christian
anti-gambling groups. Reed was working to defeat lotteries and casinos
that would have competed with Abramoff's tribal and Internet gambling
Reed reiterated in a statement last week that he did not know the money
he received originated as the proceeds of gambling at Indian casinos.
Ridenour, appearing before the Indian Affairs Committee last year,
acknowledged that her organization had accepted grants lined up by
Abramoff and disbursed funds at his suggestion. She insisted that she
told Abramoff that the National Center for Public Policy Research would
be willing to finance only programs consistent with the group's
tax-exempt purpose, listed in tax records as "nonpartisan analysis,
study and research."
But dozens of e-mails show that Abramoff and his team considered the
national center and other tax-exempt groups a ready resource in their
efforts to influence Congress.
a ready resource in their
efforts to influence Congress
a ready resource in their
efforts to influence Congress
a ready resource in their
efforts to influence Congress
Abramoff, then a newly registered lobbyist with Preston Gates &
ReplyDeleteEllis, e-mailed a colleague that Norquist was willing to fight a tax
opposed by another of his clients -- a beverage company -- if the firm
became "a major player with ATR." Abramoff suggested the firm donate
$50,000 to the group.
"What is most important however is that this matter is kept discreet,"
Abramoff said in an e-mail on Oct. 24, 1995. "We do not want the
opponents to think that we are trying to buy the taxpayer movement." He
promised that Norquist would be "very active" on the issue.
"We do not want the
opponents to think that we are trying to buy the taxpayer movement." He
promised that Norquist would be "very active" on the issue.
"We do not want the
opponents to think that we are trying to buy the taxpayer movement." He
promised that Norquist would be "very active" on the issue.
"We do not want the
opponents to think that we are trying to buy the taxpayer movement." He
promised that Norquist would be "very active" on the issue.
"We do not want the opponents to think that we are trying to buy the taxpayer movement."
"We do not want the ANYONE TO FIGURE OUT THAT WE ARE BUYING the taxpayer movement."
So with this direct link clearly established, ask yourself why it is that Obama and the Democrats ALL fail to make this direct connection in their interviews with the media. Why would all of the alleged proponents of the left not be screaming this from the mountaintops? WHY WOULD THEY NOT USE THIS DIRECT LINKAGE TO EXPOSE NORQUIST AND THOSE WHO OBVIOUSLY GOT PAID TO SIGN HIS NO-TAX-PLEDGE TO CRUSH THEM?
Norquist said in The Post interview that the Choctaw tribe originally
ReplyDeletewanted ATR to direct the anti-lottery campaign, but his organization
decided that it would be better to assist Christian groups already
fighting the lottery.
"When we looked at it, we said they have an actual ongoing effort, we
don't need to run it and [could instead] just contribute there, which
was a continuation of the previous coalition," Norquist said. "They said
ReplyDeleteHow was a lawyer with a federal drug-trafficking conviction on his
record reinstated to the Alabama State Bar? How did said lawyer come to
represent Ronnie Gilley in a high-profile federal prosecution? Did
Harrison’s criminal record put him and his client in a compromised
position? Is Gilley’s guilty plea legitimate or was he somehow coerced
because of his lawyer’s history?
The plane doesn't "turn black." It flies into the shadow cast by the smoke rising from the first tower struck. The appearance of it turning black is in my view, the absence of the highlights that previously existed when it was still being struck by full sunlight - looking very naturally as it would appear when the sun is blocked by a cloud overhead
ReplyDeleteWTC exploding man, A person gets blown out of the WTC by what looks like an explosion
Why did that video get 25 million hits? Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteJFK 2-The George H. W. Bush Connection-Full Length Documentary
I have a solution to the e-9/11: make another internet that has no government or corporations on it. The "terrorists" will not harm this internet that WE will be on, they'll only care about the internet with the governments & corporations on it, right?
Would Olbermann be allowed to say this on MSNBC???Olbermann: ‘Rupert Murdoch has a drone!’
ReplyDeleteOn last night’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, a new
twist to the News Corporation investigations emerged: the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating Rupert Murdoch’s iPad
newspaper “The Daily” for piloting a drone aircraft in the U.S. without a license.
“Rupert Murdoch has a drone!” Olbermann exclaimed, openly wondering what else might be possible with such technology.
“They could be rewired to intercept cell phones,” he said. “That’s a fascinating story and perfectly relevant with Murdoch.”
This video is from Countdown with Keith Olbermann, broadcast Wednesday, August 3, 2011.
Company comes into existence, donates 1 million to Romney, then folds up:
Celente is off the charts with nailing everything in site.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the best ever: Celente says that politics is for ugly actors, it's a show, and the presstitutes, the "news" ANBCBSNNX are like the papparazzi covering the ugly actors. Unbelievably great!!!!!!!!!
Just go right to 10:00 of part I below, Celente says he wants to jump back to a previous question of Alex's, "why isn't the press covering Fukishima?" - it's so funny and true what he says, and sad all at the same time:
Read this and think through all of the implications. Rove (meaning the entire Bush Crime Syndicate), is on the outs with Governor Rick Perry of texas - who is ramping up to make a run for the White House. If Perry becomes the nominee - Rove and the Bush cabal will be marginalized. If he Perry gets to the White House, he'll be in a position to hold the entire Bush/Rove cabal hostage - as he'll have access to the evidence of all of their previous crimes. Will Perry die in a small plane crash some time soon?
ReplyDeleteIf Rick Perry gets in, will Karl Rove be out?
That was quite likely Romney funding himself - but either way - Rove was involved.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea - it makes no sense - so it's probably not true.
ReplyDeleteI still had the Celente video up from last night, it had 4,000 hits. I hit refresh, it has 16,000 hits now.
ReplyDeleteWhat about e-vote machines & voter suppression?
ReplyDeleteLabor Department lies about new job creation in order to boost markets - big surprise...NOT!
One of the articles I posted mentioned that Rove - a FOX employee - did already speak less-than-flatteringly of Perry in the past while on air - so if Murdoch is truly in bed with GHW/ROVE (he has to be as they are all 9/11 insiders) - it follows that FOX will make it known that Perry is to be diminished in some way. I saw Perry boarding a twin-engine plane yesterday...I'm sure he's nervous about Poppy's known willingness to terminate those who challenge his power - including the assassination of JFK - the attempted assassination of Reagan - and the character assassination of Bill Clinton (in cahoots with Mossad to put Lewinsky in position to entrap him with a BJ) after he cut short the GHW presidency. Hillary's public acknowledgment of a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy was accurate. She was speaking specifically of Poppy. She and her husband were given an ultimatum - join the team, or be "Vince Fostered."
ReplyDeleteYUP. The truth is getting to the right people.
ReplyDeletethe right-wing and the fascist fifth
ReplyDeletecolumnists have ALWAYS treated the battle for America as a WAR, as
arch-conservative political activist Ralph Reed once remarked: "I want
to be invisible. I do guerilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at
night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag. You don't
know until election night."
GHW Bush OWNS THE CIA. It is PRIVATE - funded via black ops and drug running. Bush OWNS the CIA. Now read this - in context:
ReplyDeleteThe GOP's CIA Playbook: Destabilize Country to Sweep Back Into Power
Here' we go again with the "women suicide bombers":
It's like the Adam Gadahn stories, they just won't stop it.
Gerald Celente: Internet nuke bomb waiting to go off
He said he could not imagine the banksters coming up with another scheme to print money from thin air - whether at home or in the EU. He was wrong. They're announcing it over the weekend. Get ready for QE Infinity - the globally orchestrated quantitative easing.
ReplyDeleteThe HOTTEST guy going right now: Gerald Celente, RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING.....ALL THE TIME:
ReplyDeleteInfowars Special Report with Gerald Celente: US Dollar Isn't Worth The Paper It's Printed on! 1/2
Gee, what a guy, I love this guy Gerald Celente. Thank god there's guys like him our there right now.
ReplyDeleteThe Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families
Why does Alex Jones do things like this?
ReplyDelete'Global market crisis manmade'
IT WAS DAVID ROCKEFELLER WHO ORDERED AND APPROVED 9/11 - which at its most basic - was simple ARSON
ReplyDeleteIs Larry Silverstein merely and agent of David Rockefeller? When viewed in the global context - the question answers itself.
GHW Bush is an agent of David Rockefeller. While Bush's name is on the CIA's building - it is there on behalf of Rockefeller. Behind the scenes - don't be surprised if it was the Rockefellers who were on the hook for the asbestos liabilities of Dresser Industries. Reviewing the list of companies in which the Rockefellers own significant interests, many old industrial names stand out. They own some real dinosaurs.
Don't be surprised to learn that Cheney, as CEO of Haliburton - at the behest of GHW or Rockefeller's behalf - acquired Dresser - to releive the Rockefellers of their massive liabilities tied to asbestos - and then-pending Mesothelioma class action law suits - this combined with the New York Port Authority's need to mitigate the $12 billion asbestos liability represented by the Twin Towers, named after then men who built them, Nelson and David Rockefeller. Use you logical mind. Could buildings, whose beams were so heavily coated with asbestos that they represented a health threat and a gigantic financial liability, could buildings so well protected from fire, collapse due to fire?
9/11 could never have occurred without the planning and approval of this man - who pre-planned all of the subsequent militaristic/banking/business opportunities well in advance - using 9/11 as the pretext. THE MASTER OF THE DEMISE OF THE UNTIED STATES AND THE MARCH TOWARD FASCISM:
But of all the Rockefeller brothers, it is Trilateral
Commission (TC) founder and Chase Manhattan Chairman David who has
spearheaded the family’s fascist agenda on a global scale. He defended
the Shah of Iran, the South African apartheid regime and the Chilean
Pinochet junta. He was the biggest financier of the CFR, the TC and
(during the Vietnam War) the Committee for an Effective and Durable
Peace in Asia- a contract bonanza for those who made their living off
the conflict.
Nixon asked him to be Secretary of Treasury, but
Rockefeller declined the job, knowing his power was much greater at the
helm of the Chase. Author Gary Allen writes in The Rockefeller File that
in 1973, “David Rockefeller met with twenty-seven heads of state,
including the rulers of Russia and Red China.”
Following the 1975 Nugan Hand Bank/CIA coup against
Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, his British Crown-appointed
successor Malcolm Fraser sped to the US, where he met with President
Gerald Ford after conferring with David Rockefeller.
I don't know - but apparently it's because Israel wants him to. If Alex never has a bad word to say about Israel - you can only draw one conclusion.
ReplyDeleteThis is a comment from that thread
pointax Yesterday 08:14 PM
Look, this "debt ceiling" crisis, the problems in the E.U., all
this is doing is getting us ready for ONE WORLD CURRENCY, and the NEW
WORLD ORDER. problem-reaction-solution. All ths financial turmoil is
going to cause nothing but more riots, PROBLEM- the elite are going to
suck us dry, more bailouts, more useless wars for geopolitical
dominance,etc. REACTION- till one day we go to the store and realize
that a gallon of milk costs 9$, so does a gallon of gas, and the house
you paid $90,000 for, now is only worth $60,000. Everyone will shit
themselves and protest and demand a SOLUTION- Why dont we just encourage
all the world to get into SDRs, or better yet, why dont we just have a
global financial constitution? Why stop there? Why not have a whole
global gov't? Lets start by seeing how people will reac to another
version of congress, that can bypass the old congress and pass some laws
we would otherwise never get passed?
As for Alex Jones, he has
a purpose, but I prefer to look, investigate, and decide for myself. I
used to listen to him, and he has got people talking, and not trusting
the gov't, which is a good thing since you should always question
authority,but i never trusted him, never have never will.
Hey BD:
ReplyDeletestudy this one...recognize any of it?
Is Rupert Murdoch an agent of David Rockefeller?
Following in the tradition of three generations of Rockefellers who were closely associated with the Chamber, David Rockefeller
transformed the organization in 1979. In that year, he founded the New
York City Partnership and affiliated it with the Chamber. Although the
original Chamber had taken a broad look at what it considered to be
“business interests”, it was primarily a business advocacy group. Under
Rockefeller's vision, the new Partnership would allow business leaders
to work more directly with government and other civic groups to address
broader social and economic problems in a ‘hands on’ way. In 2002, the
New York City Partnership and Chamber of Commerce became the Partnership
for New York City. . . .”
i. Rupert Murdoch is Co-Chairman with Honorary Co-Chairman David Rockefeller in the PNYC.
j. Rupert Murdoch’s mother,
Elisabeth Murdoch is Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire,
established by King George V; a Companion of the Order of Australia
(AC), which is an order established by Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia.
Elisabeth Murdoch administers the Royal Woman’s Hospital in Victoria,
Australia, a vaccine research center and heavy promoter of the swine flu
vaccines and drugs for pregnant women.
k. Jerry I Speyer, owner of
the Rockefeller Center, is chair emeritus of the PNYC and on their
board of directors. He is Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of
Tishman Speyer, Chairman of the Museum of Modern Art, former Chairman of
the Board of Directors, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; chairman
emeritus of Columbia University; chairman emeritus of the Real Estate
Board of New York; and a member of the David Rockefeller-directed Council on Foreign Relations.
l. Nelson Rockefeller’s protégé, Dr. Henry Kissinger, is a highly influential member of The Council on Foreign Relations, composed of the most influential business leaders in America, and his Kissinger Associates, Inc. is Merck and Company, Inc.’s leading management consulting firm.